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Author Topic: 11 Bodies?  (Read 7324 times)

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January 25, 2021, 01:35:07 PM
Read 7324 times


If nurse Solter's memory can be trusted, she states 11 bodies were brought to the morgue: the 9 Dyatlov hikers and 2 others. I'm at a complete loss about the identity of the two others. Did the bodies have no connection with the Dyatlov case and just showed up at the same time? Or how were the bodies connected with the Dyatlov case? Two people outside the group who were nearby when an explosion/murder/execution occurred and got caught up in the event? Two people who died in a battle with the Dyatlov group? How did they die? What happened to their bodies? For the sake of argument, let's assume Solter's memory is accurate (much debate about that, I know).
What do you good folks think? Please share your theory!!!

January 25, 2021, 03:12:16 PM
Reply #1


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
If nurse Solter's memory can be trusted, she states 11 bodies were brought to the morgue: the 9 Dyatlov hikers and 2 others. I'm at a complete loss about the identity of the two others. Did the bodies have no connection with the Dyatlov case and just showed up at the same time? Or how were the bodies connected with the Dyatlov case? Two people outside the group who were nearby when an explosion/murder/execution occurred and got caught up in the event? Two people who died in a battle with the Dyatlov group? How did they die? What happened to their bodies? For the sake of argument, let's assume Solter's memory is accurate (much debate about that, I know).
What do you good folks think? Please share your theory!!!

Well Iam not going to assume anything because thats the speculative road again. And that Nurse is not a reliable Witness.

January 25, 2021, 03:38:46 PM
Reply #2

Jean Daniel Reuss

What do you good folks think? Please share your theory!!!
Dear MDGross

We have all read with excitement and eager anticipation Tedddy's recent hints.
To take this into account, I would say provisionally while waiting for February 1st.

Teddy : New Book on Dyatlov Pass Coming Up =>  December 18, 2020, 10:17:29 AM

«...For what happened next you need to read some documents that you haven't seen before and use your judgment....»

«...You need to read it and make sense. I can not make it easier for you. ...»

«...For example a key piece of information is in this article....»

And this article, (with the indication of 4 other links), is :

  Interview with former nurse in N-240 Ivdel 1959.Pelageya Solter P. I. and V. Konstantinovich on Dyatlov case 04-05 July 2008.

 Jean Daniel Reuss   :  Decision to leave the tent ===> January 23, 2021, 03:37:55 PM        Reply #99

      •••   Ideas about the 11 corpses

   a) Altercation on the pass: "Eduard Tumanov, is pushing a theory that hikers took part in a fight", against outsiders, (or attacker or murderers).
   b) The attackers are few in number and armed only with blunt objects - the hikers are sporty and hit hard with their fists - 2 attackers are knocked out and end up, after a while, freezing to death near the tent - But the fighting continues and finishes with the victory of the attackers.
   c) February 2: the surviving attackers were abandoning the fightfield without staging and leave their 2 dead .

   d) February 25th :
              Peak 1079  Memories of Georgy Karpushin about the events of 1959
The 2 extra corpses (1 guy + 1 girl) that had been seen near the tent on February 25th by the pilot of the Yak 12A, Georgiy Karpushin, were brought discreetly to the Ivdel morgue at the beginning of March, where they were prepared by Solter who counted in total 11 corpses.
   e) February 26th:  "in the evening a report was received from Slobtsov that Dyatlov group tent was found with all the items, food and skis."
   f) February 27th: in the morning all the rescuers of the surrounding area gather around the tent - Among them are 1 or 2 accomplices of the attackers who hide the 2 extra bodies a little further in the snow.

   h) At the beginning of March there was a lot of transport by Mil Mi-4 helicopter between the search area and Ivdel. The 2 additional corpses are discreetly transferred to the Ivdel morgue
          Memories of Commander V. V. Potyazhenko

      •••   An idea  about they were very dirty
See again
I have gathered many arguments in favor of a secret Soviet infrasound weapon being tested in 1959.
Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

January 25, 2021, 04:32:01 PM
Reply #3


Eleven or nine?  Nine or eleven?

In 1999 or 2000, Nurse Solter told "a member of the Komsomol and journalist" that there were eleven bodies (according to her husband, who overheard her).   

In early 2006, in answer to a letter from Yuri Yudin, Nurse Solter writes: "...Who were the doctors that participated in the autopsy? Besides Prudkov Yosiph Davidovich, no one else, maybe someone was called but we were not aware of this! The dead were examined, dressed in new clothes, laid in coffins, board up and taken to Sverdlovsk by airplanes and said that they were immediately sent to the cemetery and buried !!!  At first were brought 3x! 2 girls and one guy!!!  Their faces were like those of the dead. I think I wrote you that one of the girls had her hair burned on one side, on one arm, one arm had the sleeve slightly burned and the fire slightly caught on one foot, but on these two the clothes were normal, only dirty, they all crawled, but of course they were also soiled !!  After these were found another 3, what date I do not remember, and after that were brought 3 more. If I knew that I would have to tell later everything in detail, we would have kept with Yosiph Davidovich Prudkov everything in writing in the archive..." (https://dyatlovpass.com/solter-letter-yudin-1)

In March 2006, in a letter from the Solter family to Yuri Yudin, was written: "The bodies of the dead were in the hospital morgue of the institution N-240, after which they were dressed, put in coffins sent to Sverdlovsk.  The autopsy was apparently conducted in medical institution in Sverdlovsk. Given that in the area of ​​the tent in the foothills of the Ural range in February had harsh weather, snowstorm, frost - 25 degrees, 5 victims were first found, and 4 more were people in March or even in April. The snow in those places reached 4-5 m deep.  What did the bodies look like we can not answer. This is apparently said in the inspection report with which we are not acquainted with.  From talking with acquaintances of the searchers, the bodies were lightly dressed even without shoes...." (https://dyatlovpass.com/solter-letter-yudin-2)

The two letters could hardly be more different.  The one from Pelegeya Solter is casual and friendly.  She uses exclamation points freely and throws in bits of this and that as though it's a discussion around the kitchen table.  It ends with warm congratulations on the New Year, wishes for Yudin's good health, and the Lord's blessings for him and his family.  The one from "the Solter family" was written by Victor Konstantinovitch and has a very different feel from the one written by Pelegeya Solter.  The handwriting is more formal, as is the wording of the letter itself.  It is a cautious letter, answering Yudin's questions by repeating what is generally known and advising Yudin not to listen to yellow journalists.

This is three distinct times over 8 or 9 years that Pelegeya Solter has said there were eleven bodies.  The final interview was in 2008.  I believe that if she had wavered on the numbers, or told the story first one way and then the other, her husband would have remembered that during the interview in 2008 when he and the interviewers are discussing whether to believe her version.  He is obviously torn and feels uncomfortable diverging from the standard order of events, but he has to admit that her story hasn't changed.

Given this, I think your question is worth considering.

But I have absolutely no idea, myself.

January 25, 2021, 04:36:21 PM
Reply #4

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
If nurse Solter's memory can be trusted, she states 11 bodies were brought to the morgue: the 9 Dyatlov hikers and 2 others. I'm at a complete loss about the identity of the two others. Did the bodies have no connection with the Dyatlov case and just showed up at the same time? Or how were the bodies connected with the Dyatlov case? Two people outside the group who were nearby when an explosion/murder/execution occurred and got caught up in the event? Two people who died in a battle with the Dyatlov group? How did they die? What happened to their bodies? For the sake of argument, let's assume Solter's memory is accurate (much debate about that, I know).
What do you good folks think? Please share your theory!!!

Two of the nine corpses where brought twice at different times.  Probably Lyuda and Semyon.   The 1st time they were washed, then they were surgically altered to remove evidence of an  explosion and placed back in the ravine.  They were then found again but this time not recognisable as two of the first set of corpses.  Hence Solter thinks there were 11.  There were no other reported deaths in that area according to Teddy. 

Well it is a possibility.


Star man

January 25, 2021, 07:20:20 PM
Reply #5


The only logic I can think of, if her memory was correct, and to explain nobody missing the other two, is the other 2 were escapees, personae non gratae, and the hikers either sympathised with them, or were hijacked/held hostage, and this then drew the military's fire so that ultimately all were killed or died of the cold following an attack, after which the cover-up begins.

In probability terms there's a far higher chance of the hikers being killed by mistaken identity or association, in a targeted attack, than there would be a missile accident randomly falling near them.

Escapees may even have pleaded with them for their lives, 'let us travel with you/let us hide overnight in your tent' (which slept 12), and told them their sob stories of State injustice. Or things could have been a lot more assertive. Had there been a fight in the tent, a man enters and brandishes a knife, and a hiker grabs his wrist, which is held aloft in this power struggle, that could account for the numerous scratches on the inside of the canvas roof, seen near the eventual cuts which were all on one side.

I read somewhere in the case files how the Mansi had apprehended some escapees, but it didn't seem clear if that was then, or exactly where across that region, and it may have been a historical event being used to illustrate their reliability and loyalty to the State, the Mansi initially treated as prime suspects. But maybe they did catch some around that time, and then a couple of stragglers approached the hikers.

The 2 dead escapees bodies would then be erased from the scene, and the hikers would make no mention of them in their diaries either because they had to keep this clandestine fraternising secret from the uni/the State, or they only met up with the escapees on the night they died.

Had the additional two been anyone else, spare hikers from another group, there'd likely be mention, and a missing/overdue persons alert given. Dead Mansi would be missed. But if escapees were unaccounted for their families would assume they were never found and either perished in the cold or fled to another country.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 07:59:55 PM by eurocentric »

January 26, 2021, 12:56:09 AM
Reply #6

Nigel Evans

For Solter to be relevant they have to have fooled Tempalov, Ivanov and Okishev? That the ravine 4 weren't discovered until much later in May is clear? Looking forward to the book but i don't expect it to alter much. The testimony from Solter seems too weak, i don't see a reliable witness here.

January 26, 2021, 01:35:43 AM
Reply #7


Eleven or nine?  Nine or eleven?

In 1999 or 2000, Nurse Solter told "a member of the Komsomol and journalist" that there were eleven bodies (according to her husband, who overheard her).   

In early 2006, in answer to a letter from Yuri Yudin, Nurse Solter writes: "...Who were the doctors that participated in the autopsy? Besides Prudkov Yosiph Davidovich, no one else, maybe someone was called but we were not aware of this! The dead were examined, dressed in new clothes, laid in coffins, board up and taken to Sverdlovsk by airplanes and said that they were immediately sent to the cemetery and buried !!!  At first were brought 3x! 2 girls and one guy!!!  Their faces were like those of the dead. I think I wrote you that one of the girls had her hair burned on one side, on one arm, one arm had the sleeve slightly burned and the fire slightly caught on one foot, but on these two the clothes were normal, only dirty, they all crawled, but of course they were also soiled !!  After these were found another 3, what date I do not remember, and after that were brought 3 more. If I knew that I would have to tell later everything in detail, we would have kept with Yosiph Davidovich Prudkov everything in writing in the archive..." (https://dyatlovpass.com/solter-letter-yudin-1)

In March 2006, in a letter from the Solter family to Yuri Yudin, was written: "The bodies of the dead were in the hospital morgue of the institution N-240, after which they were dressed, put in coffins sent to Sverdlovsk.  The autopsy was apparently conducted in medical institution in Sverdlovsk. Given that in the area of ​​the tent in the foothills of the Ural range in February had harsh weather, snowstorm, frost - 25 degrees, 5 victims were first found, and 4 more were people in March or even in April. The snow in those places reached 4-5 m deep.  What did the bodies look like we can not answer. This is apparently said in the inspection report with which we are not acquainted with.  From talking with acquaintances of the searchers, the bodies were lightly dressed even without shoes...." (https://dyatlovpass.com/solter-letter-yudin-2)

The two letters could hardly be more different.  The one from Pelegeya Solter is casual and friendly.  She uses exclamation points freely and throws in bits of this and that as though it's a discussion around the kitchen table.  It ends with warm congratulations on the New Year, wishes for Yudin's good health, and the Lord's blessings for him and his family.  The one from "the Solter family" was written by Victor Konstantinovitch and has a very different feel from the one written by Pelegeya Solter.  The handwriting is more formal, as is the wording of the letter itself.  It is a cautious letter, answering Yudin's questions by repeating what is generally known and advising Yudin not to listen to yellow journalists.

This is three distinct times over 8 or 9 years that Pelegeya Solter has said there were eleven bodies.  The final interview was in 2008.  I believe that if she had wavered on the numbers, or told the story first one way and then the other, her husband would have remembered that during the interview in 2008 when he and the interviewers are discussing whether to believe her version.  He is obviously torn and feels uncomfortable diverging from the standard order of events, but he has to admit that her story hasn't changed.

Given this, I think your question is worth considering.

But I have absolutely no idea, myself.

It's strange the bodies in both letters add up to 9, with discrepancies only in the first letter over three lots of three, and of the first find including two females, yet the interview produced 11.

My impression when I read the interview was how snappy the husband was, how he got annoyed and wanted to read from his crib sheet. At one point he said had he known he would be asked about one thing he would have written it down. His attitude is the same here, testy, whereas, just as with the interview, she is more open, but overly dramatic!!!

They keep mentioning vacuum bombs. This would be thermobaric bombs, which were the next generation after hydrogen, sucking up oxygen from the ground to feed the fireball detonated from a mist of fuel vapour or gas, which are widely used by the Russians today, for example in Syria. Although all bombs produce an orange flame, thermobarics particularly do, which might key into the orange orbs witnesses saw.

Interesting and detailed article on the medical effects of thermobaric weapons, especially the bit about internalised injuries:


One thing I found odd when I first read the autopsies was how, despite him mentioning the condition of every other orifice, the pathologist failed to mention the inner ears, only the outer, the conches. As confirmed in the article, exposure to blast waves would rupture the ears. Maybe he did his job but that info was redacted.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 02:02:21 AM by eurocentric »

January 26, 2021, 02:07:46 AM
Reply #8

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Eleven or nine?  Nine or eleven?

In 1999 or 2000, Nurse Solter told "a member of the Komsomol and journalist" that there were eleven bodies (according to her husband, who overheard her).   

In early 2006, in answer to a letter from Yuri Yudin, Nurse Solter writes: "...Who were the doctors that participated in the autopsy? Besides Prudkov Yosiph Davidovich, no one else, maybe someone was called but we were not aware of this! The dead were examined, dressed in new clothes, laid in coffins, board up and taken to Sverdlovsk by airplanes and said that they were immediately sent to the cemetery and buried !!!  At first were brought 3x! 2 girls and one guy!!!  Their faces were like those of the dead. I think I wrote you that one of the girls had her hair burned on one side, on one arm, one arm had the sleeve slightly burned and the fire slightly caught on one foot, but on these two the clothes were normal, only dirty, they all crawled, but of course they were also soiled !!  After these were found another 3, what date I do not remember, and after that were brought 3 more. If I knew that I would have to tell later everything in detail, we would have kept with Yosiph Davidovich Prudkov everything in writing in the archive..." (https://dyatlovpass.com/solter-letter-yudin-1)

In March 2006, in a letter from the Solter family to Yuri Yudin, was written: "The bodies of the dead were in the hospital morgue of the institution N-240, after which they were dressed, put in coffins sent to Sverdlovsk.  The autopsy was apparently conducted in medical institution in Sverdlovsk. Given that in the area of ​​the tent in the foothills of the Ural range in February had harsh weather, snowstorm, frost - 25 degrees, 5 victims were first found, and 4 more were people in March or even in April. The snow in those places reached 4-5 m deep.  What did the bodies look like we can not answer. This is apparently said in the inspection report with which we are not acquainted with.  From talking with acquaintances of the searchers, the bodies were lightly dressed even without shoes...." (https://dyatlovpass.com/solter-letter-yudin-2)

The two letters could hardly be more different.  The one from Pelegeya Solter is casual and friendly.  She uses exclamation points freely and throws in bits of this and that as though it's a discussion around the kitchen table.  It ends with warm congratulations on the New Year, wishes for Yudin's good health, and the Lord's blessings for him and his family.  The one from "the Solter family" was written by Victor Konstantinovitch and has a very different feel from the one written by Pelegeya Solter.  The handwriting is more formal, as is the wording of the letter itself.  It is a cautious letter, answering Yudin's questions by repeating what is generally known and advising Yudin not to listen to yellow journalists.

This is three distinct times over 8 or 9 years that Pelegeya Solter has said there were eleven bodies.  The final interview was in 2008.  I believe that if she had wavered on the numbers, or told the story first one way and then the other, her husband would have remembered that during the interview in 2008 when he and the interviewers are discussing whether to believe her version.  He is obviously torn and feels uncomfortable diverging from the standard order of events, but he has to admit that her story hasn't changed.

Given this, I think your question is worth considering.

But I have absolutely no idea, myself.

It's strange the bodies in both letters add up to 9, with discrepancies only in the first letter over three lots of three, and of the first find including two females, yet the interview produced 11.

My impression when I read the interview was how snappy the husband was, how he got annoyed and wanted to read from his crib sheet. At one point he said had he known he would be asked about one thing he would have written it down. His attitude is the same here, testy, whereas, just as with the interview, she is more open, but overly dramatic!!!

They keep mentioning vacuum bombs. This would be thermobaric bombs, which were the next generation after hydrogen, sucking up oxygen from the ground to feed the fireball detonated from a mist of fuel vapour or gas, which are widely used by the Russians today, for example in Syria. Although all bombs produce an orange flame, thermobarics particularly do, which might key into the orange orbs witnesses saw.

Interesting and detailed article on the medical effects of thermobaric weapons, especially the bit about internalised injuries:


One thing I found odd when I first read the autopsies was how, despite him mentioning the condition of every other orifice, the pathologist failed to mention the inner ears, only the outer, the conches. As confirmed in the article, exposure to blast waves would rupture the ears. Maybe he did his job but that info was redacted.

I was thinking tgermobaric weapons also, but came to that conclusion without the comments 9n vacuum bombs in Solters statement.  It was just based on the kill me hands, and fuel/toxicity.  I think it fits.  I think you are right about tge ears too.


Star man

January 26, 2021, 02:27:22 AM
Reply #9

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I was thinking of the possibility of dropping a string on thermobaric air mines of some kind.

Star man

January 26, 2021, 03:28:42 AM
Reply #10


I was thinking of the possibility of dropping a string on thermobaric air mines of some kind.

Star man

Don't do it Star man, there's no need to go to such extremes just to prove a theory.   shock1

Theory #236, Variation 5....

The hikers are in the forest, or up on that ridge after all.

A helicopter appears, or a plane, it's either a military manoeuvre connected to the other soldiers in the area, who became distant witnesses, or the hikers are mistaken for escapees in the dark.

If a test, they choose the Dyatlov Pass to target, because they know the Mansi don't use it, wildlife avoids it, and don't anticipate anyone else will be there. Or they are out looking for escapees and mistake the hikers for them in the dark.

Air mines/grenades are dropped on parachutes, they are thermobaric types.

None of the hikers are killed outright, there is no dismemberment/fatal blood losses, but some have burns, fractures and head injuries, and the wider problem becomes a delayed issue with their lungs, due to the thermobaric weapon interrupting the air space in their lungs, which slowly fill with fluid due to damage.

They have soiled themselves, both from fear and the weapon's effect on the air spaces in their bowels.

This delayed effect enables them to either walk down the pass (or be at the forest all along) and build their den, which is partly to shelter from the cold, but also to hide from the military's return. Some of the worst injured may have hidden in the ravine, where they die.

Lyuda and Semyon collapse, breathing difficulty, and possibly resus is tried, delivering fractures, or some of these happen during the blast. Air in Lyuda's mouth and throat, she nearer the blast point, damages her tissues, a sharp intake just before, accelerating later decomposition and possibly loosening the hyoid bone.

Semyon had photographed what he can, hoping to document things, to leave evidence.

Igor, Rustem and Zina survive longest, and set off for the tent, or get flushed out the den and the military realise they will soon die, or finish them off, their breathing is noisy, deteriorating, blood oxygen levels falling, they are crawling, and then they can no longer move so freeze to death.

If Rustem was already injured in the blast, to the brain, the dizziness and vertigo which develops later leads to a fall when climbing trees, and subsequent rupture makes him pass out, creating the ice pad.

Numerous scratches, for example the underside of Igor's right arm, are caused by pine needles or tree splinters travelling at high speed, and if there was any ocular damage, from things stuck in the eyes, they may remove the eyes.

The military turn bodies the next day, explaining movement after death found at the autopsies, they realise they were hikers, indicate they knew of dead hikers in their reports, and a cover-up begins, which may or may not involve staging the tent on the ridge to draw attention away from the blast zone, which may not be at the cedar, that just becomes a survival destination, but was somewhere else in the same forest.

The area gets swept for mines, fearing some may not have detonated.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 03:47:39 AM by eurocentric »

January 26, 2021, 03:44:53 AM
Reply #11

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I was thinking of the possibility of dropping a string on thermobaric air mines of some kind.

Star man

Don't do it Star man, there's no need to go to such extremes just to prove a theory.   shock1

Theory #236, Variation 5....

The hikers are in the forest, or up on that ridge after all.

A helicopter appears, it's either a military manoeuvre connected to the other soldiers in the area, who became distant witnesses, or the hikers are mistaken for escapees in the dark.

If a test, they choose the Dyatlov Pass to target, because they know the Mansi don't use it, wildlife avoids it, and don't anticipate anyone else will be there. Or they are out looking for escapees and mistake the hikers for them in the dark.

Air mines/grenades are dropped on parachutes, they are thermobaric types.

None of the hikers are killed outright, there is no dismemberment/fatal blood losses, but some have burns, fractures and head injuries, and the wider problem becomes a delayed issue with their lungs, due to the thermobaric weapon interrupting the air space in their lungs, which slowly fill with fluid due to damage.

They have soiled themselves, both from fear and the weapon's effect on the air spaces in their bowels.

This delayed effect enables them to either walk down the pass (or be at the forest all along) and build their den, which is partly to shelter from the cold, but also to hide from the military's return. Some of the worst injured may have hidden in the ravine, where they die.

Lyuda and Semyon collapse, and possibly resus is tried, delivering fractures, or some of these happen during the blast. Possibly air in Lyuda's mouth and throat at the blast damages her tissues, a sharp intake just before, accelerating later decomposition and possibly loosening the hyoid bone.

Igor, Rustem and Zina survive longest, and set off for the tent, or get flushed out the den and the military realise they will soon die, or finish them off, their breathing is noisy, deteriorating, blood oxygen levels falling, they are crawling, and then they can no longer move so freeze to death.

If Rustem was already injured in the blast, to the brain, the dizziness and vertigo which develops later leads to a fall when climbing trees, and subsequent rupture makes him pass out, creating the ice pad.

Numerous scratches, for example the underside of Igor's right arm, are caused by pine needles or tree splinters travelling at high speed, and if there was any ocular damage, from things stuck in the eyes, they may remove the eyes.

The military turn bodies the next day, explaining movement after death found at the autopsies, they realise they were hikers, indicate they knew of dead hikers in their reports, and a cover-up begins, which may or may not involve staging the tent on the ridge to draw attention away from the blast zone, which may not be at the cedar, that just becomes a survival destination, but was somewhere else in the same forest.

The area gets swept for mines, fearing some may not have detonated.

Dont worry I have no intention of messing about with any kind of weapons.  Not even a water pistol.    neg1  I would not get permission from the council.

I agree with much of what you say though.  Still don't think they were at the tent.  Military exercise is a good possibility.  What if they were trying to flush out a yeti to capture said beast?


Star man

January 26, 2021, 03:52:44 AM
Reply #12


I was thinking of the possibility of dropping a string on thermobaric air mines of some kind.

Star man

Don't do it Star man, there's no need to go to such extremes just to prove a theory.   shock1

Theory #236, Variation 5....

The hikers are in the forest, or up on that ridge after all.

A helicopter appears, it's either a military manoeuvre connected to the other soldiers in the area, who became distant witnesses, or the hikers are mistaken for escapees in the dark.

If a test, they choose the Dyatlov Pass to target, because they know the Mansi don't use it, wildlife avoids it, and don't anticipate anyone else will be there. Or they are out looking for escapees and mistake the hikers for them in the dark.

Air mines/grenades are dropped on parachutes, they are thermobaric types.

None of the hikers are killed outright, there is no dismemberment/fatal blood losses, but some have burns, fractures and head injuries, and the wider problem becomes a delayed issue with their lungs, due to the thermobaric weapon interrupting the air space in their lungs, which slowly fill with fluid due to damage.

They have soiled themselves, both from fear and the weapon's effect on the air spaces in their bowels.

This delayed effect enables them to either walk down the pass (or be at the forest all along) and build their den, which is partly to shelter from the cold, but also to hide from the military's return. Some of the worst injured may have hidden in the ravine, where they die.

Lyuda and Semyon collapse, and possibly resus is tried, delivering fractures, or some of these happen during the blast. Possibly air in Lyuda's mouth and throat at the blast damages her tissues, a sharp intake just before, accelerating later decomposition and possibly loosening the hyoid bone.

Igor, Rustem and Zina survive longest, and set off for the tent, or get flushed out the den and the military realise they will soon die, or finish them off, their breathing is noisy, deteriorating, blood oxygen levels falling, they are crawling, and then they can no longer move so freeze to death.

If Rustem was already injured in the blast, to the brain, the dizziness and vertigo which develops later leads to a fall when climbing trees, and subsequent rupture makes him pass out, creating the ice pad.

Numerous scratches, for example the underside of Igor's right arm, are caused by pine needles or tree splinters travelling at high speed, and if there was any ocular damage, from things stuck in the eyes, they may remove the eyes.

The military turn bodies the next day, explaining movement after death found at the autopsies, they realise they were hikers, indicate they knew of dead hikers in their reports, and a cover-up begins, which may or may not involve staging the tent on the ridge to draw attention away from the blast zone, which may not be at the cedar, that just becomes a survival destination, but was somewhere else in the same forest.

The area gets swept for mines, fearing some may not have detonated.

Dont worry I have no intention of messing about with any kind of weapons.  Not even a water pistol.    neg1  I would not get permission from the council.

I agree with much of what you say though.  Still don't think they were at the tent.  Military exercise is a good possibility.  What if they were trying to flush out a yeti to capture said beast?


Star man

That is more Nigel Evans' or Sarapuk's department. Maybe there were 2 yeti, killed by a direct hit, and minus their fur, which was all singed off, Solter took them to be hikers #10 and 11.

January 26, 2021, 04:07:59 AM
Reply #13

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I was thinking of the possibility of dropping a string on thermobaric air mines of some kind.

Star man

Don't do it Star man, there's no need to go to such extremes just to prove a theory.   shock1

Theory #236, Variation 5....

The hikers are in the forest, or up on that ridge after all.

A helicopter appears, it's either a military manoeuvre connected to the other soldiers in the area, who became distant witnesses, or the hikers are mistaken for escapees in the dark.

If a test, they choose the Dyatlov Pass to target, because they know the Mansi don't use it, wildlife avoids it, and don't anticipate anyone else will be there. Or they are out looking for escapees and mistake the hikers for them in the dark.

Air mines/grenades are dropped on parachutes, they are thermobaric types.

None of the hikers are killed outright, there is no dismemberment/fatal blood losses, but some have burns, fractures and head injuries, and the wider problem becomes a delayed issue with their lungs, due to the thermobaric weapon interrupting the air space in their lungs, which slowly fill with fluid due to damage.

They have soiled themselves, both from fear and the weapon's effect on the air spaces in their bowels.

This delayed effect enables them to either walk down the pass (or be at the forest all along) and build their den, which is partly to shelter from the cold, but also to hide from the military's return. Some of the worst injured may have hidden in the ravine, where they die.

Lyuda and Semyon collapse, and possibly resus is tried, delivering fractures, or some of these happen during the blast. Possibly air in Lyuda's mouth and throat at the blast damages her tissues, a sharp intake just before, accelerating later decomposition and possibly loosening the hyoid bone.

Igor, Rustem and Zina survive longest, and set off for the tent, or get flushed out the den and the military realise they will soon die, or finish them off, their breathing is noisy, deteriorating, blood oxygen levels falling, they are crawling, and then they can no longer move so freeze to death.

If Rustem was already injured in the blast, to the brain, the dizziness and vertigo which develops later leads to a fall when climbing trees, and subsequent rupture makes him pass out, creating the ice pad.

Numerous scratches, for example the underside of Igor's right arm, are caused by pine needles or tree splinters travelling at high speed, and if there was any ocular damage, from things stuck in the eyes, they may remove the eyes.

The military turn bodies the next day, explaining movement after death found at the autopsies, they realise they were hikers, indicate they knew of dead hikers in their reports, and a cover-up begins, which may or may not involve staging the tent on the ridge to draw attention away from the blast zone, which may not be at the cedar, that just becomes a survival destination, but was somewhere else in the same forest.

The area gets swept for mines, fearing some may not have detonated.

Dont worry I have no intention of messing about with any kind of weapons.  Not even a water pistol.    neg1  I would not get permission from the council.

I agree with much of what you say though.  Still don't think they were at the tent.  Military exercise is a good possibility.  What if they were trying to flush out a yeti to capture said beast?


Star man

That is more Nigel Evans' or Sarapuk's department. Maybe there were 2 yeti, killed by a direct hit, and minus their fur, which was all singed off, Solter took them to be hikers #10 and 11.

The government at the time took it very seriously and set up an organisation  to investigate and to capture a yeti.  It was well funded and would have access to the military.  But it  could not have been them because it was suddenly shut down a whole week before the dpi, and all reports and papers classified.  So dpi was a week after.


Star man

January 26, 2021, 04:14:16 AM
Reply #14

Nigel Evans

I was thinking of the possibility of dropping a string on thermobaric air mines of some kind.

Star man

Don't do it Star man, there's no need to go to such extremes just to prove a theory.   shock1

Theory #236, Variation 5....

The hikers are in the forest, or up on that ridge after all.

A helicopter appears, it's either a military manoeuvre connected to the other soldiers in the area, who became distant witnesses, or the hikers are mistaken for escapees in the dark.

If a test, they choose the Dyatlov Pass to target, because they know the Mansi don't use it, wildlife avoids it, and don't anticipate anyone else will be there. Or they are out looking for escapees and mistake the hikers for them in the dark.

Air mines/grenades are dropped on parachutes, they are thermobaric types.

None of the hikers are killed outright, there is no dismemberment/fatal blood losses, but some have burns, fractures and head injuries, and the wider problem becomes a delayed issue with their lungs, due to the thermobaric weapon interrupting the air space in their lungs, which slowly fill with fluid due to damage.

They have soiled themselves, both from fear and the weapon's effect on the air spaces in their bowels.

This delayed effect enables them to either walk down the pass (or be at the forest all along) and build their den, which is partly to shelter from the cold, but also to hide from the military's return. Some of the worst injured may have hidden in the ravine, where they die.

Lyuda and Semyon collapse, and possibly resus is tried, delivering fractures, or some of these happen during the blast. Possibly air in Lyuda's mouth and throat at the blast damages her tissues, a sharp intake just before, accelerating later decomposition and possibly loosening the hyoid bone.

Igor, Rustem and Zina survive longest, and set off for the tent, or get flushed out the den and the military realise they will soon die, or finish them off, their breathing is noisy, deteriorating, blood oxygen levels falling, they are crawling, and then they can no longer move so freeze to death.

If Rustem was already injured in the blast, to the brain, the dizziness and vertigo which develops later leads to a fall when climbing trees, and subsequent rupture makes him pass out, creating the ice pad.

Numerous scratches, for example the underside of Igor's right arm, are caused by pine needles or tree splinters travelling at high speed, and if there was any ocular damage, from things stuck in the eyes, they may remove the eyes.

The military turn bodies the next day, explaining movement after death found at the autopsies, they realise they were hikers, indicate they knew of dead hikers in their reports, and a cover-up begins, which may or may not involve staging the tent on the ridge to draw attention away from the blast zone, which may not be at the cedar, that just becomes a survival destination, but was somewhere else in the same forest.

The area gets swept for mines, fearing some may not have detonated.

Dont worry I have no intention of messing about with any kind of weapons.  Not even a water pistol.    neg1  I would not get permission from the council.

I agree with much of what you say though.  Still don't think they were at the tent.  Military exercise is a good possibility.  What if they were trying to flush out a yeti to capture said beast?


Star man

That is more Nigel Evans' or Sarapuk's department. Maybe there were 2 yeti, killed by a direct hit, and minus their fur, which was all singed off, Solter took them to be hikers #10 and 11.

Very creative thinking from the master of the same. Get ready for magic helicopters..  loco1

January 26, 2021, 07:26:47 AM
Reply #15


In a soon-to-be-published interview, Nurse Solter says that two of the bodies were over seven feet tall. She states, "I couldn't wash those two because they were covered in thick fur."

January 26, 2021, 07:29:22 AM
Reply #16


In yet another soon-to-be-published interview, Nurse Solter reports that two of the bodies were under five feet tall and of a greenish color. She says, "They didn't resemble at all anything human."

January 26, 2021, 12:07:23 PM
Reply #17


The round clearing in the rescue team drawings and still visible is a good candidate for a mine explosion , even if a little of route. Otherwise in the last pictures they are digging a mine hole to explode the mystery device they are carrying -presumably to extract a rare metal- but it fails and causes the disaster . Cover up was to occult students could get hold of explosives  nea1

January 26, 2021, 03:24:21 PM
Reply #18


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I was thinking of the possibility of dropping a string on thermobaric air mines of some kind.

Star man

Don't do it Star man, there's no need to go to such extremes just to prove a theory.   shock1

Theory #236, Variation 5....

The hikers are in the forest, or up on that ridge after all.

A helicopter appears, it's either a military manoeuvre connected to the other soldiers in the area, who became distant witnesses, or the hikers are mistaken for escapees in the dark.

If a test, they choose the Dyatlov Pass to target, because they know the Mansi don't use it, wildlife avoids it, and don't anticipate anyone else will be there. Or they are out looking for escapees and mistake the hikers for them in the dark.

Air mines/grenades are dropped on parachutes, they are thermobaric types.

None of the hikers are killed outright, there is no dismemberment/fatal blood losses, but some have burns, fractures and head injuries, and the wider problem becomes a delayed issue with their lungs, due to the thermobaric weapon interrupting the air space in their lungs, which slowly fill with fluid due to damage.

They have soiled themselves, both from fear and the weapon's effect on the air spaces in their bowels.

This delayed effect enables them to either walk down the pass (or be at the forest all along) and build their den, which is partly to shelter from the cold, but also to hide from the military's return. Some of the worst injured may have hidden in the ravine, where they die.

Lyuda and Semyon collapse, and possibly resus is tried, delivering fractures, or some of these happen during the blast. Possibly air in Lyuda's mouth and throat at the blast damages her tissues, a sharp intake just before, accelerating later decomposition and possibly loosening the hyoid bone.

Igor, Rustem and Zina survive longest, and set off for the tent, or get flushed out the den and the military realise they will soon die, or finish them off, their breathing is noisy, deteriorating, blood oxygen levels falling, they are crawling, and then they can no longer move so freeze to death.

If Rustem was already injured in the blast, to the brain, the dizziness and vertigo which develops later leads to a fall when climbing trees, and subsequent rupture makes him pass out, creating the ice pad.

Numerous scratches, for example the underside of Igor's right arm, are caused by pine needles or tree splinters travelling at high speed, and if there was any ocular damage, from things stuck in the eyes, they may remove the eyes.

The military turn bodies the next day, explaining movement after death found at the autopsies, they realise they were hikers, indicate they knew of dead hikers in their reports, and a cover-up begins, which may or may not involve staging the tent on the ridge to draw attention away from the blast zone, which may not be at the cedar, that just becomes a survival destination, but was somewhere else in the same forest.

The area gets swept for mines, fearing some may not have detonated.

Dont worry I have no intention of messing about with any kind of weapons.  Not even a water pistol.    neg1  I would not get permission from the council.

I agree with much of what you say though.  Still don't think they were at the tent.  Military exercise is a good possibility.  What if they were trying to flush out a yeti to capture said beast?


Star man

That is more Nigel Evans' or Sarapuk's department. Maybe there were 2 yeti, killed by a direct hit, and minus their fur, which was all singed off, Solter took them to be hikers #10 and 11.

Thanks for the plug. I dont have a particular Theory. There just isnt enough Evidence for a Theory that explains exactly what happened. It is interesting though that the Snowman [ Yeti ] is mentioned in the newsletter that was written and pinned to near the Tent entrance. And that Photo that shows an unidentifiable figure. And the Legends of Menk [ Yeti ] that the Mansi have. And also the fact that the Soviet Authorities set up a Department to investigate such Legends.