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Author Topic: Menk Face...Zoomed in and clearly Simian  (Read 26618 times)

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July 05, 2021, 08:17:50 PM
Read 26618 times


So Larisa from Russia or a Kenhee from the UK. (not clear who posted it) shared a good photo of the Menk in which they were able to make the face become more apparent. I'd encourage everyone to check out their other posts in the Yeti Theory thread in which they do a proportional comparison between the Menk and Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson. However he/she didn't zoom in on the face. I'm posting their original version with my zoomed in version. I'm also sharing a couple versions with the lighting altered to make it pop. It's clearly a simian like face. Not human. Also, based on their proportion comparison with the Rock...this Menk was around 8 feet tall. Clearly not a man.

American Kevin

July 07, 2021, 03:29:14 AM
Reply #1


I can see what looks like a more human face with a moustache and also some hair under the lip.  The face looks tanned/dark skinned and appears to be looking in the direction of their travel and not at whoever's taking the photo.  It doesn't look like anyone in the group that's for sure.  Be interesting to hear what other people can see. 

July 07, 2021, 02:06:28 PM
Reply #2


Theres always the possibility it could have been digitally messed with. What I see is a a face with large lips, very large brow, deep set eyes, and a large nose with nostrils that flare back. I did go back and look at the original photo and it dies kinda look like you can see a lighter shade area where eye sockets should be. If this persons work on the photo wasnt hoax altering, then its for sure looks kinda simian/human to me. A mix. But your right, it did look more human to me after I cleaned it up more. That said, the height proportion comparision with Dwayne Johnson was pretty convincing to me. Reports of the Bigfoot Man often note his kinda mixed simian/human crossed facial appearance. Thanks for your constructive and respectful comment.
American Kevin

July 09, 2021, 01:21:56 PM
Reply #3


you're welcome.  It's an interesting subject and something that hasn't been resolved for sure.   is it just me who thinks the figure is wearing a tunic with some kind of tie/belt around it?

July 09, 2021, 06:14:10 PM
Reply #4


I downloaded the image from the main site, this is just a cropped and zoomed version:

And this is with the contrast and exposure up, and a sharpen filter:

What do I see on the photo?

I see a ski track leading from the photographer to the figure.

I see a figure knee deep in snow. Why would they do that when they had skis?

I see trees covered in much more snow than on previous pictures. Look at the pictures of the Mansi signs on trees. The tree has no snow on it.
In contrast, here the tree bark is not even visible. There must have been a significant snowstorm.

And finally, I see a very blurry figure with "spaghetti arms". This tells us just how blurry the image is.  Yes when you zoom in, it looks like there are eyes and a nose maybe. But if the arms are so distorted, these facial features must just be our imagination mistaking image artefacts for facial features.


July 10, 2021, 06:25:38 AM
Reply #5


very good points.  it's hard to know if you're seeing things that aren't really there and as you righty say why would anyone be wandering around without skis if they had them?  Your zoomed in version looks to be the same colour pretty much all over.  I'm not sure either way now, but I don't think it looks like anyone in the group personally.

July 11, 2021, 04:38:56 PM
Reply #6


Thanks Marieuk and Manti. I especially appreciate your guys logic. Yep, no skis, spaghetti arms, knee deep in snow, yet standing in the tracks looking at the photographer. Clearly tall. There is no way for certain that it was a member of the group. Also, the Mansi use very wide handmade skis to journey in that region. They would never go skiless around there after a snow storm..or as we know...even go there at all. Watched a documentary on Southeast American Indian sightings of the Bigfoot Man...and the Natives here in the USA in that region describe a creature with facial features just like the zoomed in photo of this Menk's face. Human mixed with simian, large lips, heavy brow and a side nose with nostrils flaring kinda backwards/slightly upwards
American Kevin

July 11, 2021, 04:41:01 PM
Reply #7


Hey guys. Someone removed all my photos of the Menk. At least I cant see them anymore. What the heck is going on? This is public info. Whats the deal.
American Kevin

July 11, 2021, 04:55:15 PM
Reply #8


They're still there.  I can see them.   The documentary sounds interesting.

July 11, 2021, 06:17:57 PM
Reply #9


Super weird. Cant see the photos at all now on my tablet. Just this sight doing this. Cant remember the documentary name. Was just browsing the web the other day.
American Kevin

July 11, 2021, 08:48:36 PM
Reply #10


They're still there.  I can see them.   The documentary sounds interesting.
They're all still visible to me as well.

July 13, 2021, 10:28:32 AM
Reply #11


Wow. Super weird guys. I dont know. Is what it is. Wishing you all well.
American Kevin

July 15, 2021, 11:10:48 AM
Reply #12


Ok. I can finally see the photos again and the new ones posted by Manti. Manti, those photos are really good. I personally can clearly see the face on this individual/Menk...though not so defined as the close ups Ive shared based on another contributors photo work. Again, the question remains...why haven't well known Big Foot/Cryptid Researchers ever undertaken indepth/professional investigations of this photo? There is so much that can be scientifically/forensically gleaned from such an investigation. There of course are going to be those Dyatlov enthusiasts who will always discount from the get go any Menk theory. But if a responsible investigator...like many Dyatlov experts claim to be...this photo, combined with 1) the warnings from the Mansi regarding the threat of violence at the hands of Menk at this very location and
2) the Dyatlov Groups own writings...should REQUIRE any responsible investigator to do a sober/indepth inquiry into the Menk/Yeti theory.  But nothing...total silence. People will not even address the oddness of why even Big Foot researches aren't doing this work. Something very strange is going on here. Again, the Patterson-Gimblin film has been forensically analyzed a million times...yet not once has this Menk photo.  As for why I was bizarrely unable to view any image in this thread for a the better part of a week...something indeed strange is going on.
American Kevin

July 16, 2021, 08:48:51 AM
Reply #13


There are so many decisions the Dyatlov Group took that I don't understand... but one of them is not taking a gun with them.

We know from photos that they took shotguns on previous hikes.

The area of the incident is inhabited by bears, though they would have been hibernating, and moose. In my mind this is the main reason to take a gun... if a curious moose approaches, just shoot a warning shot into the air. This is the safest for both parties... the moose will leave you alone.

If you don't have a gun and meet a moose in the forest, you're in trouble.

There was a Mansi "chum" with moose antlers found nearby so we know there are moose in the area.

This came to my mind now because this would also help resolve the Menk theory... if they had a gun, they would have either shot the Menk or scare it away, and probably it would avoid them in the first place.

It is widely believed that none of their possessions were stolen but.. is it possible that they actually did take a gun and it went missing?


July 16, 2021, 02:51:53 PM
Reply #14


I did read an article from a Russian newspaper saying that Igor did have a gun.  Obviously, this doesn't mean it was true.  I'll try and find it, but yes you're right, if you're heading off to the wilds inhabited by bears etc make sure you have a gun with you!  By the way I'd recommend listening to Teddy's interview with Natasha Cooper to everyone.  She mentions a lot of things you may or may not already know and it gives you an idea of just how much research has gone into the book.  Sorry for going off topic a little bit AmericanKevin. 

July 16, 2021, 07:33:47 PM
Reply #15


I did read an article from a Russian newspaper saying that Igor did have a gun.  Obviously, this doesn't mean it was true.  I'll try and find it, but yes you're right, if you're heading off to the wilds inhabited by bears etc make sure you have a gun with you!  By the way I'd recommend listening to Teddy's interview with Natasha Cooper to everyone.  She mentions a lot of things you may or may not already know and it gives you an idea of just how much research has gone into the book.  Sorry for going off topic a little bit AmericanKevin.

I have read that, as well.  I was trying to find it today and could not locate it, however.  I will keep searching. 

July 17, 2021, 05:51:22 AM
Reply #16



July 17, 2021, 09:20:17 AM
Reply #17


Thank you for the link! Interesting article indeed.

Although the difference in the weather reports can be explained I think with Maslennikov's being weather in Burmantovo which is not that close and not on a mountain, and the contemporary weather report estimating the temperatures on Kholat which will be naturally colder.

And if they did have a gun, it not only makes a Menk attack or animal attack an unlikely cause, it also provides a motive for another theory.... Guns must have been very hard to obtain and valuable at that time... Anyway, that's speculation for another thread.


July 17, 2021, 03:20:57 PM
Reply #18


Thanks guys. Ill check out the article. For me it really comes down to their crushing/mpact injuries, the warnings of the Mansi, the hikers own writings about the Menk, the Menk photo and the removed tongue which we know was ripped out while she was still alive. Mansi said Menk ate deer tongue...which my tribe and many others do btw. But we cut it out. What human or Soviet soldier could rip out a human tongue and why would they? Especially when the victim was still alive? I heard some chatter that the older member who joined the expedition last minute could have been KGB. I really think its possible that the Soviets were indeed testing new munition technologies there. Its the perfect location due to a complete vaccum of humans at the "Mountain of the Dead" and "Don't Go There". Maybe the hikers had been intentionally allowed to go there by the USSR Government for some type of testing purposes?  Basically to see how 1) said technology would effect human subjects or to 2) have recorded uniformed observant testimonials to learn how such technology would be interpreted by an enemy. Thus a KGB guy was sent along to keep tabs. Ok, but what I think then happened is that the USSR Military/Gov couldn't even imagine that the stated reason why this area was never visited by the indigenous people (Mansi)...was actually real and not a myth. A tribe of very violent and territorial Menks really did live there. All this munition testing thus got them very riled up. So when they finally see some humans...it really pissed them off. Even then, perhaps the attack wouldn't have happened...if it hadn't been for the Military Munitions tests occuring while the hikers were a present. The ladt photos clearly show lights that could have been such tests. If the case, at that point...all bets were off. The Menk associated this violent testing activity...which they didn't understand...as being created by the Dyatlov 9. Mansi said those Menk killed people anyway when they entered that territory. But exploding munitions going off when the hikers were actually there lead to several of them being killed on the spot by the Menk.  BTW, the hikers were killed in the very manner that a massive ape/man primate creature would kill an enemy.  Crushing blows and powerful strikes. The other survivors not attacked directly by the Menks then died from exposure. If USSR Soldiers had violently killed the original 4 or 5...why would they then leave the rest alone for a considerable time to scavenge the dead and then freeze to death? Also does anyone really believe that little Mansi people on skis during horrible Ural weather or men from other locations...who also have been on skis...would be able to generate suck crushing blows? Why wouldn't humans just stab or shoot the hikers? The snow looked deep too. Have any of you guys ever ran in deep snow in extreme sub-zero temps as the wind was blowing...during complete night time darkness to boot? Im from South Dakota...one of the coldest places on Earth during the winter with horrible conditions. Im telling you now...humans on skis or on foot in snow couldn't generate the crushing force needed to kill these people. Shoot...its likely impossible for any human...under any weather conditions...to kill someone like that. As for the munitions doing it...did the corpses have shrapnel in them? Were there horrible external injuries that should align with such explosions? Im telling you...the Soviet Military realized Menks were real after this event, but of course couldn't reveal their technology or the fact that they may have intentionally sent young people there to basically be used/tested on. The Menk appears to me to be the most likely theory. And certain interests are determined that this theory not be investigated. Thus the failure for any real forensic study of the purported Menk photo ever being conducted...not even by Big Foot researchers. A gazillion high tech studies of the Patterson-Gimblin film..nada for the Dyatlov Menk photo. Why? Unlike Patterson-Gmblin...the Soviet Military was involved in events at Dyatlov Pass.
American Kevin
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July 18, 2021, 03:38:00 PM
Reply #19


There are so many decisions the Dyatlov Group took that I don't understand... but one of them is not taking a gun with them.

We know from photos that they took shotguns on previous hikes.

The area of the incident is inhabited by bears, though they would have been hibernating, and moose. In my mind this is the main reason to take a gun... if a curious moose approaches, just shoot a warning shot into the air. This is the safest for both parties... the moose will leave you alone.

If you don't have a gun and meet a moose in the forest, you're in trouble.

There was a Mansi "chum" with moose antlers found nearby so we know there are moose in the area.
WAB once gave some remarks on the Dyatlovites' choice not to bring a gun with them, and he considered it a reasonable choice.  The thing is, the discussion in that thread was concerned with the danger of bears, not moose.  Dyatlov & Company wouldn't need a weapon to deal with bears, because the brown bear is dormant in late January & early February, and polar bears don't range that far south.

So, what about moose?  In the "Elk(s) attack" thread, it's suggested that perhaps moose were not regarded as a serious danger in late January & early February, since that's neither rutting season nor the time when cows would be defending young calves.  On the other hand, as that thread's OP reminds us, a wild animal might attack a human at any time.  I guess I can see the possible threat of moose as a reason why Dyatlov & Company might have wanted to bring a firearm with them.

It is widely believed that none of their possessions were stolen but.. is it possible that they actually did take a gun and it went missing?

I did read an article from a Russian newspaper saying that Igor did have a gun.  Obviously, this doesn't mean it was true.  I'll try and find it, but yes you're right, if you're heading off to the wilds inhabited by bears etc make sure you have a gun with you!

I do seriously doubt that Igor Dyatlov was carrying a firearm on his final trek.  If I correctly understand WAB in the first thread I linked, civilians (except those who hunted for a living) would only be able to obtain shotguns, or smooth-barrel long guns that fire small-caliber rifle rounds.  No such weapons are visible in any of the photos, nor mentioned in any diaries, nor documented as having been recovered from the scene of the Incident.  Such weapons are not easily concealed, either.

Might it have been a handgun?  From what I can tell, the Russian word used in that KP article, "ружье", refers to small arms in general (although input from a fluent Russian speaker would be welcome on that point), so that doesn't help to narrow down what type of weapon it might be.  I very much doubt that it was a handgun, though.  AFAIU, handguns were strictly controlled in that time and place, and there was no legitimate way an ordinary Soviet civilian could obtain one.

And if they did have a gun, it not only makes a Menk attack or animal attack an unlikely cause, it also provides a motive for another theory.... Guns must have been very hard to obtain and valuable at that time... Anyway, that's speculation for another thread.
Yeah, maybe we do need a separate thread to continue this line of discussion.

December 05, 2021, 01:39:45 PM
Reply #20


I can see what looks like a more human face with a moustache and also some hair under the lip.  The face looks tanned/dark skinned and appears to be looking in the direction of their travel and not at whoever's taking the photo.  It doesn't look like anyone in the group that's for sure.  Be interesting to hear what other people can see.

That's also my opinion. I think it's more a human face with beard. The man came out from behind a tree. One of the group members or from the mansi people ?

December 13, 2021, 07:14:05 PM
Reply #21


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Its difficult. It looks like a fairly large figure. The figure doesnt appear to be wearing anything. There is no discernible clothing. Its not possible to say if that is a face of some kind.

January 10, 2022, 04:25:44 PM
Reply #22


The key to this mystery is to inspect the photo taken just before this one. You can readily see the similarities.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.

January 14, 2022, 05:34:57 PM
Reply #23


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The key to this mystery is to inspect the photo taken just before this one. You can readily see the similarities.

Can you be specific and point out the actual similarities.

February 04, 2022, 12:46:20 AM
Reply #24


Dyatlov & Company wouldn't need a weapon to deal with bears, because the brown bear is dormant in late January & early February, and polar bears don't range that far south.
Most bears will hibernate. Some who couldn't "stock up" enough on calories will not. And then there is the risk of accidentally getting too close to a hibernating bear's den and waking it, for example while collecting and chopping firewood.