Miscellaneous > Non-DP Related Mysteries!
Sokhondo Nature Reserve: The Trans-Baikal Dyatlov Pass
That is the puzzle!
"The end of the sentence is clear: "on the back of the hand (palm)"
The "back of the hand" is the opposite side of the palm, to me, in English. The back of the hand is the TOP side. The palm is the bottom side.
--- Quote from: amashilu on October 07, 2023, 07:59:30 AM ---That is the puzzle!
"The end of the sentence is clear: "on the back of the hand (palm)"
The "back of the hand" is the opposite side of the palm, to me, in English. The back of the hand is the TOP side. The palm is the bottom side.
--- End quote ---
I meant back of the hand, or back of the palm.
I should have written "on the back of the hand/palm".
Forget the word palm.
It is clear in Russian, and my translation is correct "back of the hand".
Thanks, Teddy, so it looks like maybe they were scratched by something or someone other than themselves.
--- Quote from: amashilu on October 07, 2023, 12:07:57 PM ---Thanks, Teddy, so it looks like maybe they were scratched by something or someone other than themselves.
--- End quote ---
My understanding too.
Everyone and Teddy:
Reading the Trans-Baikal Dyaltov pass, I realized it sounded more familiar regarding this section: Three were lying on their backs with their arms and legs raised, their eyes open, matches scattered on their chests, recalls Pyotr Baranov, who found the bodies of the dead. - The fourth was buried in the snow. They were only two kilometers away from the nearest winter shelter...
with the Chivruay tragedy: sending image...
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