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Snow avalanche February 14, 2024. What consequences..?

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Олег Таймень:
According to Teddy Hadjiyska, the day before yesterday, February 14, 2024, an avalanche occurred near her home in the Austrian Alps and a woman was caught under it.
A large group of people was climbing from Jonsbach via Ploden to Blazeneck. At the same time, two skiers were descending from the top and triggered an avalanche.
There is no reliable information about the woman’s condition yet, one can only guess.. But there are photographs of the slope. From these photographs we can assess the scale of the disaster..


Two observations, in the provided images, the volume of snow is just as important as the depth of snow. Secondly, photos of the hikers tent show windswept snow above the tent and blocks of snow at and below the tent. It is not likely that a snow slide started very far uphill from the tent. It is likely that when the tent did receive the snow, the people inside were justifiably worried and took corrective measures, if for no other reason than the slab slide might develop into something greater.


--- Quote from: GlennM on February 17, 2024, 02:10:44 PM ---Secondly, photos of the hikers tent show windswept snow above the tent and blocks of snow at and below the tent. It is not likely that a snow slide started very far uphill from the tent. It is likely that when the tent did receive the snow, the people inside were justifiably worried and took corrective measures, if for no other reason than the slab slide might develop into something greater.

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Thirdly, fourthy...
I don’t understand how much you can talk about this layer of snow that has moved away as a fait accompli
There was no such thing, there was no such thing! This is a replicated figment of the imagination of my relative Moses Axelrod. and then Buyanov continued. Come up with something more interesting!

If your fantasy is a layer of snow, please write that this is your version and nothing more!


--- Quote from: Axelrod ---There was no such thing, there was no such thing! This is a replicated figment of the imagination of my relative Moses Axelrod. and then Buyanov continued. Come up with something more interesting!
--- End quote ---

How can you know what was there and what wasn’t there, cheburashka? About the snow you only know that it is cold and that if you heat it up, for some reason you always get water.
The unnatural tilt of the ski pole to the left of the tent entrance, which served as a lateral stretch peg, clearly indicates the direction of the force that brought down the tent. What could be the source of this force on a snow-covered slope, if the tent was buried in it with the windward side at least half its height? Lost rocket? Lost mind elk? Drunk bear?
Under certain conditions, snow slides can occur on slopes even gentler than the slope above the DG tent.  The combination of weather phenomena that creates such conditions probably does not occur every winter, but they cannot help but arise sooner or later, and anyone who does not bother to obtain at least some specific knowledge about all this should not speak out on this topic. And even more so so categorically.

Ты откуда можешь знать, что там было и чего не было, чебурашка?  Ведь ты даже о снеге знаешь только то, что он холодный, и что если его нагревать, то всегда почему-то вода получается.
Противоестественный наклон лыжной палки слева от входа в палатку выполнявшей функцию колышка для боковай растяжки, совершенно ясно говорит о направлении силы которая повалила палатку. Что могло быть источником этой силы на склоне покрытом снегом при том что палатка была заглублена в него наветренным бортом как минимум  наполовину своей высоты? Заблудившаяся ракета? Укуренный лось? Пьяный медведь?
При определённых условиях снежные оползни могут происходить на склонах даже более пологих чем склон над палаткой DG.  Комбинация погодных явлений создающая такие  условия возникает наверное не каждую зиму, но они не могут не возникать рано или поздно, и тому кто не утруждает себя получением хоть каких-то конкретных знаний обо всём этом, не стоит на эту тему высказываться вообще. А тем более так безапеляционно.


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