Axelrod: memoirs in TAU movie (comments)

Now I present a very interesting captious video of blogger Ildar. Axelrod's interview (sometimes abbreviated). This is his video No. 425 on the topic of Dyatlov (lasts 1 hour 15 minutes), and you yourself figure out where who is right and where who is to blame. And where Ildar himself does not remember well or is mistaken. We are not afraid of criticism. Truth is born in a dispute! And the truth is more important…
[–] Hello friends! February 25, 2023, 19:00 Moscow time. Channel «Historical Amateur», topic «Dyatlov Pass. Axelrod's interview». Well, in my opinion, this is probably quite an interesting interview. In my opinion, generally the only interview of Axelrod. Who participated, actively participated in the search for the Dyatlov group.
Here they shied away for two whole days around Otorten, the group was led by Axelrod and consisted of Tipikin, Sogrin and two radio operators. Radio operator Burtsev, I think. Doesn't matter! The radio operators did nothing anyway. There were also students, supposedly sitting somewhere, sitting near the radio. But Axelrod Tipikin, Sogrin wound more than 40 km there. But according to Axelrod's testimony, this is how it turns out. What they wound up there, what they were looking for – it is impossible to understand! Because on February 26, 1959, in the afternoon they were landed on Mount Otorten, and literally a couple of hours later a tent was discovered.
And the tent is just 13 kilometers away, even a little closer here is Otorten, and it would seem that everything should be left to go there. I have already said that this clearly did not constitute any problems. I can once again repeat 13 kilometers for skiers and hunters. But it’s slowly, not in a hurry, it’s a maximum of 5 hours of walking, you know, it’s just like walking. Exactly, not in terms of what to move quickly, quickly, but so, periodically, maybe even. stopping. Watching the surrounding nature for 5 hours, back and forth, I meant. And if in one direction, well, in two and a half hours they could easily walk, but they did not go anywhere, they stubbornly stayed there, handed over the helicopters that flew in from the pass, a helicopter flew in, took this group and took them to Ivdley.
And from there, after spending the night, they brought us back to the pass. This one here is a bit of a mystery. It was after this hook that unexpectedly, in the things of the Dyatlov group, a newspaper or something like «Evening Otorten» was found somewhere in Ivdel. Battle sheet. It is in the testimony of Axelrod. So Dmitry Kozlovsky asked me, what is so mysterious about Axelrod? Namely, in his testimony it is indicated that «Evening Otorten» was clearly written in the handwriting of Zolotaryov (!).
But where could he see Zolotaryov's handwriting? This is generally a mystery, because we don’t see Zolotaryov’s diaries mentioned by Axelrod. And we do not know about the existence of these diaries. And notebooks with songs even then. Rather, it is known that she was, but this is not in the criminal case. And how, from where… Where is the mystery from? That is, there are a lot of mysteries of his group around, and they still don’t want to tell us about them. They talk about missiles, who knows what, they come up with something they don’t know, just to come up with it, but they don’t want to tell a true story… Witnesses are current, now living, to my great regret. Although you could probably tell. Well, no one will do anything now, they are afraid of something.
Well, okay, so here is Axelrod's interview, which he did not give. This is at your request now I will try to listen to this interview. And periodically stopping, I will, of course, comment on it. I won't give you all at once, so that you can understand a little.
And thus, let's try to find out, But what Comrade Axelrod could not prove after all. Although in 96 or 95, when he gave an interview, I can now be mistaken (all 2 years later – approx.). Here is the 96th year, the TAU film just came out, this «Ural Television Agency», under the leadership, in my opinion, then was the director Nekrasov. Well, Sheremet is a journalist (here it's the opposite – approx.) The husband of Anna Matveeva, who wrote the book, also took an active part n this whole story. So they created a film, and in this film there was an interview with Axelrod. I will just show it with such a picture, and you will listen to it. And just now it will be possible to understand how much memory still does not fail sometimes, as people say. Here 40 even less than 40 years have passed since the tragedy, and this is how Axelrod remembered it and what he voiced. Let's start right away with this, well, and then, maybe, we will discuss if you have a desire to talk about this interview.
[A.:] In 1959, when Igor was studying and I was already working…
[–] I hope you heard it. I don't really understand if it's just audible or not. What did Axelrod say now? That is, in 1959, he and his wife, well, as he claims, actually saw off the Dyatlov group, but even if he was invited, he seemed even ready to go. But then he says, he still decided that he would go in the summer. Apparently, it means that in production it was necessary to ask for leave. And so he decided that it would be better for him to take time off in the summer, or take a vacation there. How did he mean what he's talking about? Why didn't you go in the winter? But here he was with his wife. He mentions his wife for a reason. As you can see, the wife has an active part in this story.
[A.:] When life was permeated with this bureaucracy, this soullessness…
[–] What should be taken into account immediately. The middle of the 90s – the Soviet Union had just finally ceased to exist. We must not forget, however, that Axelrod lived long and hard, as I understand it, in Yekaterinburg. I do not know where he was in the future, but the influence is felt. Yes, we must definitely spit on the Soviet Union. You pay a lot of attention to this because he says: «This is an outlet, this is hiking.» It wasn't vents, it was sports. Well, we must honestly admit… Well, okay, this is his opinion, his vision, that they went there to rest from something. here he is. Of course it's amazing. By the way, I always say… «If you really wanted to go somewhere to rest, around the then Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) forests are still in bulk.» You can also sit there for a week somewhere in the forest to rest on hikes. There, no one forbade you to do this, it was not necessary to drag yourself to the Ural Range. If it comes to that. Let's listen further.
[A.:] On February 19-20, I was in Ivdel, where they began to gather…
[–] This is also where such a key moment begins. He says, «thrown out.» Well, they threw it out, meaning they aimed from a helicopter to the north there and the route point is either Mount Otorten with two tourists. That's what I've always been interested in. When I first listened, I was wondering if he would name these two tourists or not. Let's understand for ourselves how significant the participation of these people was for him, and how much he perceived them, so to speak, as serious members of his group. In general, how he perceived those around him, and this is how he treated them. It is clearly immediately noticeable, according to these two tourists. But the search allegedly on February 12-13 is already inaccurate. No, of course, there is already a mistake. Although he read the criminal case, we will understand this later. But that's not entirely correct information! See how memory works in humans. And all of you there recommend the helicopter pilot Potyazhenko to me. Here's a man! How much has passed, probably 36 years, but already he is confusing the dates. Well, about two tourists.
[A.:] The idea of the search was this: from the northernmost point…
[–] I'll start with «threw of them threw out along Otorten», but here there are tourists and me, this is generally great. I repeat once again: the man saw the criminal case, I am sure you will understand it later, but for some reason he did not read his own testimony. They landed not three of us, they landed five of us. Two radio operators and, as he says, two tourists, that's when they take offense at me. Sometimes people say, so you call the guys there tourists. Oh how insulting. Here the master of sports in tourism calls them tourists. Those who were with him, there was only one tourist, and that's it, he calls them all the way. He did not name names. In fact, you start to wonder if there were five or three in the group. But, judging by the photos, still probably five. Why he has three in his memory is a mystery. Surprisingly, it says «5 dots», but again not quite right. Because they threw a group on Otorten, on Oika-Chakur, and somewhere on Grebennik, and somewhere in the middle of the ridge they threw a group of Chernyshov. The servicemen who were supposed to look there, and before that, Slobtsov's group was dragged to Otorten. Well, I don't think he mentions it at all. But that doesn't matter. His participation is important. OK. Means, have thrown with the radio operator and tourists. Okay, what happened next?
[A.:] and somewhere in the afternoon a plane was flying over us.
[–] Here, look! Two, he says, two. In the testimony, he said that there were three of us, but now we need to decide – together with whom? With Tipikin or Sogrin? ** give us a face, but what is important about this moment. in the fact that there is still an ambiguity about who found the note of the Moscow State University group, who came to Otortenya in the summer. God forbid memory, note of the 54th year. (of 1956 – approx.) It is, it is written in pencil in the criminal case, and they allegedly removed it from the remnant. They climbed there like climbers. Here Tipikin said that it was his merit, Sogrin claimed that he did it. It is not clear which of them was? The two of us walked, the two of us, there was no one else there. Strange. And of course, he is mistaken in the date, February 21-23 Either he is mistaken or they really were there before. And then it is not clear what the Slobtsov groups should do. Why weren't they there at all? That is, they immediately went, but they made it in time. That is: we were presented with incorrect information that at first there was a group of Slobtsov on Otorten? It is not so necessary to understand right away that Axelrod was there, but he says that the pennant was dropped the next day. That means probably February 27th, because I can only guess. Because here he is confused with the dates. Well, let's say, on February 27 in the afternoon, they threw him off that everything was found there and it was necessary to turn off the search. Were you there the other day? Maybe you can tell now? Let's find out here.
[A.:] We returned to the base, contacted by radio…
[–] Very short. We, he says, flew from the base. That is, the walkie-talkie worked, or what? And the next day they took us to Ivdel, and then to but Otorten. Wait! Stop, I want to say. And what did you do there all day long? Why were you there? And why didn't you come, as I said, if there were three of you? Moreover, they would have quietly reached the pass! Why did you wait for a helicopter to fly to Ivdel and return? In this interview, the story passes like this in a fleeting way, and that's it. Let's move on. And therein lies the riddle of Axelrod. Well, tell me! (shaking hands). Can someone tell me what you were doing there for so long? That is, it turns out that on the 26th, Axelrod's group lands on Otorten, on the 28th they pick it up, and they spend two days… At least a day, they just stay there, doing nothing. For what? (throws up his hands) Why is this pastime so strange?… there is no explanation! (waving his hand hopelessly) Well, let's move on.
[A.:] Let's find out that the very first search group headed by Slobtsov…
[–] So, here again is an interesting point. Wait, I want to say. Wait, the store was discovered on March 2nd. At least according to the documents. According to the testimony, according to radiograms. If we say that first a storehouse was found, and then a tent was found. And now again the mystery. Here is the mystery of Axelrod! So is he wrong? (shaking hands) Or is he saying how it REALLY happened?!
Look: he says, Slobtsov's group was walking along Auspiya, along the ski track of the Dyatlov group. He does not even mention that Slobtsov's group had previously landed on Otorten in front of them. No! They immediately walked along the ski track of the Dyatlov group. And this is amazing…
I repeat once again, «the man saw the criminal case». Either he read it inattentively, or he saw something else. I don’t understand, he says: «We found a storehouse, and then we went out to the tent.» Where did you find the shack? Well I do not know. I admit that maybe it was just like that, but they just tell us differently. Let us then rely on Axelrod's memoirs. In our country, researchers often like to pull out some memories of someone else, and immediately create a whole version on their memories.
Here's another version for you: the storehouse was found by a group of Slobtsov, who didn’t go to any Otorten, but walked along the ski track, somewhere they found a storehouse, and then they found a tent. Here, look, another version!
By the way, Axelrod's version of their death in this interview is also quite interesting.
[A.:]: And two people from the search group…
[–] Here is another interesting point. Here he tells in principle correctly, only he tells a little bit wrong. Those. here is the location of the tent. That's how he says – it's impossible to cut the slope and go straight to the cedar. and if you go past the height of 880, cut off the slope there and go out to the cedar, then that's it. By the way, as it turned out, as Sharavin said, that is exactly how they discovered it. Koptelov, of course, argued with him. He said: «No, we approached the cedar in a different way.» But Sharavin told exactly as Axelrod says. So, then, where did they find the tent? So, the question needs to be asked again. Unclear.
Although in principle here the information is more or less close. Yes, here two went, went out to the cedar. There is already precision.
[A.:] Krivonischenko and Doroshenko. they were wearing pants…
[–] I'm looking at the chat a little. Did I mention Cheglakov's last name? Sorry, this is wrong. I meant, Cheburtsev, in my opinion, was the name of one of the radio operators. (radio operator Yaburov – approx.). As far as I remember, but there was no cheglakov, of course. The Axelrod group is unequivocal. Cheglakov was with Slobtsov's group. Sorry!
So, look! Again, more or less the story is close to the truth. A sunken fire in the snow. Well, how did you drown? they usually cleared. He was most likely cleansed rather than drowned. But it doesn't matter. That is, a fire, two corpses, as he says. Two bodies of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko. True, Doroshenko was not immediately recognized. He doesn't talk about it. Broken branches on a cedar – he remembers everything again close enough to the truth. Allegedly, they jumped, meaning Sharavin and Koptelov. Allegedly, they quickly ran away from this place in shock. In my opinion, it was, yes, in the stories that they really got scared at first and ran away from it. They didn’t go to the cedar to look for a body, they really went to look for where to set up a base camp and, in general, the story is already, well, yes, close to what we know about.
[A.:] Then it was decided that the search camp would remain in the valley of Auspiya.
The number of people is approximately correct. For some reason, until he said about the sappers. Maybe he'll say more. «Officers were.» That's just the same Cheglakov, he was the head of the fire department. But you can still call him an officer. Chernyshov was an officer. There were officers there. But how much exactly, it is impossible to say. There were cadets. Yes, yes, cadets, internal services. But to claim that there were fugitive officers there?! Well, yes and no, probably, because, of course, already trained people were engaged in the search. It simply makes no sense for the soldiers to run into the taiga after the fugitives. But there is just now. And if you have already gone far, there, yes, there could be some kind of specially trained group that could move on skis with tents and search. Yes, perhaps there were two or three such officers. But, judging by the list, I do not remember specifically the officers. I remember that it was definitely Chernyshov, just these cadets of the head, and, in my opinion, one or two names of exactly officer ranks were also called. But there one was the head of the sapper group, the head of the officer, and someone else. But to put it this way, that's it, just a group of such officers to catch fugitives – this is a little bit, in my opinion, already a kind of additive. Either we do not know about it (!), again, from the lists. Or a little bit the person has already added from himself. But that's okay. It's not too scary, in my opinion. Let's listen further.
[A.:] Among us was the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk prosecutor's office, Lev Ivanov.
[–] So, about the forest area. Like an avalanche. The only one who mentions some part of the forest that looks like an avalanche. He says this for a reason. But there were no avalanche-like sections, ever!
What he means by this is unclear. If he is talking about a section of the forest that was cut down for a helipad, this is a completely different place. Where exactly? We didn't see any in the photos. In the photographs there is a little bit of such a bare patch of forest, on the rise to the cedar to the left. But to say that this is an avalanche trail? Well, it doesn't work.
But, once again, I repeat, this is not just said. Especially. Of course, this, but how not to pass by «I slept in the same bag with Ivanov.« A person especially close to the emperor. Flashes in my head right away. Well, Axelrod liked to bring himself closer, of course, to special authorized people.
[A.:] Either it was covered with snow, or somehow differently…
[–] By the way, I forgot to say, he says: «We were kept in some places, we were not allowed in some places.» Who did not let? You can specifically say who walked here, stood in front of you and said: «Don’t go there!» Who did it? You slept in the same tent with Ivanov, in the same sack with Ivanov! (shakes his finger) A sleeping bag for two, I guess. I am now without any hints, even without any irony, but just… Sleeping together in a bag is much warmer, I'm sure. And, most likely, this is practiced. But just who can stop you there? You seem to be very close. Maslennikov all the time: «Give me Axelrod! Give me Axelrod! Urgent Axelrod!» He directly could not live without Axelrod. No way. Well, he was an important person there. And suddenly it turns out that someone stopped him! They didn't let me go anywhere! Strange…
[A.:] The team that flew in the next day…
[–] Here, by the way, look. Firstly, Dyatlov was found before his arrival. He just got there on March 1st. Zina Kolmogorova was found, in my opinion, also before his arrival. That is, this is a story based on stories or on a criminal case, which he certainly watched. Here, Slobodin – yes, they already found him with him. The only one found was Slobodin, and he seemed to even see it.
But here is another interesting point. He says the snow was shallow, on the slope – forty centimeters. And here, well, like, wait, again. If you're telling the truth that 40 cm. Well, how amazing. How did you set up the tent? 40 cm is like this. (shows) How do you set up a tent on sticks? Everything will fall apart! The depth is crazy. But what if I believe him, by the way?
Many noted. Yes, you can see it in the photos. And, by the way, Alexander Fedotov said that this year there is just very little snow and a lot of stones. That's just like when the Dyatlov group was there. Well, how could you set up a tent on a slope there? With this snow! Marvelous.
[A.:] This was done day after day, going across the valley, day after day, 2nd, 3rd, 4th time. And one of the days they found Rustik. This was the fifth one found… Well, the first 4 were immediately taken by helicopter to Ivdel, then the fifth Slobodin was taken away, and somewhere on March 5-6 they were taken away, 5 corpses were taken to Sverdlovsk.
[–] Look, he's confusing the dates again. For some reason, he shifted the dates. The fifth was only Slobodin discovered, only on March 5, and he had some kind of shift for a couple of days. I don't know what this is about? I have the impression, after all, that Axelrod, as I remember, that they did something before anyone else. And hence his shift. February 21, February 23. That is, they were already engaged in some kind of activity. He at least. And, apparently, before it all started there. And that's where he got it. Here is my impression. He keeps pushing dates forward. Marvelous.
Well, four, he says, were immediately taken away. No, three of them were taken away, then Krivonischenko was taken away separately. They examined them in Ivdel, on March 5-6 – they could not get anywhere. Because they only looked around in Ivdel. Only on March 8, in my opinion, they examined Slobodin. A little earlier, I don’t remember, now I have to look, they examined the rest of the group – in Ivdel. Those. they could not be taken away on March 5-6 to Sverdlovsk. Again, some misunderstanding.
[A.:] Only somewhere in early May, on May 4 or 5 in the cedar area…
[–] Here's another question. He says «I wasn't there». Of course, he says this from someone's recollection, someone, you see, told him. Because these Christmas trees, twigs and so on that allegedly appeared from under the snow, this is someone's story. As far as I remember, I did not notice this in the criminal case, just such clarification. Well, okay, not really. Not the most important fact. Found flooring. Bodies were found on it (!) Well, this is already a mistake! And again it is not clear whether this is intentional or ignorance?
Here, it is felt, in general, a person has information, but the information is somehow distorted. And somehow distorted rather strange. Because it is directly known for sure that they were not found on the floor. At least we know so. Maybe even on the floor. But then Axelrod knows some other story! Which we don't know…
[A.:] On March 31, one of the groups witnessed, well, today we can say that a rocket flew there. Not in this valley, but in this zone. Somewhere a rocket flew by. Early in the morning. She was seen by many of the guys. It was already time to get up… Well, apart from a radio message with a half-word, they could not do anything else. But the meaning of the radiogram was such that, «Are 9 corpses not enough for you, do you need more?»
[A.:] Quite definitely – some new model of weapons was tested. Rocket, of course. She was seen in different ways: they saw a ball that glided across the sky, some kind of star jumped out of it. What my wife and I saw on the spring day of UPI 1959 was a kind of pulsating ring that flew across the sky. This thing was there on February 2nd. Not this thing, but on February 2, this thing flew there.
[–] Look! Come on, I'll stop right here. It is already clear where a person leads, where he drives. See March 31st. I don't remember the date now. Indeed there is a radiogram. I think there are indications. Indeed, we saw a fireball. Yes, the search party saw. This is a fact, but no one said that they saw a direct rocket. It was just a fireball. And he was seen, there is such a fact. But whether it is a rocket or not, no one said that. This is the explanation today. And maybe it was a rocket. Perhaps a rocket that took off from Baikonur, maybe. Who knows him? Tests could not be carried out there – that's in the area of Mount Otorten. But he says, «some tests were carried out.» Yes, they could conduct tests at Kapustin Yar, they could conduct tests at Baikonur, they could conduct tests at Novaya Zemlya. And something could take off there, and they could also see it as a kind of fireball. But what about February 2nd? Well, as it were, this is already such an artistic whistle, of course. I don't remember when Karelin's group saw the fireball. They allegedly saw, they have evidence. (February 17 – approx.) Whether it was February 2, I cannot say. Shumkov's group saw something around February 5th. Most likely, that's just on Novaya Zemlya, if it's a rocket. Or the rocket launcher could be seen by Shumkov's group. (Yes, February 1 – approx.) But just like that, so that specifically on February 2, something flew somewhere there… (shakes his head) This, in my opinion, is already a little fantasy. And a rocket. Yes, as you can see, he, «together with his wife», confidently declares about the rocket!
[A.:] My wife, at that time a journalism student, was internship in Nizhny Tagil, and we both remember very well how in «Tagil Worker» there was information that someone at the Vysokogorsky iron mine came out in the morning, maybe out of need there or whatever, and he described an unusual phenomenon of nature: this very thing was flying across the sky. The censor as been removed. That was February 2nd. And these two coincidences, the moment of the death of the guys and the fact that this thing flew there, in general, it allows us to talk about the connection between these two events.
[–] Look – Nizhny Tagil! No, «Worker of Nizhny Tagil»? How, forgot… newspaper clipping? «Nizhny Tagil worker», in my opinion. There is in a criminal case. Yes! Axelrod says everything correctly. And his wife was working there at that time, and she provided this note to Ivanov. That's for sure! It is a fact!
But there the date is not February 2, there February 17. «Tagil worker», in my opinion, the newspaper is called, if my memory serves me right. February 17 seen (shakes his hand). Well, there is a note in the criminal case. You can watch it right now.
What February 2nd? Well, because you have to. It's February 2nd! Now we will find out why this is necessary! (shakes his fist)
Axelrod's wife (as well as trainee Lena Koskina) could in practice be aware of all cases and know about other testimonies that were not allowed to be published. Let's say January 2, 1959. Printed only when repeated for the second time.
[A.:] But what could this connection be? Or how could it be implemented? To say that it was some kind of high-precision laser-guided missile, as it is today, is ridiculous. But to say that some kind of rocket flew into that zone, and some part of it separated and fell into this valley and caused a slight shaking of the soil, or a heavy shaking of the soil, it’s quite possible to talk about it. Well, there are people who claim that the wreckage of such a third stage, they saw them there.
[–] I can't pass by. Wreckage of the THIRD STAGE. They saw it there. Here is an artistic whistle. This is – sorry… There were no three-stage rockets at that time. If you are talking about R-12, it is single-stage. She has a head part and one stage, that's all! Did not have. What are the 3 steps? What one part of the step flew?
(On January 2, 1959, the Vostok-L launch vehicle was launched, which put the Luna-1 apparatus on a flight path to the Moon. To achieve the second space velocity, the rocket was equipped with a «third stage». – approx.)
But Axelrod is an engineer, after all. But when you listen to people with engineering education. In the 1990s, almost everything was declassified. Everything that is possible. Well, couldn't you see it? A little bit to study the history of this rocket science. What is the third step? Something, what fragment, where did it fly? What are you talking about? Well, it's just not a fantasy anymore. This is pure fantasy. I would say it's a fairy tale. But now they begin to rely on this fairy tale. And in our version, we will probably say, Mr. Axelrod.
[A.:] That shaking could… It couldn't, but it probably caused either an avalanche, or it can be called a snow landslide. If an avalanche is a very big word. There was a snow landslide, and this landslide swept over the tent. Now the tent. This tent was sewn by us in 1956 from two ordinary tents.
[–] Get the gist? A fragment of some kind of rocket, some kind, perhaps the 3rd stage. I don't know. Well, maybe the fifth one right away. Why stop on the 3rd?… Falls somewhere incomprehensibly where. Probably, from the western side it hits the height of 1079. The mountain Kholatchakhl. With all your stupidity. As strong as possible. The mountain is shaking and something is slipping. At the same time, the man himself says that there is very little snow there. But here is such a concussion that some kind of landslide on the tent. Well, that's all. And everyone, apparently there… Now he will tell how the injuries were received. It's all genius, of course. And by the way, you will understand where our version comes from. Where do the legs grow from the version of the snow board. People here are trying to prove to us that they themselves thought of it here. Well, they simply listened to Axelrod and fantasized further. In fact, repeated his fantasies. But this concussion with a landslide, it's certainly great. He says about the tent, this is our tent, which, he says, we sewed in 1956. This is what is key. They – both Bartolomey Pyotr Ivanovich, and Axelrod – they claim that this is the tent that was in the trek of 1958, in the winter trek under the leadership of Axelrod.
I have already made videos several times and will repeat again… Repetition is the mother of learning. Once again I will convincingly prove to you and show that if he means that tent, then this is a completely different tent. This is not the tent that was on the trek of the Dyatlov group. Definitely. By all indications. So if he says that this is their tent, then here he is… Well, let's put it mildly, he is mistaken. Here in the tent that they had, 9 people did not fit in any way. But let's listen further.
[A.:] Its length was about 4 meters. And in order to install it on a slope, it was necessary to find a flat place, which is almost impossible. It was not a steep slope, but nevertheless, in order to lie, you need a more or less flat place. To do this, they found a platform, a flat area 2 meters long, and the tent was 4 meters, it was sewn from two standard tents. And in order to make a horizontal platform for the second part of the tent, they had to cut the slope. Cut down these snowballs, lay them out, and put a tent on them…
I mean, look what he says. They found a flat area two meters. It feels like the person wasn't there. But he was there, he saw it himself. Well, why is there something else to cut? There, in principle, it would be possible more or less, and the photo shows that there is no need to cut anything there. And nothing was cut. But now, he says – 2 meters found a platform. But they still need to be trimmed. That is, what? Did they put up a tent along the slope? Is that what Mr. Axelrod wants to say? That is, the entrance towards the cedar? Well, that's how Alexander Fedotov. Here they are this time spent the night with the group. And they set up a tent at the entrance to the cedar. It was impossible to put across, it just blew away. It was incredibly unrealistic.
So Axelrod claims that they also, perhaps, staged it? But the photos show us something else. And in the testimony it is different that the tent stood at the entrance to the south, that is, parallel to the slope. (shows). And Axelrod says – that's how they set it up! (shows). And thus it turns out that they, as it were, cut down the slope. Excuse me, but this is some kind of nonsense! Well, it doesn't matter, they cut down the slope and created the conditions that they say, like, oh-oh-oh! It’s not good that they did such a thing that they created problems for themselves. But let's listen further.
[A.:] This cold night… it's quite a hard test. It's spinning all night like birch bark on fire. Because the part that is down is the right side, left side, back, stomach. Frozen – it means that you instantly substitute another place under this cold! Therefore, it is natural that someone slept on their side, someone on their stomach, someone snuggled up to a neighbor. That's probably how it was.
[–] Here is also an important remark. You really need to pay attention to this! Look, he says – you are lying on the ground. Well, in winter, in the cold snow, that part of the body that comes into contact with the bottom freezes. And you, as you say, «you can't heat the stove in a cold overnight stay.» What's the difference? It's cold on top and cold on the bottom. And he says – turn around. Now this side of you froze, you turned around, framed the other one so that this one began to freeze. So you and he will freeze. How will he keep warm? And I'll explain. He reminisces about spending the night with the stove. Those. you are lying, you have a stove on top, it warms you. And the bottom part of the body freezes. Here the bottom is frozen, you turned around, you get warm from the stove, and the other part of the body freezes. That's what Axelrod is talking about now! About this method of spending the night, this is what he is talking about, and he is categorically right.
And then undress completely, as we are told. Separate, lay down. It's cold there. Unbelievable, but undress. Well, such guys that they are not afraid to sleep naked in the cold! Yes, it turns out, the Dyatlov group. Well, at least that's how they try to show it to us. But this, of course, is surprising, simply amazing, as Axelrod himself sometimes blurts out.
[A.:] And somewhere in the morning, I once wrote this in my testimony, something happened… firstly, either light, or sound, or both. Or here is the very shaking of the soil, which could be created either by a rocket, or some part separated from it. And an avalanche, or a snow landslide, came down on the tent. That part of the guys who slept in the far part of the tent, behind the ledge, which they made when they leveled the area for themselves under the tent.
Five people: these are Dyatlov, Kolmogorova, Kolevatov, Doroshenko, Krivonischenko – they were not injured. And the four who were closer to the entrance, they suffered. According to medical reports, Zolotaryov had a unilateral fracture of the ribs on the right side, Dubinina had parallel multiple fractures of the ribs, and Thibeaux-Brignolles had a dent at the base of the skull 3×7 cm. Well, I could be wrong about the sizes. And, it seems, immediately incompatible with life, and Slobodin has a crack in his skull. Where – I do not know, but a few centimeters, with an opening of 10 mm.
[–] That's what I was talking about: he read the criminal case. At least he definitely read the forensic medical examination. According to Thibeaux-Brignolle, I was a little mistaken. It's not the base of the skull, it's in the temporal part, but that's not the point. The dent, as he called it. But it's not a dent. It's more like a hit. But again, you see how the tent turns out. In his opinion, it stands exactly as I said, in this way – perpendicular to the slope. And here is the group that was in the back, under this cliff that they supposedly made. Here is such a break. (shows). And then it rolls off, like this. The snowboard rolls down in this way.
This cliff supposedly protects the 5th, which are closer to the slope. And those who are on their way to the exit… And the exit, now clearly understandable, according to Axelrod, is looking at the cedar. There, it means that they are flooded, muffled, moreover. Immediately kills Thibeaux-Brignolles. Straightaway! Dead, everything! s he says, incompatible with life. Depressed fractures, which means the ribs of Zolotaryov and Dubinina. Described relatively well. And a crack at Slobodin! Right away, here are 4 people in this state, almost almost no longer alive! Kolevatov does not understand what. So how are they supposed to end up in the creek now? Yes, everything is ingenious and simple, you don’t understand. Let's listen.
[A.:] This avalanche or landslide – they rolled up unexpectedly, i.e. there was no explosion. If there had been an explosion, the tent would have been demolished along with them. And it was like this: it rustled, crushed the tent, drove along it, crushed those who were not behind the protection of the ledge, and rolled on.
Those who slept at the entrance, apparently it was Zolotaryov as the oldest, as the most experienced, he was a professional tourism instructor, he slept on his side, and his ribs were broken. He was lying on his skis in such a way that he broke a rib. Dubinina, who was probably on her stomach, and her ribs were broken, she had a parallel fracture. As for Thibeaux-Brignolles, who had a dent in her skull, I think the point is this… The man was very unpretentious, and he flaunted this unpretentiousness. And there must have been something uncomfortable under his head. Either a camera or something like that.
It was pressed down just so that this dent formed here.
[–] Well, generally brilliant. Here, after him, some people repeat the same version. Yes, very strange, I want to tell you. Well, if we compare the strength of the camera and the strength of the head, then the camera will most likely lose. But, you know, on the other hand, how do you imagine it all – to sleep with your head on the camera?
Well, unpretentiousness is, of course, a good thing, but how can I tell you… Take a stone and just put it under your head. This is the size. Well, like a camera lens, its protruding part. Here, put it down. And try to sleep like this. I’m wondering how long a person will last, how unassuming it is to spend the night, sleep on a camera? And what's the point of sleeping? What for? What is so unpretentious? Well, in order to understand where such a dent comes from! That's because the camera. You know, to explain one stupidity by another stupidity. Well, everything in the world can be explained so easily.
[A.:] Well, then I imagine this: what happened, groans, screams… The flashlight I gave to Igor was Chinese.
[–] «The Chinese lantern I gave to Igor.» Well, you need to insert your «I» somewhere anyway. There is even more Axelrod in this story than the Dyatlov groups!
[A.:] There was a flashlight, but there was no way to get through… the tent is low. It is possible that she was torn off the ski poles, she generally sank. Now these are lying here wounded, you can’t make your way through them to the exit. but something needs to be done. And then someone gives the command, just like that. I think that there were two motors, there was Dyatlov and there was Krivonischenko. And someone gives the command «Cut the tent!»
And then, with three strokes of the knife, the tent is cut from the inside. And it is quite obvious that those who are a little familiar with this practice in the mountains, that there could be a second gathering, and they had to run. Not because fear had big eyes, but because the tent was in a place where a second gathering would be possible. Or maybe even he was. Now no one can say anything about it.
[–] I.e. in order not to fall under the second avalanche, you have to run down. Otherwise, the second avalanche will cover you. Brilliant! I say – to explain one stupidity, you need to come up with another stupidity. I always say, why the hell are you running down from the danger that will roll down? Physics, after all, exists, no one has canceled it. Go to the side! Why down? Well, to be sure or something, muffled for you?
[A.:] And they began to leave the tent. But to leave as: 5 relatively healthy, and 4 affected. I believe that the healthy ones sorted out the wounded among themselves, and now I can clearly see the imprints of their footprints in the snow, columns of footprints: 5 and 3 or 4. I can’t say, according to some indications, 8 traces on others 9. But I think that it was still 8, because Thibeaux was probably already dead, because this dent was already incompatible with life.
[–] And now the question immediately arises: if Thibeaux-Brignolles is dead? Well, the man died. So it happened… What to do now? The hell are you dragging him? What will it give? Here you drag him, dead. You yourself have a state on the verge of life and death. Here, as if at any moment, you yourself can die! You are dragging a dead comrade. For what? What is the meaning here? And the fact that then it is necessary to explain why he ended up in the stream, you understand? But – they dragged the dead, and they didn’t just drag it, but dragged it there, to the stream. Dead!
[A.:] How they carried him, I can't imagine… But I think that maybe they hoped to somehow convey him, to leave him alive, or whatever. And they went two lines down. And they didn't run, they left. The idea was to return to the storehouse along our ski track, and it was literally 15-20 minutes. They had just climbed a little up the pass. Return to the storehouse, and there it was already further possible to deal with the wounded, and take care of yourself, and rescue.
The situation was generally manageable or, shall we say, planned. And only when they ran along this avalanche drift, 150 or 200 m, and then they came out onto a hard crust and ran along it to the forest (or reached the forest), and there it was instantly, because it’s downhill, it’s beautiful treadmill… And then it only became clear that they were in a different place.
[–] That is, they came from the side of the remnant. There is such a long enough rise serious. Well, it's not really steep, but a serious climb. Then more or less evenly goes already on top. Well, there is also a lift, but it's not like that anymore. with a different slope. But in any case, going to the place of the tent, not to remember that you were walking on a relatively more or less even surface, but to run away along a steeper slope? Well, this is actually kind of stupid… Well, you are not running there, your entrance is not in the direction of the storehouse, but at least you are on the tent, orient yourself. Well, at least, as Axelrod says: if the tent looked at the entrance just in the direction of the storehouse. I always say: if you had to go to the storage shed… Well, you would go and that's it, what problems? But it turns out that when they ran into the forest, they understood. Well, everything! Really, how did you get there? Here they are dragging four more. But they came running! They realized that they made a mistake, they came to the wrong place… Well, okay, then what happened?
[A.:] And that's what they were blown away to the left of the pass, it was just that border between life and death. The cedar stood at the very end of this treeless tongue. They got there, probably with the whole team. There was a hollow, in this hollow some people began to break the spruce branches, line it in order to place the wounded there.
[–] Well, it's fantastic! In my opinion, Axelrod did not reach the cedar. As I understand it, he does not even know, does not imagine the area in which the cedar is located. Even then I know that area better, although I didn’t reach the cedar either. What treelessness? What language? What is he talking about now?
[–] And the three most healthy (here it is difficult to say which ones are the most so), they left to look for a tent. It was a hopeless business. Since during the 2 weeks that we were there on the search… if the tent could be seen from below this cedar at 6-7 o'clock, then this is very good. Constant winds, constant blizzard, constant snow. This is some kind of natural wind tunnel. (end quotes)
In general, here is an interview with Axelrod. this is it, put together from the movie. It's there in pieces, pieces, pieces. But here's what I want to say. Look, first, rocket. Secondly, a mixture, in short, of a rocket and avalanche version. Here it is, look, in what year! Sorry, even before Buyanov! Before everyone else! So you are not the first, as they say, the initiators.
Secondly, here is a vivid example of how you can compose a version that does not explain anything. Try to explain, but do not explain anything. Very easy and simple: undressed, pull out the body. How did you get them out of the tent? Through here such incisions are small. Not explained… Somehow they carried them… Why did you carry them into the stream? If by titanic efforts you made a fire near the cedar? Why drag it there, about 50 m there, into this stream, dig into a cave? Again it is not clear. That is, in fact, nothing is explained. And there is such an attempt at a superficial explanation.
The tent is littered because of the avalanche. Avalanche – because the rocket. In the stream – because they brought it there. And why Kolmogorova, Dyatlov and Slobodin lie, by the way, has not been explained. And Slobodin has a crack in his head. They threw him down the road, didn't they? Why did he find himself between Dyatlov and Kolmogorova, lost? That is, Thibeaux-Brignolles, they brought him dead, and Slobodin, they left him! Or he walked and walked after all with a crack in his skull, and fell. Well, at least I could explain somehow… No, I didn’t explain anything.
Three of the most, so strong – tried to return to the tent. But Slobodin with a crack in his head. How could he try to get back to the tent? It's totally weird! Nevermind. I mean, here's the explanation.
Why the bodies are like this – because they wanted to return to the tent. Why in the stream – because they dragged it there. Why is the tent on the slope covered with snow – oh, an avalanche! Where is the avalanche from? Ah, the rocket! Everything is ingeniously simple! And thus he says: «I have explained everything to you.»
Now try to refute. What is there to refute? There is no need to refute here. It is clear that this is simply not like an owl on a globe. If I’m a dreamer, then this one, of course, I don’t even know what to call it. But they take this as a basis, rely on it and say: «Here is a participant in the search, a master of sports in tourism, one of the most active participants in the search, tells you. But you don't believe it!» Well, I do not believe it, because some kind of nonsense. That's all. Therefore, I do not believe.
Yes, a person has the right to his own opinion, but his opinion seems extremely unconvincing to me. Here is an interview with Axelrod.
«Five carried four.» Whence then 8 traces? Well, this is also one of the mysteries. Yes, the situation is manageable, but everyone died. Flooring. Who did – did not freeze. Yes, the flooring was made by seasoned guys who don’t care about frost. But for some reason then they froze. I do not know why…
[FROM CHAT:] «The roof went to the Dyatlovites.»
[ILDAR:] Well, I don't know what went wrong with them. In my opinion, nothing went. Just near the cedar, they received a deadly attack, which ended in their death! (this is Ildar's version, a fight – approx.)