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Author Topic: Theory of DP group killed by false denunciation  (Read 21736 times)

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February 02, 2023, 09:19:48 AM
Reply #90


Hi anna_pycckux
This what I've managed to translate from the first half of the text you present in your photo( in bold). Is this taken from the transcript of the video? Is it verified ?context is everything and is the whole transcript available?
Это интервью с Ю Юдиным 2008 года. Интервью брал Александр Нечаев (НАВИГ). У него имеется аудиозапись этого интервью.
Очень важно, что с 2008 года никто кроме меня не обратил внимания на важное свидетельство про сбор компромата на ребят группы Дятлова. Даже сам НАВИГ не обратил внимания и вместо того, чтоб расспросить подробнее - перевел разговор на другую тему. По сути Ю Юдин дал нам подсказку, что тайна кроется в УПИ. Возможно, там на ребят заводилось Уголовное дело на основании доносов.
Теодора имеет авторитет в среде исследователей Свердловска и может связаться с самим Александром Нечаевым по этому поводу.

This is an interview with Yudin in 2008. The interview was conducted by Alexander Nechaev (NAVIG). He has an audio recording of this interview.
It is very important that since 2008, no one except me has paid attention to important evidence about the collection of compromising material on the guys from Dyatlov's group. Even NAVIG did not pay attention and instead of asking in more detail, he turned the conversation to another topic. In fact , Yu. Yudin hinted to us that the secret lies in UPI. Perhaps a criminal case was initiated against the guys on the basis of denunciations.
Theodora enjoys authority among Sverdlovsk researchers and can contact Alexander Nechaev himself (NAVIG) about this.

February 03, 2023, 06:44:39 AM
Reply #91


If the KGB decided to liquidate them then this same fate should have befell Yuri Yudin, and would-be 10th hiker Slavic Bienko, and if they were going to stage their deaths due to hypothermia they wouldn't risk a pathologist noting that Lyuda had been raped.
1. повторяю: ребята никуда бежать не собирались. Эти сообщения - ЛОЖНЫЕ доносы стукачей и осведомителей КГБ. Вероятно у Дятлова было много завистников и врагов в УПИ
2. Юрий Юдин не был уничтожен, наоборот, его карьера пошла  в гору. Он получил квартиру в Соликамске и даже должность зам. мэра Соликамска. Есть вероятность, что он сам не желая того, предал ребят, сообщив их кгб точный маршрут туристов. Для того и вернулся со 2 Северного.

1. I repeat: the guys were not going to run anywhere. These reports are FALSE denunciations of informers and informants of the KGB. Probably, Dyatlov had many envious and enemies in the UPI
2. Yuri Yudin was not destroyed, on the contrary, his career went uphill. He got an apartment in Solikamsk and became deputy mayor of Solikamsk. There is a possibility that he unwittingly betrayed the guys by telling the KGB the exact route of tourists. That's why he came back from the 2nd North.

1. I realise that, and even the moderator made that clarification on your behalf earlier.

What's being commented on is the incredulity that if the hikers were innocent but made the subjects of false accusations that the KGB wouldn't first assess the credibility of this outlandish claim before they flew out there to murder everyone, and rape Lyuda.

And that if they did decide to go and check things out they should have been able to quickly establish the hikers were applying themselves to their hike, not a geographically impossible defection. The KGB were a ruthless, brutal organisation, but I would credit them with at least some investigative sense.

I could see them being interested in Semyon because on paper he was acting odd, quitting a job without one to go to an investing money in this hike, but surely they'd arrest him and allow the younger students to continue with their authorised trek.

Here's yet another logic hurdle - if the KGB flew out there how did they reliably identify, from the air, the Dyatlov group as opposed to the Blinovs, who were on broadly the same trek and had originally set off only 12 hours earlier. That's a big risk, get that wrong and they'd have had to bump off two sets of hikers.

2. This is unfortunately typical of some Russians, they malign the memory of Yuri Yudin, who is sometimes cast as a coward who knew something and saved himself with a false claim of sciatica while sacrificing his comrades. Instead of a life of sorrow his was one of tortured guilt and he attempted to attone for his sins with a lifetime of research and attending DPI conventions like a Catholic to the confessional. The miniseries Pereval Dyatlova did the same, portraying him as a young man having nightmare premonitions that evil forest spirits were out to get them all.
My DPI approach - logic, probability and reason.
The following users thanked this post: Jean Daniel Reuss

February 03, 2023, 07:03:12 AM
Reply #92


True! All that drama sells books and vies for a movie deal. Truth is less dramatic and there are many more truthful incidents historically to pick from. Good analysis Eurocentric.
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.
The following users thanked this post: karpov

February 03, 2023, 07:16:10 AM
Reply #93


True! All that drama sells books and vies for a movie deal.
Да, я думаю фильм по моей версии получился бы отличный. И в свою версию я верю абсолютно. версия полностью вписывается во время 50-х. Свою версию я даже отстояла в  суде!

Yes, I think the movie according to my version would be great. And I absolutely believe in my version. this version fits completely into the 50s. I even defended my version in court!

February 03, 2023, 11:24:05 AM
Reply #94


The miniseries Pereval Dyatlova did the same, portraying him as a young man having nightmare premonitions that evil forest spirits were out to get them all.
But, in that series, Yudin did also have a nightmare of the group's tent getting caught in an avalanche--a mundane scenario that doesn't involve any extraordinary elements like evil forest spirits.

Just curious: what did you make of that axe murderer and that ring?

February 04, 2023, 02:49:18 AM
Reply #95


The miniseries Pereval Dyatlova did the same, portraying him as a young man having nightmare premonitions that evil forest spirits were out to get them all.
But, in that series, Yudin did also have a nightmare of the group's tent getting caught in an avalanche--a mundane scenario that doesn't involve any extraordinary elements like evil forest spirits.

Just curious: what did you make of that axe murderer and that ring?

SPOILER ALERT to anyone who has not yet seen the miniseries...do not scroll down

That was all very freaky, the Nazi ring bestowing survival, immortality, on whoever wore it. The Nazi horrors were used as a painful memory of the investigator's previous experience of mass casualties, the battlefields of WW2, and as a link to the present, and directly to his love interest?

The scene I found the most disturbing, linked to that, was when the young investigator's best friend sacrificed himself by throwing his body across a grenade which had been lobbed up onto the mezzanine of a Berlin house they were searching.

He then, fuelled by rage and with flames behind him, fired a machinegun over the bannisters but then he sees it was 2 cowering kids in Nazi youth uniform, so he spares them and fires at the wall above their heads.

And of course this leads to the very emotional scene much later in the series, out in the car park where he outs himself to the (female) DPI pathologist who he has sought out, who happens to be his friend's widow, they have fallen in love and he has become a father figure to her son, having lost his own wife and child. 

It was an excellent series overall, though an unsatisfying conclusion, too slavish to the inquiries, but I thought the way Yudin was portrayed as a weak man given to superstition (like one of his relatives was said to be)was completely distasteful.

I saw the lead actor recently in a pretty good Russian alien sci-fi flick called Sputnik.

My DPI approach - logic, probability and reason.
The following users thanked this post: anna_pycckux, RMK

February 06, 2023, 12:52:21 PM
Reply #96


That was all very freaky, the Nazi ring bestowing survival, immortality, on whoever wore it. The Nazi horrors were used as a painful memory of the investigator's previous experience of mass casualties, the battlefields of WW2, and as a link to the present, and directly to his love interest?
На мой взгляд сюжет про Отечественную войну в сериале - лишний. Лучше бы показали УПИ, студенческую обстановку, в которой учились ребята. К сожалению тема ложного доноса в  фильме не промелькнула. Но, надеюсь, найдется хороший режиссер и создаст прекрасный фильм на тему "Госзаказ на ликвидацию"

In my opinion, the plot about the Patriotic War in the series is superfluous. It would be better to show the student environment in which the guys studied. Unfortunately, the topic of false denunciation did not flash in the film. But, I hope, there will be a good director and will create a wonderful film on the topic of "State order for liquidation".