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Author Topic: Length of time the four missing hikers survived in the ravine .  (Read 7643 times)

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April 16, 2018, 07:42:41 PM
Read 7643 times


I was wondering if it is known how long the four members that were found in the revine lived . Was it days later that they died ?  The same night or following morning ?  I would guess since they had clothes from the two Yuri's on them or at least on the brush pile they built that they survived at least a few hours longer and possibly a few days ?  I think it would have taken some time to build the brush pile and a fire . It just seems strange they didnt go back to the tent if they survived till the daylight .

April 16, 2018, 07:46:20 PM
Reply #1


Stomach contents indicated their last meal was (if I recall) somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-8hrs.  So I would say early morning
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 16, 2018, 09:16:23 PM
Reply #2


One of my questions that I've developed over time is, do we have a general idea of the order in which the Dyatlov party passed on?

April 16, 2018, 09:24:07 PM
Reply #3


One of my questions that I've developed over time is, do we have a general idea of the order in which the Dyatlov party passed on?


All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 16, 2018, 09:28:35 PM
Reply #4


I was surprised how far into the woods that the den was constructed. No wonder not found in months.

May 03, 2018, 06:36:45 AM
Reply #5


One of my questions that I've developed over time is, do we have a general idea of the order in which the Dyatlov party passed on?


There is some evidence Zina was the last of Igor and Rustem to make an individual attempt for the tent, because Rustem and Igor's bodies look like they had been turned. That would make sense if Zina was checking them, and then trying to get clothing off them.

May 03, 2018, 03:59:04 PM
Reply #6


Stomach contents indicated their last meal was (if I recall) somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-8hrs.  So I would say early morning

This is true for all but the ravine four according to the autopsy reports. Is there any other evidence that they died that night or early morning?

I would guess that, had they lived to see daylight, also these four would have made an attempt at reaching the tent and the resources therein. Unless they were heavily injured maybe or some other "compelling force" prevented them from doing so.

August 14, 2018, 04:40:38 AM
Reply #7


One of my questions that I've developed over time is, do we have a general idea of the order in which the Dyatlov party passed on?

I’ve always imagined they died in the order they were found. Doroshenko and Krivo died first. Members of the group moved the bodies and took some of their clothing.
Dyatlov next, as he, Zina, and Slobodin were all headed in the same general direction. Slobodin being better dressed was next then Zina.
They were all heading to the same place.
I suppose it’s possible that Zina died before Slobodin since he had the matches. If she had of still been alive she would have taken the matches from Slobodin.
As for the 4 at the Ravine, I think they survived a lot longer than initially suspected. Zolotaryov last to go since he was best dressed, found with compass, pen, notebook, and camera around his neck. He was resourceful and experienced. If this were a case of murder, I’ve wondered if he was able to go unnoticed by the aggressor/s up until his death.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 12:13:49 PM by Blkdahlia »