Cameraman is also flashlight holder.
no 1) Flashlight is heading front to camera. Visible lens scratches. Three fingers down of photo. (black objects) - Just a panic photo.
no 2) Laying person on his/her right side.Scrumbled possition. Face is well visibled. Face is looking to cameraman. Distance from cameraman - circa 4,5m
no 3) Scrumbled person turned to left side from very close distance of cameraman. On the picture we can see a backs of person. Distance from cameraman - circa 1,5m.
no 4) Two person - Standing and layed .Standing body is inclined to laying body. Coat overlap on standing body is presented. Diagonal line from 1/3 left to 1/3 right corner presented - footprinted path. Around this bodies are spotted next 3 white dots - probably hikers or very deep prints. Well presented a fingerprint on camera len.
no 5) NO idea
no 6) Flashlight is shinig to 2 moving persons heading to cameraman. The shining black object in right down corner is a flat shape flashlight. One person is carring in arms another person. Wound person is holding rescuers kneck or the wounded is carring on rescuers backs. Diagonal edge (snow footprint path) is still presented. Persons from picture no 4.
no 7) Panic photo - same situation like picture no 1)
no 8) Elks left horn circa 1m from cameraman. Fingertprint on lent again presented. High grass presented.
no 9) Picture returned to 180 degrees. Flashlight is shining to air. Flashlight is laying on hard ice surface. Light scattering effect on ice surface. Bushes or high grass presented.
no 10) Two people. One is trying to lift second one to A/B position (refer the A/B transport position). Diagonal edge is not presented. Probably was the photo catched from kontra side than no 4 and 6.
no 11) NO idea.

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