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Author Topic: Link Between UFO / Creature / Mutilations  (Read 59070 times)

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October 24, 2020, 01:15:20 AM
Reply #30

Nigel Evans

I cant see any obvious link between UFOs and dpi

Lev Ivanov did and he saw all the evidence.

There's not much else to go on though dont you think?


Star man

There's not much else to go on because Ivanov was ordered to sanitise the case file.

It all hinges on Ivanov and the Leninsky Put article. Either he is a crackpot or he isn't. If he isn't and the article is written in good faith then it's all about his "clots of energy".


October 24, 2020, 01:48:17 AM
Reply #31


Nigel, reply #29: It would also explain the need to bring a geiger counter and close the area. These two observations can be innocently explained in less dramatic theories but fit in this one quite neatly. What height would the person be at to sustain the injuries if dropped and from that height what would be the probability that they all made contact with the ground in roughly the same pose - that is no flailing arms or legs.

October 24, 2020, 02:54:56 AM
Reply #32

Nigel Evans

Nigel, reply #29: It would also explain the need to bring a geiger counter and close the area. These two observations can be innocently explained in less dramatic theories but fit in this one quite neatly. What height would the person be at to sustain the injuries if dropped and from that height what would be the probability that they all made contact with the ground in roughly the same pose - that is no flailing arms or legs.

My favourite theory for the rav4 is that they were crushed under the snow with the force coming from a tracked vehicle or similar. This explains why the injuries are so massive but so localised but with no relevant bruising. It's a good explanation for the throat/neck trauma as well. The problem with this is of course is no signs of a tracked vehicle and no autopsy reports of signs of asphyxiation but i have my suspicions that the pathologist was under pressure to rein in on some points and promote others. E.g. each victim has wounds on the side of the head or face consistent with that side of the head being forced against a hard surface (den floor?) but in each autopsy he specifically states that they are solely from decomposition whereas the tongue is just touched on as "missing". It's curiously asymmetric.

For the falling theory estimates i've read require a drop of 60 feet which isn't possible from the terrain. Imo it's ludicrous to argue a 3 / 4 metre drop caused those injuries.

The force of the stream could have organised the "poses" of course.

October 24, 2020, 06:39:39 AM
Reply #33


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Hello sarapuk,

There are countries that freely release aerial phenomena to the public, most South American countries freely admit the existence of UFO's. I personally have attended MUFON meetings in Phoenix, Arizona. These meetings are not full of mentally ill or the sensationalists. They are full of police, military, teachers, Professors and Scientists. Everyday people who has seen things they can't explain. The U.S.Military is releasing, slowly albeit, proof of the existence of unknown aircraft. Usually they are RETIRED personal, though. In our lexicon we are calling them "tictacs" like the candies:

Its the same in Britain. We still have a Department that looks into such matters but obviously its Top Secret. What a lot of people forget is that the Military have to investigate all such events because it may be a threat to their National Security. And that would have applied in the USSR in 1959. And there was that famous story of the US Military actually encountering UFO's in Britain, at the RAF Base, Woodbridge, Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, in 1980. I bought some books on that particular incident some years ago, and its a fascinating event that is supposed to have happened, or should I say events , because the UFO activity occured more than once and on one occasion, allegedly, the NUKES [ which should not have been stored there ] were actually disabled temporarily by Beams of Light from a UFO. Fantasy or Fact  ! ?

January 22, 2021, 10:23:23 AM
Reply #34


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

This is a very good, sensible, documentary, well worth watching.

January 22, 2021, 03:38:03 PM
Reply #35


very interesting. Thank you for sharing.  Has anyone ever claimed to witness it happening do you know? 

January 22, 2021, 04:24:04 PM
Reply #36

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
There is definitely a growing body of evidence and acknowledgement that we may not be alone.  Credible military personnel and ex government officials are starting to listen.  Lou Elizondo - the ex government head of ATIP has a series "Unidentified "  which are worth watching.   

Star Man

January 22, 2021, 09:13:52 PM
Reply #37



You might benefit from reading some books by Albert S. Rosales. He puts together witness stories in clear and concise paragraphs and groups the books into 15 year intervals. You can download them on kindle. Not for the faint of heart or those who call believers "crackpots". I know someday when this world won't be able to deny these happenings are occurring any longer there will be some people who actually will lose their minds and I will not be one of them. LOL

January 23, 2021, 09:43:15 AM
Reply #38


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
very interesting. Thank you for sharing.  Has anyone ever claimed to witness it happening do you know?

There are reports from around the World of people having witnessed animals being lifted up into the air. Also many people have witnessed UFO activity in areas where animal mutilations have taken place.

January 23, 2021, 09:46:09 AM
Reply #39


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

You might benefit from reading some books by Albert S. Rosales. He puts together witness stories in clear and concise paragraphs and groups the books into 15 year intervals. You can download them on kindle. Not for the faint of heart or those who call believers "crackpots". I know someday when this world won't be able to deny these happenings are occurring any longer there will be some people who actually will lose their minds and I will not be one of them. LOL

Thanks for that. No one knows how it happens but everyone who carries out Investigations or Autopsies on these animlas all agree that it can not be done by man with mans present level of technology.

January 23, 2021, 09:56:24 AM
Reply #40


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
There is definitely a growing body of evidence and acknowledgement that we may not be alone.  Credible military personnel and ex government officials are starting to listen.  Lou Elizondo - the ex government head of ATIP has a series "Unidentified "  which are worth watching.   

Star Man

Thanks for that info. It appears that he is a controversial figure. But that US Government Department did exist and probably still does in one form or another.

January 23, 2021, 03:14:24 PM
Reply #41



It has been happening for quite awhile. I try to deflect conversation away from it because it is uncomfortable to talk about. It would appear that someone or something needs the mammal tissue cells for something or other...

January 24, 2021, 03:30:40 AM
Reply #42


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

It has been happening for quite awhile. I try to deflect conversation away from it because it is uncomfortable to talk about. It would appear that someone or something needs the mammal tissue cells for something or other...

I have decided to pursue the matter further. I first became aware of these Animal Mutilations some years ago when I was doing the Big Cat stuff. And since then from the various stories I have been hearing about it seems like there is a Link between UFO and Crop Circles and other disturbances on the ground and Animal Mutilations. oh and not forgetting Big Foot in its various forms.

January 24, 2021, 08:38:09 PM
Reply #43


Is the Big Cat subject similar to the Point Pleasant Mothman subject? Just curious because it always reminded me of the Native American Thunderbird subject?



« Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 12:06:00 PM by RidgeWatcher »

January 25, 2021, 02:52:46 PM
Reply #44


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Is the Big Cat subject similar to the Point Pleasant Mothman subject? Just curious because it always reminded me of the Native American Thunderbird subject?



Well thats a good question.  There may be.  What I have found was more down to Earth and likely to be real Big Cats like Black Panthers roaming the Countryside. Also Exotic Cats that people kept or still keep as pets. However I have had a few interesting experiences which defy Logic. And also many witnesses have described some unusual experiences.

February 02, 2021, 01:17:45 PM
Reply #45


Intently reading the book while keeping up with world news and just found this:

Declassified CIA Document Claims Carl Jung Accused U.S. Air Force of Covering Up Truth About UFOs


February 02, 2021, 02:17:48 PM
Reply #46


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Intently reading the book while keeping up with world news and just found this:

Declassified CIA Document Claims Carl Jung Accused U.S. Air Force of Covering Up Truth About UFOs


No doubt that many Governments around the World have some interesting stuff hidden away. A lot of it is obviously for security reasons. But also Governments have a simple get out clause for anything sensitive, ie, they can simply say its ''Not In The Public Interest''. And maybe thats also the case with this Dyatlov Mystery. Except the original Government Statement was ''Overwhelming Force. That sounds safer, but leaves a lot to be thought about, and still Investigated in the year 2021.

February 09, 2021, 03:23:22 PM
Reply #47

César de la Sierra

Hola. Soy nuevo en este grupo. Solo quiero mostrar la última foto que han sacado a la luz y que he editado y se logra ver dentro del orbe/ luz / luminaria / OVNI? Unos seres minúsculos como si dirigieran ese orbe como una nave espacial. Parece tener una estructura en su interior. Para mi es inquietante. Enlazó esto con la Teoría de Yuri que fue seguido por luces. Para mi es una Teoría valida. Son seres de otra dimensión, pero estos con malas intenciones.

February 09, 2021, 04:17:44 PM
Reply #48


Is there a way you can make it a bit clearer what you're seeing please?

February 10, 2021, 01:19:17 AM
Reply #49

César de la Sierra

La foto de abajo pertenece a Krivonischenko's es el frame 34. Fue descartada y ahora es importante, tiene que ver con las fotos de luces de Zolotaryov. Usted puede buscar las en esta grupo en el apartado de fotos.
La primera foto que yo pongo es una edición de e foto que le acabo de comentar. He editado la bola octogonal de color gris, en la cual yo veo a slguien, igual es difícil ver o entender la foto pero yo lo veo claro.

February 10, 2021, 01:53:45 AM
Reply #50

César de la Sierra

La foto de abajo pertenece a Krivonischenko's es el frame 34. Fue descartada y ahora es importante, tiene que ver con las fotos de luces de Zolotaryov. Usted puede buscar las fotos en esta grupo en el apartado de fotos.
La primera foto que yo pongo es una edición de la foto que le acabo de comentar. He editado la bola octogonal de color gris, en la cual yo veo a alguien, igual es difícil ver o entender la foto, pero yo lo veo claro.

February 10, 2021, 12:45:10 PM
Reply #51


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

Hola. Soy nuevo en este grupo. Solo quiero mostrar la última foto que han sacado a la luz y que he editado y se logra ver dentro del orbe/ luz / luminaria / OVNI? Unos seres minúsculos como si dirigieran ese orbe como una nave espacial. Parece tener una estructura en su interior. Para mi es inquietante. Enlazó esto con la Teoría de Yuri que fue seguido por luces. Para mi es una Teoría valida. Son seres de otra dimensión, pero estos con malas intenciones.

No veo nada que se parezca a Little Aliens. Veo una masa de confusión.

February 26, 2021, 07:18:28 PM
Reply #52


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Here is a leading researcher giving a talk on Animal and Human Mutilations. Viewer discretion is advised. Go to 1 hour and 11 minutes into the talk to see some very interesting Photographs. The Mutilations are not done by Animals or Humans. Scientists continue to be baffled as to their cause.


February 27, 2021, 02:42:33 AM
Reply #53

Nigel Evans

I found the audio difficult to follow. Lightning strikes could explain a lot of this. Nato special forces chasing aliens? Too David Icke for me!

February 27, 2021, 11:57:26 AM
Reply #54


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I found the audio difficult to follow. Lightning strikes could explain a lot of this. Nato special forces chasing aliens? Too David Icke for me!

Yes the audio is not very good. The subject itself is worth investigating and many people are doing just that. I have made contact with one of the leaders in this field. Apparently its got the scientists baffled. The British Government now pounces on any suspected Mutilation Case and a Special Team working with DEFRA quickly remove any Mutilated animals. The Landowners, usually Farmers, are told to say nothing to anyone. So a lots going on that does not get into the public domain. As for Lightning  !  ?  No. Not from what I have gleaned and been told. There are some Lightning strikes that cause damage to animals and Humans but many of the reported Mutilations are something else. As for NATO. Not sure, although I have been told by someone with connections to the Military in Britain that there is a Department within the Miltary that looks into strange phenomenon like this along with UFO sightings etc. That sounds feasible.

March 02, 2021, 12:09:30 PM
Reply #55


Hi Sarapuk,

Anytime you want to talk off this site just message me and we can link off. Your message seems to be lost here and it sounds like you want to talk about it, as I do. There is much to be looked at and studied.

March 02, 2021, 12:15:31 PM
Reply #56


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Hi Sarapuk,

Anytime you want to talk off this site just message me and we can link off. Your message seems to be lost here and it sounds like you want to talk about it, as I do. There is much to be looked at and studied.

Ok. You appear to be correct. I have dropped the hint more than once over the last couple of years but no one really seems keen to pursue the subject on this Forum. I wish they would because it might explain a lot.

March 03, 2021, 07:10:18 AM
Reply #57

Nigel Evans

I'm receptive to linking Lyudmila's head injuries with CM. But there are equally good explanations for her injuries.

March 03, 2021, 02:07:39 PM
Reply #58


Hi Sarapuk,

Anytime you want to talk off this site just message me and we can link off. Your message seems to be lost here and it sounds like you want to talk about it, as I do. There is much to be looked at and studied.

Ok. You appear to be correct. I have dropped the hint more than once over the last couple of years but no one really seems keen to pursue the subject on this Forum. I wish they would because it might explain a lot.

I am also interested and always have been and that's the reason why I dont visit this forum because this subject is not discussed at all.

March 03, 2021, 02:16:24 PM
Reply #59


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I'm receptive to linking Lyudmila's head injuries with CM. But there are equally good explanations for her injuries.

It isnt just about Dubinina's head or body injuries though.