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Author Topic: Extraterestrial involvement  (Read 46345 times)

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August 26, 2020, 11:09:41 AM
Reply #30


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Hello Forum,

I live close to Eastern Oregon and it is the first place that I have lived where there is an "Urban Myth", of sorts, regarding cattle mutilations. I have heard that it is actually the government out in the isolated locations that will drop in stealthily and surgically remove bovine cow tissues, for study. Sometimes pre-mortem and sometimes post-mortem in the field. This is done to hide the fact that they have been randomly testing for "wasting disease" in the native hooved mammals such as deer, moose and elk. This is basically the wild animal form of the prion disease called Creuztfeldt-Jacob Disease or more vernacularly Mad Cow Disease.

I am not discounting any theories to be clear. Again, I lived in Arizona, I know what I saw and I know what I believe, however unscientific it was. But I did want to add this because it was the first time I heard this from people who actually grew up, own and run ranches.

The problem with that is that these Mutilations occur all over the World.  Like the Crop Circle mystery.

August 26, 2020, 11:18:23 AM
Reply #31


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Hello Ridge Watcher.

Where did you hear about the cattle mutilations?  Where did you hear that the government was involved?  Why not just ask the ranchers if they could test a cow here and there and also offer to pay for it?

I have lived in eastern Oregon all my life and I know that quite some time ago mutilations were definitely heard of and , at around the same time, there were apparently reports of UFOs. I even heard at the time that they were suspicious of a satanic cult?

I am not sure what to think of UFOs but I do believe there are things that we do not really understand, let alone, can explain.

Ive been digging up stuff on the Internet over the last few years regarding Cattle Mutilations and UFO's and Crop Circles and Big Foot type creatures and.  And there are many reports by witnesses of connections between all of these mysteries. Many witnesses have reported Cattle Mutilations at the same time as UFO sightings. And this is a Worldwide phenomena. There are also incredible claims by some witnesses of animals being lifted up into the sky, and later found with mutilations.

August 26, 2020, 11:58:33 AM
Reply #32


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Lyudmila lost her eyes, tongue, lips and part of her left cheek which are all classic cattle mutilation signs. However she did not lose her blood, genitals, anus etc which are also classic signs. Also she was slowly decomposing and facing upstream into a torrent of water carrying vegetation debris when found which could probably strip your eye sockets in a couple of days. Alexander's and Lyudmila's autopsies noted unusual mobility of the throat which favours tissue damage of the tongue muscle at the event.
So imo her injuries are curious but not conclusive.

Looking at many mutilation cases over the years it appears that there is no definitive way in which these mutilations take place. Sometimes no blood or very little blood is missing. The problem with the idea of decomposition is that only certain parts of her body were affected. Now obviously with her face exposed to running water we could expect some water damage. But how come most of her face is still fairly intact along with her head in general. In fact it looks like there has been relatively little skin damage considering the amount of time her body is supposed to have been in the running water. And for an Autopsy Report to simply state that the Tongue is missing is not very good medical practice, unless of course that is what the Authorities wanted, for some reason.

August 27, 2020, 12:27:14 AM
Reply #33


Sparrow 8/26/2020 Reply #27:

Hello Ridge Watcher.

Where did you hear about the cattle mutilations?  Where did you hear that the government was involved?  Why not just ask the ranchers if they could test a cow here and there and also offer to pay for it?

I have lived in eastern Oregon all my life and I know that quite some time ago mutilations were definitely heard of and , at around the same time, there were apparently reports of UFOs. I even heard at the time that they were suspicious of a satanic cult?

I am not sure what to think of UFOs but I do believe there are things that we do not really understand, let alone, can explain.

Answer: The prion takes over 500 degrees to kill it. The average autoclave in the average hospital only reaches 500 degrees maximum, and not kill the prion. Most tests for the prion get sent Hello Ridge Watcher.

I am not sure what to think of UFOs but I do believe there are things that we do not really understand, let alone, can explain.
to a few specific labs in the country. If a prion on a slide was discovered at the average U.S. Lab then they would have to shut it down and possibly for good because nothing eradicates a prion at this time. Fire has shown it to become possibly airborne and burying a prion contaminated animal/item is the best way remove it from infecting any mammals.

If the U.S. government tested a cow, given to them by a rancher, anywhere, and that cow tested positive for carrying the prion (variants included) then that ranch would be closed immediately, the cattle would be terminated and buried and the rancher wold lose everything. I'm not sure any insurance claim would cover "An act of God" annihilation of that kind.

They are finding deer all over the midwest and Pennsylvania with "wasting disease" they are saying it could be from burying infected downer cattle in the 1990's and the being dug up by rodents and such. Kuru is the earliest scientifically studied prion disease from Indonesia. People all over the world are dying from "a prion like disease which is mad-cow disease they just won't say it because what would you do if the patient in the bed next to you had mad-cow disease. You can't disinfect or sterilize the prion coating over a virus. it makes CoVID-19 look like a joke. Perhaps you should search: Are people dying of mad cow disease now?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 04:42:58 PM by RidgeWatcher »

August 27, 2020, 11:27:10 AM
Reply #34


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Why not ask a rancher for a cow in Eastern Oregon? Calm down, would you please.

Answer: The prion takes over 500 degrees to kill it. The average autoclave in the average hospital only reaches 500 degrees maximum, and not kill the prion. Most tests for the prion get sent to a few specific labs in the country. If a prion on a slide was discovered at the average U.S. Lab then they would have to shut it down and possibly for good because nothing eradicates a prion at this time. Fire has shown it to become possibly airborne and burying a prion contaminated animal/item is the best way remove it from infecting any mammals.

If the U.S. government tested a cow, given to them by a rancher, anywhere, and that cow tested positive for carrying the prion (variants included) then that ranch would be closed immediately, the cattle would be terminated and buried and the rancher wold lose everything. I'm not sure any insurance claim would cover "An act of God" annihilation of that kind.

They are finding deer all over the midwest and Pennsylvania with "wasting disease" they are saying it could be from burying infected downer cattle in the 1990's and the being dug up by rodents and such. Kuru is the earliest scientifically studied prion disease from Indonesia. People all over the world are dying from "a prion like disease which is mad-cow disease they just won't say it because what would you do if the patient in the bed next to you had mad-cow disease. You can't disinfect or sterilize the prion coating over a virus. it makes CoVID-19 look like a joke. Perhaps you should search: Are people dying of mad cow disease now?

Iam not sure what you are getting at.  Animal Mutilations take place all over the World. Cattle and Horses are regular victims.

August 27, 2020, 04:13:33 PM
Reply #35


I think the answer is yes they are dying from this.  A relative of a friend died fairly recently of it and one of the questions the family were asked was if they had any contact with wild deer, so there is obviously something behind the point you make, although I'm not sure what the connection to cattle mutilation is.   

I'm keeping an open mind on what happened with the hikers and think all options need to be explored.   ET involvement and cattle mutilation is a very interesting subject and definitely deserves consideration after all the witness accounts of strange lights etc. in the area.  It's not something I know very much about and wondered if you (SarahPUK) had any interesting research you'd come across that you could share, or any links that you could recommend please? 

August 27, 2020, 04:44:56 PM
Reply #36


Hello Forum,

I live close to Eastern Oregon and it is the first place that I have lived where there is an "Urban Myth", of sorts, regarding cattle mutilations. I have heard that it is actually the government out in the isolated locations that will drop in stealthily and surgically remove bovine cow tissues, for study. Sometimes pre-mortem and sometimes post-mortem in the field. This is done to hide the fact that they have been randomly testing for "wasting disease" in the native hooved mammals such as deer, moose and elk. This is basically the wild animal form of the prion disease called Creuztfeldt-Jacob Disease or more vernacularly Mad Cow Disease.

I am not discounting any theories to be clear. Again, I lived in Arizona, I know what I saw and I know what I believe, however unscientific it was. But I did want to add this because it was the first time I heard this from people who actually grew up, own and run ranches.

This is where I got it from. My original post didn't commit that all of the animal mutilations were from governmental resources.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 07:01:36 PM by RidgeWatcher »

August 29, 2020, 12:46:52 PM
Reply #37


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I think the answer is yes they are dying from this.  A relative of a friend died fairly recently of it and one of the questions the family were asked was if they had any contact with wild deer, so there is obviously something behind the point you make, although I'm not sure what the connection to cattle mutilation is.   

I'm keeping an open mind on what happened with the hikers and think all options need to be explored.   ET involvement and cattle mutilation is a very interesting subject and definitely deserves consideration after all the witness accounts of strange lights etc. in the area.  It's not something I know very much about and wondered if you (SarahPUK) had any interesting research you'd come across that you could share, or any links that you could recommend please?

Well I have done a fair bit of investigating various mystery phenomena, including Big Cats in the British Isles. Also Crop Circles, having witnessed a Crop Circle being formed in the early 1970's.
 Check out Linda Moulton Howe, she is one of the Worlds leading Investigators of various mystery phenomena especially Animal Mutilations. Check out   http://www.beamsinvestigations.org/mutilation-reports.html   
Check out    http://www.apfu.org/
Check  out    https://www.countytimes.co.uk/news/15831348.unexplained-sheep-attacks-caused-by-aliens-in-ufos-claim-experts/
Check  out    https://www.richplanet.net/   this is a very good site, especially for Animal Mutilations in Britain.

August 29, 2020, 03:01:45 PM
Reply #38


I think the answer is yes they are dying from this.  A relative of a friend died fairly recently of it and one of the questions the family were asked was if they had any contact with wild deer, so there is obviously something behind the point you make, although I'm not sure what the connection to cattle mutilation is.   

I'm keeping an open mind on what happened with the hikers and think all options need to be explored.   ET involvement and cattle mutilation is a very interesting subject and definitely deserves consideration after all the witness accounts of strange lights etc. in the area.  It's not something I know very much about and wondered if you (SarahPUK) had any interesting research you'd come across that you could share, or any links that you could recommend please?

Well I have done a fair bit of investigating various mystery phenomena, including Big Cats in the British Isles. Also Crop Circles, having witnessed a Crop Circle being formed in the early 1970's.
 Check out Linda Moulton Howe, she is one of the Worlds leading Investigators of various mystery phenomena especially Animal Mutilations. Check out   http://www.beamsinvestigations.org/mutilation-reports.html   
Check out    http://www.apfu.org/
Check  out    https://www.countytimes.co.uk/news/15831348.unexplained-sheep-attacks-caused-by-aliens-in-ufos-claim-experts/
Check  out    https://www.richplanet.net/   this is a very good site, especially for Animal Mutilations in Britain.

Thank you so much.  I will definitely have a look at them.  Seeing a crop circle form sounds interesting.  I'm guessing it wasn't two guys with a plank of wood then  grin1

September 02, 2020, 09:06:15 AM
Reply #39


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I think the answer is yes they are dying from this.  A relative of a friend died fairly recently of it and one of the questions the family were asked was if they had any contact with wild deer, so there is obviously something behind the point you make, although I'm not sure what the connection to cattle mutilation is.   

I'm keeping an open mind on what happened with the hikers and think all options need to be explored.   ET involvement and cattle mutilation is a very interesting subject and definitely deserves consideration after all the witness accounts of strange lights etc. in the area.  It's not something I know very much about and wondered if you (SarahPUK) had any interesting research you'd come across that you could share, or any links that you could recommend please?

Well I have done a fair bit of investigating various mystery phenomena, including Big Cats in the British Isles. Also Crop Circles, having witnessed a Crop Circle being formed in the early 1970's.
 Check out Linda Moulton Howe, she is one of the Worlds leading Investigators of various mystery phenomena especially Animal Mutilations. Check out   http://www.beamsinvestigations.org/mutilation-reports.html   
Check out    http://www.apfu.org/
Check  out    https://www.countytimes.co.uk/news/15831348.unexplained-sheep-attacks-caused-by-aliens-in-ufos-claim-experts/
Check  out    https://www.richplanet.net/   this is a very good site, especially for Animal Mutilations in Britain.

Thank you so much.  I will definitely have a look at them.  Seeing a crop circle form sounds interesting.  I'm guessing it wasn't two guys with a plank of wood then  grin1

It definitely wasnt 2 guys with a plank of wood. I have briefly described the Event else where in this Forum.

September 06, 2020, 02:11:53 PM
Reply #40


I think the answer is yes they are dying from this.  A relative of a friend died fairly recently of it and one of the questions the family were asked was if they had any contact with wild deer, so there is obviously something behind the point you make, although I'm not sure what the connection to cattle mutilation is.   

I'm keeping an open mind on what happened with the hikers and think all options need to be explored.   ET involvement and cattle mutilation is a very interesting subject and definitely deserves consideration after all the witness accounts of strange lights etc. in the area.  It's not something I know very much about and wondered if you (SarahPUK) had any interesting research you'd come across that you could share, or any links that you could recommend please?

Well I have done a fair bit of investigating various mystery phenomena, including Big Cats in the British Isles. Also Crop Circles, having witnessed a Crop Circle being formed in the early 1970's.
 Check out Linda Moulton Howe, she is one of the Worlds leading Investigators of various mystery phenomena especially Animal Mutilations. Check out   http://www.beamsinvestigations.org/mutilation-reports.html   
Check out    http://www.apfu.org/
Check  out    https://www.countytimes.co.uk/news/15831348.unexplained-sheep-attacks-caused-by-aliens-in-ufos-claim-experts/
Check  out    https://www.richplanet.net/   this is a very good site, especially for Animal Mutilations in Britain.

Thank you so much.  I will definitely have a look at them.  Seeing a crop circle form sounds interesting.  I'm guessing it wasn't two guys with a plank of wood then  grin1

It definitely wasnt 2 guys with a plank of wood. I have briefly described the Event else where in this Forum.

Thank you I will have a search for it

November 28, 2020, 05:53:26 PM
Reply #41


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

The Phoenix Lights.


December 12, 2020, 02:53:15 PM
Reply #42


I was married and living in Alaska when this happened and my in-laws from Phoenix called us the next day to tell us all about this. After my spouse died I went to live in Arizona and I saw fire gold/red globes in the skies there. It is not unusual to have witneesed unexplainable things in the skies there, especially up by Sedona and around the military bases. Happens all the time. The Governor of Arizona made fun of the Phoenix Lights at the time but came out 6 years later and apologized and admitted he had seen them too.


December 12, 2020, 04:32:15 PM
Reply #43


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

February 22, 2021, 04:45:08 PM
Reply #44


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Here is a Web Site with lots of links and a good Bibliography of the Ball Lightning phenomenon.


February 23, 2021, 04:48:52 AM
Reply #45

Nigel Evans

Here is a Web Site with lots of links and a good Bibliography of the Ball Lightning phenomenon.

Thanks, looks like an excellent site with a massive bibliography - http://www.greenwoodufoarchive.com/Inventories/Ball_Lightning_List.pdf
A lot to get my teeth into.  grin1

March 11, 2021, 04:30:31 PM
Reply #46


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
There must still be hidden away much Top Secret information from the Soviet Union times.


March 22, 2021, 06:24:17 PM
Reply #47


Case-Files Achievement Recipient