Genesis > R.I.P.

R.I.P. Igor Pavlov

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Oh what desperately sad news, I'm so sorry Teddy, please be certain to look after yourself.

What a brave man for sharing what he knew about the Dyatlov Pass case and helping others to understand what those 9 tourists endured. Igor Pavlov was suffering quietly himself. May he Rest In Peace. My condolences to his family.

Игорь Павлов собрал ту базу, на основе которой англоязычное сообщество узнало первичные данные ("матчасть" по-русски) данной истории. Он был не единственный, но лучший по совокупности всего. Я знал его по переписке 8-9 лет. И мне будет очень сильно его не хватать. Читайте его книгу, цените его труд. Он этого более чем достоен. Соболезнования родным и близким выражаем. Не знаю как он относился к религии, но пусть будет R.I.P.
Igor Pavlov put together the foundation on which the English-speaking world learned the basic data of this case. He was not the only one, but the best in the totality of everything. I knew him by correspondence for 8-9 years. And I will miss him very much. Read his book, appreciate his work. He is more than worthy of this. We express our condolences to family and friends. I don't know how he felt about religion, but let his soul R.I.P.*

* The ninth day after death in Eastern Orthodox Christianity is believed the spirit of the deceased has joined the nine choirs of holy angels, or simply put we revere the soul of the departed.

KUK represents the Dyatlov Group Memory Fund (aka Dyatlov Foundation). He is the right hand of Kuntsevich.

I had no idea until today.  I am so sorry, and yet deeply thankful that he was able to share so much of his knowledge and leave the completed book behind.  My heartfelt condolences to his family. 


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