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Another interesting video (in Russian)

Dyatlov Pass. The leaders of Sverdlovsk knew the truth!

Transcript vor last video - English (autotranslated) / Russian:

NAME: Dyatlov Pass. The leaders of Sverdlovsk knew the truth! (Duration: 00:18:37)
[-] The overwhelming majority of people believe that in order to uncover any incident in history, one must certainly delve into the archives to find some secret document in which the holy truth is written. That is, you don’t need to think about anything? Just find it, read something there, and that’s it - the secret is revealed.

But the question arises: if this document does not exist, then what? So the secret will never be revealed? And besides, you know, there were times when there were no archival documents at all. But nevertheless, historians somehow unravel the mysteries of the past. For example, through archaeological excavations. For example, in the time of dinosaurs there were no documents. But nevertheless, historians somehow learned about their existence. So this is what I want to say: even if some document is found, it is unlikely that anything is directly written in it about this or that event. So you even have to think about the document. So, no matter how hard you try to get out of it, you still have to use your brains.

And now I want to talk about one historical document in which something is revealed in the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass. I don’t know who was the first to find this document, but I personally learned about it from Ildar Garifulin. The document is the minutes of the meeting of the bureau of the Sverdlovsk city committee on March 27, 1959. It would seem, what does the city party committee have to do with it? What does he have to do with the death of the Dyatlov group? It turns out it does. The fact is that at that meeting the issue of the incident with the Dyatlov group was considered. And ultimately, the city committee bureau stated that the cause of the death of the Dyatlov group was a hurricane.

But here’s what’s strange: the investigation has not yet been completed in this case. Investigator Ivanov continued to investigate, various examinations were carried out, and witnesses to the incident were interviewed. And then suddenly the city committee somehow found out that the cause of the death of Dyatlov’s group was a hurricane.

How could they find out if the investigation is not yet completed? So you need to think about this document to understand. And you don’t need to understand much here. The City Committee is not the Investigative Committee, it is not the police. And the city committee could not find out what was the reason for the death of Dyatlov’s group.

But since he stated that the reason was a hurricane, then the conclusion follows: it means that someone gave them instructions to state this. The City Committee could not declare on its own behalf. Moreover, there are investigative bodies. And their opinion must be taken into account. But it turns out that they didn’t give a damn about investigator Ivanov at all. They themselves took it and declared that there was a hurricane, and that’s why the tourists died.

So, this document, the minutes of the meeting, testifies: they were given instructions to blame the hurricane. Who could give such an instruction? It is clear who is the Kremlin. Khrushchev could have given them such instructions. But no one else could.

This is where the conclusion follows: both Khrushchev and the Sverdlovsk city committee - they knew what the true reason for the death of the Dyatlov group was, and they decided to hide this matter. Hide the truth. So they came up with a version about a hurricane. More precisely, it was not the city committee who came up with it, of course, but Khrushchev who came up with it and gave the following instructions to the city committee: “Announce that the cause of the tragedy with the Dyatlov group is a hurricane.”

They did just that. An order is an order. But another conclusion follows from this: after all, if they knew what the true reason for the death of tourists was, then it means they knew where the bodies of tourists were currently located. And not only the bodies of tourists, but also where the tent is located. Where is the storehouse made? And from here follows a general conclusion: since they knew, it means that all these searches for the Dyatlov group were also staged. That is, the search for tourists was just a performance staged by order of the party and government. And the performers of this performance were the leaders of the Sverdlovsk region. They, these leaders, were also stagers. But not only them. I have already said that the leaders of the Sverdlovsk region - they only staged the search for the Dyatlov group, but someone staged this very hurricane. It’s clear who staged it. These are the military. And indeed, if you look at the scene of the incident, it becomes clear that there was a staged hurricane! Look here. It turned out that the tourists made a mistake by putting up a tent on the mountain. They set up a tent, there was a hurricane at night, it blew them out of the mountain, and they didn’t even have time to get dressed, and as a result, they all froze and died. And, by the way, in the resolution of the city committee it was written that Dyatlov himself was directly to blame for the death of the Dyatlov group. He allegedly made a mistake by giving the order to put up a tent on the mountain. But it was impossible to put up a tent on the mountain; there could have been a hurricane there. Where should it have been placed? In the forest. There is no wind in the forest; trees provide protection there.

And in this resolution there was also this: they were punished... well, Dyatlov could not be punished for the fact that he put up a tent in the wrong place... Dyatlov died, but the leaders of the Ural Polytechnic Institute were punished. They are punished because, you know, they did not explain to Comrade Dyatlov that it was forbidden to put up a tent on the mountain. The rector of the institute, Siunov, was punished as follows: he was severely reprimanded. The secretary of the institute's party committee, as well as the chairman of the institute's trade union committee, were also reprimanded. But the chairman of the institute’s sports committee, whose last name is Gordo, was dismissed from this position. True, a year later, it seems, it was restored. So, the party and the government staged it: they pretended that Dyatlov’s group died from a hurricane. The military placed a tent and corpses there on the pass. And the leaders of the Sverdlovsk region supervised the staging of the search for tourists.

But, as we all know, despite the version of the hurricane, it was not written in the criminal case that the cause of the death of tourists was a hurricane. And the question is, why wasn’t it written. After all, this is understandable: since the city committee stated that the reason was a hurricane, then they should have told Ivanov: “You write there in your criminal file that the reason is a hurricane.” Why didn’t Ivanov write this? The answer is simple: about a month after the meeting of that city committee, the corpses of the remaining four tourists were found. An examination was carried out and it was found that Dubinina and Zolotaryov had broken ribs. And Thibeaux-Brignolles had a fractured skull. These injuries were... Well, in short, it was a closed fracture, that is, outwardly it was not visible that their bones were broken.

And then a problem arose. The fact is that a hurricane cannot break a person’s ribs or fracture a skull. A hurricane is a powerful thing, but it cannot break a person’s bones. And if so, how can you write in a criminal case that the cause is a hurricane? Naturally, you won’t write.

So Ivanov did not write that the cause of death of tourists was a hurricane, but instead he came up with such a vague formulation that the cause of death was an irresistible natural force. That is, the following picture emerged: it was not possible to blame the hurricane. Now, if Dubinina, Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignolles had not had broken bones, they would have been able to blame it on the hurricane. Like, people were frozen, they were cold.

And since the bones were broken, the hurricane staging failed. And this ultimately led to the fact that this incident was never forgotten. Because look: if they had blamed the hurricane, and the tourists’ bones weren’t broken, then no one would have returned to this incident. Everyone would have forgotten about him long ago. Hurricane, what is there to investigate?

It is precisely the fact that Dubinina and Zolotarev had broken ribs, and Thibault-Brignolle had a fractured skull, which is why this “Mystery of Dyatlov Pass” arose. Therefore, people are still trying to solve this mystery, but they just can’t.

The whole reason is that three tourists had terrible injuries. If not for this, then everyone would have forgotten about this incident long ago. Therefore, in order to solve the mystery, we must first find out what is the cause of the broken ribs and what is the reason for the fracture of the skull. Until this is clarified, the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass will exist!


Перевал Дятлова. Руководители Свердловска знали правду! (Duration: 00:18:37)
[-] Подавляющее большинство людей считает, что для раскрытия какого-нибудь происшествия в истории надо непременно копаться в архивах, чтобы найти какой-нибудь секретный документ, в котором написана святая правда. То есть, думать, значит, ни о чём не надо? Просто найти, что-то там почитать, и всё - тайна раскрыта.

Но возникает вопрос: а если этого документа нет, то что? Значит, тайна никогда не будет раскрыта? И к тому же вы знаете, были ведь времена, когда никаких архивных документов вообще не было. Но тем не менее как-то историки разгадывают тайны прошлого. Например, путём археологических раскопок. Например, во времена динозавров документов же никаких не было. Но тем не менее историки как-то узнали об их существовании. Так вот, что я хочу сказать: даже если будет найден какой-то документ, то в нём вряд ли что-то прямо написано о том или ином событии. Так что даже над документом и то придётся думать. Так что, как бы вы ни пытались отвертеться, но включать мозги всё-таки придётся.

И вот сейчас я хочу поговорить об одном историческом документе, в котором кое-что раскрывается в тайне перевала Дятлова. Не знаю, кто первым нашёл этот документ, но я лично узнал о нём от Ильдара Гарифулина. Документ такой - протокол заседания бюро горкома Свердловска 27 марта 1959 года. Казалось бы, при чём тут горком партии? Какое он имеет отношение к гибели группы Дятлова? Оказывается, имеет. Дело в том, что на том заседании рассматривался вопрос о происшествии с группой Дятлова. И в конечном счёте бюро горкома заявило, что причина гибели группы Дятлова - это ураган.

Но вот что странно: ведь следствие ещё не было закончено по этому делу. Следователь Иванов продолжал расследовать, проводились разные экспертизы, опрашивали свидетелей происшествия. И тут вдруг горком как-то выяснил, что причина гибели группы Дятлова - это ураган.

Как они могли это выяснить, если следствие ещё не закончено? Так что надо подумать над этим документом, чтобы понять. А понимать тут много и не надо. Горком - это не Следственный комитет, это не милиция. И выяснить, в чём причина гибели группы Дятлова, горком не мог.

Но раз он заявил, что причина в урагане, то отсюда следует вывод: значит, им кто-то дал указание это заявить. Горком не мог заявить от себя. Тем более, что существуют следственные органы. А с их мнением надо считаться. А тут получается, им вообще наплевать было на следователя Иванова. Они сами вот взяли да и заявили, что ураган был, вот и погибли туристы.

Так вот, этот документ, протокол заседания свидетельствует: им дали указание свалить вину на ураган. А кто мог дать такое указание? Понятно кто - Кремль. Хрущёв мог им дать такое указание. А больше никто не мог.

Вот отсюда и следует вывод: и Хрущёв, и горком Свердловска - они знали, в чём истинная причина гибели группы Дятлова, и решили это дело скрыть. Скрыть правду. Вот и придумали версию об урагане. Точнее, не горком, конечно, придумал, а Хрущёв придумал и дал такое указание горкому: "Объявите, что причина трагедии с группой Дятлова - это ураган".

Они так и сделали. Приказ есть приказ. Но отсюда следует ещё вот какой вывод: ведь если они знали, в чём истинная причина гибели туристов, то, значит, они и знали, где в данный момент находятся тела туристов. И не только тела туристов, но и где палатка там стоит. Где лабаз сделан. И отсюда следует общий вывод: раз они знали, то, значит, все эти поиски дятловцев были тоже инсценировкой. То есть, поиски туристы - это был просто такой спектакль, устроенный по заказу партии и правительства. А исполнителями этого спектакля были руководители Свердловской области. Они, эти руководители, тоже были инсценировщиками. Но не только они. Я уже говорил, что руководители Свердловской области - они инсценировали только поиски группы Дятлова, но кто-то инсценировал и этот самый ураган. А кто инсценировал, понятно. Это военные. И действительно, если взглянуть на место происшествия, то становится понятно, что тут была инсценировка урагана! Вот смотрите. Тут получилось как бы, что туристы совершили ошибку, поставив палатку на горе. Палатку поставили, ночью был ураган, сдул их из горы, и они даже одеться не успели, и в результате все замёрзли и умерли. А, кстати, ведь в постановлении горкома так и было записано, что непосредственно виноват в гибели группы Дятлова сам Дятлов. Он, мол, совершил ошибку, дав указание поставить палатку на горе. А на горе нельзя было ставить палатку, там же мог быть ураган. А ставить её надо было где? В лесу. В лесу ветра не бывает, там деревья защищают.

И в этом постановлении ещё было вот что: были наказаны... ну, Дятлова наказать нельзя было за то, что он палатку не там поставил... Дятлов погиб, но были наказаны руководители Уральского политехнического института. Они наказаны за то, что они, понимаете ли, не объяснили товарищу Дятлову, что нельзя ставить палатку на горе. Ректор института Сиунов был наказан так: ему объявили строгий выговор. Выговора объявили ещё и секретарю парткома института, а также председателю профкома института. А вот председатель спорткомитета института, фамилия которого Гордо, был уволен с этой должности. Правда, через год, кажется, его восстановили. Итак, партия и правительство совершили инсценировку: они изобразили, что будто бы группа Дятлова погибла от урагана. Палатку и трупы там на перевале расположили военные. А руководители Свердловской области руководили инсценировкой поисков туристов.

Но, как мы все знаем, что несмотря на версию урагана, в уголовном деле не было написано, что причина гибели туристов - ураган. И вопрос, а почему не было написано. Ведь это же понятно: раз горком заявил, что причина - ураган, то они же Иванову должны были сказать: "Ты напиши там у себя в уголовном деле, что причина - ураган". Почему же Иванов это не написал? Ответ прост: где-то через месяц после заседания того горкома были найдены трупы остальных четырёх туристов. Была проведена экспертиза и было выяснено, что, оказывается, у Дубининой и Золотарёва сломаны рёбра. А у Тибо-Бриньоля проломлен череп. Эти травмы были... Ну, короче, это был закрытый перелом, то есть внешне не было видно, что у них кости сломаны.

И вот возникла проблема. Дело в том что ураган - он не может сломать человеку рёбра и проломить череп. Ураган - это мощная штука, но кости ломать он человеку не может. А раз так, то как ты напишешь в уголовном деле, что причина - ураган? Естественно, не напишешь.

Вот Иванов и не написал, что причина гибели туристов - ураган, а вместо этого он придумал такую неопределённую формулировку, что причина гибели - неодолимая стихийная сила. То есть, получилась следующая картина: не удалось свалить вину на ураган. Вот если бы у Дубининой, Золотарёва и Тибо-Бринболя кости не были сломаны, то удалось бы свалить вину на ураган. Мол, замёрзли люди, холодно им было.

А раз кости были сломаны, то инсценировка с ураганом не удалась. А это в конечном счёте привело к тому, что это происшествие так и не было забыто. Потому что смотрите: если бы свалили вину на ураган, а кости не были сломаны у туристов, то никто бы к этому происшествию и не стал возвращаться. Все бы давно забыли о нём. Ураган, что тут расследовать?

Вот именно тот факт, что у Дубининой и Золотарёва были сломаны рёбра, а у Тибо-Бриньоля был проломлен череп, поэтому и возникла эта "Тайна перевала Дятлова". Поэтому до сих пор люди пытаются разгадать эту тайну, но никак не могут.

Вся причина в том, что у трёх туристов были жуткие травмы. Если бы не это,то все давно забыли бы об этом прошествии. А потому, чтобы раскрыть тайну, надо в первую очередь выяснить, в чём причина перелома рёбер и в чём причина пролома черепа. Пока это не будет выяснено, тайна перевала Дятлова будет существовать!


 I would understand his version if you could have it translated into English.

Kathleen Dee Smith read1 read1 read1

Everyone and Teddy:

I don't know what to say as to what "DECISION TO APPOINT CRIMINAL EXPERT" Case files 301-302 suggest that all 9 Hikes were "Killed"...

I sent images and highlighted in blue were it is written...


Interpretation of Russian text by Google Translate

"But the question arises: if this document does not exist, then what? So the secret will never be revealed? And besides, you know, there were times when there were no archival documents at all. But nevertheless, historians somehow unravel the mysteries of the past. For example, through archaeological excavations. For example, in the time of dinosaurs there were no documents. But nevertheless, historians somehow learned about their existence. So this is what I want to say: even if some document is found, it is unlikely that anything is directly written in it about this or that event. So you even have to think about the document. So, no matter how hard you try to get out of it, you still have to use your brains.

And now I want to talk about one historical document in which something is revealed in the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass. I don’t know who was the first to find this document, but I personally learned about it from Ildar Garifulin. The document is the minutes of the meeting of the bureau of the Sverdlovsk city committee on March 27, 1959. It would seem, what does the city party committee have to do with it? What does he have to do with the death of the Dyatlov group? It turns out it does. The fact is that at that meeting the issue of the incident with the Dyatlov group was considered. And ultimately, the city committee bureau stated that the cause of the death of the Dyatlov group was a hurricane.

But here’s what’s strange: the investigation has not yet been completed in this case. Investigator Ivanov continued to investigate, various examinations were carried out, and witnesses to the incident were interviewed. And then suddenly the city committee somehow found out that the cause of the death of Dyatlov’s group was a hurricane.

How could they find out if the investigation is not yet completed? So you need to think about this document to understand. And you don’t need to understand much here. The City Committee is not the Investigative Committee, it is not the police. And the city committee could not find out what was the reason for the death of Dyatlov’s group.

But since he stated that the reason was a hurricane, then the conclusion follows: it means that someone gave them instructions to state this. The City Committee could not declare on its own behalf. Moreover, there are investigative bodies. And their opinion must be taken into account. But it turns out that they didn’t give a damn about investigator Ivanov at all. They themselves took it and declared that there was a hurricane, and that’s why the tourists died.

So, this document, the minutes of the meeting, testifies: they were given instructions to blame the hurricane. Who could give such an instruction? It is clear who is the Kremlin. Khrushchev could have given them such instructions. But no one else could.

This is where the conclusion follows: both Khrushchev and the Sverdlovsk city committee - they knew what the true reason for the death of the Dyatlov group was, and they decided to hide this matter. Hide the truth. So they came up with a version about a hurricane. More precisely, it was not the city committee who came up with it, of course, but Khrushchev who came up with it and gave the following instructions to the city committee: “Announce that the cause of the tragedy with the Dyatlov group is a hurricane.”

They did just that. An order is an order. But another conclusion follows from this: after all, if they knew what the true reason for the death of tourists was, then it means they knew where the bodies of tourists were currently located. And not only the bodies of tourists, but also where the tent is located. Where is the storehouse made? And from here follows a general conclusion: since they knew, it means that all these searches for the Dyatlov group were also staged. That is, the search for tourists was just a performance staged by order of the party and government. And the performers of this performance were the leaders of the Sverdlovsk region. They, these leaders, were also stagers. But not only them. I have already said that the leaders of the Sverdlovsk region - they only staged the search for the Dyatlov group, but someone staged this very hurricane. It’s clear who staged it. These are the military. And indeed, if you look at the scene of the incident, it becomes clear that there was a staged hurricane! Look here. It turned out that the tourists made a mistake by putting up a tent on the mountain. They set up a tent, there was a hurricane at night, it blew them out of the mountain, and they didn’t even have time to get dressed, and as a result, they all froze and died. And, by the way, in the resolution of the city committee it was written that Dyatlov himself was directly to blame for the death of the Dyatlov group. He allegedly made a mistake by giving the order to put up a tent on the mountain. But it was impossible to put up a tent on the mountain; there could have been a hurricane there. Where should it have been placed? In the forest. There is no wind in the forest; trees provide protection there.

And in this resolution there was also this: they were punished... well, Dyatlov could not be punished for the fact that he put up a tent in the wrong place... Dyatlov died, but the leaders of the Ural Polytechnic Institute were punished. They are punished because, you know, they did not explain to Comrade Dyatlov that it was forbidden to put up a tent on the mountain. The rector of the institute, Siunov, was punished as follows: he was severely reprimanded. The secretary of the institute's party committee, as well as the chairman of the institute's trade union committee, were also reprimanded. But the chairman of the institute’s sports committee, whose last name is Gordo, was dismissed from this position. True, a year later, it seems, it was restored. So, the party and the government staged it: they pretended that Dyatlov’s group died from a hurricane. The military placed a tent and corpses there on the pass."


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