I do think there's a possibility of getting wet and or having an accident at the ravine .

We have two scenarios that we can't argue with, one the ravine was empty of snow down to the river bed , then in the following three weeks the ravine filled up . ( This suggests that it is an exposed area ) . Two , it was already filled with snow , and somehow the hikers ended up underneath 4 meters of snow.
There is a chance that some of them got wet crossing the ravine . Once wet , this complicates survival from a cold uncomfortable night to extreme body heat loss.
There's a number of observations in the statements in the case files that are not often mentioned. The branches higher up the ceder were still green so to speak , it would make sense that these were broken first , then the lower dry branches were broken. The higher branches were used for flooring around the fire, that is, in part described in the case files, the two Yuri's were lying on these branches . Also it is noted that there was considerable melted snow around the fire , under the fresh snow.so the fire did burn . At least one of the matching socks for the Yuri's was found in the fire, part burned and the other matching sock on his foot which was also burned ( sock and tie).
It is also described that it was odd that a knife was used to cut the young trees used at the den for flooring as they could be snapped by the hand easily.
To think outside of the box , the den flooring could be an attempt at a bridge or raised platform to cross the stream without getting wet , or, in order to return to the tent without getting wet feet again?.
We have paradoxical undressing, others taking clothes of the other hikers for warmth or the possibility of having to remove some wet clothes and try drying them .
So, we have the high green branches broken first on the ceder , then dry branches lower down. We have flooring around the ceder fire as an insulator and melted snow. Two of the hikers lie on top of the fir branches with burns to lower limb clothes and body parts , some of their footwear is also found in the fire.
I would guess that the ceder is pivotal in survival, it has everything to get things started , shelter from above, dry branches , branches for flooring .