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Author Topic: Herzen, apothecary-artist of Vizhay pharmacy  (Read 13556 times)

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February 21, 2022, 12:32:29 AM
Read 13556 times


Charles replaced all his post with the words "nothing here" before deleting his account from the forum.
I am cleaning his mess.
You can read an archived copy of this post from August 12, 2022.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2023, 07:54:05 AM by Teddy »

May 12, 2022, 02:58:55 PM
Reply #1

Jean Daniel Reuss

Congratulations Charles. You have certainly pointed out a remarkable coincidence:
  Владимира Герцена   (French: Guertsen / English: Herzen ) is certainly both :

 • The pharmacist, apothecary-artist, from Vizhay, married to a German woman, about whom Yuri Yudin writes in his diary entry [img 10] on his return from North-2 after 28 January 1959.
 • The artist, whose works are exhibited in the Karaganda Museum of Fine Arts (Kazakhstan), according to this web page published in 2013 :


During their visit to Vizhay, on 25 and 26 January 1959, the 10 hikers had no particular reason to be interested in either the small pharmacy in Vizhay, or in
 Владимира Герцена himself who was not famous at that time.

On his return from North-2 (i.e. after 28 January) Yuri Yudin does not seem to have had a camera at his disposal and did not leave any photographs.

After the liberation of many Zeks, ordered by Khrushchev from 1953 onwards, some people, in principle liberated, remained under residence near the camps.
Thus, there may have been a relationship between the Ivdelag administration near Vizhay and the Karlag administration near Karaganda.

This could possibly explain why a pharmacist and artist from Vizhay in 1959 is particularly appreciated in Karaganda in 2013.

On the the involvment of drugs in the tragedy.
Eduard Tumanov : ...hikers took part in a fight, either between them or with outsiders...
I already ruled out a fight   between them  because even in 2022 there is no drug that induces the Capgras syndrome.
Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

December 15, 2022, 10:56:29 AM
Reply #2


Congratulations Charles. You have certainly pointed out a remarkable coincidence:
  Владимира Герцена   (French: Guertsen / English: Herzen ) is certainly both :

 • The pharmacist, apothecary-artist, from Vizhay, married to a German woman, about whom Yuri Yudin writes in his diary entry [img 10] on his return from North-2 after 28 January 1959.
 • The artist, whose works are exhibited in the Karaganda Museum of Fine Arts (Kazakhstan), according to this web page published in 2013 :


Тщательнее надо Гуглить, товарищи исследователи. Это совершенно разные люди
— «Остров Герасим. Станция искусственного осеменения». Откуда такое название?

— В девяностых годах в командировке от «Союза художников» я плавал в Арктике на теплоходе. И там встречались острова. Какие-то впечатления остались. На этой ниве и я сделал большую серию: «Сны на студеном ветру». Там край земли. Дальше люди не живут. Все остро. Какая-то проблема выживаемости…  Да нет, мне не хочется дальше развивать свою мысль. Название ассоциативное. Это не набор красивых слов, а попытка сформулировать точно. А остальное – произвольная работа над формой… Я как-то сбился… Неохота продолжать…

You need to google more carefully, fellow researchers. These are completely different people.

- Gerasim Island. artificial insemination station. Where does this name come from?

- In the nineties, on a business trip from the Union of Artists, I sailed in the Arctic on a ship. And there were islands. Some impressions remain. On this field, and I made a big series: "Dreams in the cold wind." It's the end of the earth. People don't live on. Everything is sharp. Some kind of survival problem ... No, I don’t want to develop my idea further. The name is associative. This is not a set of beautiful words, but an attempt to formulate precisely. And the rest is arbitrary work on the form ... I somehow lost my way ... Reluctance to continue ...

Ведь даже просматривая видеозапись - видно что это человек никак не может быть аптекарем из дневника Ю.Е.Юдина. Возраст в 2013 году у этого человека - порядка 60 лет. Простая арифметика выкидывает его из учета. А если погуглить творческую биографию - какие там аптеки-то?

After all, even looking at the video recording, it is clear that this person cannot in any way be a pharmacist from Yu.E. Yudin's diary. The age in 2013 of this person is about 60 years. Simple arithmetic throws him out of the account. And if you google your creative biography - what kind of pharmacies are there?

И ведь я права в своей оценке возраста. Вот он в социальных сетях.
And I'm right in my assessment of age. Here he is on social media.
Сейчас ему 68 лет, родился 10 января
Живёт в Караганда, Казахстан
Работал в Худфонд
Окончил вуз КарГУ им. Е.А. Букетова, педагогический
Окончил школу 62 школа
50 подписчиков
Now he is 68 years old, was born on January 10
Lives in Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Worked at Hudfond
Graduated from the University of KarSU named after. E.A. Buketova, pedagogical
Graduated from school 62 school
50 subscribers

Товарищи исследователи! Давайте жалеть природу в виде птичек-сов и не натягивать их на глобус...
Fellow researchers! Let's feel sorry for nature in the form of owl birds and not pull them over the globe...
« Last Edit: December 15, 2022, 11:21:41 AM by Почемучка »
Between was and was not - the river of time. You have to be able to swim - not only in the water ...

January 29, 2023, 01:04:06 AM
Reply #3


Товарищи исследователи! Давайте жалеть природу в виде птичек-сов и не натягивать их на глобус...
Fellow researchers! Let's feel sorry for nature in the form of owl birds and not pull them over the globe...
Товарищи исследователи! давайте не будем обращать внимания на бред Почемучки. Ее задача на этом форуме - испоганить тему, загадить все посты в форуме. запутать исследователей.
По поводу художника Герцена: он вполне мог быть сыном того самого Герцена, аптекаря из Вижая, о котором писал Юрий Юдин, что  в их доме было много интересных ручных поделок.
На фото - аптека поселка Вижай. Снимок взят у исследователя Янеж.

Fellow researchers! let's not pay attention to the nonsense of Почемучки. Her task on this forum is to spoil the topic, to make a mess of all the posts in the forum. confuse researchers.
Regarding the artist Herzen: he could well have been the son of the same Herzen, a pharmacist from Vizhai, about whom Yuri Yudin wrote that there were many interesting handmade crafts in their house.
In the photo - the pharmacy of the village of Vizhay. The picture was taken from the researcher Yanezh.
The following users thanked this post: Jean Daniel Reuss

January 29, 2023, 09:05:57 AM
Reply #4


Of course, Anna Vasilievna Okhremenko is interested in younger men and for the purposes of purely sexual satisfaction, which she writes about on her pages without false modesty. I envy you endlessly - such emancipation.
Therefore, as - clamped and modest: I accept proposals from various pensioners. Friendship of course.
Здесь тема про художника Герцена, а не про меня. Дай ссылку на мои страницы, о которых ты здесь сообщаешь, пусть все почитают и мне интересно.

Here the topic is about the artist Herzen, not about me. Give me a link to my pages, which you report here, let everyone read and I'm interested.