Theories Discussion > Lightning strike / Ball lightning

What the....

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Nigel Evans:
Yours looks artificial, there's lots of fakes out there.
Wrt mine look at 3.01 it has changed into 2 separate objects, don't see a balloon doing that.

No... its still joined.

Same event......     would this scare the sheeet out of you or what?!!

Was horse killed by ball lightning? Is ski pole broken as Nigel beats dead horse?
Now I begin to understand.

Nigel Evans:

--- Quote from: Loose}{Cannon on November 25, 2018, 03:09:10 PM ---Same event......     would this scare the sheeet out of you or what?!!

--- End quote ---

They're both very steady cameras which I always distrust. No issues with my video!  grin1

I don't see a balloon. That looks to be self illuminating.


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