Expeditions to the Dyatlov Pass



[1] International Expedition-2025 to Dyatlov Pass from July 1 to 8

[2] Ski Expedition "The Dyatlov Group Trail -2024" | January 27 – February 7

[3] Winter expedition to the Dyatlov Pass 2025

[4] Expeditional trip to the Dyatlov Pass from 9.12.23 to 15.12.23

[5] Экспедиция 31.07.2021-10.08.2021

[6] Expedition July-August 2023 Экспедиция июль-август 2023

[7] 2019 Russian TV expedition - need details

[8] Ski trip-expedition-2023 to the Dyatlov Pass from 12.03.23-24.03.23


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