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Author Topic: New petition to the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia  (Read 23108 times)

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July 22, 2019, 10:28:46 AM
Reply #30


Dear members,
Thank you for your advice on where to look for the disclosure of Wab theory.
I must say that I have read all his articles, dialogues with other members ... But to notice any empirical thesis (which would indicate why basically a tragedy actually occurred) from his side, I must admit that I did not find it . It is full of academic lectures, advocacy of Russian legislation, persuasion and discrediting of differently thinking people, avoidance of certain questions posed by people in the forum ... So that I actually got the feeling that it's all just a defense of the thesis that in fact it is not nothing happened, for which the state and the authorities would be guilty or responsible. In fact, nothing more than a continuation of the thesis of an 'unexplained force that could not be resisted'.
If I miss anything for negligence, I apologize.
Of course this is only my personal opinion and does not reflect the views of this forum.

July 22, 2019, 10:58:25 AM
Reply #31


So? What does it matter how one builds its theory. Or not. If one has any theory at all. I don't. If you can find something - good, if not - leave it be. Seriously - what's your fascination with WAB?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 11:19:08 AM by Teddy »

July 22, 2019, 11:41:01 AM
Reply #32


He may not have posted a 1, 2, 3 sequence of events, but from what I can see, he believes one was injured on the third rock ridge down the slope, several fell into the ravine at a location with considerable height some meters from where the RAV4 were found, and the others died of exposure attempting to rescue the injured. 


Pretty good theory in my opinion however, I don't know his version of why they left the tent to begin with.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

July 22, 2019, 11:55:32 AM
Reply #33


There is a sequence here - his words. I only translated.


How did the events unfold
"Lyuda, Semyon and Aleksander Kolevatov found wounded Tibo on the 3rd stone ridge (where Maslennikov drawing shows the dropped flashlight) and carry him from there following the easiest and most even route. In this area this is the most probable way. They have come on a place marked as 8 high slope. From there the cedar can be seen in the afternoon. At night the reflexion of the fire lit by Doroshenko and Krivonischenko will be well visible. From the top of the slope of white snow against white snow the edge and drop are not clear. While carrying Tibo they didn't notice it and the whole group tumble down the slope. Lyuda and Semyon were injured. Only Aleksander Kolevatov remained mobile and went in the direction of the fire for help. He found Doroshenko and Krivonischenko dead and removed some clothes repositioning them next to each other. Kolevatov went back (dropping some clothes found before the bodies in May 1959) at made a temporary den to lay down the injured hikers on branches while moving them to the fire. He then went to the place of fall where there are now three injured hikers and start transporting them one by one in the following order: Lyuda, Nikolay and Semyon. The work Kolevatov did was very exhausting, he didn't manage to transfer not a single person from the den to the fire. The strength of a man is not infinite even in survival mode."


July 22, 2019, 12:38:36 PM
Reply #34


Not sure where Igor and Zina were during all this, or why dig a den if the ultimate goal was to relocate them to the cedar next to the fire... If the fire was started by the 2Yuries it may have already been out.   I dunno....  See my signature line.   whacky1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

July 22, 2019, 12:52:52 PM
Reply #35



July 22, 2019, 01:20:42 PM
Reply #36


What I wrote It was just my opinion. Nothing else. Democratic right to thought. It was just an opinion, not a claim. Of course It does not any matter how one builds its theory. Like it does not matter who has found who. In the end, everyone was found dead. Important is why these young people died if, according to normal logic, they had to live for at least 50 years. Important is that things remain hidden in the name of state law. Important is that somebody is allowed to ignor a recognized pathologists like Mr Thumanov and on the other hand is offended  when somebody has been given a joke at the expense of the 375 (or more) discussion on whether the  snow avalanche was or not. There is much more important things than proving who is more clever than the other. And I totally agree with you, Teddy, if someone puts out some theory or thesis, let him develop it. Not that immediately appears a person who, due to his great ego, tries to deny it in any way. And immediately everyone is satisfied with demagogic rhetoric.
Nothing else matters.
P.s.:Where everyone thinks the same no one thinks


July 22, 2019, 01:36:36 PM
Reply #37


So we are on one page. Only a note - who found who does matter. Here is an example:
Akselrod saw Slobodin's body and noticed the icy bed. So we say his dying place wasn't doctored and probably he died first because he was still warm when he fell.
Yes, but Akselrod didn't see the rest of the bodies so if he is the only one noticing the ice under bodies we can't be sure the rest didn't have it too.
This a small example. I think it is important who found who, or in other words - who was present. Or else how can we believe the testimonies for people that haven't seen the bodies, or the tent or the labaz? Of course we need to know who found them. And when.

July 22, 2019, 03:03:01 PM
Reply #38


So we are on one page again.
Only a note:
 Who is found who is relevant only if  it leads to conclusions which is basically important and that is:  Why Slobodin was at that night in the snow and not in the tent as he should be? As long as this (who found who) does not give an absolute answer to the basic question, it is not relevant at all. And we all know where we are now with the solution of DPI problem. At the same point as in 1959. For now.
That is for once the definition of generative semantics. Linearity of the syntax is for now only known communication. The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage more critical and dissident views. This gives people the sense that there is free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are reinforced by the limits placed on the range of the debate.

December 21, 2019, 10:31:42 AM
Reply #39


Hello. I apologize for the long silence. 
I'll try to be brief. 
The Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation did not advance in studying, to be exact in the formulation of the reasons of death of tourists of Dyatlov's group. And this is understandable. It's not that simple. Indeed do far not simply.  The Prosecutor's office cannot explain floridly.  Pour reasoning on many pages can not. She is expected to give a concrete answer. But how I understand it, probably TIME has NOT COME YET.

December 21, 2019, 10:48:12 AM
Reply #40


About the review of WAB on my explanations on the topic.  a lot to write different details with the distraction from the essence, arguments about many things and about nothing was not the goal. At one time I dealt with the topic very closely, when it was not even the subject of wide discussion. I have outlined only the basic. 1000 little things, Yes, as you correctly wrote, WAB, you can add infinitely about the kitchen.
And as nor twist , all same in information field there is indeed two strongest purveyor their goals - all to reduce to technogenu (rocket), all to reduce to avalanche ( snow Board).  And each of the captains Buyanov or Kuntsevich has its own resources.  History as where it went, I too can Express, but the subject of the causes of death it is mediocre attitude.
Kuntsevich's method now-involvement of the public. Buyanov rather engaged in work on the Internet.  His forces persecute any version, ridicule other points of view. But for the sake of justice it is necessary to tell that in information space of the Russian Federation so much fake and nonsense is really thrown out that Buyanov as the orderly. But it is distinguished by excessive suppression of the conspiracy , even spoils. He considers himself the only true , and the rest of the conspiracy theorists.  And even earned the title of special conspiracy theorist: https://cont.ws/@otto18/1284958
All I know is very well. Details of the mass. Wrote the gist.

December 21, 2019, 11:08:51 AM
Reply #41


As for the special conditions of discussions on the Russian Internet about the freedom of the versions that need to be defended or quit doing it if you do not have the strength. Dear foreigners. I do not know what the expert from Russia will say about this, although I already guess. But I'm from Russia and understand why someone does not see "policy" in the case of the Dyatlov group. Alas. She is. And such big questions in Russia always - POLITICS. And in Russia, everything is not so rosy with legislation and even with copyright.
At me personally my materials were printed as articles under other people's names on the Internet. My e-mail was being hacked. I am well versed in the possibilities of the media, who works out what topic, who supports whom. And even who drowns whom. And that's politics. Independent authors in order to reach a certain level, to bring their research to the public in Russia need to have what we call an "administrative resource". Or only samizdat, Litress, Ozone, etc. Many abandoned their research, although they stood at the origins and were even much closer to the sources than I am.  The main reasons are two-suspension from the air and discrediting opinions (ridicule, witticism, sophistry, involvement in scandals). In order to stay in the game, you need : connections, money, patronage. It's all there in two groups : Kuntsevich and brawlers. But there is no have sensible other.  Although developments are not weak. this Russia. Alas.
Why for example, as I think, WAB, is not very willing to advertise its version. 1. The risk of getting criticism on the little things, and he himself is a specialist in this profile, as you can see. 2. Risk of being recognized.

December 21, 2019, 11:22:51 AM
Reply #42


Very an interesting forum those, that here there is no personal squabbles, that very inherent forums in Russia.  For such a characteristic-the analysis of the state of woodpecker studies in the Russian Internet, special forces would have thrown insults long ago. There are specially created accounts for such actions.  And that's part of the game. And since this exists and became apparent to me in 2012, this is politics. And correctly you say that "something is wrong" if there is no interest of the state to open archives, there is only imitation of participation as here-the regional Prosecutor's office interfered. So far only imitation is visible. But raised a big noise, a big HYIP in the media and on the Internet. And it is also easy to explain why and why.  And there is a high confidence that in connection with strengthening of role of the state and strengthening of the prohibitions, the subject of the disclosure of the causes and conditions of death , forming a criminal case, Lev Ivanov, will be pushed even more. Although already today there are obvious conclusions and even evidence that the case suffers from shortcomings and even, we can say, huge gaps. But there are forces, all of which is throwing, which prove that it is normal. They also have logic. Because the fans are put on the head of don without evidence too much. Yes, the most correct thing is to describe yourself on the data that are almost not disputed. Or have become recently disputed, since several so-called "facts" were born from the first publications of journalists.

December 21, 2019, 11:50:12 AM
Reply #43


For example, for a long time it was believed, and some forces still insist on it, that the stove was not HEATED by tourists on the last night.
For a long time we were convinced, any story began with the question: why did the tourists in PANIC FLED from the tent?
And the most deadly question at any stated version: whence at tourists SUCH SERIOUS damages (Thibaut, Zolotarev, Dubinina).
There are a number of similar moments. But these are keys. And these keys determine the version. The most replicated version of the missiles and avalanche, the participation of the military in the massacre.  If it works very well, not enough pages, and year of the explanatory proceedings. And if you pour water, as now happens in order to prevent sensible proceedings, then not enough and 10 years.

The General like said, can be move to particulars. 
Respected Aspen, not see under these circumstances fisksirvoaniya traces and testimony eyewitnesses any traces technical funds type missiles on sorrow's, where teetered tent, also traces falsifications on shifting the tents.  Why is the authors version of the missile (technogenic) vs hurricane to realize it's possible. But to deny the hurricane where he can't, though , because no clear traces of his absence, but the traces of the presence there of large power wind swept away the snow masses from the top so that the top cover was revealed before the advent of berries (there are testimonies of the search engines).  By the way the video was submitted to the Internet Kuntsevich.  About temperature, wind and humidity can definitely be said for the presence of " traces of columns." By the presence of the first corpse in the form of Slobodin says "corpse bed", the ice around the cooling body. Classic freezing. The others have no such signs. But there are plenty of other things. Of the many small details is not yet possible to create a single picture, unless you allow one terrible, very conspiracy conclusion: the case file reflects not what happened to the corpses in fact during life.

December 22, 2019, 04:27:45 AM
Reply #44

Nigel Evans

Hi there. Are you c!aiming that the stove was in use that night?

December 23, 2020, 02:01:11 PM
Reply #46


 An interesting review of the film about the campaign of the Dyatlov Group, which was held on the NTV channel in the Russian Federation https://maxpark.com/community/4043/content/7274420

December 23, 2020, 02:04:59 PM
Reply #47


Sorry, it is very difficult to use it for me who do not speak English. And it is difficult, because there is no Russian-language version of the forum. The automatic Yandex page Translator does not work.