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Author Topic: Semyon Zolotaryov (Autopsy Reports)  (Read 25882 times)

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October 05, 2017, 07:04:31 PM
Read 25882 times


Zolotarev's corpse investigation report

Sheet 349

mountains. Ivdel

ACT № 2

forensic investigation of the corpse.

May 9, 1959 According to the decree of the prosecutor of the criminalist of the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office of May 7, 1959, the court of medical examiners of the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination in the Sverdlovsk Region Revived, in the presence of the prosecutor-criminalist of the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, adviser of justice Ivanova LN, expert-criminalist Churkina GA, in the morgue of the morgue of the Sanitary unit of the post office No. 240, in the daylight, the corpse of G. Zolotarev Alexander Alekseevich, aged 37, was investigated to determine the cause of death.

The circumstances of the case:

On January 23 a group of tourists, consisting of 9 participants, went on a ski trip along the route Ivdel - Mount Otorten. I.II.59, the group began climbing and stopped at an altitude of 1079 in the evening. On the night of February 2, all the participants of the march died.

A. Outdoor inspection :

On the sectional table there is a male corpse in clothes: a hat with a fur hat is worn on the head, black, trimmed with black fur, a sports woolen knitted cap of red color, with three light strips. A woolen scarf in a cage of brown and blue with an unbuttoned pin, the scarf is worn. Tourist mask of a bike and green tarpaulin on elastic bands. A fur vest on a black sheepskin, it is shabby strongly. Brown sports jacket with button-down jacket. Left breast pocket without a button. Their three buttons in the gate area are unbuttoned by the top two. The sleeve on the left hand is buttoned, and the right one is unbuttoned. Black cotton sweaters, slightly worn. Sports blue cotton with sleeves T-shirt, cotton knitted cherry-colored tank top. Canvas-colored khaki trousers-overalls with two patch pockets. In the right pocket there is an onion and coins at three, five and fifteen cents. Black quilted burki, they have brown woolen socks, with one sock on the right leg and two darning socks on the left, one woolen, the other cotton. In the inner breast pocket of the overalls were a comb and a tangle of threads. A folded newspaper in the back pocket of the coveralls. Under the overalls, ragged blue ski trousers with buttons, three buttons on the belt are not fastened, buttons are buttoned down on the cuffs. The inner pockets of the trousers are empty, under them the second trousers are the same, but on the elastic bands. In the pocket of these pants pieces of newspaper and five coins: two for 15 kopecks, two for 2 kopecks. and 10 kopecks. Gray cotton sweaters are worn on the left side over blue satin panties. On the left hand is a compass. they have brown woolen socks, with one sock on the right leg and two darning socks on the left, one woolen, the other cotton. In the inner breast pocket of the overalls were a comb and a tangle of threads. A folded newspaper in the back pocket of the coveralls. Under the overalls, ragged blue ski trousers with buttons, three buttons on the belt are not fastened, buttons are buttoned down on the cuffs. The inner pockets of the trousers are empty, under them the second trousers are the same, but on the elastic bands. In the pocket of these pants pieces of newspaper and five coins: two for 15 kopecks, two for 2 kopecks. and 10 kopecks. Gray cotton sweaters are worn on the left side over blue satin panties. On the left hand is a compass. they have brown woolen socks, with one sock on the right leg and two darning socks on the left, one woolen, the other cotton. In the inner breast pocket of the overalls were a comb and a tangle of threads. A folded newspaper in the back pocket of the coveralls. Under the overalls, ragged blue ski trousers with buttons, three buttons on the belt are not fastened, buttons are buttoned down on the cuffs. The inner pockets of the trousers are empty, under them the second trousers are the same, but on the elastic bands. In the pocket of these pants pieces of newspaper and five coins: two for 15 kopecks, two for 2 kopecks. and 10 kopecks. Gray cotton sweaters are worn on the left side over blue satin panties. On the left hand is a compass. In the inner breast pocket of the overalls were a comb and a tangle of threads. A folded newspaper in the back pocket of the coveralls. Under the overalls, ragged blue ski trousers with buttons, three buttons on the belt are not fastened, buttons are buttoned down on the cuffs. The inner pockets of the trousers are empty, under them the second trousers are the same, but on the elastic bands. In the pocket of these pants pieces of newspaper and five coins: two for 15 kopecks, two for 2 kopecks. and 10 kopecks. Gray cotton sweaters are worn on the left side over blue satin panties. On the left hand is a compass. In the inner breast pocket of the overalls were a comb and a tangle of threads. A folded newspaper in the back pocket of the coveralls. Under the overalls, ragged blue ski trousers with buttons, three buttons on the belt are not fastened, buttons are buttoned down on the cuffs. The inner pockets of the trousers are empty, under them the second trousers are the same, but on the elastic bands. In the pocket of these pants pieces of newspaper and five coins: two for 15 kopecks, two for 2 kopecks. and 10 kopecks. Gray cotton sweaters are worn on the left side over blue satin panties. On the left hand is a compass. In the pocket of these pants pieces of newspaper and five coins: two for 15 kopecks, two for 2 kopecks. and 10 kopecks. Gray cotton sweaters are worn on the left side over blue satin panties. On the left hand is a compass. In the pocket of these pants pieces of newspaper and five coins: two for 15 kopecks, two for 2 kopecks. and 10 kopecks. Gray cotton sweaters are worn on the left side over blue satin panties. On the left hand is a compass.
After the removal of clothing found: a male corpse, a satisfactory diet, a regular build, 172 cm in length. Cadaverous spots are lilac-colored, located abundantly on the back surface of the neck, trunk and extremities and on the lateral surface of the thorax on the right. The rigor mortis was resolved in the muscle groups of the joints. In the fronto-parietal region, the site of alopecia.

Sheet 350

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The existing hair cover slides when touching, the remnants of the black hair are up to 10 cm in length. In the right parietal region there is a defect of soft tissues of irregular shape 8 x 6 cm in size with thin, slightly crushed edges, with an exposure of the parietal bone. Skin covers are greenish-gray in color. Forehead low, sloping posteriorly. Eyebrows absent. In the region of the superciliary arches and eye sockets, the defect of soft tissues of a rounded shape in a section of 7 x 6 cm with thin edges, with exposure of the bones of the facial skull. The glaznitsa gap. There are no eyeballs. The back of the nose is straight. The bones and cartilage of the nose are intact to the touch. The nose is flattened at the base. The aperture of the nose is compressed. On the upper lip on the right are the remains of preserved chestnut mustache, lips are pale gray. Teeth are even, white. On the upper jaw on the right are two crowns and a tooth made of white metal, on the lower jaw four crowns of white metal. His mouth is wide open. Mucous oral cavity of greenish gray color (putrefactive changes). The mouth and ear aperture are clean. The neck is long and thin. The thorax is cylindrical. The abdomen is located below the level of the thorax. The external genitalia are formed correctly. From the anus, traces of excrement of fecal masses. In the area of ​​the fingers of the hands and feet, "bath skin". The covers of the trunk and extremities are grayish-gray with the sliding of the surface layer of the skin-epidermis. The fingers of the hands are half-bent. On the rear of the right hand at the base of the thumb is a tattoo "Gene." On the back of the right forearm in the middle third is a tattoo with the image of "beets and letters + C", on the rear of the left forearm a tattoo with the image of "G.S. DAERMMUAZUAYA"

B. Internal Research :

Skin flaps of the scalp from the inner surface are damp, dull, pale red. The bones of the arch and the base of the skull are intact. A dura mater of bluish-greenish color, poor blood filling. The soft dura mater is thin and cloudy. The convolutions and fissures of the brain are not easily discernible. Gray matter of the brain is hardly distinguishable from white matter. The contours of the ventricles of the brain are not distinguishable. Vessels of the base of the brain without features. Subcutaneous tissue of the trunk is developed satisfactorily. The position of the internal organs is correct. In the pleural cavity was contained up to 1 liter of liquid dark blood. In a pericardial bag, up to 15 cm 3 of unclear, amber liquid was contained. The heart is 13 x 10 x 6 cm. The heart muscle is on a dark red cut. In the right and left half of the heart contained up to 50 cm3 of liquid dark blood. Valves of the heart of the aorta and pulmonary artery are somewhat thickened along the clamping line. Coronary vessels of the heart are free, passable. The internal surface of the aorta is smooth, clean. Lungs from the surface of bluish-red color, are fluffy to the touch. On the cut, lung tissue is dark-cherry. When pressed from the surface of the incision, a large amount of frothy bloody liquid flows down. The larynx and bronchus clearance is free. The hyoid bone is intact. Mucous esophagus, trachea and bronchus bluish-red. The stomach contained traces of the mucous mass of a pale reddish color. The mucous membrane of the stomach is cyanotic-reddish with slightly discernible folding. The pancreas is fine-lobed on the cut, reddish yellow in color. clean. Lungs from the surface of bluish-red color, are fluffy to the touch. On the cut, lung tissue is dark-cherry. When pressed from the surface of the incision, a large amount of frothy bloody liquid flows down. The larynx and bronchus clearance is free. The hyoid bone is intact. Mucous esophagus, trachea and bronchus bluish-red. The stomach contained traces of the mucous mass of a pale reddish color. The mucous membrane of the stomach is cyanotic-reddish with slightly discernible folding. The pancreas is fine-lobed on the cut, reddish yellow in color. clean. Lungs from the surface of bluish-red color, are fluffy to the touch. On the cut, lung tissue is dark-cherry. When pressed from the surface of the incision, a large amount of frothy bloody liquid flows down. The larynx and bronchus clearance is free. The hyoid bone is intact. Mucous esophagus, trachea and bronchus bluish-red. The stomach contained traces of the mucous mass of a pale reddish color. The mucous membrane of the stomach is cyanotic-reddish with slightly discernible folding. The pancreas is fine-lobed on the cut, reddish yellow in color. trachea and bronchus bluish-red color. The stomach contained traces of the mucous mass of a pale reddish color. The mucous membrane of the stomach is cyanotic-reddish with slightly discernible folding. The pancreas is fine-lobed on the cut, reddish yellow in color. trachea and bronchus bluish-red color. The stomach contained traces of the mucous mass of a pale reddish color. The mucous membrane of the stomach is cyanotic-reddish with slightly discernible folding. The pancreas is fine-lobed on the cut, reddish yellow in color.

Sheet 351

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Liver from the surface is smooth, dull. On a cut a fabric of its red color with a cyanotic shade and poorly distinguishable hepatic drawing. The size of the liver 26 x 15 x 10 x 7 cm. The gall bladder contained traces of brown liquid. The mucous is of its brown color. Spleen flabby to the touch. The capsule is wrinkled. The size of the spleen is 10 x 7 x 3 cm. The tissue of the spleen is dark-cherry on the cut. Pulpas of the surface of the incision gives a large scraping. In the lumen of the small intestine, a mucous mass of dirty yellow color was present. The intestinal mucosa is bluish greenish. In the lumen of the large intestine, the feces are of a brownish color. The intestinal mucosa is bluish-gray in color. Kidneys from the surface are smooth, dim, the capsule from the kidneys is removed easily. The size of the right kidney is 10 x 6 x 3 cm, the left one is 9.5 x 6 x 3 cm. The cortical and medullar layers of the kidneys are not easily discernible. Kidney tissue on a dark red cut. Cortical and cerebral layers of the adrenal gland are poorly distinguished. The bladder contained up to 500 cm3 of a turbid yellowish liquid. After the extraction of the organocomplex from the thoracic and abdominal cavity, the II, III, IV, Y, YI ribs on the right are determined along the okologo-ore and mid-axillary line with hemorrhage into the adjacent intercostal muscles.
For the chemical and histological examination, a part of the internal organs is taken from this corpse.

Forensic expert - signature (Restored)
Prosecutor criminalist - signature (Ivanov)
oblast prosecutor's offices
Ml. counselor of justice
Expert forensic scientist (Churkina)


Based on the study of the corpse gr. Zolotarev, 37, I believe that his death came as a result of multiple fractures of the ribs on the right with internal bleeding into the pleural cavity in the presence of a low temperature effect. The above multiple rib fractures in Zolotarev with the presence of bleeding in the pleural cavity arose during life and are the result of the impact of a large force on the area of ​​the chest Zolotarev at the time of its fall, compression or discarding. Bodily injuries of soft tissues in the head of Zolotarev, as well as the presence of "bath skin" in the area of ​​the fingers, upper and lower extremities, are posthumous changes in the corpse of Zolotarev, which was recently found before it was found in the water.
The death of Zolotarev is violent.

Forensic expert - signature (Restored
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 07:40:43 AM by Teddy »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!
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June 04, 2018, 04:16:26 PM
Reply #1


Gray cotton sweaters are worn on the left side over blue satin panties. On the left hand is a compass. In the pocket of these pants pieces of newspaper and five coins: two for 15 kopecks, two for 2 kopecks. and 10 kopecks.

Where was the compass?

I have some difficulty interpreting this text.  Logically, we work down the layers of trousers. The compass phrase, read out of context, indicated to me that the compass was in his hand. Here, this phrase appears rather like "left hand side" of something (underwear?) to me. Then, the compass would have been buried deep in his clothing when he died. Anybody has more insight as to what this really means?

June 04, 2018, 05:44:43 PM
Reply #2


That's a really good point.  Now that I read it in that context.....  it could go either way. 

I do find it hard to believe he was clutching tue compass within his hand at the time of death. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

June 05, 2018, 03:43:54 PM
Reply #3

Per Inge Oestmoen

That's a really good point.  Now that I read it in that context.....  it could go either way. 

I do find it hard to believe he was clutching tue compass within his hand at the time of death.

One thing is for sure: No matter what overall scenario we might see as the more probable, it makes no sense that he would try to use a compass at the moment of his evidently violent death.

June 05, 2018, 04:29:19 PM
Reply #4


I do find it hard to believe he was clutching tue compass within his hand at the time of death.

I agree. Would be quite unusual and therefore probably more widely known.

My feeling is that the Russian text is clear, and this little ambiguity is an artifact of translation.

June 05, 2018, 04:32:30 PM
Reply #5


One thing is for sure: No matter what overall scenario we might see as the more probable, it makes no sense that he would try to use a compass at the moment of his evidently violent death.

I do not think so either. However, he might not have known that death was immenent when it struck.

June 05, 2018, 05:31:01 PM
Reply #6

Per Inge Oestmoen

One thing is for sure: No matter what overall scenario we might see as the more probable, it makes no sense that he would try to use a compass at the moment of his evidently violent death.

I do not think so either. However, he might not have known that death was immenent when it struck.

It is rather unlikely that Zolotarev did not know he was in serious trouble after having sustained such injuries:

"broken ribs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on the right side, two fracture lines"


A recent investigation has concluded that Zolotarev very probably lay on his back and received one or several (that is undecided) hard blunt blows. That cannot have been caused by snow, as some first mistakenly assumed.

In addition the same investigation revealed that he had a broken scapula. The "open wound on the right side of the skull with exposed bone, 8x6 cm in size" is inconsequential and might well be the result of decomposition and friction. Not so with the broken bones.

Of course, one might theorize that it was all an accident and that Zolotarev was suddenly struck by some hard and blunt object like a bolt from the blue with no involvement from other humans. But then one runs into several big problems.

October 26, 2019, 07:19:21 AM
Reply #7


A question in language.
yamuru demuzaa = Также проходит Моисей.
yamuru demuja = Демон проходит мимо.
