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Author Topic: Fundraiser to Reopen the Case  (Read 20545 times)

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June 22, 2018, 11:15:01 AM
Read 20545 times


Yuri Kuntsevich has said that the work on the investigation of the case is now starting. He is seeing a relative of Rustem Slobodin who lives in Ekaterinburg first for him to complete the documents for the court and then he is then doing the same with Yuri Doroshenko’s sister who is in Kazakhstan. Yuri is also taking documents proving kinship with the deceased from other relatives of the group. This is the first step to recognise them as having a direct legal interest in having the case reopened
A very big thank you from Yuri at the Dyatlov Foundation, Prosecutor Leonid Proshkin and myself to everyone who is helping to make this possible. In the meantime we are now only £380 away from reaching our goal. If you can please spread the word far and wide just to get this final hurdle completed, we will be there.
I was in the middle of typing this update from Yuri when Coral Hull has just made a second donation taking us now to within £350 of the target – Coral, thank you so much for your help.
More updates will follow.
Help spread the word!

From Tristan: We are currently 350 pounds shy of reaching the goal. So so so so close. If anybody can help even donate a few bucks, it will all help!
« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 01:36:24 AM by Teddy »

June 23, 2018, 07:53:47 AM
Reply #1


Yuri Kuntsevich has said that the work on the investigation of the case is now starting. He is seeing a relative of Rustem Slobodin who lives in Ekaterinburg first for him to complete the documents for the court and then he is then doing the same with Yuri Doroshenko’s sister who is in Kazakhstan. Yuri is also taking documents proving kinship with the deceased from other relatives of the group. This is the first step to recognise them as having a direct legal interest in having the case reopened
A very big thank you from Yuri at the Dyatlov Foundation, Prosecutor Leonid Proshkin and myself to everyone who is helping to make this possible. In the meantime we are now only £380 away from reaching our goal. If you can please spread the word far and wide just to get this final hurdle completed, we will be there.
I was in the middle of typing this update from Yuri when Coral Hull has just made a second donation taking us now to within £350 of the target – Coral, thank you so much for your help.
More updates will follow.
Help spread the word!

From Tristan: We are currently 350 pounds shy of reaching the goal. So so so so close. If anybody can help even donate a few bucks, it will all help!

Dear CalzagheChick !
 Before to expect for success of this new investigation, let's understand, what chances of success are and that everyone should receive at the end of this investigation.
1. I have closely read Leonid Proshkina's all materials in the new book just issued by Dyatlov fund. There right at the beginning there are I 3 articles too. All his arguments are reduced to that investigation has made be relative many mistakes of only bureaucratic type and he cannot explain the reason of dead Dyatlov group. But it not argument for renewal of investigation. Leonid Proshkin means, that there was that that technogenic, however any certificates of it are not present. From a word which means - any. Besides, his claims concerning the rocket version to me as to the expert in this section of technical equipment was simply ridiculous to read. And that he (or who another) cannot explain that, why so events developed, it at all argument for a legal direction of investigation. There is only a scientific direction. However it not the complaint in Office of Public Prosecutor, and separate research. In it in a measure of forces and opportunities the community which discusses at forums also is engaged. Certainly serious discussion turns out only at those who has sufficient knowledge and practice. All works is more theoretical, practical researches, of particular in the winter on that district 2 persons were engaged only. He is Alexander Alekseenkov and I. When you start to read, that about those conditions that were during all events at Dyatlov group, to me it becomes sad from reasonings at a children's level of younger age. By the way, if to compare this criminal case with similar which started on other similar failures there mistakes and defects was even more. Therefore incompleteness and mistakes of investigation it occurs because inspectors are not ready to such events and such conditions. From the 20 search and rescue works where I participated, I saw 5 … 7 criminal cases, therefore to me is with what to compare.
2. Even if this investigation will be again started (it is practically unreal case on probability) all the same it will be necessary to begin with conditions on district in the same conditions. Who will be engaged it? Visiting to place for 1 day will give nothing. Even because in bad weather there the usual person will not get, and to compare to good weather it there is a full absurdity. Inspectors it is usual people, city dwellers which have no enough preparation for normal travel there, even on 3 … 4 days. For such level some years of preparation are necessary. At me such preparation almost 60 years, at Alexander Alekseenkov  more than 40 years. Neither I, nor at Alexander do not have even small suspicion on the artificial reason of destruction of Dyatlov group. As well as suspicions, that who there could get that the stranger, except for hikers and Mansi. The it place is hardly removed to it and wild. Even now the first attempt will get there to the casual person impossible. Let's not speak, that she will have though what that sense, except for extreme travel. If investigation will address to experts except for us, them to not find. And if will address to whom that to another who there was not or knows features much worse us it will be again wrong investigation and all will return on the same place where now it is. Even it will be even worse. Because it discredits concept of investigation.
3. The arguments brought by Leonid Proshkin are not essential. Because anything new there it is not resulted, and the limitation period on such affairs for a long time has expired. Attempt to give reason for renewal of investigation by that there was a murder, is not solvent, because any proofs there are not present. And on unsubstantiated assumptions of anything to renew it will not be possible. Words and suspicions, it not is proofs. And if to speak about an opportunity of murder bat it is nonsense. It could not be made, and there was no reason to this. Some time is possible to think out this reason, but that fact available is not present.
I not in коем a case am not going to dissuade anybody to collect of money for renewal of investigation, but this money only for initial work of lawyers. And it not only does not guarantee the beginning of investigation, but also will not give what that of results, except for reputation image and material purchases to lawyers.
I for that investigation would be, but only fair and under the initiative of the most investigatory committee. And the way which it can be reached{achieved}, is not on the basis of the finance. It is necessary constantly (speaking images) « are knocked on doors of administration of the president RF».
By the way, to inquiries from foreign citizens our officials concern much better, than to inquiries from the citizens. You would write inquiry about the address to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, that you have familiarized with this case, and cannot understand, that there has taken place, because the official information very not clear and confusing. This case is very unusual and mysterious. Could not charge He to whom with that from to his officials understand with this case and to inform were interested foreign citizens? It would be much more powerful argument, concerning the complaint Leonid Proshkin to investigatory committee. The letter is necessary to write from group of interested people or from what that to the informal (independent) organization.
As far as I know, Vladimir Putin concerns to such requests with interest and is very benevolent.
It for a long time and hardly, but for money true you will not buy. As soon as there that certain will tell, so the investigatory committee there and then will begin investigation. Only then all again will return on a way of scientific studying of a problem. Сriminal find there is impossible. All is determined by conditions of a place.

So, let's present, what we would like to receive at the end of this action?
My scientific practice speaks, that if not know, that it is necessary to receive in the end and as it should be made precisely the result always will be negative.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 01:35:51 AM by Teddy »

June 25, 2018, 09:31:11 AM
Reply #2


So you're saying we are much better off writing a letter as interested and concerned foreign citizens to Vladimir Putin to inquire about the Dyatlov Pass Incident?

June 25, 2018, 02:20:25 PM
Reply #3


Trust me, WAB, I totally understand what you're saying. I'm skeptical that any new investigation could possibly uncover anything new. This was all destroyed 60 years ago. What we have is what we have.

But it's fair enough for Keith McClosky to open up a campaign with high hopes. A lot of people support him. Why shouldn't we? Yuri Yudin himself said that Russia now is all about the almighty dollar. If money is what gets people to jump on board and take a look, why not? It's just money. It's not God.

What theory do you yourself stand behind WAB? You're the scientific community behind all of this. I don't think I've ever seen you clearly state what theory you believe.

August 28, 2018, 07:16:21 PM
Reply #4


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The case needs reopening. Its really up to the Russian Government. Iam sure they are aware of the renewed public interest in recent years.