Theories Discussion > Lightning strike / Ball lightning
The Real Ball Lightning theory
Nigel Evans:
Just updating here with the discussion on the NO2 thread -
The theory is that some forms of ball lightning (not necessarily visible, microwave solitons?) generate large quantities of nitrogen oxides and the DPI group had the bad luck of being in a downwind plume (see videos). This resulted in poisoning some/many of the group with NO2 resulting in silo fillers disease, particularly Yuri D who appears to died considerably earlier than most. Evidence for the theory is :-
* The colour of the deceased faces and hands but not bodies at their funerals (versus at the morgue).
* Lyudmila's face.
* Yuri D's foam on cheek fits with pulmonary edema, also apparently a number of autopsies demonstrated enlarged aortas suggesting pulmonary distress.
* The plume could be quite hot at source. The condition of the snow, sastrugi around the tent as reported by rescuers and as photographed (hotspot) suggests that the snow on this area of the hill had it's temperature raised close to melting. Ditto the unusual persistence of the footsteps. Also imo it could explain a lack of frostbite for people to have been walking around in their socks for say two hours in -15C or colder plus wind chill?Further if the plume contained other nitrogen oxides such as N2O (laughing gas) then this could explain some dubious decision making :-
* abandoning the tent for the forest. N.B. they could possibly have felt quite warm if still in the plume going downhill (as indicated by the footsteps).
* climbing a tree was not a smart idea?It would also explain at lot of minor injuries. N2O also makes you clumsy.
Further the same electro magnetic phenomena that created the plume then produced ball lightning rollers which have a consistently observed feature that they demonstrate significant mass/momentum (Ivanov's fire orbs, scorched trees). This narrative assumes that they were produced at the peak and rolled down the hill under gravity. Unfortunately sheltering in the ravine proved to be a second piece of bad luck. A roller found the ravine and followed down it (pin ball alley) resulting in impact/crushing injuries for several members of the group (including Rustem who died of internal bleeding).
Igor and Zina were spared the roller but perished in the cold attempting to return to the tent probably because as the incline steepened their reduced cardio vascular ability maxed out. This why they and Rustem where all found within 300 metres.
--- Quote ---The colour of the deceased faces and hands but not bodies at their funerals (versus at the morgue).
Lyudmila's face.
The plume could be quite hot at source. The condition of the snow, sastrugi around the tent as reported by rescuers and as photographed (hotspot) suggests that the snow on this area of the hill had it's temperature raised close to melting.
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Sure, if you could please link us to the exact page source from the ORIGINAL CASE files where these things are stated..... thanks in advance. excuseme
--- Quote ---After an autopsy was performed in Ivdel, the corpses were sent to the Sverdlovsk military morgue, where they conducted a second autopsy to determine the causes of death.
In the morgue, for the identification of the bodies of Igor Dyatlov and Rustem Slobodin, the tenth participant of the campaign, Yuri Yudin, arrived. He noticed the dark brown color of the opened and processed corpse of Igor Dyatlov, the color of the raw corpse of Rustem Slobodin was ordinary. Later, the children present at the funeral will speak about the unusual dark color of all the corpses.
In the acts of the FMS, the skin color of the corpses is described as reddish-purple, after the morgue, the skin color of the corpses changed and acquired a brown tint that was noticed at the funeral. Methanol in the digestive tract converts a dangerous poison - formaldehyde, This poison was in dead bodies. To neutralize formaldehyde use potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). When formaldehyde interacts with potassium permanganate, a vigorous reaction takes place, accompanied by high temperature, as a result of which the formaldehyde boils and evaporates quickly. The skin color becomes yellow-brown.
For the treatment of corpses, in order to oxidize the methyl alcohol and evaporate formaldehyde from the bodies, apparently, potassium permanganate (manganese potassium) was used. After being treated with manganese, the corpses acquired a brownish color, this unusual dark color surprised those present at the funeral.
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the skin color of the corpses is described as reddish-purple, but miraculously after TWO autopsies, they come out brown. WHO WOULDA THUNK IT!!!!
--- Quote ---After many years, Vladimir Ivanovich would be the first to tell that he, a very young investigator, remembered how high-level KGB officers were present at the scene of the death of the same people as he, who warned about the special mode of investigation, how they took a subscription from not disclosing secrets for a period of 25 years, how journalists were not allowed to the search site, how innocent Mansi were interrogated in the cold, how terrible injuries were found in the dead, how barrels of alcohol were brought and forced physicians after the examination Oops wash in alcohol, and much, much more. Then, in tens of years, Vladimir Ivanovich will be interested in the fate of his first case, which has remained undisclosed for him.
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--- Quote regional bureau of forensic revived
Prosecutor Sverdlovsk Region State Counselor of Justice 3rd Class Klinov
prosecutor criminologist regional prosecutor ml. Counselor of Justice Ivanov, witnesses: Gordo, Naskichev
Revived put on the document print forensic scientist.
The deed was done, the true cause of death is hidden ...
The role of the orderly in the Ivdel morgue, due to the lack of such, had to be performed by Vladimir Ivanovich Korotaev.
He worked with corpses in order to transfer the organs of the dead to Sverdlovsk for histology (the conclusion of which is not in the file).
He, a 22-year-old investigator, was then surprised by one fact - after opening each corpse, everyone went to wash themselves with ethyl alcohol. For this, a barrel of alcohol was brought to the morgue.
Oxidation of methanol in the body occurs with the formation of stronger poisons - formaldehyde and formic acid. The antagonist (neutralizer, antidote) of methanol is ethanol (ethyl alcohol), which competes with methanol for oxidative enzymes and inhibits the formation of toxic methanol metabolites.
If methanol gets on the body or on the hands, they should be washed off with plenty of water. When methanol gets on spec. clothes, they should be removed, washed in warm water, and the body should be washed in the shower for at least 15 / pminut.
The morgue of the "p / i H-240" part of Ivdel. Korotaev V.I. attended the autopsy tel.
There was no soul in the Ivdel morgue, so they made it easier and more efficient - the methanol labeled with radioactive nuclide, which had frozen bodies impregnated, and which by chance could remain on the bodies of health workers, was neutralized with ethanol.
At that time, Henrietta Eliseevna Churkina, her V. Korotaev, was present in Ivdel. asked to make an examination of the tent.
She drew attention to the strange shade of the clothes of the dead, hung after processing on the street.
I was present at the medical examination of the corpses, which was conducted by Boris the Reborn. I remember well when they took off their clothes and hung them on the ropes, we immediately noticed that she had some strange light purple hue, although it was of very different colors.
I asked Boris: “Don't you think that clothes are processed with something?” He agreed.
In order to eliminate the possibility of erroneous use of methanol as an alcoholic drink, it is added with chemical ink or other dye of a dark color, which dissolves well in methanol, at the rate of 2-3 liters per 1000 liters of methanol.
All information from Ivdel stopped, all lived only rumors.
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