Theories Discussion > Catabatic Wind - Acute Stress Reaction - Cold Air Drops
Acute Stress Reaction
--- Quote from: Lupos on January 24, 2021, 07:52:27 AM ---This is the 2nd ABSTRACT.
The full article will be edited further.
If necessary, I will renew the abstract and insert it here with another link. Absolut Virus free. A German T-Online Cloud.
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I have just read it. Its well put together. But I have many issues with your assertation. Lets start with the Tent. You say that it was in bad condition. But we have no way of knowing the exact condition of the Tent. We have seen photographs. Some of those old canvas type Tents were very strong. I have used a similar type in extremely windy conditions, actually gale force conditions that blew Trees down around me. As for the holes well the only holes Iam aware of are the ones caused by Cuts. I see your Tent in the experiment blew over and probably fairly easily. The Dyatlov Tent was firmly fixed to the ground. Now you say that the Katabatic wind really got going from 7PM and that the wind from above started at 11PM. Now if that were the case it means that the Dyatlov Group would have had plenty of time to think about the situation and do something about it. Obviously they evacuated the Tent very quickly without stopping to dress properly or gather together their essentials.
found it and read it, thank you Ziljoe. bumping it back up for people like myself who haven't seen it.
One thing that I would like to see looked into is Semyon was a trained soldier, they train over and over so muscle memory takes over in times of extreme stress. It would be an interesting avenue for someone who, unlike myself, had military knowledge and could find some sources about dealing with situations like this. i.e. extreme stress with limited options
Not a problem.
I'm not sure how much training Semyon would have had as a soldier or what skill set or muscle memory would come into things. However , he may have had experience in times of stress or fear. Being able to assess the situation first before any panic.
Given that he was one of the better dressed , he may have decided to get his boots and smock on and also take some more clothes for the rest of the group , if for example they made for going down the slope first and getting distance from the tent. Maybe he followed with some clothes to give to the rest of the group? Hence , one of the reports of some items found leading away from the tent .
For arguments sake, he battled a slow continuous slide of snow/wind for what he could quickly and assuming take before he concluded the risk was too great to hang about any more.
Again I will repeat, although their may have been no real danger from a small snow slip, slab, slide or whatever version of an avalanche , they just needed to perceive there was a danger and there is the possibility of the wind and tempature drop.
Only a thought and it's all very interesting.
Олег Таймень:
--- Quote from: Lupos on December 24, 2019, 12:09:23 AM ---Afterwards, the group, which was brought to the limit of its physical and psychological powers by the hurricane and the cold
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How did the tourists undergo physical exhaustion in 6-8 hours? Did they run a marathon for 6-8 hours? Or unloaded a car of coal at speed? Explain what kind of physical activity, in your opinion, the tourists experienced in this short period of time? Estimate the volume and intensity of this physical activity in numbers.
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