Theories Discussion > General Discussion

Book "1079"

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Star man:

--- Quote from: Teddy on February 21, 2021, 01:32:15 AM ---The book is a patchwork of information from documents.
Half of the text, if not more is in italics, which means it is citation.
Since the book became cumbered with reference notes from the start we decided to have all the supporting documents and photos listed on the site per chapter.

You can find the chapter where you have read about the participation of the sappers and see what documentation we have to show for that.
You mean Chapter 6  but the mother lode of the search documents is in Chapter 7.

Shestopalov's identity was discovered November 2020 by Natalya Varsegova (Komsomolskaya Pravda). Till that moment we only knew his last name. Please follow the links above to see the documents that support his role in the case.

As for Nigel Evans - this our own garden variety of a hater. This is what keeps me away from forums. There is nothing productive in pollinating with hatred every post that addresses the book. Nothing I say would change his mind because he is not quoting things from the book.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Teddy.  Will delve into the details when I get a chance.  I am sure there are many more discussions to have.  Well done, and you have written something to be proud of imo.


Star man

I miss the "old" Nigel. The one who offered intriguing and well-considered ideas in the forum. Especially ideas about the military exercise/exploded missile scenario or the ball lightning scenario. Pointing out someone's spelling error contributes nothing. Or criticizing others without providing alternate ideas.

I will admit; I have some questions that are mainly curiosity based (like the mention of seeing a red haired man holding one of the women, who both had died crawling together.  I just wonder which guy that was?  I'm mostly curious because I'm a red head, lol!  I got the impression Dyatlov had reddish hair, and Slobodan?  Again, its just curiosity that has no bearing on anything.)

Otherwise, even if you don't come to the same conclusions, the amount of information in this book is staggering.  There is more packed into this one book than any other on the market, regardless of theorem.  That alone has helped change my entire view of the incident and parts of my world view, to be absolutely honest.  I always wanted to know more; we all do.  But this book makes me want more than I did before, if that makes sense? 

At any rate, thank you, Teddy.  Both of you.  Your passion for this is unquestionable. 

i've just finished reading it and feel overwhelmed with all the research and details that must have gone into it.  Well done to both of you for writing it.  I learnt so many things I didn't know from the book and would definitely recommend it.  I'm also curious about the man with red hair that was apparently dragging/pulling Zina?, who had broken arms and legs to the tent - or is that a fake report?  It would be incredibly painful to be dragged with broken limbs, so maybe that is not true?  It's always haunted me thinking they had to strip the clothes off their dead friends to survive, so I'm glad that has turned out not to be true. 

Star man:

--- Quote from: Nigel Evans on February 21, 2021, 01:13:29 AM ---We're not reading the same book....
Imo it's a good explanation for the ravine crushing and not much else.

* There are four? photos of them ascending above the treeline and building their last camp. Ivanov was satisfied that the position of these photos on the roll(s) fitted with them ascending and making camp on the ridge on Feb 1? He even guessed the time?
* Ivanov was satisfied that the hand written entries in the diaries (particularly Igor's concern about camping on the ridge) were genuine.
* Zinaida's facial injuries don't fit.
* Ditto Rustem's head injuries on both sides of the head don't really fit.
* The stove burnt YuriK's leg, charred one half of one toe and YuriD's hands and singed his hair?
* This red hot stove badly burns YuriK through his trousers and socks but magically doesn't even singe the tent?
* The dark hands and faces are just ignored because there is no explanation within this narrative?
* The rest of the story about creating the campsite, positioning the bodies on the slope and creating the footsteps is just bonkers imo. Why not just pack everything up, dress them, strap them into their backpacks and skis and put them in the river under the ice? If they were ever found at all in such a remote region there's an easy explanation that they fell through weak ice and the fish did the rest.
* After the last four were found and defection concerns were satisfied,  Urakov travelled from Moscow to Sverdlovsk to shut the case down? Urakov's boss sat at the same table with Khrushchev and he's protecting some goons in Ivdel? Most unlikely.As said before there were 75 theories, now there are 76. Sorry.

--- End quote ---

Yeah I think its credible Nigel.  They may have been digging the labaz not setting camp.
After all this time it is clear to me that it would be insane to make camp there and the staged tent presents a picture of complete nonsense.
The injuries do seem to fit overall although I would need to look at Zina'a and Rustems in more detail to understand
If Yuri K was unconscious then the burns could have been sustained as stated.  If the stove was lying on his leg then it prevent damage to the tent but some items inside may have been singed.
Why stage instead of hide them? - I think that given the snow they might not have recovered everything which could then be found later, hence stage at the existing scenes prevents this.


Star man


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