Theories Discussion > KGB / Radiation / Military involvement
Semyon's Final Photo's enhanced and colourised/colorized
Hello sarapuk and eurocentric.
I really don't know enough about developing pictures to have much of an opinion in this matter. But here I will quote from the book on page 99, first full paragraph.
"The next stage was for Yakimenko to examine the relevant clippings of the celestial phenomenon with the microscope at a much higher magnification of x1000."
And further down page 99...
"Again (as with his previous exercise of examining the film under x30 magnification), he identified scanner faults, micro particles and miniature scratches....When he began examining the object/s under x1000 magnification, he divided the clippings into four groups and these groupings were by similarity of object/s."
--- Quote from: eurocentric on July 30, 2020, 05:28:15 PM ---
5. "Jaws"
5. Jaws - at first I thought this was a parachute unfurling, now I wonder if it's an item of clothing, such as a hat, blown upwards by the wind (or a downdraft).
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Can anyone else see a dark human figure to the left and above the bright white area. Also, just above the mid part of the white area to the left hand side of a dark patch there is what looks like a dog's head -eyes, nose ear. It's more than likely just my brain trying to create patterns where there are none or not possible because of the scaling issues being discussed. Once you see it though it's hard to unsee it.
If I look at it just right I can see what looks like the top half of a man with dark hair and wearing a jacket and tie. I can not see a dog no matter how hard I try. But I believe if we look hard enough we could see other things too.
--- Quote from: sparrow on August 06, 2020, 01:09:12 AM ---Hello sarapuk and eurocentric.
I really don't know enough about developing pictures to have much of an opinion in this matter. But here I will quote from the book on page 99, first full paragraph.
"The next stage was for Yakimenko to examine the relevant clippings of the celestial phenomenon with the microscope at a much higher magnification of x1000."
And further down page 99...
"Again (as with his previous exercise of examining the film under x30 magnification), he identified scanner faults, micro particles and miniature scratches....When he began examining the object/s under x1000 magnification, he divided the clippings into four groups and these groupings were by similarity of object/s."
--- End quote ---
Unless, for some bizarre reason, the "clippings" have been cropped to 35mm format, then the source material at this website appears to be the entire 35mm frames, and we know the image scale of the objects in 2 of them from the camera sprocket holes (which appear at the edges of negatives).
If they've been examining imperfections in film grain with a microscope that does not detract from the larger image. There is no way a random set of microscopic film faults somehow morph into a lamp of particular shape, as in Frame 7 - something the author refers to as a "celestial phenomenon".
--- Quote from: sparrow on August 08, 2020, 04:16:33 AM ---If I look at it just right I can see what looks like the top half of a man with dark hair and wearing a jacket and tie. I can not see a dog no matter how hard I try. But I believe if we look hard enough we could see other things too.
--- End quote ---
Yes its possible to imagine all sorts of things.
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