Theories Discussion > KGB / Radiation / Military involvement

Semyon's Final Photo's enhanced and colourised/colorized

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--- Quote from: ash73 on February 03, 2021, 09:31:30 PM ---It's interesting how the human brain looks for patterns, especially faces. This is what I see:

Sometimes photos can be superimposed when developed. Did Semyon spot some Moose near the tent, grab his camera and take some photos, causing it to charge the tent and injure his comrades? I've seen the Elk hypothesis mentioned here, I like its simplicity. They could have evacuated and retreated to the trees carrying the injured, started a fire to get them warm, argued fiercely about what happened, and so on...

ETA: one of them looks more like a wolf.

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Looks like something went wrong with the Film being Developed. Or its those notorious Fire Balls ! ?


--- Quote from: ash73 on February 03, 2021, 11:43:18 PM ---This one rotated 180 degrees looks like the canvas of the tent with some threads hanging down, and the lantern outside shining through lots of holes and imperfections. Surely the tent wasn't in that sort of state though?

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The Tent wasnt that bad. It had a few stiches here and there but it was good old fashioned Canvas. Once again this could be a Film Development fault or one of those Fire Balls.


--- Quote from: sarapuk on February 04, 2021, 12:56:07 PM ---
--- Quote from: ash73 on February 03, 2021, 09:31:30 PM ---It's interesting how the human brain looks for patterns, especially faces. This is what I see:

Sometimes photos can be superimposed when developed. Did Semyon spot some Moose near the tent, grab his camera and take some photos, causing it to charge the tent and injure his comrades? I've seen the Elk hypothesis mentioned here, I like its simplicity. They could have evacuated and retreated to the trees carrying the injured, started a fire to get them warm, argued fiercely about what happened, and so on...

ETA: one of them looks more like a wolf.

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Looks like something went wrong with the Film being Developed. Or its those notorious Fire Balls ! ?

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You don't see the eyes??

There's no pictures of the negatives of his films, is there? To me a lot of those pictures (like the horn and eagle 2) look like the very light part is simply a hole in the film leaving the rest overexposed to light...


--- Quote from: ash73 on February 05, 2021, 01:50:59 AM ---You don't see the eyes??

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I see the eyes.  They're quite striking once pointed out!  Seeing your photo with the red outlines gave me a start the first time I saw it.

But, the human visual-perceptual system is very good at noticing "patterns" in random noise.  I don't think any useful information can be gleaned from this image, and I think the same thing about almost all of Zolotaryov's "photos".


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