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Author Topic: Decision to leave the tent  (Read 38272 times)

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January 18, 2021, 04:17:45 AM
Reply #30

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Starman, (reply 24)
Not who but what. The last photo in the sequence appears to show the broken ski pole used to secure the tent. The first photo of the rescue party locating the tent appears to show the same, albeit from a reversed angle.

I am sure the equipment and gear was the hikers.


Star man

January 18, 2021, 04:18:50 AM
Reply #31

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Everything at the tent is wrong.  We have a fairly orderly scene inside the tent, and then the whole side cut up and ripped open.  Whoever cut up and ripped through the side of the tent must have tidied up afterwards? 
This has bothered me for a long time, since I first read the interview with Sharavin.  He is very clear about how the skis, backpacks, then quilted jackets were laid down, with the blankets over top.  He is asked specifically whether the blankets were crumpled up or smooth, and he replies that they were smooth.  I cannot imagine any emergency in which it is necessary to cut one's way out of a tent that would leave the blankets smooth and flat while 7-9 people scramble over them and through the exit hole in a panic.

I had often wondered why they didn't grab a blanket to take with them, if they had to exit the tent in a hurry without time for coat or shoes.  I could only surmise that the blankets were packed away and not easily available.  Again, not so.

To me, this greatly reduces the possible explanations for the scenario as it is found.

It is definitely a simpler explanation.


Star man

January 18, 2021, 11:00:06 AM
Reply #32


Starman (reply 30)
So you would propose that at some point after YY leaves them with a gammy leg, they are kidnapped and an alternative group take their possessions and continue the route until the final staging point on 1079 and then they (the stagers) vanish. And they take photos to muddy the water. At which point, the now dead or dying Dyatlov group are "parachuted" in. No pun intended. Whilst it sounds exciting, what was there to gain other than nine dead hikers?

January 18, 2021, 12:21:41 PM
Reply #33


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
If they were never at the tent, and died earlier, who would have the resources to transport them there, set up the tent, and stage everything? Surely there was plenty of time but those doing the staging wouldn't necessarily know that. Transporting them by hand through the forest is a multi-day task.. will leave traces, etc. Unnecessarily onerous and slow. Much more likely one would need to use a vehicle, and the only option is a helicopter, that can both take off from where they died and land where the tent was staged because it's a lot of manual labour to set it up the way it was found.. you need men on the ground not just simply drop the bodies. And then they had to fake the diary entries...

It seems like a lot of effort and resources for no gain. Because of the necessity of a helicopter, it can only be the military. But why?There are much easier ways to cover up the deaths, if that's what they wanted to do. Just make the bodies disappear. If one had means to stage an accident they also had the means to make them disappear and it's less effort and also less suspicious, everyone would just assume they are under the snow somewhere. If there's no tent to function as a waypoint, finding them would have been close to impossible anyway, even with the tent nearby it took many months to find the last four... Plus if they just disappear, there is no risk in leaving inconsistent and therefore suspicious details. Like getting someone's birthday wrong in a diary, why risk that?

Therefore it seems irrational to stage the accident.

And if it wasn't staged, it must have been the Dyatlov group who set up their tent.

Its starting to look like a major denial.  Like those people who think that the Apollo 11 never went to the Moon. We have the Dyatlov Group hiking on Skis up through and by the Forest for most of the way and they set up a store not that far from the Mountain. We have the photos and Diaries to help us there. Something made them set up the Tent on an exposed Mountainside.

January 18, 2021, 12:26:21 PM
Reply #34


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
They probably were never at the tent.


Star man

What makes you think that  !  ?

Everything at the tent is wrong.  We have a fairly orderly scene inside the tent, and then the whole side cut up and ripped open.  Whoever cut up and ripped through the side of the tent must have tidied up afterwards? 


Star man

Well I have to say I can not see anything wrong at the Tent. The Tent was found in the condition it was in by Searchers. They found personal belongings etc in the Tent. They obviously noticed that the Tent had been cut in places. And they obviously noticed that there were footprints leading away from the Tent towards the Forest.

January 18, 2021, 12:34:28 PM
Reply #35


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
They probably were never at the tent.

Whoa! I've never seen or heard anyone suggest that before. All the theories seem to take for granted that they were settled in at the tent before things went down. Now it seems the tent being staged has gained popularity. But that would just mean it was pitched elsewhere, likely near the cedar tree. What leads you to think the hikers never got as far as pitching the tent that day/night?

Its all wrong.  Everything.  The entrance facing the wind, the cuts near the entrance.  To cut through the seams where they did, would have been more akin to needlepoint than a panicked escape.  The orderly scene in the tent, given either a panicked escape, or even outsiders cutting it?  I can't  believe outsiders would not at least rifle through all of their belongings and pack packs?  No forensic analysis of the foot prints.  No toxicology report.  Shutting down the case.  Ivanov's disinterest when the rav 4 were found.  The flashlight with 10 cm of snow underneath it.  The missing cameras and film.  The missing knife at the cedar.  The strange reason for deviating off route and camping in an unsuitable exposed place, only to meet their fates the same night.  The strange way that those the with most significant injuries are conveniently found all together at the ravine.  How did they get to the ravine when they were all already dead?  The two Yuri's probably lived the longest.  Kolevatov probably died first.  The rest of the rav 4 were next, so how could they take tge clothes from tge Yuris?


Star man

Wind changes direction. Well it doesnt look like there was any other people at the Tent site at the time of the Event. Its true that the footprints could have been given more consideration at the time of them being found. But you are moving to the Cedar Tree and  Ravine and we are still at the Tent discussing their decision to leave the Tent. Something appears to have scared them to death, metaphoricaly speaking.

January 18, 2021, 12:36:49 PM
Reply #36


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Considering all the time, effort/research, money, etc. spent on this case (and not other, similar ones), I find it amusing that nobody has simply stitched together two old canvas army tents of the same type and pitched it in the same spot with similar weather conditions!  Remember that the two tents were ripping apart under much better weather conditions and with the stove working.  Imagine that ripping happening, or worse, and all you've got is a blanket and the clothing we know they could put on.  You can't survive the night, they know they will freeze to death if they don't get out of there, but they also can't allow all their gear to blow all over the mountainside and the tent might get shredded to the point where it can't be repaired.  This seems like a fairly obvious "mystery," though due to evidence issues, we will never know all the details.  Lots of other outdoor disappearances and deaths that are more puzzling, as well as airplane crashes, etc.

But the Tent wasnt ripping apart. The Tent was ok.

January 18, 2021, 12:51:00 PM
Reply #37


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Everything at the tent is wrong.  We have a fairly orderly scene inside the tent, and then the whole side cut up and ripped open.  Whoever cut up and ripped through the side of the tent must have tidied up afterwards? 
This has bothered me for a long time, since I first read the interview with Sharavin.  He is very clear about how the skis, backpacks, then quilted jackets were laid down, with the blankets over top.  He is asked specifically whether the blankets were crumpled up or smooth, and he replies that they were smooth.  I cannot imagine any emergency in which it is necessary to cut one's way out of a tent that would leave the blankets smooth and flat while 7-9 people scramble over them and through the exit hole in a panic.

I had often wondered why they didn't grab a blanket to take with them, if they had to exit the tent in a hurry without time for coat or shoes.  I could only surmise that the blankets were packed away and not easily available.  Again, not so.

To me, this greatly reduces the possible explanations for the scenario as it is found.

I think the description smooth might be a bit misleading. The searchers noted 7 crumpled Blankets. There was also a chaotic pile of footwear.

January 18, 2021, 01:45:31 PM
Reply #38


The way their boots were laid out was described as disorderly. Not to mention there being pieces of food (rusks, loin) over the blankets. So I don't think it can be called tidy. And I've also read a description saying it looked like they might have tried to barricade the entrance because there were a multitude of buckets piled up there.

In his testimony, Brusnitsyn describes the tent as being in "disarray". And then there was a ski pole in the tent cut into several pieces.

Now that I've read some testimonies again, I see that also remains of porridge were found in a cup. While I myself enjoy eating porridge any time, it perhaps hints at them being in the tent in the morning. And also a pin was described holding a hole in the tent together.

I don't even know if we can definitively conclude the tent was cut from the "inside". While the forensic expert notes there are scratches visible next to the ends of the cuts on one side, which was the inside in their setup of the tent, is it possible that they set up the tent inside out? Is the fabric's inner and outer surface different? For example was there water-proof layer on the outside?


January 18, 2021, 02:32:17 PM
Reply #39

Jean Daniel Reuss

Reply #19
Jean Daniel Reuss.  You state the following ; (Reply #13)

''The leaflet "Evening Otorten №1", is a typed fake (with mention of Yeti to deceive the rescuers and investigators).
The hikers would have been killed before 1 February 1959 and their bodies would have been transported on the slope of the Kholat Syakhl or near the cedar tree for staging in order to mislead the investigators.''

Can you provide proof to back up your statement. If not, then its pure speculation, and wild speculation at that.

Sorry, excuse me. I have expressed myself badly, (because I have a very low level in the knowledge of the English language).

I had been reading recently :

Star man :  They probably were never at the tent. -->   Reply #7
GKM :  I have to agree with Star man. I do not believe they were ever in the tent.... -->   Reply #11
Marchesk :  ...Now it seems the tent being staged has gained popularity.... -->   Reply #9

I wanted to say:

If the hikers were never at the tent on the evening of 1 February ((i.e. if there had been a staging) then the leaflet would also be a typed fake

But I think that there was no staging that was intended to mislead the investigators. It would be too difficult.

I fully agree with Manti's objections :

See Reply #21
If they were never at the tent, and died earlier, who would have the resources to transport them there, set up the tent, and stage everything ? .........
 only option is a helicopter............. it's a lot of manual labour ......... you need men on the ground not just simply drop the bodies............
It seems like a lot of effort and resources for no gain...........There are much easier ways to cover up the deaths,..............
Therefore it seems irrational to stage the accident.

And if it wasn't staged, it must have been the Dyatlov group who set up their tent.

I would add that the use of helicopters in these conditions is not easy.  See :
Memories of Commander V. V. Potyazhenko   ...on 5 Mar 2014

You will notice that the helicopters that have intervened have landed
 • On days when there was little wind.
 • Far enough away from the taiga trees.  (Pilot Victor Potyazhenko: "I asked them [the ground team] to cut an area at least 50m by 50m").
 • On horizontal surfaces.

Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

January 18, 2021, 03:50:24 PM
Reply #40

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Starman (reply 30)
So you would propose that at some point after YY leaves them with a gammy leg, they are kidnapped and an alternative group take their possessions and continue the route until the final staging point on 1079 and then they (the stagers) vanish. And they take photos to muddy the water. At which point, the now dead or dying Dyatlov group are "parachuted" in. No pun intended. Whilst it sounds exciting, what was there to gain other than nine dead hikers?

No I don't think they were kidnapped.  But you do raise an interesting question.  What was there to gain?


Star man
« Last Edit: January 18, 2021, 04:12:09 PM by Star man »

January 18, 2021, 03:59:03 PM
Reply #41

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Is there any evidence that they were at the tent?  I mean solid evidence?  Is there any fact that could never have been staged?


Star man

January 18, 2021, 04:25:04 PM
Reply #42

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
They probably were never at the tent.

Whoa! I've never seen or heard anyone suggest that before. All the theories seem to take for granted that they were settled in at the tent before things went down. Now it seems the tent being staged has gained popularity. But that would just mean it was pitched elsewhere, likely near the cedar tree. What leads you to think the hikers never got as far as pitching the tent that day/night?

Its all wrong.  Everything.  The entrance facing the wind, the cuts near the entrance.  To cut through the seams where they did, would have been more akin to needlepoint than a panicked escape.  The orderly scene in the tent, given either a panicked escape, or even outsiders cutting it?  I can't  believe outsiders would not at least rifle through all of their belongings and pack packs?  No forensic analysis of the foot prints.  No toxicology report.  Shutting down the case.  Ivanov's disinterest when the rav 4 were found.  The flashlight with 10 cm of snow underneath it.  The missing cameras and film.  The missing knife at the cedar.  The strange reason for deviating off route and camping in an unsuitable exposed place, only to meet their fates the same night.  The strange way that those the with most significant injuries are conveniently found all together at the ravine.  How did they get to the ravine when they were all already dead?  The two Yuri's probably lived the longest.  Kolevatov probably died first.  The rest of the rav 4 were next, so how could they take tge clothes from tge Yuris?


Star man

Wind changes direction. Well it doesnt look like there was any other people at the Tent site at the time of the Event. Its true that the footprints could have been given more consideration at the time of them being found. But you are moving to the Cedar Tree and  Ravine and we are still at the Tent discussing their decision to leave the Tent. Something appears to have scared them to death, metaphoricaly speaking.

I have been down this road myself.  What could have scared them so much as to cut/rip trough the side of the tent and go to the forest?  Something outside the tent?  Something inside the tent?  If they panicked why are all the cuts and tears on the same side of the tent? 


Star man

January 18, 2021, 07:21:16 PM
Reply #43


The way their boots were laid out was described as disorderly. Not to mention there being pieces of food (rusks, loin) over the blankets. So I don't think it can be called tidy. And I've also read a description saying it looked like they might have tried to barricade the entrance because there were a multitude of buckets piled up there.

In his testimony, Brusnitsyn describes the tent as being in "disarray". And then there was a ski pole in the tent cut into several pieces.

Brusnytsin was a UPI student like Sharavin--both were in the first student search party when the tent and the Yuris were discovered.  Sharavin & Koptelov found the two Yuris at the cedar tree.  If you read the interview with Sharavin (https://dyatlovpass.com/sharavin-1?rbid=18461) you will see that he describes things a bit differently.  Which is to be believed?  Sharavin, because he was there at the moment it was found, or Brusnytsin, because the record of his account was made much earlier and closer to the event?   I think Sharavin wasn't interviewed for the case files because he was hospitalized at the time--but I'm not absolutely certain of this.

January 19, 2021, 04:21:20 AM
Reply #44


The young people set up the tent. And the unknown force soon attacked. They were getting ready for dinner. Because 8 hours had passed since the last meal. And climbing the mountain and setting up a tent in the cold also made them hungry, so some of them sit down and start eating oats etc. And the others, except Alexander and Tibo, had taken off their clothes. Even 2 Yuri was getting ready for bed. At that moment, the unknown coercive force began to show itself and move towards them. Inside the tent, they saw a glowing creature in the dark about 800 meters from the tent. Unknown force had disturbed them before, but did not attack. They also fled from the forest and took shelter in the mountain. And they made cuts in the tent to better see the glowing presence. The glowing entity was moving towards them at a certain speed !!! They were watching the terrible presence from the tent in terror !!! And the being pulled up to the tent and started to attack !!! And I think the young people struggled a lot… They didn't want to get out of the tent. But the unknown coercive force was determined to drive them out. The cuts in the tent must have happened both from the outside and inside ... Eventually they had to get out of the tent. Because if they continued to stay, they were more likely to die in the tent, and they moved towards the forest hoping that the coercive force would free them. And the rest is already known ..... ((This is just my most probable guess. This is the most logical scenario to me. It is obvious that there are intelligent beings on earth that we cannot see. And the likelihood of this happening also seems very high.))
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

January 19, 2021, 10:50:42 AM
Reply #45


Starman (reply 40)
My only immediate thought would be they started the hike with something that they no longer had when they were found. Their loss, in this scenario is anothers gain.

January 19, 2021, 02:11:45 PM
Reply #46


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The way their boots were laid out was described as disorderly. Not to mention there being pieces of food (rusks, loin) over the blankets. So I don't think it can be called tidy. And I've also read a description saying it looked like they might have tried to barricade the entrance because there were a multitude of buckets piled up there.

In his testimony, Brusnitsyn describes the tent as being in "disarray". And then there was a ski pole in the tent cut into several pieces.

Now that I've read some testimonies again, I see that also remains of porridge were found in a cup. While I myself enjoy eating porridge any time, it perhaps hints at them being in the tent in the morning. And also a pin was described holding a hole in the tent together.

I don't even know if we can definitively conclude the tent was cut from the "inside". While the forensic expert notes there are scratches visible next to the ends of the cuts on one side, which was the inside in their setup of the tent, is it possible that they set up the tent inside out? Is the fabric's inner and outer surface different? For example was there water-proof layer on the outside?

Boots piled on top of each other. Certainly disorderly. Without the Tent we cannot get it re-examined. We are told that the Tent was got rid of because it was damaged whilst in storage  !  ?

January 19, 2021, 02:18:16 PM
Reply #47


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Is there any evidence that they were at the tent?  I mean solid evidence?  Is there any fact that could never have been staged?


Star man

Well we have the journey documented to within a short distance of the Mountainside. All their belongings including any food in the Tent constitutes Evidence. Just because the bodies were not in the Tent doesnt mean that they may not have been. All indications point to the Dyatlov Group as having been in the Tent.

January 19, 2021, 02:25:04 PM
Reply #48


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
They probably were never at the tent.

Whoa! I've never seen or heard anyone suggest that before. All the theories seem to take for granted that they were settled in at the tent before things went down. Now it seems the tent being staged has gained popularity. But that would just mean it was pitched elsewhere, likely near the cedar tree. What leads you to think the hikers never got as far as pitching the tent that day/night?

Its all wrong.  Everything.  The entrance facing the wind, the cuts near the entrance.  To cut through the seams where they did, would have been more akin to needlepoint than a panicked escape.  The orderly scene in the tent, given either a panicked escape, or even outsiders cutting it?  I can't  believe outsiders would not at least rifle through all of their belongings and pack packs?  No forensic analysis of the foot prints.  No toxicology report.  Shutting down the case.  Ivanov's disinterest when the rav 4 were found.  The flashlight with 10 cm of snow underneath it.  The missing cameras and film.  The missing knife at the cedar.  The strange reason for deviating off route and camping in an unsuitable exposed place, only to meet their fates the same night.  The strange way that those the with most significant injuries are conveniently found all together at the ravine.  How did they get to the ravine when they were all already dead?  The two Yuri's probably lived the longest.  Kolevatov probably died first.  The rest of the rav 4 were next, so how could they take tge clothes from tge Yuris?


Star man

Wind changes direction. Well it doesnt look like there was any other people at the Tent site at the time of the Event. Its true that the footprints could have been given more consideration at the time of them being found. But you are moving to the Cedar Tree and  Ravine and we are still at the Tent discussing their decision to leave the Tent. Something appears to have scared them to death, metaphoricaly speaking.

I have been down this road myself.  What could have scared them so much as to cut/rip trough the side of the tent and go to the forest?  Something outside the tent?  Something inside the tent?  If they panicked why are all the cuts and tears on the same side of the tent? 


Star man

Well thats why I have always put importance on the Tent and the so called cuts made in it by the Dyatlov Group. We dont know for sure if they cut their way out of the Tent. We have to rely on what the Authorities have told us. And I find it very suspicious that the Tent having been stored away for such a long time should suddenly disappear at the time of the demise of the USSR. The reason given being that it became damaged in storage  ! ? 

January 19, 2021, 02:35:31 PM
Reply #49


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The young people set up the tent. And the unknown force soon attacked. They were getting ready for dinner. Because 8 hours had passed since the last meal. And climbing the mountain and setting up a tent in the cold also made them hungry, so some of them sit down and start eating oats etc. And the others, except Alexander and Tibo, had taken off their clothes. Even 2 Yuri was getting ready for bed. At that moment, the unknown coercive force began to show itself and move towards them. Inside the tent, they saw a glowing creature in the dark about 800 meters from the tent. Unknown force had disturbed them before, but did not attack. They also fled from the forest and took shelter in the mountain. And they made cuts in the tent to better see the glowing presence. The glowing entity was moving towards them at a certain speed !!! They were watching the terrible presence from the tent in terror !!! And the being pulled up to the tent and started to attack !!! And I think the young people struggled a lot… They didn't want to get out of the tent. But the unknown coercive force was determined to drive them out. The cuts in the tent must have happened both from the outside and inside ... Eventually they had to get out of the tent. Because if they continued to stay, they were more likely to die in the tent, and they moved towards the forest hoping that the coercive force would free them. And the rest is already known ..... ((This is just my most probable guess. This is the most logical scenario to me. It is obvious that there are intelligent beings on earth that we cannot see. And the likelihood of this happening also seems very high.))

Interesting. Unknown Force. Unknown to science. I suppose this sits well with the UFO and Bigfoot theories.

January 19, 2021, 03:54:52 PM
Reply #50

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Starman (reply 40)
My only immediate thought would be they started the hike with something that they no longer had when they were found. Their loss, in this scenario is anothers gain.

I think its possible.  But if there was a cover up, it would have been supported by higher authorities.  That would mean whatever was taken, was important to the authorities, or taken by people the authorities wanted to protect.

I have several ideas.  I dont have any evidence to support them, but at the moment, my thoughts are that  the prize was knowledge.


Star man

January 19, 2021, 04:06:58 PM
Reply #51

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Is there any evidence that they were at the tent?  I mean solid evidence?  Is there any fact that could never have been staged?


Star man

Well we have the journey documented to within a short distance of the Mountainside. All their belongings including any food in the Tent constitutes Evidence. Just because the bodies were not in the Tent doesnt mean that they may not have been. All indications point to the Dyatlov Group as having been in the Tent.

When considering whether the tent was staged, it is difficult to use anything that belonged to the hikers as evidence, because it could have been put there by others.  Diaries altered.  Fake photographs added, where nobody is recognisable. 

We have a journey that deviated from the planned route.

We have a tent that was cut in a very strange way that makes no sense.

We have a flashlight, sitting on 10 cm of snow on top of tent?


Star man

January 19, 2021, 04:19:41 PM
Reply #52


I think an even more crucial question than their decision to leave the tent to ask is: "Why did they decide to cut the tent?"

Regardless of which side it was cut from, this is very hard to explain. And it is clear these are cuts and not only tears (see forensic expert's opinion on the tent).

Here is what doesn't explain the cuts:
  • peeking out – It's much more practical to peek out the tent's entrance. Even if it was buttoned, unbuttoning it takes about the same time as taking your knife out of its sheath and cutting the fabric including cutting through seams. Not to mention it was probably dark outside and there might have been a blizzard with low visibility.
  • to exit the tent – Again it's faster to exit via the entrance, even if you have to unbutton it, because the cuts weren't large enough to fit a person and  someone would have had to grab the fabric and tear it more to make a large-enough hole. (Indeed perplexingly some cuts continue into tears)
  • to harm someone/something – These are cuts not stabs, and anyway the victim would need to be pressed up against the canvas. Maybe if someone/something was laying on top of the tent, and was perhaps too heavy to push off?
  • snow slab - Even if there was a very sharp piece of ice, it wouldn't move in the manner the tent was cut. And multiple sharp pieces of ice? No
  • rocket or meteorite fragments – These wouldn't leave a scratch before/after the successful cut. Also in both cases a fire would likely start and the tent would have been burnt
  • to ventilate the tent – With the likely wind conditions it was probably already too well ventilated due to the previous repairs, the imperfect closing mechanism etc.
  • because you need a piece of fabric - They had sheets used as curtains hung in the tent, tarpaulin ski trousers, jackets etc.
  • blindness – If you are blinded, you probably wouldn't want to exit the tent because then there is a real possibility you won't find your way back. But in case you want to exit anyway, feeling your way to the exit/entrance is easy enough
  • snowmobile - Instead of cuts this would tear the fabric all the way
  • infrasound
  • tornado
  • ball lightning
  • nuclear explosion
  • angels/spirits
Here is what might explain the cuts, but these of course these explanations have other issues:
  • avalanche – Apart from no signs of an avalanche... if buried by snow, it is likely to be too heavy so avalanche victims often can't move. What they are told these days is to try to bore a hole to the surface with one of their hands first, so there is fresh air. If there is a tent inbetween, this might explain cutting the tent from the inside.
  • animal attack – This doesn't seem to be a popular theory in general. But might there be a possibility these are not cuts made by a knife but by the teeth of an animal? Or potentially, if a heavy animal like an elk for some reason laid on the entrance side of the tent (where most food was), you might want to cut yourself out. But these are unlikely
  • instead of a quick peek, to keep an eye on someone approaching - Although if someone wanted to approach stealthily, they could go around and approach from the mountaintop's direction.
  • maybe they didn't make the cuts - It could be that the tent was cut by something sharp while they ascended, or while setting it up. Did their skis have sharpened edges, for example? Alternatively it could have been damaged by the search team, but presumably that would be from the outside.
  • irrational behaviour within the tent – Hallucinations due to hypothermia after resting in the cold tent. But they would have first packed the food away etc. before resting. Alternatively, some form of poisoning. It doesn't have to affect everyone, it's enough for one or two people to go on a "rampage".
  • it was cut after they left the tent – Can strong wind pushing the fabric against sharp objects like the stove's edges inside make cuts?
  • bad coordination - Shivering due to the cold while preparing food with a knife?
And one other strange thing, was a piece of the tent found in Lyuda's pockets? In fact did they carry spare fabric to repair the tent? Perhaps she was on repair duty that night?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 04:31:31 PM by Manti »


January 19, 2021, 11:22:43 PM
Reply #53

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I think an even more crucial question than their decision to leave the tent to ask is: "Why did they decide to cut the tent?"

Regardless of which side it was cut from, this is very hard to explain. And it is clear these are cuts and not only tears (see forensic expert's opinion on the tent).

Here is what doesn't explain the cuts:
  • peeking out – It's much more practical to peek out the tent's entrance. Even if it was buttoned, unbuttoning it takes about the same time as taking your knife out of its sheath and cutting the fabric including cutting through seams. Not to mention it was probably dark outside and there might have been a blizzard with low visibility.
  • to exit the tent – Again it's faster to exit via the entrance, even if you have to unbutton it, because the cuts weren't large enough to fit a person and  someone would have had to grab the fabric and tear it more to make a large-enough hole. (Indeed perplexingly some cuts continue into tears)
  • to harm someone/something – These are cuts not stabs, and anyway the victim would need to be pressed up against the canvas. Maybe if someone/something was laying on top of the tent, and was perhaps too heavy to push off?
  • snow slab - Even if there was a very sharp piece of ice, it wouldn't move in the manner the tent was cut. And multiple sharp pieces of ice? No
  • rocket or meteorite fragments – These wouldn't leave a scratch before/after the successful cut. Also in both cases a fire would likely start and the tent would have been burnt
  • to ventilate the tent – With the likely wind conditions it was probably already too well ventilated due to the previous repairs, the imperfect closing mechanism etc.
  • because you need a piece of fabric - They had sheets used as curtains hung in the tent, tarpaulin ski trousers, jackets etc.
  • blindness – If you are blinded, you probably wouldn't want to exit the tent because then there is a real possibility you won't find your way back. But in case you want to exit anyway, feeling your way to the exit/entrance is easy enough
  • snowmobile - Instead of cuts this would tear the fabric all the way
  • infrasound
  • tornado
  • ball lightning
  • nuclear explosion
  • angels/spirits
Here is what might explain the cuts, but these of course these explanations have other issues:
  • avalanche – Apart from no signs of an avalanche... if buried by snow, it is likely to be too heavy so avalanche victims often can't move. What they are told these days is to try to bore a hole to the surface with one of their hands first, so there is fresh air. If there is a tent inbetween, this might explain cutting the tent from the inside.
  • animal attack – This doesn't seem to be a popular theory in general. But might there be a possibility these are not cuts made by a knife but by the teeth of an animal? Or potentially, if a heavy animal like an elk for some reason laid on the entrance side of the tent (where most food was), you might want to cut yourself out. But these are unlikely
  • instead of a quick peek, to keep an eye on someone approaching - Although if someone wanted to approach stealthily, they could go around and approach from the mountaintop's direction.
  • maybe they didn't make the cuts - It could be that the tent was cut by something sharp while they ascended, or while setting it up. Did their skis have sharpened edges, for example? Alternatively it could have been damaged by the search team, but presumably that would be from the outside.
  • irrational behaviour within the tent – Hallucinations due to hypothermia after resting in the cold tent. But they would have first packed the food away etc. before resting. Alternatively, some form of poisoning. It doesn't have to affect everyone, it's enough for one or two people to go on a "rampage".
  • it was cut after they left the tent – Can strong wind pushing the fabric against sharp objects like the stove's edges inside make cuts?
  • bad coordination - Shivering due to the cold while preparing food with a knife?
And one other strange thing, was a piece of the tent found in Lyuda's pockets? In fact did they carry spare fabric to repair the tent? Perhaps she was on repair duty that night?

For the cuts, the option that I considered for a while was the irrational behaviour.  Couldn't see why they would cut the tent in the way they did in the places it was cut otherwise.  But I don’t think you can only look at the scene at the tent to establish an explanation that is relatively simple .  If you consider the injuries of the group you may see a common link.  Major traumas, burns to legs, hair, lack of conclusive evidence of hypothermia, Yuri D grey foam from the mouth.

Also read Solter's witness statement.


Star man

January 20, 2021, 08:48:33 AM
Reply #54


The young people set up the tent. And the unknown force soon attacked. They were getting ready for dinner. Because 8 hours had passed since the last meal. And climbing the mountain and setting up a tent in the cold also made them hungry, so some of them sit down and start eating oats etc. And the others, except Alexander and Tibo, had taken off their clothes. Even 2 Yuri was getting ready for bed. At that moment, the unknown coercive force began to show itself and move towards them. Inside the tent, they saw a glowing creature in the dark about 800 meters from the tent. Unknown force had disturbed them before, but did not attack. They also fled from the forest and took shelter in the mountain. And they made cuts in the tent to better see the glowing presence. The glowing entity was moving towards them at a certain speed !!! They were watching the terrible presence from the tent in terror !!! And the being pulled up to the tent and started to attack !!! And I think the young people struggled a lot… They didn't want to get out of the tent. But the unknown coercive force was determined to drive them out. The cuts in the tent must have happened both from the outside and inside ... Eventually they had to get out of the tent. Because if they continued to stay, they were more likely to die in the tent, and they moved towards the forest hoping that the coercive force would free them. And the rest is already known ..... ((This is just my most probable guess. This is the most logical scenario to me. It is obvious that there are intelligent beings on earth that we cannot see. And the likelihood of this happening also seems very high.))

Interesting. Unknown Force. Unknown to science. I suppose this sits well with the UFO and Bigfoot theories.
I don't think the bigfoot can attack people. Because in my opinion they have no reason to attack people. And the last thing they want is to show themselves. And ufo may be jinn who came to observe the Dytlov event. Jinn are curious creatures. They realized that the horrible event was occurring and they may have come to observe. Science can only provide us with evidence of tangible beings visible to the eye. It offers us nothing about the others. If you believe in God, you believe there are beings that we cannot see except what we see in the world. But it is certain that an entity that can attack and kill a group of people is a very special and powerful entity. Jinn remain ordinary with him.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 07:59:37 AM by Teddy »
You're alone and desperate. Connect with God, you won't be alone and you're a saint.

January 20, 2021, 03:16:39 PM
Reply #55


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Is there any evidence that they were at the tent?  I mean solid evidence?  Is there any fact that could never have been staged?


Star man

Well we have the journey documented to within a short distance of the Mountainside. All their belongings including any food in the Tent constitutes Evidence. Just because the bodies were not in the Tent doesnt mean that they may not have been. All indications point to the Dyatlov Group as having been in the Tent.

When considering whether the tent was staged, it is difficult to use anything that belonged to the hikers as evidence, because it could have been put there by others.  Diaries altered.  Fake photographs added, where nobody is recognisable. 

We have a journey that deviated from the planned route.

We have a tent that was cut in a very strange way that makes no sense.

We have a flashlight, sitting on 10 cm of snow on top of tent?


Star man

There is absolutely no Evidence that the Tent was staged.

January 20, 2021, 03:24:51 PM
Reply #56

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Is there any evidence that they were at the tent?  I mean solid evidence?  Is there any fact that could never have been staged?


Star man

Well we have the journey documented to within a short distance of the Mountainside. All their belongings including any food in the Tent constitutes Evidence. Just because the bodies were not in the Tent doesnt mean that they may not have been. All indications point to the Dyatlov Group as having been in the Tent.

When considering whether the tent was staged, it is difficult to use anything that belonged to the hikers as evidence, because it could have been put there by others.  Diaries altered.  Fake photographs added, where nobody is recognisable. 

We have a journey that deviated from the planned route.

We have a tent that was cut in a very strange way that makes no sense.

We have a flashlight, sitting on 10 cm of snow on top of tent?


Star man

There is absolutely no Evidence that the Tent was staged.

What about the flashlight with 10cm ofsnow underneath and none on top.  This was sitting on the side of tent?  How would you explain cutting the tent in a terrified panic and dropping the flashlight onto 10cm of snow?  How did the snow get underneath the flashlight?


Star man

January 20, 2021, 03:40:24 PM
Reply #57


The flashlight at the tent was off to save battery.  They put it on a small pile of snow when they weighed the tent down with snow. It was to be used by the first man back from the search party that went to search for the 2 Yuris who were stuck at the cedar tree.

January 20, 2021, 03:48:03 PM
Reply #58


Ok if two members of the group failed to return from wherever, collecting firewood, the loo, etc., going out to search for them makes sense. But for the whole group to do this. Two or three people would be enough, don't you think? Perhaps two groups of two each?

That still leaves 3 people in the tent who could continue preparing food, or assembling the stove, de-icing boots and so on.So I don't think this satisfactorily explains the whole group leaving the tent. Unless of course they didn't, and in fact there were 2 or 3 "waves".

What about the flashlight with 10cm ofsnow underneath and none on top.  This was sitting on the side of tent?  How would you explain cutting the tent in a terrified panic and dropping the flashlight onto 10cm of snow?  How did the snow get underneath the flashlight?


Star man
I don't think this can be explained in any way. Finding something with no snow on top in an area where significant snowfall has occurred and covers other things (except ones that protrude), has no explanation. Except being put there after the snowfall. Or perhaps falling there, but from where? Was the flashlight hung on a ski pole but fell down weeks later due to wind? I don't think there's another explanation apart from someone from the search party picking it up then placing it on top of the tent and the next person to arrive at the tent finding this strange.


January 20, 2021, 04:08:28 PM
Reply #59


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I think an even more crucial question than their decision to leave the tent to ask is: "Why did they decide to cut the tent?"

Regardless of which side it was cut from, this is very hard to explain. And it is clear these are cuts and not only tears (see forensic expert's opinion on the tent).

Here is what doesn't explain the cuts:
  • peeking out – It's much more practical to peek out the tent's entrance. Even if it was buttoned, unbuttoning it takes about the same time as taking your knife out of its sheath and cutting the fabric including cutting through seams. Not to mention it was probably dark outside and there might have been a blizzard with low visibility.
  • to exit the tent – Again it's faster to exit via the entrance, even if you have to unbutton it, because the cuts weren't large enough to fit a person and  someone would have had to grab the fabric and tear it more to make a large-enough hole. (Indeed perplexingly some cuts continue into tears)
  • to harm someone/something – These are cuts not stabs, and anyway the victim would need to be pressed up against the canvas. Maybe if someone/something was laying on top of the tent, and was perhaps too heavy to push off?
  • snow slab - Even if there was a very sharp piece of ice, it wouldn't move in the manner the tent was cut. And multiple sharp pieces of ice? No
  • rocket or meteorite fragments – These wouldn't leave a scratch before/after the successful cut. Also in both cases a fire would likely start and the tent would have been burnt
  • to ventilate the tent – With the likely wind conditions it was probably already too well ventilated due to the previous repairs, the imperfect closing mechanism etc.
  • because you need a piece of fabric - They had sheets used as curtains hung in the tent, tarpaulin ski trousers, jackets etc.
  • blindness – If you are blinded, you probably wouldn't want to exit the tent because then there is a real possibility you won't find your way back. But in case you want to exit anyway, feeling your way to the exit/entrance is easy enough
  • snowmobile - Instead of cuts this would tear the fabric all the way
  • infrasound
  • tornado
  • ball lightning
  • nuclear explosion
  • angels/spirits
Here is what might explain the cuts, but these of course these explanations have other issues:
  • avalanche – Apart from no signs of an avalanche... if buried by snow, it is likely to be too heavy so avalanche victims often can't move. What they are told these days is to try to bore a hole to the surface with one of their hands first, so there is fresh air. If there is a tent inbetween, this might explain cutting the tent from the inside.
  • animal attack – This doesn't seem to be a popular theory in general. But might there be a possibility these are not cuts made by a knife but by the teeth of an animal? Or potentially, if a heavy animal like an elk for some reason laid on the entrance side of the tent (where most food was), you might want to cut yourself out. But these are unlikely
  • instead of a quick peek, to keep an eye on someone approaching - Although if someone wanted to approach stealthily, they could go around and approach from the mountaintop's direction.
  • maybe they didn't make the cuts - It could be that the tent was cut by something sharp while they ascended, or while setting it up. Did their skis have sharpened edges, for example? Alternatively it could have been damaged by the search team, but presumably that would be from the outside.
  • irrational behaviour within the tent – Hallucinations due to hypothermia after resting in the cold tent. But they would have first packed the food away etc. before resting. Alternatively, some form of poisoning. It doesn't have to affect everyone, it's enough for one or two people to go on a "rampage".
  • it was cut after they left the tent – Can strong wind pushing the fabric against sharp objects like the stove's edges inside make cuts?
  • bad coordination - Shivering due to the cold while preparing food with a knife?
And one other strange thing, was a piece of the tent found in Lyuda's pockets? In fact did they carry spare fabric to repair the tent? Perhaps she was on repair duty that night?

I like this bit . You say ; animal attack – This doesn't seem to be a popular theory in general. But might there be a possibility these are not cuts made by a knife but by the teeth of an animal?
Below is some information I have pulled from Dyatlovpass.com.
The Tent was examined, and we are told that the cuts were made from the inside of the Tent, probably with a knife.   Senior forensic expert Genrietta Eliseevna Churkina did the examination. Genrietta Eliseevna was sure that the tent was cut not with an ordinary knife, but with a special one, clearly made of cold steel, but, on the other hand, she perfectly understood that this truth was contraindicated and could even be dangerous. Therefore, she recorded in the examination exactly what was required of her. Like so much during the original Investigation it appears that the Authorities were in a hurry to close the Case down as quickly as possible and everyone had to swear secrecy. There were cut damages on the tent, not stab cuts. By cut damage, it is not even possible to determine the shape of the blade. Only the presence of a cutting edge - the blade. You can’t even say if it was double-edged blade (a dagger having 2 cutting blades), or it was a knife.

Something that is not generally known is that Genrietta Eliseevna Churkina carried out an Investigation of the Footprints, in situ. But for some reason this was left out of the official Reports. What could that reason be  !  ? 

« Last Edit: January 20, 2021, 04:22:20 PM by sarapuk »