Theories Discussion > Yeti / Snowman

Exploring The Yeti Theory

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Star man:
Was looking at the photographs of the raised foot prints closely today and noticed something odd near the set of prints highlighted in green and numbered as 4.  I'm not going to say what it is though.  If anyone else sees something odd let me know.  Might be nothing, or something.


Star man

Régular and curved sweeping marks in the snow, like a zen garden? Or an erasement....

Star man:

--- Quote from: NkZ on July 12, 2019, 10:27:10 AM ---Régular and curved sweeping marks in the snow, like a zen garden? Or an erasement....

--- End quote ---

Yeah, there is definitely regularity there.  Even symmetry.


Star man

Someone with a metal detector «  combing » along the traces?

Star man:
Below is a witness statement from slobtsov.  I find it interesting for several reasons:

He says we followed these prints from the tent in the direction of the spreading cedar.  Does that mean that the tourists could see the cedar on the landscape in the distance or is this just a coincidence?

If they could see it how? Wasn't it suppose to be night and bad weather?

If they decided to head for the cedar does that mean they were able to make their own decisions on where they went and what action they took.  In other words they were making their own decisions rather being frogged marched down the slope?

Why head for cedar?  What advantage did they see in this action if any?


Star man


”There were footprints of bare feet, but in socks. Some were from valenki, and occasionally we could make out the tread of a ski boot. All of these prints were raised higher than the actual wind-scoured surface of the slope. We followed these prints from the tent in the direction of a spreading cedar, which was clearly prominent on the hill. First we lost, and then we found, the tracks again. They appeared again in the birch-tree undergrowth, and then they went down along the ravine which led to the Lozva River.”


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