Theories Discussion > Yeti / Snowman
Exploring The Yeti Theory
Star man:
It might be worth trying to put some context into this thread.
Scientific discovery can be a slow and sometimes embarrassing process. Especially for the scientific community who have their reputation to keep.
It was difficult for them to accept that the world wasn’t flat after all. Maps had to be re-drawn and trade routes thought through again because our shipping was no longer going to fall off the edge.
Oh and by the way the earth isn’t the centre of the universe. That was a bit embarrassing - sorry Galileo.
Wow women can actually learn to read. That was a bit of a revelation for some.
Say what - you can actually travel faster than 30 mph without suffocating? Thanks for that one Stevenson.
Oh pants - you can’t actually turn base metals into gold. I’ll have to buy a lottery ticket now.
Ah - the universe is actually bigger than we thought and it is still getting bigger. Thanks Edwin. What would we have done without you. I don’t need my cosmological constant after all - or do I?
Star man
Star man:
Hi. Just a bit more context
There are now many examples of animals that were previously thought to be myth, legend or extinct that we have recently been discovered to be still around.
The Megamouth Shark thought to be extinct for millions of years turned up in 1976. Only 100 have ever been seen since.
The Coelacanth thought to be extinct since the Cretaceous found alive in 1938.
What about the ancient mariners tales of giant sea serpents and squid. Utter nonsense - at least until the 1860s when an actual specimen was found and it became a part of main stream science.
Also several tribes of human have been discovered during the 20th century some living a Stone Age existence. Tribes that have had no contact with modern civilisation for thousands of years.
What about Big Foot or Yetis - utter garbage right? To think that a potentially very intelligent humanoid creature could evade the true awesomeness of mankinds powers of discovery.
Star man
Star man
Star man:
Possible Clues:
The Evening Otorten - satirical pamphlet with each entry humorously relaying real events of the trip. So what about the Science entry and the "snow man"? Did one of the group see something and relay this to the group only to be ridiculed and later prompt the entry in the pamphlet? Why say anything about a snow man in the pamphlet? The pamphlets certainly doesn't say anything about military personnel or KGB or any other humans.
Why camp where they did in an exposed place in potentially bad weather conditions away from the planned route? Did they think it would give them a better vantage point to observe anything approaching the tent?
Why did Semyon have his camera around his neck - had he seen something that he wanted to photograph? Did he fear for his life and thought that taking a photo of his killer would at least inform the world about what had happened. Did he have a piece of paper in hand when he was found and if so what was he trying to write?
What could scare 9 fit tourists so much that they would cut their way out of a tent and leave it's safety for sub zero temperatures without adequate clothing and shoes? Cutting your way out of a tent is unlikely to be a realistic means of escape from humans. It is more likely to be the panicked actions of people who are terrified of something in or at the entrance to the tent.
How do two of the tourists receive similar flail chest injuries on the same night? While another receives a significant head injury?
Star man
Star man:
If there was a Yeti, why would it approach the group? Probably just curiosity. Maybe they were in its territory.
Of the many reported sightings of such creatures very few describe any sort of aggressive behaviour. In most cases it would appear that both the creature and the human are taken by surprise with said creature making a swift and controlled retreat. Other types of encounter describe the creature as curious- following the people but keeping their distance. As if they are keeping a watchful eye on them to ensure they don’t present a threat to others in the creatures family.
Most description of aggression is in the form of growls and thrown objects such as stones and logs. The creatures keeping a cautious distance.
So at the tent it is possible that the creature simply wanted them out of its territory in case they were a threat .
This is a simple motive is it not?
Star man
Star man:
Why did the group leave the tent? Given the remote location, the time of day and the poor weather conditions it is extremely unlikely that there were any other people there. If there was a rocket or some other military threat from the air then it left no obvious trace on the tent and if it left no obvious trace on the tent then it could not have been significant enough to cause them harm - unless a large amount of gas was involved that later blew away. And is it realistic to think that one moment they bahaved completely irrationally and then completely rationally again in their attempt to survive?
Is it more likely that on the slope that night there was a very real and significant threat? A threat that was relatively quite at home in that environment? A threat that scared them so much that they left their only safe refuge with insufficient clothing and footwear knowing that their chances of survival were slim. Why cut the tent if it is your life boat? Surely you would only do this out of shear panic, where your flight or flight response over ruled your logical thinking.
Star man
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