Theories Discussion > Meteor


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Fascinated by the topic for several years i have listen through almost every interview on the topic Dyatlov Pass and all the theories that comes with it.
Understanding the complexity is just the beginning of thie mysterious case.
But listen to Teddys last interview i began to wonder if a meteorit could do those kind of damages, if exploding near earth enough?
The thought of Chelyabinsk comes to mind since it also was a event over Ural.
I could also easy have been what the last pictures is about and what fascinated them to go out for a look at the fenomena.
Maybe realasing when they stod there, that it was coming their way.
I dont think anybody could imagine what could happened if it was to come your way.
But seen over and over again the videos available on youtube on the meteor in Chelyabinsk, i wonder if that could be the case.
It maybe also explain the radioactivity on theire clothes, i dont know for sure, but could be a possibility.
Grateful that i was allowed to join and looking forward to hear what your opinion are.

Star man:

--- Quote from: vanadis on April 11, 2019, 02:49:55 PM ---Fascinated by the topic for several years i have listen through almost every interview on the topic Dyatlov Pass and all the theories that comes with it.
Understanding the complexity is just the beginning of thie mysterious case.
But listen to Teddys last interview i began to wonder if a meteorit could do those kind of damages, if exploding near earth enough?
The thought of Chelyabinsk comes to mind since it also was a event over Ural.
I could also easy have been what the last pictures is about and what fascinated them to go out for a look at the fenomena.
Maybe realasing when they stod there, that it was coming their way.
I dont think anybody could imagine what could happened if it was to come your way.
But seen over and over again the videos available on youtube on the meteor in Chelyabinsk, i wonder if that could be the case.
It maybe also explain the radioactivity on theire clothes, i dont know for sure, but could be a possibility.
Grateful that i was allowed to join and looking forward to hear what your opinion are.

--- End quote ---

An air burst of a meteor has been considered as credible by some.

Star man

I'm thinking maybe several minor ones, as they clearly seem to get away from something.
Shockwave compilation:

Nigel Evans:
Maybe man made meteors that contain nitric acid! = missiles.


--- Quote from: vanadis on April 11, 2019, 02:49:55 PM ---Fascinated by the topic for several years i have listen through almost every interview on the topic Dyatlov Pass and all the theories that comes with it.
Understanding the complexity is just the beginning of thie mysterious case.
But listen to Teddys last interview i began to wonder if a meteorit could do those kind of damages, if exploding near earth enough?
The thought of Chelyabinsk comes to mind since it also was a event over Ural.
I could also easy have been what the last pictures is about and what fascinated them to go out for a look at the fenomena.
Maybe realasing when they stod there, that it was coming their way.
I dont think anybody could imagine what could happened if it was to come your way.
But seen over and over again the videos available on youtube on the meteor in Chelyabinsk, i wonder if that could be the case.
It maybe also explain the radioactivity on theire clothes, i dont know for sure, but could be a possibility.
Grateful that i was allowed to join and looking forward to hear what your opinion are.

--- End quote ---

The Theories put forward for trying to explain the Dyatlov Incident are many and varied. The Meteor Theory has been put forward. But any Theory must take into account the whole sequence of events. And that includes the sudden decision by the Authorities to shut the Case down and shut the Area down as well for several years. A meteor would not have caused the injuries to Dubinina.


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