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Author Topic: The book of Anna Russky " Ural Golgotha or the state order for liquidation"  (Read 33509 times)

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December 04, 2018, 11:16:58 PM
Read 33509 times


Hello! I am Anna Russian from Russia from St. Petersburg!
Finally, the book "Ural Golgotha or state order for liquidation" was published with a version of the death of gr unlike the previous ones. Woodpecker. Author Anna Russian. The book is a sensation, talks about stukacheskoy-doneitalls atmosphere at UPI, where she studied the students, calling names likely customers eliminate and performers. Version fits into all research materials, and at the same time trashing many established patterns.
A book you can buy and order in Helicon plus publishing house 199004, St. Petersburg, 1 line IN, 28
Tel / Fax: (812) 327-4613, (812) 328-2040, (812) 328-6329
The book costs 750 RUB. In the book of 358 pages, and 38 photos.
Each Chapter of the book is an indisputable proof of the version. If the book is needed urgently, - write here or on mail With respect. Anna Russians.
A video about the book can be found here:
Sorry, it's my first time here and I haven't figured out the settings yet.

December 06, 2018, 02:39:15 PM
Reply #1


Case-Files Achievement Recipient

December 07, 2018, 09:05:35 PM
Reply #2


Hello! I am Anna Russian from Russia from St. Petersburg!
Finally, the book "Ural Golgotha or state order for liquidation" was published with a version of the death of gr unlike the previous ones. Woodpecker. Author Anna Russian. The book is a sensation, talks about stukacheskoy-doneitalls atmosphere at UPI, where she studied the students, calling names likely customers eliminate and performers. Version fits into all research materials, and at the same time trashing many established patterns.
A book you can buy and order in Helicon plus publishing house 199004, St. Petersburg, 1 line IN, 28
Tel / Fax: (812) 327-4613, (812) 328-2040, (812) 328-6329
The book costs 750 RUB. In the book of 358 pages, and 38 photos.
Each Chapter of the book is an indisputable proof of the version. If the book is needed urgently, - write here or on mail With respect. Anna Russians.
A video about the book can be found here:
Sorry, it's my first time here and I haven't figured out the settings yet.

Madame, you though here were not disgrace oneself with such, if one may say so, speak affectedly.
The first. Commercial at noncommercial forums is forbidden. And you also are engaged it, advertising the (excuse for a profanation of this word) the you book.
The second. For the normal person it simply madhouse "fabricated" illiterate pen-pushing. By principle: more mucks I will tell about other people, then is better. A little words to you have told in Russia about that as how and as you did so you also have come to this place? Want I will give some small digest of criticism of you have favourite intrnet site. Or I will write own review to your book?
A little will not seem.
If you use automatic translator then at least would watch that as surname of "Дятлов" did not turn century "Woodpecker". It is at least nonprofessional for the writer. That is such writer is not suitable for trade of foreign language. Even if she is engaged in advertising of own book.

December 07, 2018, 09:08:32 PM
Reply #3


Is there any chance of ENGLISH TRANSLATION  ?

You very much want, what would be translated a set of gossips and mean inventions? shock1

December 08, 2018, 05:56:01 AM
Reply #4


I don't see this book being any different then say....  the one Nigel pushes.  The OP also hasn't technically broken any forum rules on advertising.  Let people decide for themselves how to pursue in their own reading endevors. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!
The following users thanked this post: Jean Daniel Reuss

December 08, 2018, 02:07:58 PM
Reply #5


I don't see this book being any different then say....  the one Nigel pushes.

I did not see the reference to the book Nigel. And I did not see advertising of this book here. I would not began tell anything while it not mail and completely it I will not consider about the book. At forum I would give opinion on advertising just the same. Because at us it is accepted so we have. If at you it becomes on another, I will mean it further

The OP also hasn't technically broken any forum rules on advertising. 

You is better it see. At our us at noncommercial forums advertising is forbidden.

Let people decide for themselves how to pursue in their own reading endevors.

I am not going to forbid or draw to anybody anything on what that. I have expressed the opinion which coincides practically with all opinions at several forums in Russia. I would want that our opinion was present here as it is a question of our country.

December 09, 2018, 03:33:19 PM
Reply #6


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I believe we should be free to look at someones theories be it in book form or whatever.  Otherwise we are into CENSORSHIP area. There are already plenty of books on THE DYATLOV CASE so one more is welcome in my opinion. Even if it is in Russian language.
The following users thanked this post: Jean Daniel Reuss

December 12, 2018, 08:50:17 PM
Reply #7


I believe we should be free to look at someones theories be it in book form or whatever.  Otherwise we are into CENSORSHIP area. There are already plenty of books on THE DYATLOV CASE so one more is welcome in my opinion. Even if it is in Russian language.

If you like to read the description of the perverted validity (and even welcome it) that it is impossible to forbid, but to pay attention to it is necessary.
Especially not clearly, why you have started so rigidly to protect about what even have no representation. You did not read the book and at all did not see anything, except a cover on advertising. If it becomes by a principle: the will be worse, the better here already there is a certain predisposition at a theme of our discussion. Therefore I consider that the will be the empty invented and prejudiced text, the faster less and will understand is easier riddles of a discussed theme.
I can result set of responses from our sites where who is expressed разны to emotion of those read and even helped to find the information which has been then perverted. That I did not see any positive review is interesting. The best that has been told: “Here also there was a next book!” Also it is all.

December 12, 2018, 10:37:56 PM
Reply #8


Hello! I am Anna Russian from Russia from St. Petersburg!
Finally, the book "Ural Golgotha or state order for liquidation" was published with a version of the death of gr unlike the previous ones. Woodpecker. Author Anna Russian. The book is a sensation, talks about stukacheskoy-doneitalls atmosphere at UPI, where she studied the students, calling names likely customers eliminate and performers. Version fits into all research materials, and at the same time trashing many established patterns.
A book you can buy and order in Helicon plus publishing house 199004, St. Petersburg, 1 line IN, 28
Tel / Fax: (812) 327-4613, (812) 328-2040, (812) 328-6329
The book costs 750 RUB. In the book of 358 pages, and 38 photos.
Each Chapter of the book is an indisputable proof of the version. If the book is needed urgently, - write here or on mail With respect. Anna Russians.
A video about the book can be found here:
Sorry, it's my first time here and I haven't figured out the settings yet.

What is her theory? Can you tell us briefly how she explains the individual events? Thank you.

December 25, 2018, 10:02:59 AM
Reply #9


Abstract to the book "the Ural Golgotha or the state order for the elimination of the"Sixty years, researchers around the world are speculating on the mystery of the tragedy of the Dyatlov group. Finally, there was the most close to the truth version of the death of tourists - "Ural Golgotha". Its author – the Petersburg writer Anna Russian. This work does not allow any mysticism, fiction and spy-detective stories, but suggests that human life itself is mysterious, tragic and sometimes inexplicable. The subtitle "state order for liquidation" speaks for itself. And the author relies on the statement: "look for someone profitable, and the answer is there," and "there is nothing new in our world, life scenarios are very limited in its diversity." Only relying on logic, personal observations and the peculiarity of the time of the 50s-the writer managed to do a painstaking research work.
In the text there are no fictitious names and persons, almost every assumption is based on documentary evidence of contemporaries of events. And yet the version is not a solved Criminal case with sentencing, but only a version, even if it is as close to the truth as possible.
The material includes previous developments on this topic, but this hypothesis, not like all the others, has developed for the first time, as of the seven well – known notes get a new, not like the others-the product. Anna Russky's research work breaks down many well-established opinions previously accepted as axioms.

The murder of the tourists involved party organs, the military and the KGB. A group of Dyatlov was considered in the Institute is not unreliable, dissenting. The guys wrote denunciations that they want to escape abroad.

June 09, 2019, 03:24:24 PM
Reply #10


"state order for liquidation" speaks for itself.

I agree with this author. Has WAB actually red this book? ! taught Karate for 40 years and nearly all of the students injuries are close-Combat injuries by rifle/machine-pistol and pistol butts  I intend to order this book and decide for myself

June 10, 2019, 12:05:51 PM
Reply #11


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
"state order for liquidation" speaks for itself.

I agree with this author. Has WAB actually red this book? ! taught Karate for 40 years and nearly all of the students injuries are close-Combat injuries by rifle/machine-pistol and pistol butts  I intend to order this book and decide for myself

Of course the injuries are highly  debatable. And lets not forget the very unusual injuries to DUBININA that look like mutilations.

June 11, 2019, 01:48:47 PM
Reply #12


"state order for liquidation" speaks for itself.

I agree with this author. Has WAB actually red this book? ! taught Karate for 40 years and nearly all of the students injuries are close-Combat injuries by rifle/machine-pistol and pistol butts  I intend to order this book and decide for myself

1.I very much doubt that you read this book in general. Then whence you know that in it is written? I read it at as writing and editing stage and I can precisely tell that there was thought write lampoon on the basis untwisted theme. As it has turned out as result. By the way there absolutely there is nothing about traumas, except citations from criminal case.
2.I will tell nothing about Karate but as I professionally was engaged in biomechanics and well I know many systems weapon of the USSR, and I can tell that you do not understand at all, both character of traumas, and in conditions when they can be received. For example, it is impossible get this through wound from any weapon through hole of skull in the size 2 х 3,5 mm (0.138 in x 0.078 in).
3.This book has been approved only 4 or 5 man from who reads the literature about this theme. Simultaneously there were some hundreds responses from different people who have the same opinion as I have resulted above under the text.

Therefore, excuse me please, but except fictions under the program: “I so want! And other opinion cannot be!”, anything else in your statement is not present. There is absent any facts which are replaced by mean conjectures after the citation from criminal case is resulted. Besides, there it is groundless and is false offend very many people, therefore if such book would leave in the USA the author would be imprisoned for long time. They are our people prefer not pay attention, because practically nobody buys this book.
If to you  liking such literature this property is exclusive your own taste. But it shows that you do not have desire to understand that has occurred, and there is a desire to confirm the point of view. Especially if the opinion turns out only from name reading.

December 03, 2019, 03:31:04 AM
Reply #13

Per Inge Oestmoen

"state order for liquidation" speaks for itself.

I agree with this author. Has WAB actually red this book? ! taught Karate for 40 years and nearly all of the students injuries are close-Combat injuries by rifle/machine-pistol and pistol butts  I intend to order this book and decide for myself

As a former jiu jitsu practitioner, (though my rank is a 'mere' yellow belt) I can absolutely confirm that the injuries of the nine students as described in the medical reports are consistent with what can be expected in a human attack by trained killers skilled in close combat techniques. Moreover, two of the killed had injuries with shapes strongly suggested that they were made by a rifle butt.

There is no possibility that the Dyatlov group died as a result of natural forces. Far-fetched theories about Yeti attacks, wolverine attacks, UFO intervention by mysterious aliens and infrasound influence can of course be dismissed straight away. The Dyatlov group was killed by highly competent professionals who knew what they were doing.

December 03, 2019, 03:31:51 PM
Reply #14

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I can’t say I have read this book or intend to.  The traumas are clearly not from hand to hand combat. The force required is too great. The overall pattern of events does not fit human interaction IMO.

Star man


December 04, 2019, 08:55:15 AM
Reply #15


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
"state order for liquidation" speaks for itself.

I agree with this author. Has WAB actually red this book? ! taught Karate for 40 years and nearly all of the students injuries are close-Combat injuries by rifle/machine-pistol and pistol butts  I intend to order this book and decide for myself

As a former jiu jitsu practitioner, (though my rank is a 'mere' yellow belt) I can absolutely confirm that the injuries of the nine students as described in the medical reports are consistent with what can be expected in a human attack by trained killers skilled in close combat techniques. Moreover, two of the killed had injuries with shapes strongly suggested that they were made by a rifle butt.

There is no possibility that the Dyatlov group died as a result of natural forces. Far-fetched theories about Yeti attacks, wolverine attacks, UFO intervention by mysterious aliens and infrasound influence can of course be dismissed straight away. The Dyatlov group was killed by highly competent professionals who knew what they were doing.

The injuries could have been caused by anything.  How can you say with certainty that you know that natural forces were not to blame or indeed ALIEN forces  !  ?  You are seriously speculating here.

December 04, 2019, 08:55:55 AM
Reply #16


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I can’t say I have read this book or intend to.  The traumas are clearly not from hand to hand combat. The force required is too great. The overall pattern of events does not fit human interaction IMO.

Star man

Well said.

December 12, 2019, 01:48:46 PM
Reply #17

Per Inge Oestmoen

The injuries could have been caused by anything.  How can you say with certainty that you know that natural forces were not to blame or indeed ALIEN forces  !  ?  You are seriously speculating here.

The injuries can only be explained by a series of forceful human attacks by trained humans.

All the injuries bespeak such an attack, and even the damaged rib cages are consistent with such a scenario. In fact, a trained jiu jitsu (or karate) practitioner can easily crush a rib cage with elbow strikes - with such a strike even a human skull can be smashed.

The damaged skulls are consistent with strikes from a rifle butt.

Dyatlov even had marks on his ankles indicating that he had been physically restrained by his ankles, quite possibly with leg cuffs.

You call it "speculation," which is a rather rash statement bearing in mind that no natural disasters or accidents remotely fit in with the injuries - and all of them fit in with human attack and nothing else.

December 12, 2019, 02:02:09 PM
Reply #18

Per Inge Oestmoen

I can’t say I have read this book or intend to.  The traumas are clearly not from hand to hand combat. The force required is too great. The overall pattern of events does not fit human interaction IMO.

The damaged skulls with trauma to the sides of the victims' heads are typical marks of hard blows from a hard object. They could not be caused by a non-existent avalanche, nor does the pattern agree with a fall.

The damaged rib cages are consistent with hard blows with either a hard object like a rifle butt or elbows.

There are no injuries found on any of the nine unfortunates that cannot be explained by a merciless attack from skilled people who intended to eliminate their victims without obvious marks like knife cuts or bullet wounds.

Everything points to the attack having been a mission of elimination. It was not a spontaneous attack, and the orchestrators were very much aware that if they had just shot their victims and put them in closed coffins everyone would have understood what had happened. The same if the nine had "disappeared" without a trace.

To arrange such an "accident" was a very intelligent way of accomplishing the mission, and this is testified to by this very discussion. Those who made the decision to eliminate these students who very probably witnesses something they were not supposed to know about are now long gone, but there are probably still some who know.

Let us not give up until the truth about what happened is found.

December 12, 2019, 03:08:38 PM
Reply #19

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The injuries could have been caused by anything.  How can you say with certainty that you know that natural forces were not to blame or indeed ALIEN forces  !  ?  You are seriously speculating here.

The injuries can only be explained by a series of forceful human attacks by trained humans.

All the injuries bespeak such an attack, and even the damaged rib cages are consistent with such a scenario. In fact, a trained jiu jitsu (or karate) practitioner can easily crush a rib cage with elbow strikes - with such a strike even a human skull can be smashed.

The damaged skulls are consistent with strikes from a rifle butt.

Dyatlov even had marks on his ankles indicating that he had been physically restrained by his ankles, quite possibly with leg cuffs.

You call it "speculation," which is a rather rash statement bearing in mind that no natural disasters or accidents remotely fit in with the injuries - and all of them fit in with human attack and nothing else.

Your hypothesis is still lacking an explanation for the straight line fractures of the rib cages which are consistent with an impact of a huge force beyond human capabilities even with a blunt instrument?  Are there any examples of the same sort of flail chest injuries with straight line fractures from hand to hand combat?  These injuries appear to have been made with a single blow to each set of ribs.  Are there examples of the same shape of depressed fractures from rifle butts hitting the skull? From my own investigation the elliptical shape of the fractures are identical to the shape of the ball of the thumb of hand.  A very large hand about 30 long.  It looks like his head was crushed.  There are other possible explanations and the shape could be a coincidence but what evidence do you have to confirm that the shape of the skull injury matches a rifle butt?

Star man

December 18, 2019, 02:42:24 PM
Reply #20


The injuries could have been caused by anything.  How can you say with certainty that you know that natural forces were not to blame or indeed ALIEN forces  !  ?  You are seriously speculating here.

The injuries can only be explained by a series of forceful human attacks by trained humans.

All the injuries bespeak such an attack, and even the damaged rib cages are consistent with such a scenario. In fact, a trained jiu jitsu (or karate) practitioner can easily crush a rib cage with elbow strikes - with such a strike even a human skull can be smashed.

The damaged skulls are consistent with strikes from a rifle butt.

Dyatlov even had marks on his ankles indicating that he had been physically restrained by his ankles, quite possibly with leg cuffs.

You call it "speculation," which is a rather rash statement bearing in mind that no natural disasters or accidents remotely fit in with the injuries - and all of them fit in with human attack and nothing else.

Your hypothesis is still lacking an explanation for the straight line fractures of the rib cages which are consistent with an impact of a huge force beyond human capabilities even with a blunt instrument?  Are there any examples of the same sort of flail chest injuries with straight line fractures from hand to hand combat?  These injuries appear to have been made with a single blow to each set of ribs.  Are there examples of the same shape of depressed fractures from rifle butts hitting the skull? From my own investigation the elliptical shape of the fractures are identical to the shape of the ball of the thumb of hand.  A very large hand about 30 long.  It looks like his head was crushed.  There are other possible explanations and the shape could be a coincidence but what evidence do you have to confirm that the shape of the skull injury matches a rifle butt?

Star man

Seriously, this NOT beyond human capabilities. It is much easier than you might thnk to break 3-4 ribs with a push kick, side kick or stomping provided the defender is stationary - placed against a tree or on the ground. It is much less likely when the victim is stood up freely as the kinetic energy transforms into movement as opposed to the situation when the force has to absorbed by the body itself. The shape culd easily be either from the rifle butt or military shoe (the hemorrhage is less visible due the fabric between the skin and the 'weapon').

To cut the long story short, Specnaz soldiers are fully capable to inflict every single injury reported in the case files, close combat techniques and blunt instruments are enough. No need to bring aliens or yetis into the investigation.

December 18, 2019, 03:36:55 PM
Reply #21


Adding onto this, please refer to the research paper from University of Oregon, especially pages 92 through 96 that clearly state the power of 14000N (more than enough to cause a serious fracture) can be achieved with a roundhouse kick by a trained person, proven by serious research rather than pure speculation. I believe this puts the narrative about a 'force beyond human capability' into the bin where it belongs.

December 18, 2019, 06:06:32 PM
Reply #22


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The Dyatlov Group were not assassinated by other Humans.  All the indications show that other Humans were not involved in the Incident. From the Tent to their final resting places there is no evidence to show that other Humans were involved. Some of the injuries are very unusual. The whole series of events are unusual.