Victims and Case Files > Case Files
Tent: Discovery date
Yes, I've never understood the fascination with the injuries on the bodies. All nine decomposed at least somewhat in the 25 days before being discovered. The 2-foot-deep snow covering did not happen the first day, so the three on the slope were exposed to air and sun for a little while, tho admittedly in a deep-cold state. The two at the cedar had even less snow cover. And while most people think of the four in the ravine as having been literally entombed 100% in snow for those two months, since they were INSIDE a ton of snow when the surrounding multiple tons of snow collapsed. The problem with that thinking, tho, is that they ended up very near the bottom of the collapse, right next to the never-freezing creekbed, so exposed to liquid water and any air it carried for those two months, and the higher temperatures with it. (That's why fish in frozen ponds don't freeze solid; the water below the frozen surface stays slightly above freezing.) 99.9% of people studying this mystery have never had a death in the family where the victim was outside for a long time before being embalmed, so it's understandable that a missing tongue and the other ghastly things that the coroner found on some bodies would make folks think something was amiss. But, no, it was just normal decomposition and scavenging by denizens of the forest and creek that caused the body changes. Further, I would not be surprised if Slobodin's bone crack happened on the day he was dug out, when at least two men were standing on top of the two feet of snow covering his head. A hard-frozen decomposing skull would be a bit fragile, I would think, and the searchers had no idea they were walking around above a body.
For others, here's the excerpt from Slobtsov's book:
The commission of experts also found out that Slobodin:
"…had the bone crack with the dehiscence of edges to 0,1 cm (the length of this crack is 6 cm) from the leading edge of scales of the left temporal bone in the direction of the front and up the frontal bone. The crack is in 1,5 cm from the sagittal suture. Besides, there is opening of joints in the area of temporoparietal suture on the left, and also on the right (posthumous) …"
These cracks, invisible from the outside, found only during the internal investigation, were also considered the result of freezing, and weren't attached value.
So I never considered the body injuries a mystery. I spent 99% of my research on the tent situation.
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