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Author Topic: They could NOT have been crushed by snow!  (Read 34601 times)

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March 27, 2021, 06:11:08 PM
Reply #60


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
These people should not have died.. This was survivable..They only had  few hours  till sunrise.. And with their experience,   it should have just been a bad night..

Bad night ! ? Your not kidding. Something extraordinary happened and its highly unlikely that any kind of Snow Den was going to save them.

March 27, 2021, 06:14:16 PM
Reply #61


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
This website is supporting the tree theory.

What are you talking about  ! ?

March 27, 2021, 06:17:32 PM
Reply #62


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The searchers noted there were no animal tracks in the area.. if the DG's tracks were preserved then a wolverine track would also be preserved, no?

This has been mentioned lots of times in this Forum. The only tracks found were those allegedly belonging to the Dyatlov Group.

March 27, 2021, 06:17:55 PM
Reply #63


Yes. something did happen that night.. and their survival would  depend on what that was.. Why they ran and why hey didnt go back.. But,  ordinarily they could have survived this..

March 27, 2021, 06:19:17 PM
Reply #64


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Yes. something did happen that night.. and their survival would  depend on what that was.. Why they ran and why hey didnt go back.. But,  ordinarily they could have survived this..

But this was not an ordinary situation.

March 27, 2021, 06:20:02 PM
Reply #65


The Tree Theory is what the book 1079 is about. Geologists accidentally felled a tree on them, tent ad all.. So they moved them to remove evidence they did it

March 27, 2021, 06:21:15 PM
Reply #66


Yes. something did happen that night.. and their survival would  depend on what that was.. Why they ran and why hey didnt go back.. But,  ordinarily they could have survived this..

But this was not an ordinary situation.

Depends on the cause..

March 28, 2021, 01:23:16 AM
Reply #67


It is true they are much lighter than a human so might not leave prints in harder snow..

I have another objection... wolverines mostly eat carrion... If there was one in the area, wouldn't the corpses have bites? I have read that wolverines have special teeth so they are even able to feed on frozen meat. And also their food is most scarce in winter so they'd be desperate.

Yes they seem to eat anything. There must have been animal trails within the area as there are the Mansi hunters and they obviously to build labaz to protect their food. So animals are definitely about.

When they say were no animal prints it must just mean at the tent or animal tracks get covered or destroyed quicker?

The Wolverine would not have been hunting them but  followed their smell. There is a story of a Wolverine following a man in to a snow hole and they both sat there until the blizzard passed. The man apparently held a knife at the ready.

They don't seem overly scared of humans and have poor eyesight. If the Wolverine crawled in to the already over crowded tent , I could imagine the panic.

If it sprayed it's weapon then it could explain the chaos,especially in the confined space of the tent. Apparently the smell causes nausea and dizziness to the point of almost unconscious.

There were yellow stains found on some of the clothes that would not wash off ( if I remember correctly) . Also ,this smell would probably ward of other animals eating the corpse's for the 3 weeks. I would of thought the 2 Yuri's might have suffered from scavenging.

The Wolverine that may or may not have entered the tent might have ran away after the confrontation. The group couldn't get their belongings and dumped the clothes outside the tent that were contaminated purely because of the smell that can knock you out.

I have tried to research  how bad and toxic the smell can be but can't find anything scientific.

March 28, 2021, 03:19:06 AM
Reply #68

Nigel Evans

From memory WAB had some thoughts on the wolverine theory, mainly negative. If you have a knife why not kill it?

March 28, 2021, 03:50:33 AM
Reply #69


From memory WAB had some thoughts on the wolverine theory, mainly negative. If you have a knife why not kill it?

Yeah, I have a vague recollection, I'll have to try and find the rebuffs to the Wolverine. At the moment it works for me. Obviously I reserve the right to change my mind lol4. I can watch the flat earth videos on YouTube and I come away thinking they have point!!!

It depends on the nature of the contact. If the Wolverine was smelling the loin , sneaked into the tent past the sheet that was stitched in the entrance it might of been a bit of a suprise to both parties. Poor light, knife not at hand. There were scratches I believe on solotov camera case. The Wolverine doesn't necessarily attack with teeth and claws. When the animal is frightened it sprays from its glands some sort of toxic spray. Apparently it's involuntary and as much to do with stress. It has 2 glands, one for marking territory /food, the other that allegedly makes dogs, wolf's etc run for cover. This secretion is reported to make the eyes water , cause blindness, vomiting, gagging and dizziness and that's in open air , not in a tent. The smell can linger for over a week.

So a knife after it's sprayed its chemical weapon doesn't really matter. Its the toxic spray that made them leave everything. Why some clothes were taken and some thrown to the ground. Basically they couldn't approach the tent. If I remember it was implied that it looked like they stayed at a distance from the tent before they moved downhill. Also the sheet that was at the entrance was sticking out and was ripped. Might be the Wolverine try to get back out.

Just ideas and observations, mostly inspired by Igor B.

March 28, 2021, 04:55:07 AM
Reply #70

Nigel Evans

Understood, but once outside i would wrap clothing around my face and attempt to get footwear and clothing, definitely footwear. If the animal was still inside i'd collapse the tent and trap it in a corner to reach other parts of the tent.

March 28, 2021, 05:12:46 AM
Reply #71


 I agree Nigel. I have had the same questions. I guess it all revolves around the potential of how toxic the Wolverine spray is. They didn't cut the tent because of the physical presence of the beast but the chemical toxins. Apparently it's like tear gas. If it is that unbearable it goes along way to explaining what happened at the tent. Even if the Wolverine was in the tent, dead, or ran away it's the spray that's the problem. Their clothes would have been covered with it. They have received a concentrated level of it. All is covered and apparently it's worse in the cold air( whole bunch of science that I'm not even going to pretend to understand)

Igor B goes on to explain the dilation of some of the eye pupils and the link to toxins. The key question would be is that bad that they couldn't even approach the tent to take basic kit, axe's etc that would help them survive.

Like you , my common sense tells me I would take what I needed. It all hinges on this beasts secretion ...... And I'm searching the internet to find a video example of a humans rreaction  like a man possessed.lol


March 28, 2021, 05:38:26 AM
Reply #72


Dilated pupils are also a symptom of hypothermia.

I used to live in an area with wolverines. Didn't see them much because they try to avoid humans, at least in a residential area. But you could see their tracks... What they do is, if they found food in some place, for example a dead bird, they come back daily for a few days hoping there's more. They usually hunt / scavenge at night.

So the lack of prints is hard to explain. Their prints are large and kind of look like dog prints. (but 5 paw pads, not 4)

Also what I've read is that wolverine hide used to be used by hunters for its warmth and durability for making jackets. I assume if it gets hunted the stress reaction kicks in and it sprays... well, maybe they aired the hide for a time before making the jacket..
« Last Edit: March 28, 2021, 05:42:57 AM by Manti »


March 28, 2021, 06:12:47 AM
Reply #73


Dilated pupils are also a symptom of hypothermia.

I used to live in an area with wolverines. Didn't see them much because they try to avoid humans, at least in a residential area. But you could see their tracks... What they do is, if they found food in some place, for example a dead bird, they come back daily for a few days hoping there's more. They usually hunt / scavenge at night.

So the lack of prints is hard to explain. Their prints are large and kind of look like dog prints. (but 5 paw pads, not 4)

Also what I've read is that wolverine hide used to be used by hunters for its warmth and durability for making jackets. I assume if it gets hunted the stress reaction kicks in and it sprays... well, maybe they aired the hide for a time before making the jacket..

I was looking at one of Igor B explainations about the dilated pupils. I need to give it more context as to his thoughts. Ill see if I can find it. There is so much information which I find gives  rational explations. They are on his links but I understand people are having trouble translating.

Their was an expedition by a Swedish group that found footprints of a Wolverine at DP so they exist. Again the Wolverine tracks had over 3 weeks to erode or be covered up and if it's hard snow they won't of been very deep. Obviously,it's impossible to tell the snow conditions in 1959 on the mountain but it was hard or firn by reports of the snow on the tent.

The Wolverine doesn't always spray when hunted. Obviously it can be caught in traps, shot or hunted by huskies. It has come close to humans in many examples. One person woke up to a Wolverine licking their face in a tent. Got punched in the face and it took off. They are curious creatures. In the video supplied by Igor some people have them as pets?

They only seem to spray under extreme circumstances. Stuck in a tent with 9 people and no-one knows what wolverines are, I can only imagine the commotion , I'd probably involuntary spray my own smell grin1

I believe they can be hunted without them using their glands.

March 28, 2021, 08:45:17 AM
Reply #74


Dilated pupils are also a symptom of hypothermia.

I used to live in an area with wolverines. Didn't see them much because they try to avoid humans, at least in a residential area. But you could see their tracks... What they do is, if they found food in some place, for example a dead bird, they come back daily for a few days hoping there's more. They usually hunt / scavenge at night.

So the lack of prints is hard to explain. Their prints are large and kind of look like dog prints. (but 5 paw pads, not 4)

Also what I've read is that wolverine hide used to be used by hunters for its warmth and durability for making jackets. I assume if it gets hunted the stress reaction kicks in and it sprays... well, maybe they aired the hide for a time before making the jacket..

I was looking at one of Igor B explainations about the dilated pupils. I need to give it more context as to his thoughts. Ill see if I can find it. There is so much information which I find gives  rational explations. They are on his links but I understand people are having trouble translating.

Their was an expedition by a Swedish group that found footprints of a Wolverine at DP so they exist. Again the Wolverine tracks had over 3 weeks to erode or be covered up and if it's hard snow they won't of been very deep. Obviously,it's impossible to tell the snow conditions in 1959 on the mountain but it was hard or firn by reports of the snow on the tent.

The Wolverine doesn't always spray when hunted. Obviously it can be caught in traps, shot or hunted by huskies. It has come close to humans in many examples. One person woke up to a Wolverine licking their face in a tent. Got punched in the face and it took off. They are curious creatures. In the video supplied by Igor some people have them as pets?

They only seem to spray under extreme circumstances. Stuck in a tent with 9 people and no-one knows what wolverines are, I can only imagine the commotion , I'd probably involuntary spray my own smell grin1

I believe they can be hunted without them using their glands.

We deal with skunks in everyday life where I live.  They normally keep to themselves and only spray when frightened (like by dogs.  Dogs are a huge issue because you can't let them back into the house and NOTHING stops the smell.  Somethings mitigate it, like vinegar or tomato juice but the only thing that actually gets rid of the smell is time.)  If I was sprayed by a skunk, I'd be vomiting and out of my brain for some time and my understanding is that wolverines are worse than skunks!  I can't even imagine!!!  Yuck!!!!!  I'd be spraying myself just like you, lol!!!!!

March 28, 2021, 09:08:03 AM
Reply #75


Well it's interesting. If it's worse than a skunk and was in side the tent it would be very concentrated. I don't how air borne the partials would be and if it would have been inhaled to the respiratory system making things worse.

There seems to be more information about the skunk and have luckily not had the pleasure of smelly it!

But it is a theory along along with all others. Very compelling and Igor's links have a lot of research. I just wish he would post it up for you guys to see in English.

Its not all about the Wolverine.

March 28, 2021, 09:57:09 AM
Reply #76


Well it's interesting. If it's worse than a skunk and was in side the tent it would be very concentrated. I don't how air borne the partials would be and if it would have been inhaled to the respiratory system making things worse.

There seems to be more information about the skunk and have luckily not had the pleasure of smelly it!

But it is a theory along along with all others. Very compelling and Igor's links have a lot of research. I just wish he would post it up for you guys to see in English.

Its not all about the Wolverine.

Be very glad, lol!!  Skunks stink!!  We get a lot of wildlife here; bears, skunks, raccoons, feral cats (the cats are the meanest, lol!  I am the caretaker for the feral colony and I've seen the mama cat chase a bear out of our yard!)  Skunks mostly scavenge in the garbage cans but otherwise aren't too bad.  But if another animal scares them and they spray near the house, oh!  Its awful!!! 

I've finally had a chance to really pour through Igor's links, now that I have a browser that will translate.  He's certainly done a LOT of research!! 

March 28, 2021, 10:05:35 AM
Reply #77


Well it's interesting. If it's worse than a skunk and was in side the tent it would be very concentrated. I don't how air borne the partials would be and if it would have been inhaled to the respiratory system making things worse.

There seems to be more information about the skunk and have luckily not had the pleasure of smelly it!

But it is a theory along along with all others. Very compelling and Igor's links have a lot of research. I just wish he would post it up for you guys to see in English.

Its not all about the Wolverine.

Be very glad, lol!!  Skunks stink!!  We get a lot of wildlife here; bears, skunks, raccoons, feral cats (the cats are the meanest, lol!  I am the caretaker for the feral colony and I've seen the mama cat chase a bear out of our yard!)  Skunks mostly scavenge in the garbage cans but otherwise aren't too bad.  But if another animal scares them and they spray near the house, oh!  Its awful!!! 

I've finally had a chance to really pour through Igor's links, now that I have a browser that will translate.  He's certainly done a LOT of research!! 

Great stuff Kfinn. I'm sure I read through the links about cats having a go at bears. I've seen my cats chase dogs away. A very odd thing to see.lol

I would love to hear your thoughts on his theory. Lots of new stuff I hadn't come across ,or new to me anyway.

March 28, 2021, 12:59:55 PM
Reply #78

Nigel Evans

Rocket fuel has hallucinogenic properties.... Nitrous oxide, hydrazine.

March 28, 2021, 01:09:45 PM
Reply #79


Well it's interesting. If it's worse than a skunk and was in side the tent it would be very concentrated. I don't how air borne the partials would be and if it would have been inhaled to the respiratory system making things worse.

There seems to be more information about the skunk and have luckily not had the pleasure of smelly it!

But it is a theory along along with all others. Very compelling and Igor's links have a lot of research. I just wish he would post it up for you guys to see in English.

Its not all about the Wolverine.

Be very glad, lol!!  Skunks stink!!  We get a lot of wildlife here; bears, skunks, raccoons, feral cats (the cats are the meanest, lol!  I am the caretaker for the feral colony and I've seen the mama cat chase a bear out of our yard!)  Skunks mostly scavenge in the garbage cans but otherwise aren't too bad.  But if another animal scares them and they spray near the house, oh!  Its awful!!! 

I've finally had a chance to really pour through Igor's links, now that I have a browser that will translate.  He's certainly done a LOT of research!! 

Great stuff Kfinn. I'm sure I read through the links about cats having a go at bears. I've seen my cats chase dogs away. A very odd thing to see.lol

I would love to hear your thoughts on his theory. Lots of new stuff I hadn't come across ,or new to me anyway.

This is a situation where I wish we could test the clothing and tent fabric!  As there were no animal tracks present, testing the fabrics could help us rule in/out so many things from wolverine spray to rocket fuel remnants to possible chemical particles from ball lightning!

I think for me personally, the most plausible explanation for the ravine injuries is crushing from snow, followed by Teddy's tree falling theory.  During the exhumation of Zolotaryov's body, the expert felt that his injuries very well could have been caused by heavy snow impact.  Because the rib fractures encompass the higher ribs (which are much more difficult to break as they are better protected,) this indicates a unique event to me.  On that, Igor's theory is definitely in the higher side of plausibility to me.  I do get hung up on the lack of evidence regarding a wolverine but it isn't out of the realm of possibility.  We've seen it mentioned that there was predation on the two Yuri's under the cedar, such as their noses being eaten by fox yet there were no fox tracks under the cedar, so its entirely possible!  Again, if the clothes and tent fabric had been tested for various residue, we might have had more conclusive answers but then, this wouldn't be such a mystery, lol.  I do know that if a skunk managed to get into my tent and sprayed I'd be out of there, down the hill and a km away as fast as my short legs could take me, lol! 

March 28, 2021, 01:36:50 PM
Reply #80


Well it's interesting. If it's worse than a skunk and was in side the tent it would be very concentrated. I don't how air borne the partials would be and if it would have been inhaled to the respiratory system making things worse.

There seems to be more information about the skunk and have luckily not had the pleasure of smelly it!

But it is a theory along along with all others. Very compelling and Igor's links have a lot of research. I just wish he would post it up for you guys to see in English.

Its not all about the Wolverine.

Be very glad, lol!!  Skunks stink!!  We get a lot of wildlife here; bears, skunks, raccoons, feral cats (the cats are the meanest, lol!  I am the caretaker for the feral colony and I've seen the mama cat chase a bear out of our yard!)  Skunks mostly scavenge in the garbage cans but otherwise aren't too bad.  But if another animal scares them and they spray near the house, oh!  Its awful!!! 

I've finally had a chance to really pour through Igor's links, now that I have a browser that will translate.  He's certainly done a LOT of research!! 

Great stuff Kfinn. I'm sure I read through the links about cats having a go at bears. I've seen my cats chase dogs away. A very odd thing to see.lol

I would love to hear your thoughts on his theory. Lots of new stuff I hadn't come across ,or new to me anyway.

This is a situation where I wish we could test the clothing and tent fabric!  As there were no animal tracks present, testing the fabrics could help us rule in/out so many things from wolverine spray to rocket fuel remnants to possible chemical particles from ball lightning!

I think for me personally, the most plausible explanation for the ravine injuries is crushing from snow, followed by Teddy's tree falling theory.  During the exhumation of Zolotaryov's body, the expert felt that his injuries very well could have been caused by heavy snow impact.  Because the rib fractures encompass the higher ribs (which are much more difficult to break as they are better protected,) this indicates a unique event to me.  On that, Igor's theory is definitely in the higher side of plausibility to me.  I do get hung up on the lack of evidence regarding a wolverine but it isn't out of the realm of possibility.  We've seen it mentioned that there was predation on the two Yuri's under the cedar, such as their noses being eaten by fox yet there were no fox tracks under the cedar, so its entirely possible!  Again, if the clothes and tent fabric had been tested for various residue, we might have had more conclusive answers but then, this wouldn't be such a mystery, lol.  I do know that if a skunk managed to get into my tent and sprayed I'd be out of there, down the hill and a km away as fast as my short legs could take me, lol! 

I'm with you on all your points. I'm comfortable with the Wolverine tracks not being there due to its large feet to body weight and three weeks before the searchers turned up. But with modern forensics etc , to have the tent would help a lot.

I dismissed the Wolverine from the start because I was looking at from the size of the animal verses 9 humans.

I've yet to indulge myself with teddy's theory and it's got good support.

I was for the avalanche /outsiders in equal measure. I still have an open mind and have so many books about UFOs and Bigfoot from my younger years. 3 stories of paranormal events that confuse me to this day because of the people that told me, one was a UFO and it's just shocking.

But since you are now the website skunk experience expert , is it really that bad?

March 28, 2021, 02:23:26 PM
Reply #81


Well it's interesting. If it's worse than a skunk and was in side the tent it would be very concentrated. I don't how air borne the partials would be and if it would have been inhaled to the respiratory system making things worse.

There seems to be more information about the skunk and have luckily not had the pleasure of smelly it!

But it is a theory along along with all others. Very compelling and Igor's links have a lot of research. I just wish he would post it up for you guys to see in English.

Its not all about the Wolverine.

Be very glad, lol!!  Skunks stink!!  We get a lot of wildlife here; bears, skunks, raccoons, feral cats (the cats are the meanest, lol!  I am the caretaker for the feral colony and I've seen the mama cat chase a bear out of our yard!)  Skunks mostly scavenge in the garbage cans but otherwise aren't too bad.  But if another animal scares them and they spray near the house, oh!  Its awful!!! 

I've finally had a chance to really pour through Igor's links, now that I have a browser that will translate.  He's certainly done a LOT of research!! 

Great stuff Kfinn. I'm sure I read through the links about cats having a go at bears. I've seen my cats chase dogs away. A very odd thing to see.lol

I would love to hear your thoughts on his theory. Lots of new stuff I hadn't come across ,or new to me anyway.

This is a situation where I wish we could test the clothing and tent fabric!  As there were no animal tracks present, testing the fabrics could help us rule in/out so many things from wolverine spray to rocket fuel remnants to possible chemical particles from ball lightning!

I think for me personally, the most plausible explanation for the ravine injuries is crushing from snow, followed by Teddy's tree falling theory.  During the exhumation of Zolotaryov's body, the expert felt that his injuries very well could have been caused by heavy snow impact.  Because the rib fractures encompass the higher ribs (which are much more difficult to break as they are better protected,) this indicates a unique event to me.  On that, Igor's theory is definitely in the higher side of plausibility to me.  I do get hung up on the lack of evidence regarding a wolverine but it isn't out of the realm of possibility.  We've seen it mentioned that there was predation on the two Yuri's under the cedar, such as their noses being eaten by fox yet there were no fox tracks under the cedar, so its entirely possible!  Again, if the clothes and tent fabric had been tested for various residue, we might have had more conclusive answers but then, this wouldn't be such a mystery, lol.  I do know that if a skunk managed to get into my tent and sprayed I'd be out of there, down the hill and a km away as fast as my short legs could take me, lol! 

I'm with you on all your points. I'm comfortable with the Wolverine tracks not being there due to its large feet to body weight and three weeks before the searchers turned up. But with modern forensics etc , to have the tent would help a lot.

I dismissed the Wolverine from the start because I was looking at from the size of the animal verses 9 humans.

I've yet to indulge myself with teddy's theory and it's got good support.

I was for the avalanche /outsiders in equal measure. I still have an open mind and have so many books about UFOs and Bigfoot from my younger years. 3 stories of paranormal events that confuse me to this day because of the people that told me, one was a UFO and it's just shocking.

But since you are now the website skunk experience expert , is it really that bad?

Sadly, skunk spray is awful.  For example, one night last summer it was pretty hot and humid so we had the windows open.  A skunk sprayed out in the yard around midnight, probably 50 feet from the house but we had to close the windows and vent the house for the next couple of hours.  When the spray close, it will make your eyes water; if its really close, you can vomit and feel nauseous.  It is highly unpleasant!! 

March 28, 2021, 02:33:44 PM
Reply #82


Sadly, skunk spray is awful.  For example, one night last summer it was pretty hot and humid so we had the windows open.  A skunk sprayed out in the yard around midnight, probably 50 feet from the house but we had to close the windows and vent the house for the next couple of hours.  When the spray close, it will make your eyes water; if its really close, you can vomit and feel nauseous.  It is highly unpleasant!!

That interesting to know , if the Wolverine is worse then it adds some weight to the theory. If I may ask....would it stop you to pick up some clothes / tools if your life depended on it. If it was sprayed directly on your warm jacket that would keep you alive and warm could you tolarate it , or would you have to get rid of the jacket?

March 28, 2021, 02:52:48 PM
Reply #83


Sadly, skunk spray is awful.  For example, one night last summer it was pretty hot and humid so we had the windows open.  A skunk sprayed out in the yard around midnight, probably 50 feet from the house but we had to close the windows and vent the house for the next couple of hours.  When the spray close, it will make your eyes water; if its really close, you can vomit and feel nauseous.  It is highly unpleasant!!

That interesting to know , if the Wolverine is worse then it adds some weight to the theory. If I may ask....would it stop you to pick up some clothes / tools if your life depended on it. If it was sprayed directly on your warm jacket that would keep you alive and warm could you tolarate it , or would you have to get rid of the jacket?

That's a hard question.  If my jacket were not sprayed, I'd like to believe that I would have enough sense to grab it.  If it were sprayed, it would be miserable to wear it, especially if it was a direct spray to the jacket.  I would think the Dyatlov group, being comprised of nine people, at least one person would be able to weigh out what the worst scenario was (which would be the cold.)  The cold could definitely kill someone whereas the smell of skunk spray, or wolverine in this case, would be a miserable experience but wouldn't outright kill them.  I personally think someone in the group would know they needed their valenki and jackets, regardless of the spray.  It would be very hard to wear anything sprayed, very hard.  But when the alternative is most likely death, I think they'd go with the jackets and shoes.

Now, if the wolverine was stuck inside the tent, that is more of a physical threat than just spray because wolverines are fighters, unlike skunks.  Skunks only spray when threatened and are otherwise pretty innocuous.  Wolverines are tough little guys who claw and bite.  They are mean, lol!!  If that prevented them from going in the tent to get their things out, I could understand why they'd go to an area where they could build a fire and wait it out and the only real place to do that was away from the tent.  So in this scenario, I'd think both the smell and the physical threat of the wolverine being stuck inside the tent would have to both happen. 

March 28, 2021, 03:19:49 PM
Reply #84


Sadly, skunk spray is awful.  For example, one night last summer it was pretty hot and humid so we had the windows open.  A skunk sprayed out in the yard around midnight, probably 50 feet from the house but we had to close the windows and vent the house for the next couple of hours.  When the spray close, it will make your eyes water; if its really close, you can vomit and feel nauseous.  It is highly unpleasant!!

That interesting to know , if the Wolverine is worse then it adds some weight to the theory. If I may ask....would it stop you to pick up some clothes / tools if your life depended on it. If it was sprayed directly on your warm jacket that would keep you alive and warm could you tolarate it , or would you have to get rid of the jacket?

That's a hard question.  If my jacket were not sprayed, I'd like to believe that I would have enough sense to grab it.  If it were sprayed, it would be miserable to wear it, especially if it was a direct spray to the jacket.  I would think the Dyatlov group, being comprised of nine people, at least one person would be able to weigh out what the worst scenario was (which would be the cold.)  The cold could definitely kill someone whereas the smell of skunk spray, or wolverine in this case, would be a miserable experience but wouldn't outright kill them.  I personally think someone in the group would know they needed their valenki and jackets, regardless of the spray.  It would be very hard to wear anything sprayed, very hard.  But when the alternative is most likely death, I think they'd go with the jackets and shoes.

Now, if the wolverine was stuck inside the tent, that is more of a physical threat than just spray because wolverines are fighters, unlike skunks.  Skunks only spray when threatened and are otherwise pretty innocuous.  Wolverines are tough little guys who claw and bite.  They are mean, lol!!  If that prevented them from going in the tent to get their things out, I could understand why they'd go to an area where they could build a fire and wait it out and the only real place to do that was away from the tent.  So in this scenario, I'd think both the smell and the physical threat of the wolverine being stuck inside the tent would have to both happen. 

For the Wolverine theory ( and we don't know how toxic it's weapon is) to work it must , must be that going to the treeline is the better option. In Igor's theory he also questions the time of day and the weather was a lot warmer. Also the Dyatlov group were not familiar with the Wolverine. I don't think the physical threat is important. Not nice but I'm sure the Wolverine would have ran away.

It revolves around the jackets being left outside the tent etc. I'm still searching the web to find someone that's sniffed it. I'll try and get that fake , bear Grylls on the case.....

March 28, 2021, 04:15:23 PM
Reply #85


I was reading about the if there was a smell on another forum, Russian I think? and they said there was no smell on the tent or clothing. I didn't look at it that seriously because we have them here and there has never been one attack a tent or enter it and spray people. the spray isn't used as defense, they are very tough animals who will make grizzly bears back down and they spray to mark territory or food so other animals don't eat it. if there was one in the tent, they would be badly mauled

March 28, 2021, 04:36:59 PM
Reply #86


I was reading about the if there was a smell on another forum, Russian I think? and they said there was no smell on the tent or clothing. I didn't look at it that seriously because we have them here and there has never been one attack a tent or enter it and spray people. the spray isn't used as defense, they are very tough animals who will make grizzly bears back down and they spray to mark territory or food so other animals don't eat it. if there was one in the tent, they would be badly mauled

Hi tenne.

I am learning as I go. From what I can work out this , Wolverine ( weasal family)
Has 2 different glands. One is for marking it's food or territory. Its territory is short lived as it migrates a lot. Up to 20 miles a day. Its second gland is for spraying a horrid smell, only when it doesn't know what to do. It doesn't go in to tents or fights with dogs or bears with the intention of haveing a fight and spray it's stinky weapon. Its almost always the last thing it does.( As far as I am understand)

The smell after 3 weeks would have gone mostly.

March 28, 2021, 05:36:03 PM
Reply #87


I was reading about the if there was a smell on another forum, Russian I think? and they said there was no smell on the tent or clothing. I didn't look at it that seriously because we have them here and there has never been one attack a tent or enter it and spray people. the spray isn't used as defense, they are very tough animals who will make grizzly bears back down and they spray to mark territory or food so other animals don't eat it. if there was one in the tent, they would be badly mauled

Hi tenne.

I am learning as I go. From what I can work out this , Wolverine ( weasal family)
Has 2 different glands. One is for marking it's food or territory. Its territory is short lived as it migrates a lot. Up to 20 miles a day. Its second gland is for spraying a horrid smell, only when it doesn't know what to do. It doesn't go in to tents or fights with dogs or bears with the intention of haveing a fight and spray it's stinky weapon. Its almost always the last thing it does.( As far as I am understand)

The smell after 3 weeks would have gone mostly.

Wolverine's are very tough animals that can make a bear back down using their claws and teeth. They don't use spray as a defensive weapon. The only way they would spray the people in the tent was if they were dead when it got there and it was marking them as their food so no other animal ate it

March 28, 2021, 06:26:50 PM
Reply #88


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The Tree Theory is what the book 1079 is about. Geologists accidentally felled a tree on them, tent ad all.. So they moved them to remove evidence they did it

Well I havnt read the book yet because I havnt decided on whether or not to get the paperback version. But from what I gather its not a Theory I would subscribe to. I will get it though because of the work that Teddy has put into this Dyatlov Case over the years.

March 28, 2021, 06:29:24 PM
Reply #89


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Rocket fuel has hallucinogenic properties.... Nitrous oxide, hydrazine.

Yes and Rocket Fuel also leaves a good Trace that would have been spotted by the Searchers and Investigators.