Theories Discussion > Ergot poisoning / Shrooms
Methanol Poisining
No problem....... Page 6
--- Quote ---The width of the aortic arch over the valves:
Alexander Kolevatov - 7 cm.
Thibo-Brignol Nicholas - 8,5 cm.
Igor Dyatlov - 8 cm
Kolmogorov Zina - 8 cm
Doroshenko Yuri - 8,5 cm
Dubinin Lyuda - no data
Zolotarev Semen - no data
Slobodin Rustem - no data
Кривонищенко Георгий - no data
Image of the aorta
The aorta (lat ..arteria ortha, a.ortha - a straight artery) is the largest unpaired arterial vessel of the great circle of blood circulation in the human body. It exits from the left ventricle, the beginning of it - the aorta aperture. From the aorta all arteries that form a large circle of blood flow away. The aorta is divided into three sections: the ascending part of the aorta, the aortic arch and the descending part of the aorta.
The arch of the aorta is facing upwards with its convexity. From the bulge go three large vessels: the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery.
The brachiocephalic trunk at the level of the right sternoclavicular joint is divided into two branches: the right common carotid artery and the right subclavian artery. Heading from front to back, the aortic arch at level III of the thoracic vertebra passes into the descending part of the aorta.
Quite recently, based on a thousand studies, physicians made an interesting conclusion that the age of a man can be determined from the width of the aorta!
The aorta in humans is expanded twice - initially to 20-22 years, for the second time after 40 years.
Analysis of metric data of men of different ages was carried out after studies of the aorta without pronounced atherosclerotic deformation and putrefactive changes. As a result of this analysis, forensic experts noticed an amazing feature - the width of the aorta varies with age.
Based on a large number of data studied, a graphic model was constructed that depicts the growth patterns of different aortic departments at different ages of a person.
The aorta of the people studied was measured at five levels:
"B" is the upper border of the rectilinear part of the abdominal part of the aorta,
"1" is the lower border,
"3" is the upper border of the rectilinear part of the thoracic region,
"2" is the midpoint between the levels "1" and "2",
"D" - the most a wide part of the arch of the aorta.
Dynamics of age-related changes in the aortic perimeters at five levels in the age range of 18-40 years
As we can see, the widest part of the aortic arch in part "D" in healthy people under the age of 25 should not exceed 5 cm.
Publication. "Actual issues of forensic medicine and expert practice, Barnaul-Novosibirsk 2011. 17 »
(SME EM Skaryukin, head of the Elizovsky Interdistrict Department)
Perhaps, about this feature of the aorta Revived B.A. in 1959 did not yet know, but the size of the aorta in the dead were strange:
The width of the aortic arch above the valves:
Kolevatov Alexander 7 cm .
Thibault Brignol Nicholas - 8.5 cm
Igor's djatlov - 8 cm
Kolmogorov Zina - 8 cm
Doroshenko Yuri - 8,5 cm
It turns out that in 5 children, the Rebirth recorded that the width of the aortic arch was increased for some reason. Such dimensions of the width of the aortic arch correspond to the size of the organ of a sick person or person aged over 70 years. But all the guys were healthy and athletic people!
As a result, in a short period of time, the width of the aortic arch could increase in healthy athletes?
The rapid expansion of the aortic arch (an aortic arch aneurysm) was probably due to inhalation pulmonary edema, sudden pressure spikes and blood clotting after receiving poisoning and a large dose of irradiation (blood as it boils in the veins) and venous stasis.
After getting into the open parts of the body and in the respiratory organs of radioactive iodine particles 131, their radiation causes severe radiation burns to the skin, respiratory and blood, but most of all, the thyroid gland , in which up to 90% of radioactive substances accumulate, suffers !
I want to draw the reader's attention to another very interesting fact - the description in the media reports of a very important body that, from the impact of radioactive iodine (131J), suffers first of all - the thyroid gland .
The first group of tourists, whose bodies were found in the early days of prospecting:
Igor Dyatlov - "... The horns of the hyoid bone are intact. Thyroid gland on cut fleshy red ...
Kolmogorova Zinaida - "... The hyoid bone is intact. Thyroid gland on the incision of cyanotic red color ... "
Slobodin Rustem - "... The horns of the hyoid bone are intact. Thyroid gland on a red incision ... "
Doroshenko Yuri - "... The horns of the hyoid bones are intact. Thyroid gland on the cut is fleshy, reddish ... "
Krivonischenko George - "... Thyroid gland on the cut is fleshy, dark red. The horns of the hyoid bone are intact ... "
The second group of tourists, whose bodies were found in a ravine, in a stream, under a 3-meter layer of snow.
Alexander Kolevatov - description of the thyroid gland in the media is missing "... The neck is long, thin, deformed in the region of the thyroid cartilage ...."
Dubinina Lyudmila - there is no description of the thyroid gland in the media "... The neck is long, thin. Soft tissues of the neck area are saggy to the touch. When probing the neck, unusual mobility of the horns of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage is determined . ... "
Zolotarev Semyon - description of the thyroid gland in the media is missing "... The hyoid bone is intact. ... "
Thibault Nicholas - the description of the thyroid gland in the media is missing "... The hyoid bone is intact. ... "
Iodine, as a substance, is extremely selectively deposited in the thyroid gland. After ingress of 131J into the human body, the radioactivity of the thyroid gland can exceed the radioactivity of all other tissues by more than 200 times!
--- End quote ---
Ah! That’s exactly what I was looking for, thank you :)
The missing thyroid information is super suspect on the rav4....
What the hell is going on here. Vozrozhdenny is infuriating to me!!!! He had a very noticeable pattern in his head to toe autopsy method. It's very easy to read his stride. So the fact that information is just so blatantly overlooked and missing...this was not an oversight on his part. He was doing this stuff for years and years. He knew what he was doing--he also knew what he was conveniently leaving out of the reports. And that's what drives me absolutely bonkers.
Fact: In Pryapat, when the Chernobyl disaster struck, the people--men, women, especially children--were immediately administered massive doses of iodine in hopes that their thyroids would have no need to absorb any of the radioactive iodine contaminating the atmosphere. I've always remembered this fact for some reason... that was their first response because they just didn't really know what to do in the event. They loaded the people up with non-radioactive iodine, said a prayer, and hoped for the best. I specifically remember seeing on TV the lines of people in the clinics with their children being fed the safe iodine orally.
More unfeasibility.
--- Quote from: sarapuk on August 22, 2018, 06:24:33 PM ---More unfeasibility.
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