Victims and Case Files > Zinaida Kolmogorova
Zinaida Kolmogorova (Autopsy Reports)
Kolmogorova corpse investigation report
Sheet 127
ACT № 4
KOLMOGOROVOY Zinaida Alekseevna, 22 years old
On March 4, 1959, according to the decision of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Prosecutor's Office of March 3, 1959, forensic experts of the Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Sverdlovsk Region REVIVED VA. and Laptev II. in the presence of the public prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, the state counselor of justice of the third class, Klinov NI, prosecutor of the criminal prosecutor of the regional prosecutor's office of the junior counselor of justice IVANOV LI and comrade-in-arms. Comrade. GORDO S.D. and NASKICHEV K.V. In the morgue room of the central hospital of the control room No. H-240 in daylight and sunny weather, a corpse of a 22-year-old citizen of KOLMAGOROVA Zinaida Alekseyevna was investigated to determine the cause of death and answer the questions indicated in the resolution.
The circumstances of the case
On January 23, 1959, an amateur group of tourists consisting of 10 people went to a ski resort along the route Ivdel - Mount Oorten. From the site of the 2 nd Northern in the ski trip went 9 people. On February 1, 1959 the group began the ascent to Mount Oorten and in the evening broke the tent near the height of 1079.
On the night of February 2, under unclear circumstances, all 9 people died.
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a / Exterior inspection
On the sectional table is the female corpse ???? and the corpse: both upper limbs are bent at the elbow joints. The left lower limb is more unbent in the knee and hip joint. Both limbs are connected together and touch the lower third of the right shin and the inner surface of the left knee joint. The toes are extended and lowered downwards.
Clothes on the corpse: on his head a red woolen cap tied on the chin on his bow, beneath it a blue wool knitted hat, a blue woolen sweater attached to his hair, the left cuff is torn off, he is dressed on the left side, under him is a cotton cowboy with a long sleeve and one left pocket is unbuttoned, the left sleeve is ripped at the cuff. Color cowboy, green, red cells, under the cowboy on the left side of the chest found a protective mask of a military sample. Under the cowboy, the wigone sweaters are light red in a blue cross stripe, dressed on the left side, on the left and right sleeve there are two patches, one of the brown sock, the other of cotton cloth of blue color; knit shirt with a long sleeves in blue; black sateen bra buttoned on two buttons; Ski trousers, sports black in color with bikini with fasteners on the sides, buttons are unbuttoned, in the bottom of the cuffs of the trousers are not fastened to the buttons, on the cuff of the right leg there are three discontinuities with a depth of 0.5 cm 1.2 cm and 0.3 cm; blue cotton sports pants with? -th inner pockets, fasteners on the sides are unbuttoned, the right pocket is turned out of it exposed races
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Brown color with two broken teeth, in the black pocket; underneath * yuki on an elastic band; ladies' knitted trousers with a fleece of color; ladies' cotton tights of black color on an elastic band; shorts of cotton smelting on 4 buttons; on legs woolen brown skis with fur insoles, beneath them blue and brown wagon socks.
The length of the corpse is 162 cm. Good nutrition, with well developed muscle groups. Cadaverous spots of cyanotic-lilac color are located on the posterior surface of the trunk. The rigor mortis was resolved in the muscle groups of the joints. On his head dark-haired hair braided in two braids, connected by two silk red ribbons, the length of the hair is up to 30 cm. The forehead is high sloping posteriorly; the skin of the face and hands of lilac red color, in the area of the right frontal hillock a dark red color scab 2 x 1.5 cm in size, dense to the touch, next to it a section of pale-colored color measuring 3 x 2 cm, reaching the right eyebrow, in the right temporal- The zygomatic area of the skin is an irregularly shaped brownish-colored skin of the size? x 5 cm. Eyebrows narrow black. In the upper eyelid of the left and right eye, the area of dark red coloration is 5 x 1 cm and 0.5 x 0.5 cm. The left eye crack is half-open, the cornea is cloudy, the iris is light-brown in color; on the cornea of the left eyeball Lärsche spots. Mucous period of reddish color. The back of the nose is slightly arched, on the dorsum of the nose there is a bruise-colored abrasion in the size of 1 x 0.7 cm, at the tip of the nose there is the same abrasion of the parchment density of 2 x 1 cm. In the area of the zygomatic arches, cheeks and chin a number of abrasions of various shapes and sizes under dry Brown colored crusts from 6 x 2 cm in size to? x 1 cm and less. The lips are cyanotic red, swollen, the mouth is slightly ajar, teeth are even white, the tongue in the mouth is behind the teeth; mucous gums of cyanotic pink on the back of the nose, a brownish-colored abrasion measuring 1 x 0.7 cm, at the tip of the nose the same abrasion of a parchment density of 2 x 1 cm. In the area of the zygomatic arches, cheeks and chin a number of abrasions of various shapes and sizes under dry brown color 6 x 2 cm up to? x 1 cm and less. The lips are cyanotic red, swollen, the mouth is slightly ajar, teeth are even white, the tongue in the mouth is behind the teeth; mucous gums of cyanotic pink on the back of the nose, a brownish-colored abrasion measuring 1 x 0.7 cm, at the tip of the nose the same abrasion of a parchment density of 2 x 1 cm. In the area of the zygomatic arches, cheeks and chin a number of abrasions of various shapes and sizes under dry brown color 6 x 2 cm up to? x 1 cm and less. The lips are cyanotic red, swollen, the mouth is slightly ajar, teeth are even white, the tongue in the mouth is behind the teeth; mucous gums of cyanotic pink
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colors. The opening of the mouth, nose and ear aisles are clean. Ear shells oval in pink, neck without features. The thorax is cylindrical, the mammary glands are of medium size, and the testes. The nipples protrude above the surface of the mammary glands, nipples and nipple circles of pale gray color; the abdomen is located at the level of the thorax. The external genitalia are formed correctly, their mucous membranes are cyanotic-pink in color. The hymen is annular, its free edge is fringed, the natural opening of the hymen allows the tip of the adult's little finger to pass. There are no vaginal discharge.
On the back of the right and left hand in the region of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints, bruise-colored abrasions are dense to the touch, measuring from 1.5 x 1 cm to 0.3 x 3 cm. In the rear of the right hand, at the base of the third finger, the wound is irregularly shaped, angle facing the terminal phalanx with dimensions of 3 x 2.2 cm with uneven edges and scalp skin graft. End phalanges of the left hand 1-5 fingers dense to the touch, dry, brownish-colored; The venous network is well defined in the region of the inner and outer surfaces of both upper limbs. Lower limbs without traces of visible damage pinkish-red. In the lumbar region of the right lateral surface of the trunk, right side of the abdomen, a skin of bright red color in the form of a strip measuring 29 x 6 cm. The rest of the surface of the trunk and extremities is pale red,
b / Internal Research
Skin flaps of the scalp from the inner surface are moist, juicy, glistening red.
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The bones of the arch and the base of the skull are intact. The dura mater is cyanotic-gray, full-blooded, the soft dura mater is turbid, swollen. Cortex and fissures of the brain are flattened, flattened. The contours of the lateral ventricles of the brain are not distinguishable, the gray matter of the brain is hardly distinguishable from white. The substance of the brain is a jelly-like mass of cyanotic-reddish color, the pattern of the cerebellum is poorly discernible. Vessels of the base of the brain without features. Subcutaneous fat tissue of the trunk is well developed. The position of the internal organs is correct, the lungs lie freely in the pleural cavities. In the near-cardiac bag contained about 30 cm3 of amber liquid, a heart size of 12 x 10.6 cm, coated with fat on the surface. The heart muscle on the cut is dark red. The right and left halves of the heart contained up to 150 cm3 of liquid dark blood, the valves of the heart of the aorta and pulmonary artery are smooth, thin, brilliant, the coronary vessels of the heart are free, passable, the inner surface of the aorta smooth, clean; the width of the aortic arch over the valves is 8 cm.
Lungs from the surface of the cyanotic red color, testovaty to the touch, on the cut tissue of light dark red color, when pressed from the surface of the cut, bloody liquid and liquid dark blood drip abundantly, the larynx and bronchus lumen is free. The mucous esophagus of the trachea and bronchi is cyanotic red. The sub-lingual bone is intact. Thyroid gland on the incision is cyanotic red. In the cavity of the stomach contained traces of foamy mucous mass of dirty yellow color, the gastric mucosa of grayish-red color with well expressed folding. On the upper surface of the folds of the mucosa of the stomach, small bleeding spots Vishnevsky. Pancreas on a section of lilac-colored small-
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lobular. The liver from the surface is a smooth shiny liver size 24 x 15 x 11 x 8 cm. On the cut, liverworm liver tissue with a poorly discernible hepatic pattern is sharply full-blooded; in the gallbladder contained up to 30 cm.3 olive-colored liquid, the mucosa of the gallbladder's bladder, brown. The spleen is flabby to the touch, its capsule is wrinkled, the tissue of its dark-cherry color on the cut, the pulp from the surface of the incision gives a large scraping. The size of the spleen is 9 x 6.2 x 2 cm. The lumen of the small intestine contained a mucous mass of dirty yellow color, the intestinal mucosa of a cyanotic-reddish color. In the lumen of the large intestine, stool masses are brownish-brown, the mucosa of the large intestine is cyanotic-gray. The kidneys from the surface are smooth, shiny, the capsule from the kidneys is removed easily, on the incision the kidney tissue is dark-cherry, the cortical renal cortex is difficult to distinguish badly. The layers of the adrenal glands are well distinguished, the size of the right kidney is 8x5x3 cm, the left one is 8x5x2.5 cm. The uterus is small, dense to the touch, the tissue of its pale gray color is on the incision, the traces of pale red mucus in the lumen of the uterus. Attachments on a section without features. The bladder contained up to 300 cm.3 of a turbid yellowish liquid, the mucosa of a bladder of pale yellow color.
For the chemical and histological examination, a part of the internal organs is taken from this corpse. In the study of the corpse, the presence of alcohol is not established.
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CONCEPT - signature / GORDO /
CONCEPT - signature / NASCICHEV /
Sheet 134
Based on the data of the study, the corpse of COLMAGOROVA Zinaida Alekseevna, 22, and considering the circumstances of the case, we believe that the death of Kolmagorova occurred as a result of low temperature / freezing / as evidenced by edema of the meninges, a sharp plethora of internal organs, liquid dark blood in the cavities of the heart , Vishnevsky spots on the gastric mucosa, frostbite of the third fourth degree of the terminal phalanges of the fingers; The detected injuries on the body of Kolmagorov in the form of sore and skin wound sores are caused by a blunt instrument that resulted from a fall, bruises on stones, ice, snow.
The above damage was caused by KOLMOGOROVOY as during life, as well as in the agonal state and posthumously.
The data of the KOLMOGOROVOY corpse's study suggest that she had had a meal 6-8 hours before she died. The presence of alcohol during the study is not found, the virginity of KOLMOGOROVOY is preserved. Death is forcible, accident.
Does it bother nobody the discrepancy in the very beginning of this official document?
This official report says that upon the ascent of Mount Otorten, they broke the tent at the height of 1079m.
This bothers me. A lot.
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