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Author Topic: Native American guy thinks it was a Bigfoot  (Read 4723 times)

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July 02, 2021, 12:14:20 PM
Read 4723 times


I'm new to this forum, so am not sure if I'm doing this right.  Also looks like it's been awhile since folks have been talking about the Yeti Theory. Anyone that responds to this post, just be respectful.  I get so sick of weirdo trolls who come into forums just to cause trouble.  I'm actually interested in talking to people who think it was a Yeti/Menk who killed the Dyatlov group. Not interested in being convinced by skeptics or arguing with them.  All the other theories seem pretty weak to me.  Modernized/non-Indigenous folks just can't wrap their heads around accepting that the Bigfoot People are real.

Here's my thoughts.  I'm American-Indian (aka Native American) and was raised in my culture. I really can't share too much publicly about what we know regarding the Bigfoot Man, but I can assure you that he is real.  Looking at the Menk/Yeti photo taken by one of the Dyatlov group, it is clear to me that that critter is HUGE!  Over 8 feet tall. It was not a Human.

Hasn't anyone wondered why no indepth photographic analysis by experts has been done on this photo?  The Patterson-Gimlin Film images has been analyzed over and over again.  Almost every documentary on that sighting has some expert analyzing the footage.  Yet, from my considerable browsing of the internet...I have yet to find one truly expert analysis of the Dyatlov Menk photo...and certainly no documentary dedicated to doing such an analysis.  But bizarrely no one seems to notice this?

From an indigenous perspective...1) given all the warnings the Dyatlov Group received regarding the dangers going up to that "mountain of death", 2) their own writings saying they saw the Snowman/Menk and 3) an actual photo was taken by them of a Menk...yep, I do think a Menk killed them.  I'm getting pretty annoyed at White folks always ridiculing/dismissing Indigenous knowledge regarding such matters. The Native Mansi would know and Jesus...the Dyatlov Group even said they had seen the "Snowman" and took a photo of it.

Makes me think the Russian Oligarchs were and are acting just like the American Oligarchs. If they ever admit that the Bigfoot Man is real, then a movement to protect his habitat would begin and they wouldn't be able to get at all the timber and mining wealth.  But all these supposed "experts" on Dyatlov that we keep seeing in documentaries...lack the balls to fess up and admit that it was indeed likely a Bigfoot Man that killed these people.  And these experts sure as heck aren't going to do a real photo analysis of the Dyatlov Yeti photo.  Even if they were willing...some very powerful interests with influence over the media companies overseeing their shows/expeditions don't want them to touch the Menk Theory.  BTW, here in the USA, there are numerous Native American stories of Bigfoot groups up in the Pacific Northwest that were cannibals and would kidnap/kill humans.

Anyway, I'd love to see a very thorough analysis of the Menk Photo...including someone getting ahold of the type of camera used, studying how it would take that photo, how that might work into determining distance from the photographer etc. Also an analysis on body structure configuration/size etc, would be helpful.  You know proportions.  That critter was a Bigfoot Man and was HUGE.  My opinion and thoughts.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 12:51:29 PM by Teddy »
American Kevin

July 11, 2021, 04:44:14 PM
Reply #1


Hey guys. Someone removed all my photos of the Menk. At least I cant see them anymore. What the heck is going on? This is public info. Whats the deal.
American Kevin