Theories Discussion > General Discussion
combat leaflet "Evening Otorten"
Translate this Russian article from last year. It also shows how Ivanov probably conducted the entire investigation.
Printed copy of the combat humorous leaflet “Evening Otorten” (Sheet 31 UD). Ivanov put his date on this printed copy - February 1, and tried to present the matter as if the Dyatlovites allegedly wrote this “combat leaflet” on the evening of February 1 in a tent on the slope, shortly before the mythical “accident”. In fact, the Dyatlovites wrote this “combat leaflet” on the evening of January 28, before their first overnight stay on Lozva.
Isn't that also the date when Dubinina stopped writing and when Yudin left the group? That would explain a lot.
Sticks and stones broke skin and bones, but the words never harmed them.
The January 28 option is not suitable, because on that day Sasha Kolevatov was on duty - and he had to assemble the stove.
We must search an another suitable day....
Yes, the 21st congress began on January 28, but this does not mean that it should coincide with its beginning (day in day)
Perhaps it is the evening of January 29. (ZIna writes: "We are sawing wood with Yurka. We talked about the past".)
Zina wrote about Doroshenko on January 29. (Yurka)
But something must have happened there on that January 28th when Dubinina stopped writing in her diary and Yudin left the group.
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