Theories Discussion > Lightning strike / Ball lightning

Ivanov Later Believed In Ball Lightning

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Nigel Evans:
Fyi, this thread was created by Loose Cannon by copying several posts from another thread. So the thread title and the OP is not of my choosing.

Starts below :-

There's a good chance the solution is hidden in a secret archive and very few people have seen it's contents. One who did, Ivanov a professional criminal investigator maintained that "it must have been the fire orbs".


--- Quote from: Nigel Evans on November 03, 2018, 10:11:53 AM ---There's a good chance the solution is hidden in a secret archive and very few people have seen it's contents

--- End quote ---

Wild speculation

--- Quote from: Nigel Evans on November 03, 2018, 10:11:53 AM ---One who did, Ivanov a professional criminal investigator maintained that "it must have been the fire orbs".

--- End quote ---

So, in the first sentence you make an assertion thats completely unsubstantiated, and in the second sentence you use it as a fact.  WEIRD!

The real problem is......  Your boy Ivanov was a crayon-eating window-licker that belonged on a short bus. 

Nigel Evans:
Hey Loose Cannon me old sparring partner :-

"Wild speculation"
When I reported about my discoveries, the fire orbs and radioactivity, to A.F. Yeshtokin, he was very categorical in his orders: absolutely everything related to the must be made secret, classified, sealed, sent to special archives and forgotten. Am I to explain that orders had to be and were executed right off?

****, Keith. Journey to Dyatlov Pass: An Explanation of the Mystery (p. 144). Keith ****. Kindle Edition.

"Ivanov a professional criminal investigator maintained that "it must have been the fire orbs".

It is not my purpose to find excuses for my actions on classifying information about the Fire Orbs phenomena and death of a big group of people. I asked the correspondent to publish my apologies to relatives of the deceased for perversion and concealment of the truth, and, because no room was found for these in four newspaper issues, I apologize in the present article to relatives of the deceased, particularly the families of Dubinina, Thibeaux-Brignolle, Zolotarev, for distortion of the truth. At the time I tried to do my best, but the situation in the country, as lawyers would define it, was one of an “overwhelming force”, and only on our days an opportunity has appeared to overcome this force. And, again, getting back to the Fire Orbs. They did and do exist. We only want to keep information of their sightings open, and try to understand and study their nature. The majority of onlookers note their peaceful behaviour, but, as you see, fatalities also occur. Something or someone had wanted to either frighten, or punish the people, or demonstrate their strength – and they did it, killing three people. I know the circumstances of the event in detail and can definitely assert that only those who piloted those orbs know all. But had there been “human beings” inside, and are they always present there, no one knows yet.

****, Keith. Journey to Dyatlov Pass: An Explanation of the Mystery (pp. 145-146). Keith ****. Kindle Edition.

Books are bias and Ivanov was a raging idiot.

Nigel Evans:
I'd have to complain about the editing here. You've yanked a series of posts out of one thread and put them in this one losing the context of the previous thread and creating a strange conversation, with a strange proposition here in this one. Not good. Copying these posts from the other thread is ok, but cutting them out is not.


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