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Author Topic: Zolotaryov's exhumation - Komsomolskaya Pravda  (Read 20891 times)

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April 14, 2018, 05:13:36 AM
Read 20891 times


29 January 1959 Lozva river

In recollection, nine tourists leaded by Igor Dyatlov went on a trek in the winter of 1959 in the mountains of the Northern Urals. A month later the rescuers discovered their cut tent. And in a radius of one and a half kilometers from it - five frozen bodies. The corpses of the rest were found only in May. Almost all the tourists were stripped and half-dressed. Some had fatal injuries. It is not clear even to these days why the hikers ran away at a severe cold to their demise.

Semyon Zolotaryov, as we have already said, is the most mysterious person in the perished group. Semyon - according to the documents, was Alexander (as Zolotaryov introduced himself) was born in the Kuban village Udobnoy on February 2, 1921. This is what he wrote in his autobiographies. However, according to the church calendar, his date of birth is March 1, 1921.

In October 1941, Zolotaryov was drafted and he went through the whole war without a single wound.

After the victory he graduated from Minsk Institute of Physical Culture. He left for Lermontov, a closed city due to uranium mining. He got a job as a physical education teacher. Was a member of the CPSU. At one of the party meetings Zolotaryov was asked directly: Why did you hide from everyone that your brother worked for the Germans during the war ?! (KP has a certified copy of this document).

However, despite this scandalous fact at the time, Zolotaryov remains to work in a secret city whose name was forbidden to be mentioned in letters and even to pronounce aloud. He was not expelled from the party either.

In 1959, going on that fateful journey through the Northern Urals, Semen Zolotaryov announced enigmatically to his students "this whole world will start talking about this trek." He did not say anything in particular, only that they will soon find out about everything.

... The corpse of Zolotaryov was discovered three months after the tragedy. It was almost impossible to recognize him. In the autopsy report, strange tattoos and an inscription tattooed "DAERMMUAZUAYA" are described. But relatives do not remember this tattoo. His students who saw their teacher undressed to the waist in physical education classes don't remember it either.

Seven of the dead students were buried at the Mikhailovskoye cemetery in Sverdlovsk. Semyon Zolotaryov and Yuri Krivonishchenko for some reason were buried separately in the Ivanovskoe cemetery. Their graves are next to each other. Recently Zolotaryov's relatives gathered to put Semen a monument instead of a dilapidated rough obelisk crowned with a star. But then another great mystery came up. It turned out that Semen Zolotaryov generally does not appear in the lists of the buried at Ivanovskoe cemetery. The grave under the obelisk with the inscription "Semyon Zolotaryov" is not listed to belong to anybody. In other words, according to the documentation, Semyon Zolotaryov was never buried at the Ivanovskoe cemetery!

The grave of Semyon Zolotarev - presumably

When Semyon's relatives asked us to help understand this story, we studied the documentation of all the cemeteries in Yekaterinburg, including, of course, Mikhailovskoye. It turned out that Semyon Zolotaryov has never been buried in this city, and where his remains are is unknown.

So who then rests under the obelisk of Zolotaryov? And who is buried there? With all these questions on their mind, Semyon's relatives asked us to do an exhumation.

How difficult it was to get permission to open a non-existent (according to the documents) grave is a whole different story. Let's just say that it took us more than a year to achieve this.

And now with an eminent Moscow forensic expert (who we will not name yet) we came to the place of work. The workers' brigade quickly got to the remains. The grave was filled up not so much with dirt as with large stones. There was nothing left from the coffin, not even some decaying debris. Nothing left of the clothes of the deceased, only two buttons and two soles of shoes, size men's 42-43. But the bones and the skull are safe. There is only one front upper tooth missing. The absence of this tooth was not mentioned in Zolotaryov's autopsy report.

Only two buttons and two soles are left from the clothes and shoes

Workers open the grave

Our forensic expert determined right away that the remains were male. At the time of death, the man was 35-40 years old. And he was a smoker with experience, which is clearly visible from his teeth.

The remains will be scrutinized, and it's too early to talk about the final conclusions. So far, from the preliminary observations we can see fused fracture of the fibula on the right leg. The reasons for the injury could be various. We can't rule out a bullet wound. Another experienced expert was surprised by the unusual work of the dentist. On the right of the last wisdom tooth, there is a small fake cap. Its meaning and purpose are absolutely unfathomable. Maybe experienced dentists can say something on the matter in the forum?

Strange fake cap behind the left wisdom tooth

Thickening on the fibula is indicative of an old fracture

Forensic expert conducts a preliminary examination

In the following days KP will conduct an examination of the DNA of the person buried under Zolotaryov's obelisk to establish his kinship with the alleged nephews. And also KP will study together with experts fractures of the ribs of Semyon. It turned out that the autopsy reports don't quite match the injuries they found during the excavation.

After the exhumation, the grave was brought to proper order

Original article →
« Last Edit: April 14, 2018, 05:17:57 AM by Teddy »

April 14, 2018, 09:09:14 AM
Reply #1


Very impressive and interesting.    I am glad to see such works in action!

I am also eagerly awaiting the DNA results!   okey1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 15, 2018, 06:57:09 PM
Reply #2

Per Inge Oestmoen

I am very happy to learn that someone are still trying to solve this case.

Now, we wait for one who knows to finally talk and tell the whole truth. Someone who feels the pangs of conscience.

April 16, 2018, 07:41:38 AM
Reply #3


You can see Nikolai Varsegov and Natalya Varsegova - Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist that follow this case.
Somebody asked me Nikolai Varsegov is Venediktov Evgeny (The Beard)   loco1

« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 07:47:28 AM by Teddy »

April 16, 2018, 08:26:37 AM
Reply #4


Strange thing....   When observing the video, there is a clear shot of the lower jaw bone and it does NOT show a 'fake cap'.  Was it removed by the team prior?

Strange fake cap behind the left wisdom tooth

Also, Im no expert...  but thats the first molar and not a wisdom tooth.  It appears he had his wisdom tooth and two other molars behind that one previously extracted.
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 16, 2018, 08:44:44 AM
Reply #5


What is this on the left side of the jaw.... and why dont I see the 'fake' cap on the right?

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 16, 2018, 09:15:39 AM
Reply #6


I think the video is showing the upper jaw, before it is dug out.


April 16, 2018, 09:18:13 AM
Reply #7


You can see Nikolai Varsegov and Natalya Varsegova - Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist that follow this case.
Somebody asked me Nikolai Varsegov is Venediktov Evgeny (The Beard)   loco1

To be more specific...  at time 1:44 I see no fake cap on right of jaw. 
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 16, 2018, 09:32:37 AM
Reply #8


This doesn't look like the same jaw. And how many jaws can a man have?

April 16, 2018, 09:44:13 AM
Reply #9


No, the jaw in the video is laying on dry ground after being pulled out of the ground, and both are a lower jaw.  They both have the same hole which is also odd.  Is this from some type of hole boring bug, or a small caliber bullet?

All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 16, 2018, 12:19:24 PM
Reply #10



Were the bones returned to the grave or were they temporarily taken for further inspection?
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

April 17, 2018, 01:51:21 AM
Reply #11



Were the bones returned to the grave or were they temporarily taken for further inspection?

You are right about the jaws, same jaw, maybe the fake cap is covered with dirt? I have no idea what the stump on the other side is.
Bones are taken for further examination. The grave is empty at the moment.

May 21, 2018, 07:24:33 AM
Reply #12


No, the jaw in the video is laying on dry ground after being pulled out of the ground, and both are a lower jaw.  They both have the same hole which is also odd.  Is this from some type of hole boring bug, or a small caliber bullet?

Sorry I'm just seeing this. That hole in the mandible is called the mental foramen. Everybody has that hole. It's a means to innervate and provide the bone with a blood supply for growth and function.

May 21, 2018, 07:56:08 AM
Reply #13


All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 22, 2018, 02:19:45 PM
Reply #14


I've made quite a few striking discoveries in the last couple of days. I'm convinced more than ever that we are not getting a square picture. I don't know if that's because we are mainly English-speaking people on this site interested in the case and because we don't speak or read Russian it puts us at a massive disadvantage. I don't know if those that have high hopes for making the DPI information accessible to all of us simply can't keep up with everything the internet is throwing at enthusiasts because it's scattered from one end of the WWW to the other. All I know is that we will not get an accurate picture if we stay only within the confines of this particular resource (this site.) It's a good site (was), but it simply can't possibly give us every single angle going on everyday especially with new things going on.

I'm copying and pasting the Russian-written and English-translated post from Yuri Kuntsevich from his personal Facebook page on the official statement from the Dyatlov Foundation regarding the Zolotaryov exhumation. The meeting was April 19th, 2018 according to this statement:

Решение правления Фонда «Памяти группы Дятлова» от 19.04.2018г
Присутствовали: Кунцевич Ю., Бартоломей П., Яхонтова М., Анкудинов В, Якименко В., Будрин А., Зиновьев Е., Карелин В., Старцев А.

Повестка заседания: 1. Информация о действиях КП 12.04.2018г
2. Обсуждение события.
3. Подготовка ответа.
Ответ для СМИ и интернет сообщества.

Эксгумация 12 апреля 2018 года.

Фонд «Памяти группы Дятлова» ( далее Фонд) не имеет претензий к КП, так как понимает, что СМИ действуют в своих коммерческих интересах.
В связи с этим выражаем свою озабоченность будущими результатами официальных следственных действий, которые предстоит осуществить, так как сейчас захоронение по факту разрушено.
Фонд надеется, что СМИ не будет предпринимать аналогичных (подпольных) действий в отношении остальных захоронений группы Дятлова и предупредит об этом Администрацию города Екатеринбурга и ЕМУП КСО.
Фонд всегда готов на совместные со СМИ действия по возобновлению следствия в связи с заявлениями родственников и вновь открывшимися обстоятельствами дела.
Фонд высоко оценивает участие в расследовании КП, их физический и материальный вклад. В связи с этим предлагаем принять участие в приглашении адвоката для ознакомления с «закрытыми» документами.

Decision of the board of the "memory of the group of dâtlova" Fund of 19.04.2018 g
Attended: Kuncevič Yu., Bartholomew P., âhontova m., Ankudinov the in, yakimenko in., budrin a., zinoviev e., karelin in., older a.

Agenda: 1. Information on kp actions 12.04.2018 g
2. Discussion of the event.
3. Preparation of an answer.
Response to the media and the internet community.

Exhumation 12 April 2018

The Fund Group Memory Fund (hereinafter the fund) has no claim to the kp because it understands that the media is operating in its commercial interests.
In that regard, we express our concern about the future results of official investigative actions to be carried out, as the burial is now destroyed.
The fund hopes that the media will not take similar (clandestine) actions against the remaining graves of the group group and warn the administration of the city of yekaterinburg and emup CSR.
The Fund is always ready to work together with the media to reopen the investigation in relation to the statements of relatives and to re-establish the circumstances of the case
The Fund appreciates the participation in the IP investigation, their physical and material contributions. In this regard, we propose to participate in the invitation of a lawyer to read "closed" documents.

It puts a whole new spin on this entire thing huh?

May 22, 2018, 02:35:16 PM
Reply #15


So.....  The Dyatlov Foundation doesn't exactly approve of the exhumation I presume?   
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

May 22, 2018, 05:37:37 PM
Reply #16


So.....  The Dyatlov Foundation doesn't exactly approve of the exhumation I presume?   

Not at all. They don't feel like KP's interest in the case is respectful to the dead or the living relatives. They feel that others' agendas are seriously sketchy and I'm also getting from the comments that they are horrified at the manner in which Zolotaryov's grave was treated AFTER the exhumation--since KP got what they wanted out of it they didn't care about anything beyond that and basically what I said about an exhumation not happening but a desecration? Yeah...looks like Yuri feels that way completely.