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Author Topic: Order of death  (Read 9411 times)

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December 23, 2020, 10:22:23 AM
Read 9411 times


Has the accepted order of their deaths been proven or is it based on the exchange of clothing? Or the clothes found laying around? It seems obvious that the two Yuri's died first, that pretty much has to be accepted. After them...? My apologies if this has already been addressed and I simply haven't found it. Being somewhat new to this mystery, the last couple of years, I do not want to take anything for granted.

December 23, 2020, 12:39:26 PM
Reply #1

Nigel Evans

It's been discussed before.
Whilst it's likely that the 2 Yuris died first, if Zinaida, Rustem and Igor fell on the descent and were abandoned by the others it's not 100% certain that they died first.

December 23, 2020, 03:09:17 PM
Reply #2


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Has the accepted order of their deaths been proven or is it based on the exchange of clothing? Or the clothes found laying around? It seems obvious that the two Yuri's died first, that pretty much has to be accepted. After them...? My apologies if this has already been addressed and I simply haven't found it. Being somewhat new to this mystery, the last couple of years, I do not want to take anything for granted.

The order of deaths of the individuals in the Dyatlov Group has not been proven. We dont have enough Evidence.

December 23, 2020, 06:12:26 PM
Reply #3


Has the accepted order of their deaths been proven or is it based on the exchange of clothing? Or the clothes found laying around? It seems obvious that the two Yuri's died first, that pretty much has to be accepted. After them...? My apologies if this has already been addressed and I simply haven't found it. Being somewhat new to this mystery, the last couple of years, I do not want to take anything for granted.
The topic has been discussed on this forum in the past, such as .  But, that thread went stale more than a year and a half ago, so I for one would welcome any new discussion on the (grim, but very important) topic of the order of deaths.

GKM, I'd  be curious to hear your thoughts on this matter after you've read that thread I linked.

As for me, I am mostly convinced (75%-80%) that Rustem Slobodin was the first to "hit the ground", i.e. become incapacitated.  See .  I am, however, willing to believe that he could have been one of the last to actually pass away.

I have more remarks to make on this topic, but not right now.

Edit:  I re-read the "Order of deaths" thread I linked in this post, and the "Sequence of events" thread I linked downthread.  Pretty much all of my further remarks would have been redundant with what was discussed in those two threads.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2020, 11:59:29 AM by RMK »

December 24, 2020, 04:34:06 AM
Reply #4


Quite a bit of confusion in some of those posts., perhaps because of translation? I do agree that Rustem was most likely the first to die. I do not believe Zina made it to the cedar. The Yuri's were next. After that..? The injuries sustained by three of the ravine 4 throws me off because we have NO IDEA when those injuries were received. As for Igor? If it were not for the lack of footwear I would be inclined to believe he died last, attempting to return to the tent all alone, his friends dead, and he simply gives up. But..I do not believe he died in the position he was found which would mean, if he did die last, there were other people with them. As usual this is only a guess. Not even sure if I believe it. There is simply NO EVIDENCE of what exactly occurred that night.

December 24, 2020, 04:36:54 AM
Reply #5


Perhaps Teddy will give us the answer in her book, which I am anxiously awaiting.

December 24, 2020, 11:06:11 AM
Reply #6


The order of deaths depends critically on the order of events, which has also been discussed before on this forum: .  We just don't have enough evidence to firmly nail down an order of events.

December 25, 2020, 11:42:19 AM
Reply #7


To me the evidence that seems solid suggests the following:

They secure the tent and go down to the tree line.  The "two Yuris" may have gone down first, but they die first, by the fire.  At this point it's unclear what the sequence is, but it also doesn't appear to be the key point, which to me is why three headed back to the tent.  I think a good possibility is that Zina and Slobodin were with the two Yuris, whereas the other 5 were digging out the den (it's possible some of the 5 warmed up first and then went to the den area).  After one or both Yuris die, Zina loses faith in Dyatlov's leadership/decision-making (as we read about in the diaries) and decides to go back to the tent.  Slobodin follows her (to try and get her to go to the den) or goes with her, but falls and is knocked unconscious.  Dyatlov gets back to the fire area (perhaps puts on a vest worn by one of the Yuris) then goes after Zina to try and convince her to go to the den.  The reason this makes the most sense is that there is no evidence that the "returning three" were cooperating or helping each other, and the den idea would seem to be much better than going back to the tent at that point in time (almost certainly before sunrise).  Because we don't know when the "den 4" fell into the depression and onto the rocky creek, we can't say if those 4 held out longer than the returning 3, at least in terms of my understanding.  However, it would seem that at least the last 7 deaths (or laspses into unconsciousness) all happened within an hour or so, and doesn't affect the explanation as to what likely happened.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2020, 11:49:46 AM by Investigator »

December 25, 2020, 04:53:23 PM
Reply #8

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The order of deaths depends critically on the order of events, which has also been discussed before on this forum: .  We just don't have enough evidence to firmly nail down an order of events.