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Two garbage

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I was looking for Nostalgic Russian Made (matches) on the internet. In the 60s, I saw that it was produced as 50 or 40 garbage in matchboxes. I couldn't find any other builds. Only Rustam and Kolavetov's matchboxes were found in crime scene autopsies. There were no matches in the tent. The Kolavetov matchbox was empty. 48 garbage was counted in Rüstem's box. I have thought a lot about what this determination will bring us, and have come up with nothing but weak assumptions. a) It was Rüstem who lit the fire, he used two matches and put them in his pocket. was healthy. He was wounded on both sides of his head on the way to the tent (how can I be convinced of this?) b) It was Kolavetov who lit the fire and finished all his matches. Rustam is already injured. c) Kolavetov did not have (matches). He was just carrying a spare empty box to light the match. d) If there is a blizzard, lighting a fire with two matches is a great skill. If this was not possible, the fire was lit by others.


--- Quote from: Osi on February 17, 2022, 09:16:27 AM ---I was looking for Nostalgic Russian Made (matches) on the internet. In the 60s, I saw that it was produced as 50 or 40 garbage in matchboxes. I couldn't find any other builds. Only Rustam and Kolavetov's matchboxes were found in crime scene autopsies. There were no matches in the tent. The Kolavetov matchbox was empty. 48 garbage was counted in Rüstem's box. I have thought a lot about what this determination will bring us, and have come up with nothing but weak assumptions. a) It was Rüstem who lit the fire, he used two matches and put them in his pocket. was healthy. He was wounded on both sides of his head on the way to the tent (how can I be convinced of this?) b) It was Kolavetov who lit the fire and finished all his matches. Rustam is already injured. c) Kolavetov did not have (matches). He was just carrying a spare empty box to light the match. d) If there is a blizzard, lighting a fire with two matches is a great skill. If this was not possible, the fire was lit by others.

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Finding matches in Rustam and Kolevatov gives us the following definite result. The group has come to the Cedar as a group! And they caught fire! Kolevatov and Dubinina also got burns! But the fire was not enough for them. The weather was getting colder and many were wearing socks. And Dytlov Rustam and Zina (the bravest) moved to the tent, hoping that the unknown coercive force was gone. Semyon Tibo Kolevatov and Dubinina sought refuge in a snow cave. The other 2 Yuri remained by the fire. The Unknown Coercive Force soon came again. And he killed them all, one by one


--- Quote from: ilahiyol on December 10, 2022, 09:17:21 AM ---The other 2 Yuri remained by the fire. The Unknown Coercive Force soon came again. And he killed them all, one by one

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Разгадка тайны гибели гр. Дятлова топчется на месте, потому что исследователи мыслят шаблонами. Вот решил кто-то что настил - это остатки именно от пещеры и всё. Словно нет других решений. Тем не менее настил - может быть остатками от плота для поверхности снега, таким большим снегоступом, мостками с менее глубокого снега на такой глубокий снег, который как зыбучая трясина: глубокий, рыхлый и не выпускающий. Поисковики второй смены плавали в снегу над ручьем, они не могли ногами дна ручья достать, их страховали веревками словно в воде.

Unraveling the mystery of death Dyatlova is marking time because researchers think in patterns. So someone decided that the flooring is the remains of the cave and that's it. As if there are no other solutions. However, the decking - can be the remains of a raft for the surface of the snow, such a large snowshoe, walkways from less deep snow to such deep snow, which is like a quicksand bog: deep, loose and not releasing. The search engines of the second shift swam in the snow above the stream, they could not reach the bottom of the stream with their feet, they were belayed with ropes as if in water.

Could the cave and its floor be a place where the bodies were stored until flown out?


--- Quote from: GlennM on December 10, 2022, 07:09:20 PM ---Could the cave and its floor be a place where the bodies were stored until flown out?

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As I understand it. Or others have speculated, a hole was dug for the ravine 4 , just above the algeded den flooring. This was done to minimise the decomposition of the bodies. They were then transported by sled to the landing site of the helicopter. It could be argued that this is when the helicopter pilots refused to take the bodies without the zinc coffins? Leading to more confusion regarding radiation. Obviously , coffins are not designed to take bodies in a certain shape. There would need to be manipulation of the bodies to make them fit. Possible postmortem injuries could occur.


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