Theories Discussion > UFO
Extraterestrial involvement
Interrogation of the witness Atmanaki
Sheet 209
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Minutes of the
Interrogation of the witness
on April 7-8, 1959. City of Sverdlovsk, Prosecutor of the Investigation Division of the Sverdlovsk Region ml. Counselor of Justice Ivanov
As a witness, in compliance with Art. st. 162-168 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR
1. Atmanaki Georgy Vladimirovich's last name, first name, patronymic
2. Year of birth 05/26/1934 3. Place of birth Stalin region. Kramatorsk
4. Nationality Russian.
5. Party membership is a member of the Komsomol.
6. Higher education. Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute in 1957.
7. Occupation: a) at present - the master of the KhPT shop number 3 Pervouralsk Novotrubny plant. b) at the moment to which the indication relates: the same.
8. I do not have a criminal record.
9. Permanent residence: Sverdlovsk region, mountains. Pervouralsk, Vatutina 21, apt. 18. slave 3-56 –II Sv.
10. Passport
11. What is the relationship with the accused
? About responsibility for the first part of b. 92 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the refusal to give evidence and under Art. 95 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for giving knowingly false testimony warned.
G. Atmanaki (signature)
The witness showed that on February 2, after receiving a leave at the factory, he arrived in Sverdlovsk to prepare for participation in the campaign of the highest category of difficulty in the Northern Urals as a member of the regional team. On the 6th, after completing all the preparatory work, a group of eight people left by train Sverdlovsk - Severouralsk. The next day, we arrived at Serov, where after examining the city, we made a transfer to the Ivdelsky train and, at 12 o'clock at night, arrived at Ivdel. We spent a day and a half in the city due to the fact that the next day there was no car to the village of Vizhay - the starting point of our hike.
On February 17, Vladimir Shevkunov and I got up at 6.00 am to prepare breakfast for the group. Having burnt a fire and having done everything, they began to wait for food to be ready. The sky was overcast, there were no clouds and clouds, but there was a slight haze, which usually dissipates with the rising of the sun. Sitting facing north and accidentally turning my head to the east, I saw that a milky-white blurred spot about 5-6 lunar in diameter and consisting of a series of concentric circles spread over the sky at the height (...?). The shape was reminiscent of a halo around the moon in clear frosty weather. I made a remark to my partner, that here they say how the moon was painted. He thought and said that in the first place there is no moon, and besides, it should be on the other side. From the moment we noticed this phenomenon, 1-2 minutes passed, how long it lasted
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and what it looked like initially I don't know. At this moment, in the very center of this spot, an asterisk flashed, which for several seconds remained the same size, and then began to increase dramatically in size and move rapidly toward the west. Within a few seconds, it grew to the size of the moon, and then tearing up a smoke screen or clouds appeared a huge fiery disk of milky color of 2-2.5 lunar diameters surrounded by all the same rings of pale color. Then, remaining the same size, the ball began to fade until it merged with the surrounding halo, which in turn spread across the sky and went out. The dawn began. The clock was 6.57, the phenomenon lasted no more than one and a half minutes and made a very difficult impression. Initially, we did not pay attention to him, but then, when the luminous disk appeared, we were amazed. Personally, I had the impression that some celestial body was falling in our direction, then, when it grew to such enormous dimensions, a thought flashed, another planet came in contact with the earth, that now a collision would follow and nothing would be left from all the earthly. We were already awake for more than an hour, so we were able to move away after sleep and not believe the hallucinations, but in the continuation of everything stood as if hypnotized and only when
I do not know how Karelin managed to quickly jump out of his sleeping bag and run out of his socks in his underwear onto the street. He managed to see a disc that was losing its shape and a bright spot spreading across the sky. I then had to talk a lot with eyewitnesses and most describe this incident in much the same way, and adds that the light from him was so strong that people in the houses woke up from sleep.
On the evening of February 2, another student hiking group led by Anatoli Shumkov climbed Mount Chistop.
“Mercury is way below -30C*. At least there is no wind. Finally, one more trek upward, and we’re on the top! A truly unique feeling! The main mountain range of the Urals stretches across the North-West. About 25 kilometers away the snowy white dome of Mount Otorten is looming against the dark, night sky.” – Mikhail Vladimirov, member of the ascent
The tourists were already preparing for the descent, when the sullen clouds in the north suddenly flashed silver. A white spark flew upward from the depths of the valley of Otorten and floated between the mountain peaks.
“This “thing” was flying silently and slowly from the south to the north over the ridge of the Urals. It was glowing quite brightly. The way it illuminated the hovering clouds, at the height of 2.5 to 3 km, was very strange.” – Anatoli Shumkov, leader of the group
Surprisingly, one of the most extraordinary and astonishing versions came from none other than Lev Ivanov himself. In 1990, the retired Prosecutor published an article, “The Enigma of the Fireballs”, where he admitted that in spring of 1959, under the pressure of A. P. Kirilenko, and of his deputy, A. F. Yeshtokin, he withdrew various key materials from the case that indicated the true cause of the accident: “fireballs” or a UFO*.
“When E. P. Maslennikov and I examined the scene in May, we found that some young pine trees at the edge of the forest had burn marks, but those marks did not have a concentric form or some other pattern. There was no epicenter. This once again confirmed that heated beams of a strong, but completely unknown, at least to us, energy, were directing their firepower toward specific objects (in this case, people), acting selectively.”
It is worth noting that later on, Kirilenko professed a lively interest in the UFO’s, and received memos about sightings of unidentified objects from the Chairman of the KGB, Andropov.
Aside from the main body of evidence of the “Dyatlov case” comes another version, presented by the pilot-navigator of the Ural Department of Civil Aviation, Georgi Karphusin and Valeria Gamatina, the widow of the second pilot, Gennadi Patrushev.
The pilots claimed that the aircraft AN-2, specifically their crew, discovered the tent, next to which laid two bodies: one male and one female.
Moreover, Patrushev allegedly met with Dyatlov in Vizhai hotel, and tried to dissuade him from trekking out to Kholat-Syakhyl and to Otorten: the Mansi, they say, are afraid of these mountains where “flying lights” and even “gods in shining garments” used to appear.
In the wake of the Incident, Patrushev and his friend, Sergei Misharin, a KGB agent, plunged into unraveling the mystery. The widow cautiously hints that Patrushev linked the events on the Mountain of the Dead with the “glowing spheres” he had seen during flights in its vicinity. In those moments, the indicator hands on the instruments would start to shake violently and the plane would lose control.
The investigation came to a sudden finale when in 1961, Gennadi Patrushev crashed flying his Yak-12 near the Chistop mountain range. Shortly thereafter, Misharin committed suicide in his own bathhouse: a shot to the head with a service weapon.
I just tried an internet search for Mansi accounts of such lights or fireballs, i.e. stories that would describe details, locations, and how long this has been going on. No luck so far. Does anyone know of specific references to such Mansi stories?
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