Theories Discussion > Lightning strike / Ball lightning

Ivanov Later Believed In Ball Lightning

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--- Quote from: Loose}{Cannon on November 07, 2018, 05:54:00 PM ---
--- Quote ---You're just looking down the wrong end of the telescope
--- End quote ---

Am I?   Im not the one that explains EVERYTHING as caused by a fantastical entity.  I'm convinced that if one of the DP group farted in that tent that night, your explanation would be.......piloted fireball.  Lets talk about tunnel-vision.     nose1

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I'm not sure I want to start another post and my apologies if resurrecting old posts is frowned upon, but I just had to comment on this lol. It has always been my belief that something trivial (assuming they fought among themselves) happened to upset Igor. Like peeing too close to the tent or someone in the tent farting! How terrible would that be to be stuck inside with one or two people constantly ripping one and giggling like fools? To a guy who supposedly made people wash their feet before entering the tent? Should I start a new post? How A Fart Killed 9 People


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