Theories Discussion > Avalanche
What if a snow glide happened in the ravine?
This is of course, if you believe that snow always falls and accumulates evenly and wind never creates things such as snow-drifts or snow-banks. How do you know just how high/deep the west bank of the ravine was on Feb 2nd 1959?
Askinadzi and Suvorov on the slope of Otorten - photo archive Vladimir Askinadzi
--- Quote from: Loose}{Cannon on February 07, 2019, 03:56:51 PM ---This is of course, if you believe that snow always falls and accumulates evenly and wind never creates things such as snow-drifts or snow-banks. How do you know just how high/deep the west bank of the ravine was on Feb 2nd 1959?
Askinadzi and Suvorov on the slope of Otorten - photo archive Vladimir Askinadzi
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They are standing at a much higher altitude than the Ravine though. And that mass of snow below them would have not accumulated at the Ravine. And even a mass of snow like that is unlikely to have caused the serious injuries to DUBININA. Many survivors of avalanches having been thrown under such masses of snow and have come out relatively unharmed.
--- Quote from: Puchiko on February 07, 2019, 03:46:56 PM ---was it a cavity when found or was it filled by snow by then?
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it was filled with snow
--- Quote from: sug2h on February 07, 2019, 12:00:15 PM ---Most theories based on avalanche / snowslab / ice glide are suggesting that the event happened near the tent, and made the skiers flee to the treeline.
But what if something else made them flee the tent, and then some sort of snow glide or ice glide happened in the ravine, as the Rav4 were building a den?
I say this because of the injuries suffered by 3 of the Rav4 that could be explained by a large amount of snow hitting them. If those injuries were caused as they were still in the tent, I don't see how they could have managed to walk to the ravine.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on that. Could this ravine be abrupt enough, or deep enough to cause such an event?
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The theory of snow hitting them is contradicted by the fact that the Zolotarev camera around his neck was staying intact (only film was damaged by water). How is it possible that a large mass of snow will cause severe injuries like broken ribs and the camera placed just a little higher (on the neck) is undamaged? And he had a notebook and a pencil in his hand, it also contradicts the snow hitting as well as the fall from tree.
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