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Author Topic: Have you seen this reconstruction video?  (Read 15514 times)

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January 27, 2022, 10:22:50 AM
Read 15514 times


I have found this reconstruction video (3 parts) on Youtube. Have you seen it? It is rather well done, even though their tent is very different than Dyatlov's. While this group were on the mountain, a blizzard hit them and they were very afraid. It may be what happened to Dyatlov group too. Well this group has a theory that the tent wasn't on the mountain because the wind would have blown it away, but I don't agree with this conclusion.
If you watch the video (part 2) at 22:20 a blizzard hits them. This is why I don't think there were any outsiders on that mountain at that time, no wolverine, no beasts, no CIA spies, or anyone else. Nobody can go out there on that weather.
The following users thanked this post: GlennM, marieuk, Manti

January 27, 2022, 05:22:42 PM
Reply #1


Really interesting video. After seeing Dead Mountain, it did seem like natural causes for the deaths weren't as ridiculous as I'd originally thought. But how can we know for sure there was a blizzard on 1079 on Feb. 1 through 2nd? Reading through Igor's diary that he wrote the same day, he says they are following the trail of a hunter who went ahead of them, who didn't follow the beaten trail but took his own route. So, we know for a fact that there were other people on that mountain fighting the same elements and I highly doubt only 1 other hunter was in the vicinity of the 9 that day. Igor's diary entry is confusing at times. In one place he says that when they emerged from the tree line, the wind is warm and westerly, not strong but then in his last sentence he talks about a piercing wind. Like all other theories, while it's possible a blizzard blew in that night, I still think they were experienced enough hikers who would know how to handle a basic situation like that. These kids were Siberian. What we consider cold (in NYC) was probably bikini weather for them. They're not going to run naked and screaming into the night because of snow.

January 27, 2022, 06:39:05 PM
Reply #2

Игорь Б.

If you watch the video (part 2) at 22:20 a blizzard hits them. This is why I don't think there were any outsiders on that mountain at that time, no wolverine, no beasts, no CIA spies, or anyone else. Nobody can go out there on that weather.
Вот ещё одна метель:
An example of the impact of chemical weapons of a skunk (wolverine) in a tent:

January 30, 2022, 05:42:17 PM
Reply #3


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Its a good contribution to the mystery. Interesting to see that it took them 45 minutes to reach the tree line from the tent, and they had the advantage of modern outdoors clothing.

February 03, 2022, 10:16:14 PM
Reply #4


Part 3 where they formulate their own theory that is remarkably similar to Teddy / Igor Pavlov's.

Elizabeth, you will also like this:


They interview a Mansi local, which is remarkable. They also encounter a tank moving through the forest! This is not expanded on at all... they say "poachers?" but then leave it at that...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 10:21:44 PM by Manti »

The following users thanked this post: marieuk

February 07, 2022, 01:06:41 AM
Reply #5


Here's another one from a different group: this is part 3/4,

and part 4/4: where the night sets on them on Dyatlov Pass... they don't have a tent, so they go to the forest and make a fire next to a cedar, and make a flooring from branches to sleep on. Sound familiar?


February 13, 2022, 03:20:53 PM
Reply #6


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Here's another one from a different group: this is part 3/4,

and part 4/4: where the night sets on them on Dyatlov Pass... they don't have a tent, so they go to the forest and make a fire next to a cedar, and make a flooring from branches to sleep on. Sound familiar?

That Mansi man Valeriy Anyamov often crops up in videos. He was also in that Discovery programme The Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives, 2014, by Mike Libecki.  Valeriy told Mike that there are legends of creatures in the forests.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2022, 03:28:06 PM by sarapuk »

February 15, 2022, 05:25:24 PM
Reply #7


It is clear to me that if the hikers stayed at elevation 880, their passage would be far easier than in the forest. They had something to compare to after laying their cache. However if Igor decided to stay on the high ground, surely they would collect firewood in the Auspia watershed. Perhaps they did not because arms were needed for ski poles, not firewood. Osi's idea of the group splitting up makes sense. Mansi's remark about fetching water is also right. A military coverup might knit things together except that it was inept. The radiation test in the movie proved inconsequential and even at that it is beta particles,  or electrons, not proton or neutron decay. Hiking deaths, sad but not so uncommon in that area. It still looks like they overestimated their abilities and underestimated Nature. What is the one piece of evidence we need to have the definitive answer? Is it a deathbed confession or something else?
We don't have to say everything that comes into our head.