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Author Topic: Spaced Out Radio Live  (Read 11141 times)

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March 20, 2019, 10:07:10 AM
Read 11141 times


March 22, 2019
Midnight ET / 9 PM PT
Guest Teodora Hadjiyska

March 23, 2019, 03:17:18 AM
Reply #1


« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 07:27:17 AM by Teddy »

March 23, 2019, 06:58:32 PM
Reply #2


Another good show Teddy.   thumb1

As far as the air dropped mines/bombs....  I was a Combat Engineer in the Marines and have first hand experience detecting/clearing mines and I'm fairly knowledgeable regarding the two types of munitions that would be in question.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate asking.   okey1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 24, 2019, 07:27:29 AM
Reply #3


There are a few things I need to rectify, thanks to my Russian friends who watch so I don't stray from the right path:

  • I said in the interview that for a trek to be considered category III difficulty the hikers need a certain number of nights where they don't lit a fire i.e. "cold nights". This is not true. The closest to this is that they need certain number of overnights in a tent, not refuge, cottage, house, etc. So where the group pitched their tent doesn't really matter for the category of difficulty. Seasoned hikers explained the choice of place for the tent the night of Feb 1st on the slope without a stove with the fact that the group was training for an expedition in the Subpolar Urals where there is little wood. Hiking groups often had to sleep without a stove. But this is not a requirement. Dyatlov group was under no pressure to meet any requirements or go in any places they were not ready for.

  • Dubinina's hat and coat were found on Thibeaux-Brignolle and not Zolotaryov, as I said in the interview, and as I have repeatedly written it over and over again for 6 years now. Why? Because this is what Lev Ivanov said in the Resolution to close the case:
    "The dead Thibeaux Brignolle and Zolotaryov were found well-dressed, worse dressed Dubinina - her jacket made of artificial fur and a cap were found on Zolotaryov, Dubinina's naked leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen pants."
    This will lead to two more publications, how exactly were the clothes distributed, and what else was Ivanov mistaken about in the Resolution to close the case, one of the most cited documents in this case.
    They are both given to me by Galina (aka Vietnamka), I need to translate.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 07:31:59 AM by Teddy »

March 24, 2019, 10:51:03 AM
Reply #4

Nigel Evans

"Dubinina's naked leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen pants."
Her leg wasn't naked under the trousers? Here's the autopsy report :-
On the section table there is a corpse of woman dressed as follows: head covered by a knitted helmet. A worn greyish-brown wool sweater with beige wool sweater underneath, checked cowboy shirt with buttoned sleeves. Yellow t-shirt with short sleeves, white cotton bra buttoned with three buttons. The corpse is wearing torn dark cotton trousers with an elastic waistband. The trousers are very torn and burned in places. Left leg – part of the leg and foot are covered with burned grey wool cloth from a jacket with its sleeve. On the left leg there is a torn grey woollen sock. On both legs there are torn blue cotton socks with grey wool machine-knitted socks under them. Black cotton tights, torn in the crotch area, with an elastic waistband. On the legs of the corpse there are light brown cotton stockings. The stocking from the left leg is removed, the right stocking is held with an elastic band. Grey ladies belt with elastic supports. Satin briefs. The belt is buttoned with black buttons.

So she had a cap on her head, four layers on her upper body and three layers on her legs - torn trousers, tights, stocking on right leg, sleeve of jacket on left leg, two pairs of socks plus jacket on left foot.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 11:13:53 AM by Teddy »

March 24, 2019, 11:17:46 AM
Reply #5


This is not the main problem with this statement "Dubinina's naked leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen pants."
Compared to what you would be wearing if you go there, her leg seems naked. These are not Krivonischenko's pants.
Galina is going to start a whole new topic about the clothes and their exchange during the fatal night.
And she gave me 16 pages of mistakes in Ivanov's Resolution to close the case which I will translate next week.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 11:24:30 AM by Teddy »

March 24, 2019, 11:51:15 AM
Reply #6

Nigel Evans

This is not the main problem with this statement "Dubinina's naked leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen pants."
Compared to what you would be wearing if you go there, her leg seems naked.
But no signs of frostbite, none of the ravine four have any signs of it. Nicolai had gloves but left them in his pocket. Because they weren't that cold in the den (that's what it's for). Lyudmila wrapped her left foot in the arm of a jacket for reasons i'll explain later in the week.

These are not Krivonischenko's pants.Galina is going to start a whole new topic about the clothes and their exchange during the fatal night.
And she gave me 16 pages of mistakes in Ivanov's Resolution to close the case which I will translate next week.Sounds interesting, what is her source that contradicts the official record?


March 24, 2019, 12:36:04 PM
Reply #7


These are not Krivonischenko's pants. Galina is going to start a whole new topic about the clothes and their exchange during the fatal night.
And she gave me 16 pages of mistakes in Ivanov's Resolution to close the case which I will translate next week. Sounds interesting, what is her source that contradicts the official record?

Her sources are other official records, all in the case files.

  • Note written by Ivanov's hand during conversation with relatives of Lyuda - Lyusina (nickname for Lyuda) hat on Tibo. The note is from Case files volume 2 under №16

  • Description of clothes in the autopsy report and the Protocol of inspection of the scene where the bodies were found. Luda definitely has a warm jacket that you can see in the photo when they get on a truck in Vizhay. Tibo has his own jacket (You can see her in one of the photos). In March, Tibo's jacket was discovered and identified in the tent, but Lyuda's jacket was not found in the tent. It is not in the list of identified items, but in the autopsy report they find Tibo in a jacket, that completely coinciding with the appearance of Lyuda's jacket.

    On Semyon, his warm jacket is visible in the photographs and it completely coincides with the description of his autopsy report.

Dubinina’s bare leg is wrapped in Krivonishchenko’s woolen trousers.

  • Protocol of inspection of the scene where the bodies were found: on the right leg half of the sweater is wrapped - a beige color sweater. Those are no pants
  • Autopsy report: Left leg - part of the lower leg and foot wrapped in a gray sixth burned flap from a blouse with sleeves.
    That is also not pants. And this, on one hand, coincides with the Tempalov protocol, but on the other hand, the somewhat different word "blouse" is used. The blouse is definitely women's garment, in contrast to the sweater, which can be both men and women's garment.
    On Lyuda the winding is from her own jacket. But she could tear a jacket to the tatters only if she had a warm jacket. Which was not found in the tent, but is described in Tibo autopsy report and Protocol of inspection of the scene where the bodies were found.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 12:40:33 PM by Teddy »

March 24, 2019, 01:05:43 PM
Reply #8


Blouse only for women.....   

Guess the military has been doing it wrong since....  forever?   shock1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 24, 2019, 01:06:50 PM
Reply #9


Blouse only for women.....   

Guess the military has been doing it wrong since....  forever?   shock1

Well you translate "кофта" better.
Type "кофта" in Google images and see what comes up. Mostly women's. I don't know how to translate it.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 01:19:03 PM by Teddy »

March 24, 2019, 08:02:00 PM
Reply #10


A blouse (/blaʊz, blaʊs, bluːz/)[1] is a loose-fitting upper garment that was formerly worn by workmen, peasants, artists, women, and children.[2] It is typically gathered at the waist or hips (bytight hem, pleats, pearter or belt) so that it hangs loosely ("blouses"[3]) over the wearer's body.[2] Today, the word most commonly refers to a girl's or woman's dress shirt[4] It can also refer to a man's shirt if it is a loose-fitting style (e.g. poet shirts and Cossack shirts),[5] though it rarely is. Traditionally, the term has been used to refer to a shirt which blouses out or has an unmistakably feminine appearance.

The term is also used for some men's military uniform jackets.[6]

« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 08:07:56 PM by Loose}{Cannon »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 24, 2019, 08:31:38 PM
Reply #11


A blouse (/blaʊz, blaʊs, bluːz/)[1] is a loose-fitting upper garment that was formerly worn by workmen, peasants, artists, women, and children.[2] It is typically gathered at the waist or hips (bytight hem, pleats, pearter or belt) so that it hangs loosely ("blouses"[3]) over the wearer's body.[2] Today, the word most commonly refers to a girl's or woman's dress shirt[4] It can also refer to a man's shirt if it is a loose-fitting style (e.g. poet shirts and Cossack shirts),[5] though it rarely is. Traditionally, the term has been used to refer to a shirt which blouses out or has an unmistakably feminine appearance.

The term is also used for some men's military uniform jackets.[6]

I don't see in your post a better translation of "кофта".

March 24, 2019, 08:34:58 PM
Reply #12


I didnt give one because the correct translation is..... blouse.   I provided the wiki on 'blouse'.    okey1
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

March 25, 2019, 03:12:24 PM
Reply #13


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
This is not the main problem with this statement "Dubinina's naked leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen pants."
Compared to what you would be wearing if you go there, her leg seems naked.
But no signs of frostbite, none of the ravine four have any signs of it. Nicolai had gloves but left them in his pocket. Because they weren't that cold in the den (that's what it's for). Lyudmila wrapped her left foot in the arm of a jacket for reasons i'll explain later in the week.

These are not Krivonischenko's pants.Galina is going to start a whole new topic about the clothes and their exchange during the fatal night.
And she gave me 16 pages of mistakes in Ivanov's Resolution to close the case which I will translate next week.Sounds interesting, what is her source that contradicts the official record?

Useful observations but we still need to be careful of our interpretations of them. This is after all like a jigsaw puzzle. Having no gloves on doesnt mean that it was warm in any Den. And the Den is still a reference point, we still can not say for certain that it was a Den.