Theories Discussion > General Discussion

A blast from the sky

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No, although I do believe that the government might have been worried people would draw that conclusion, even if it was false and they had no proof. As I argued in another post, it could be the reason why Ivanov blamed it all on sentient fireballs and tied a UFO sighting, which happened over two weeks after tragedy, into his theory. Otherwise, I would have to believe he is missing a significant amount of brain cells. Yet, he doesn’t come across as a stupid man.

That would be a whole lot of people in separate locations to suppress, like Vizhay. Sentient fireballs and UFO's which we regard as a,tired trope were really highly intelligent speculation back then. This is a peculiar rabbit hole of a discussion because it always conjures up the stereotypical Cold War Russian mindset. That always clouds my effort to diffentiate what is truth and what is Soviet spin.

Ivanov did not voice that theory until 1990. And according to Linkin, when the newspaper printed that article about the mysterious light in the sky that several people saw on the February 17th, the government didn’t like it and the editor was told not to print anymore stories like that. I highly doubt that had anything to do with the Dyatlov group. At that particular time, no one knew of the hikers’ fate yet, and people were only just beginning to start getting worried. About the only reason that really makes sense is that the Soviet government didn’t like people speculating about UFOs. In fact, that is the explanation Ivanov gives for why the government aborted the investigation into the case and removed certain documentation from the files. Although, in his version, it wasn’t just speculation, but real UFOs that were responsible for the tragedy.

And if you’re not ready to accept that theory, it begs the question of why the lead investigator was spouting such sensational claims thirty years later. Maybe with the increased public interest in the case and the mystery surrounding the radiation tests, aliens made for convenient scapegoats. It’s not like anyone could question them.

The Soviet Union were playing cat and mouse with the west in 1950's over nuclear capabilities, missile numbers and their accuracy. The USSR were deliberately makeing the Russian missiles look inaccurate to the west from the spy satellites( until the USSR got caught out) .   Rocket testing was also going on with the space race. There is speculation that a certain amount miss information was taking place.

As for the book , Ive not read it but the 90's was big for aliens, UFO's and books. It's just a story that sells I guess.

All of this implies that the deaths of the hikers is put down to being collateral damage of insignificant civillians during cold war military tactics and disinformation. None of it gets the hikers out of the tent though. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.


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