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Author Topic: Золотарёвы:Семён,Саша и А.И.  (Read 33256 times)

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August 31, 2019, 12:41:01 PM
Read 33256 times


В этой истории участвуют три Золотарёва.Всем известный:Семён Алексеевич-учитель физкультуры из г.Лермонтов.Его родной брат Саша,который учился с ним в одном ВУЗе(Минский институт физической культуры) и в одно время,и пока совершенно неизвестный и отмеченный на коллективном памятнике-А.И.Золатарев.Единственное,что можно сказать о последнем-это то,что именно он вошёл в группу Игоря Дятлова и дошёл в составе группы до г.1079,но на Отортен не пошёл.

Three Zolotarevs participate in this story. Well-known: Semyon Alekseevich, a physical education teacher from the city of Lermontov. His own brother Sasha, who studied with him at the same university (Minsk Institute of Physical Culture) and at the same time, and so far completely unknown and marked on collective monument - A.I. Zolatarev. The only thing that can be said about the latter is that it was he who entered the group of Igor Dyatlov and reached the group in the city until 1079, but did not go to Otorten.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2019, 09:20:23 PM by градиент »
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."
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September 01, 2019, 09:12:17 PM
Reply #1



               February 03, 1959 - Tuesday.
   On the tops of the mountains, in anticipation of a “space gift for the congress,” there were tents of five groups - two military and three tourist, leaders who were people named Dyatlov:
on the town of Otorten (eastern slope) - Kazan, Lev Mikhailovich Dyatlov;
on g. 880-Perm, Woodpeckers;
on the town of Otorten (eastern slope) - Sverdlovskaya, Igor Dyatlov;
on g. 1079 a group of military filmmakers;
on the top next to the warehouse - the second group of soldiers.
An air explosion and all the tents were covered, somehow, with a chemical composition. The reaction of people, everywhere, was the same: slopes of tents were cut and, who in what, went down the slopes. Having breathed chemical dust and poisoned, people went mad and scattered in different directions, and then: they died. It is poisoning that is the main cause of the mass death of 5 groups, and the frost only “completed” the started OM (poisonous substance) ...

Alexander ARKHIPOV
“AiF-Ural” No. 2.3, 2004)

“... IN the SECOND half of February 1959, a UPI representative by the name of Gordo came to our air squad and reluctantly said that a group of students didn’t get in touch with Ivdel’s area, it would not hurt to organize searches .. . ”

... and there was no one to get in touch.

Shumkov’s group in the morning, February 3, 1959, was supposed to (like all other groups) set up a tent on the top of Chistop. But having heard, and possibly seen an air explosion, the group canceled the climb and rushed back to 41 quarters. Arriving there on the evening of February 5, they heard from drunken lumberjacks: "... But we did not wait for you ..."
Since the 41st quarter, the lumberjacks have been involved in the construction of an intermediate camp near Ushma for the delivery of corpses and paid with alcohol. It was there that the lumberjacks learned that tourist groups had died and thought that Shumkov’s group had also died.
In the morning, February 6, 1959, Shumkov’s group was removed from the route, and its leader, Anatoly Shumkov, went to an intermediate camp near Ushma, where he helped the military, for two or three days, as an orderly, carry the bodies of tourists brought from the mountains.
(Sheet 284 Witness Interrogation Protocol
April 14, 1959. The prosecutor of the investigative department of the region. prosecutors Romanov questioned in the prosecutor's office as a witness, in compliance with Art. Art. 162 - 168 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR
1. Surname, name and patronymic Dubinin Alexander Nikolaevich)

"... statements of the head. the administrative department of the Regional Committee of the CPSU, comrade Ermash, made to the sister of the deceased, comrade Kolevatova, that the rest, 4 people not found right now, could survive after the death of those found no more than 1.5 - 2 hours, which makes you think that ??? The sudden escape from the tent occurred as a result of the explosion of a projectile and radiation near Mount 1079, the “filling” of which forced (there were some from the physical and technical faculty) to flee further from it and, presumably, influenced people's livelihoods and, in particular, their eyesight. ??? ... "

... Why only 1.5-2 hours, but not more?

© NGO "INTERNET CENTER of the Dyatlovtsev tragedy", 2008
The text of the conversation "CENTER for Civil Investigation of the Dyatlovtsev Tragedy" (NAVIG,
ALATAO), with Novokreschenov Gergiy Vasilievich, in the text of the NGV, (former judge
Ivdel in 1959) in the case of Dyatlovtsev Aug 09. 2008, Ekaterinburg.
The text is compiled from the video of the conversation.
Sound recording copyright and this text have :.
CENTER for civil investigation of the tragedy of Dyatlovtsev, Novokreschenov G.V.
The text is recorded and edited by ALATAO, NAVIG.
When quoting a link is required.
The use of text or video recordings in full without the permission of the authors
“... NAVIG: The body?
NGV: "... rose, moved northward, increasing in size to the moon and
hid in the direction of the North, decreasing in size to a star. "This, of course, something stirred in the minds, where did the Moon come from, then the prosecutor was Vasiliy Tempalov who was present at the examination of this tent, and in general he took part in the overflights in a helicopter of this area, he says: “What can I say, tat rockets fell, around the crater, I’m an artilleryman.” He’s a front-line soldier, commander ... of a battery, 76 mm battery, he is awarded an order.
NAVIG: In what part did he see the craters during the flyby?
NG: In the same locality, at the same time, on the same days.
NAVIG: There is no such information anywhere ..
NGV: He said: “There are funnels, I’m an artilleryman, I don’t know what?” Vasily
Ivanovich Tempalov, the prosecutor, said. This, too, gave a definite look at this event.
It is clear there the explosion of a large or small rocket, where directed, whether it reached the target, of course, a test, not the enemies ... "

... From where on the slopes of the mountains funnels? Missiles or ...?
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 02, 2019, 09:30:46 AM
Reply #2



Recall this:

https://taina.li/forum/index.php?topic= ... # msg740002
"Natalya Varsegova
Questions by Natalya Varsegova (discussion remains on the topic of KP)
"Reply # 62: 11/27/18 21:32"

Quote: Vasya - 11/27/18 21:15
And in the paper of the city committee is the name of the brother who served the Germans indicated?

It changes a lot.

And why did everyone decide (including the Gradient) that we are talking about Brother Kolya (Nikolai)?
Maybe there was still some brother Semyon, still unknown, and his name was for example: Alexander (Sasha) Alekseevich Zolotarev ...- twin brother. And the evening, and everything further, immediately becomes more interesting, because of the options that appeared or combinations.

- - - -To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 02, 2019, 08:16:06 PM
Reply #3



Let's do it firsthand:
Natalya Varsegova
Questions by Natalya Varsegova (discussion remains on the topic of KP)
"Reply # 62: 11/27/18 21:32"
Quote Thank you
Quote: Vasya - 11/27/18 21:15
And in the paper of the city committee is the name of the brother who served the Germans indicated?

It was November 27, 2018, and this, already, June 25, 2019. Seven months passed and ...:

Natalya Varsegova
Questions by Natalya Varsegova (discussion remains on the topic of KP)
"Answer # 252: 06/25/19 14:52"
Quote: Dmitry Karjagin - 05/26/19 10:47 p.m.
Natalia, do you intend to continue to refrain from making public copies of the protocols of party meetings at which Semen Zolotarev’s actions were discussed? Last time, you argued your position by reluctance to compromise the identity of this person. All the same, this approach is puzzling. It seems like, the opinions of party functionaries of the 40-50s are now undeniably infallible are not considered. Whatever they say about S.Z. , these are their opinions, expressed on paper, and not the ultimate truth. No one will agree with them, much less accept on faith, and will not think. But as a document by which one can judge in general about the background of events at the Pass, it is very interesting and valuable. I'm not talking about the fact that Zolotarev goes a lot of fabrications just from scratch. I don’t understand how such things can be kept under wraps if there is a shortage of any information.
Your post is N 9389.
Let's put the question differently: do relatives want publicity? We found confirmation of information about Nikolai from the protocol of the party meeting. We know when he was born, when he died. And because of what he died. But let this information remain with relatives. If they want it, they themselves will announce it. This has nothing to do with the mystery of the pass.

Because: "... We found confirmation of information about Nikolai from the protocol of the party meeting ... We know when he was born, when he died. And because of what he died. But let this information remain with relatives ..." - that is: the date of death We can’t wait for Nikolai Alekseevich Zolotarev, we have every right to fantasize on very “specific” material from those same “Komsomol members” with the addition of other sources.
So, let's go:

2016-08-24T02: 37: 41 + 03: 00
Secret informants: Was one of the tourists an enemy agent?

On February 12, 1959, a message was received from the owner of I / K “B” that on January 20 a neighbor living opposite O / to the appearance of two extraneous men whom “B” had not seen before ...

Recall this:
"Sogrin S.N.
“Answer # 8: 06/14/13 1:18 PM”
 Once, in the midst of preparing for our trip to the Polar Urals, a middle-aged man approached me and said that his name was Semyon Zolotarev. He is a professional tourism instructor and works at the VTsSPS camp sites. Mentioned Krasnaya Polyana in the Caucasus, where then one of the best camp sites functioned. Since he needed sports training to work in the field of planned tourism, he was advised to contact me to participate in a campaign of difficulty category III, which would give him the opportunity to arrange another sports title.
  Being a sociable and energetic person, Semyon was accepted into our team. I invited him to live at my place and actively participate in the preparation of our trip. His participation suited us as well. Our organizational and tactical plans included 9 people participating in the campaign. And there were 8 of us, because some candidates (O. Grebennik, S. Mertsalov and others) - chose to go to the Caucasus to participate in winter ascents ... "

And this must be remembered:
Zinoviev E.G.
"Answer # 2: 07/15/12 23:27"
“What can I say about Zolotarev? It was a mystery for everyone to pass. Before getting into Igor Dyatlov’s group, after working several shifts as a tourism instructor at the Artybash camp (Lake Teletskoye) in Altai and at the Kourovka camp site, he turned to Sergey Sogrin and asked , to our group, who is going to go to the already mentioned ski route 3 kp in the Polar Urals. Usually we gathered in the private house of S. Sogrin's parents on 18 Kirova Street, located next to VIZ. the tent for 10 people, similar to the Dyatlovskaya one. Our tent was distinguished by a vestibule about 1 meter wide, which connected the right and left parts of the tent. A vestibule was inserted into this vestibule for entering and exiting the tent and there was also a tin stove with a chimney that served to heat the tent. I was engaged in the manufacture of this ill-fated stove from sheets of tin, mastering the profession of a tinsmith for the first time in my life, when suddenly Sergey brought into the room a rather unusual person with a Caucasian appearance and imagined:
- Semyon Zolotarev, asks for our campaign!
- Call me just Sasha, - said this Caucasian Semyon, ...

To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 03, 2019, 05:25:55 PM
Reply #4



... Call me just Sasha, said this Caucasian Semyon, curling his golden teeth, which was also unusual for us.
Semyon was significantly, about fifteen years older than us, but we did not attach any importance to this. Upon learning that he was an instructor at the Kourovka camp site, and he needed this trip to fulfill the standards of a master of sports in tourism, the group gave its go-ahead. But this Semyon, like Zina, was in a hurry to go through the route and return back. He said that you need to go to an old mother in the Caucasus ... "

Semyon, the same Sasha Zolotarev, appeared in the Sogrin group on January 20, 1959.


... The reason he drew attention to them was the argument in the stairwell during which one of them said: "This is not for you to serve a German." Both men unknown to him were drunk ...

And immediately, remember this:
2018-04-24T11: 02: 33 + 03: 00
Mystery of the Dyatlov Pass: Who is buried in the grave of Zolotarev?
Semen Zolotarev, as we have already written more than once, is the most mysterious person from the deceased group. Semen - according to the documents, he was Alexander (as Zolotarev seemed to everyone) was born in the Kuban village Convenient on February 2, 1921. So he wrote in his autobiographies. However, according to church metrics, his date of birth is March 1, 1921.
After the victory, he graduated from the Minsk Institute of Physical Culture. He left for Lermontov - a closed city due to uranium mining. He got a job as a physical education teacher. He was a member of the CPSU. At one of the party meetings, Zolotarev was severely asked the question: why did you hide from everyone that your brother worked for the Germans during the war ?! (We have a certified copy of this document) ... "

... He did not hear further conversation since They returned to gr. (covered up) (covered up) living in Sverdlovsk lane (covered up) house (covered up) apt. (covered up) registered there.
He failed to examine them through the keyhole, because one stood with his back to him, and the second was out of his sight. He does not have a telephone in the apartment, so that he would not lose sight of them, he went out into the yard and hid behind the barn.
About 23 hours one of them left the apartment and walked towards the (smeared) residential area. "B" caught up with the departing and asked him to light a cigarette. A confidential conversation ensued between them during which the unknown introduced himself as “Alexander”.
“Alexander” explained that he works at the (camped) camp site as a deputy director, and in Sverdlovsk he travels and is (parked) (parked).
On the street (covered up) near the house (covered up) they parted amicably, a citizen named "Alexander" entered the house, and "B", hiding around the corner of the neighboring house, waited about half an hour and making sure that he did not go out to the nearest pay phone, made a phone call and asked the operator for communication.
Returning home, “B” slipped and hit the back of the head on the sidewalk, as a result of which it suffered a serious brain injury and was taken to (covered up), where it was until February 12, 1959.
Due to illness “B”, information about the “Alexander” being developed was received by the operative worker very late.
On February 15, 1959, a decision was made by the apparatus (smeared) in the (smeared) region to establish the identity of "Alexander" and his entourage. "

Again we give the floor to Evgeny Zinoviev:
Zinoviev E.G.
"Answer # 2: 07/15/12 23:27"
"... And when the place of Slava Bienko was freed up in I. Dyatlov’s group, their group enlisted S. Zolotarev as a member. Judging by the diary entries, Sasha fit in well with the team of friendly“ Dyatlovites ”, perhaps due to his unpretentiousness, sociability and cheerful disposition ... "

- - - -To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 04, 2019, 11:57:20 PM
Reply #5



We continue to fantasize. And this, the same one, Alexander Alekseevich Zolotarev is in the group of Igor Dyatlov and recalls Luda Dubinin:
Diary of Lyudmila Dubinina

"Answer # 1: 07/02/12 14:26"
To the dear supply manager L. Dubinina for the diary.
January 23.
Today is the last day of gathering. The whole day passed in terrible bustle. From eleven I ran to the shops, bought every little thing. Foolishly bought '5 m batista, which took (crossed out: all den) 200 rubles. She gathered herself in a terrible haste and, of course, forgot her sweater at home. Each was busy with his assigned business, and the business was sore throat. Shortly before the exit, the mourners began to gather. Time was running out, but we, of course, arrived at the station at the time. And then came the last minutes of farewell. Before leaving, they “sang” several songs, but in the car the Blinovites joined us singing songs together. Among all, the Krotovsky bass stands out especially. This time there were a lot of very new songs that we pulled with the help of instructor Zolotarev A, going on a camping trip with us. Nobody wanted to take this Zolotarev at first, for he is a new man, but then they spat and took it, because to refuse - you will not refuse. Thus, as we were ten, it remained, for Slavka was not let go by the fact of the bureau. "

And this recalls Zina Komogorova:
Diary of Zinaida Kolmogorova

"Answer # 1: 07/02/12 14:40"
The text in the decoding of the Khibiny-files project:
(note: first flyleaf, right page):
Z. Kolmogorova
sowing Ural
Category III hike
hands. Woodpeckers
(note: the month digit is fixed, visible at the same time, one on top of the other in an unknown sequence, the numbers "1" and "2")
Well, here we are again on the campaign. Now in Serov. Yesterday, all evening until 3 o’clock they sang songs. With us Art. the instructor of the Kaurovsky camp Alexander Alekseevich Zolotarev. He knows a lot of new songs, just somehow happy that they learned new songs. Especially some Tsumba and others. Today, I'm a little sad somehow. But nothing. We are on duty with Rustik. They went and did a conversation with the schoolchildren, then they all accompanied us, even burst into tears, did not want to let us go.

We continue from the "Komsomol":
2016-08-24T02: 37: 41 + 03: 00
Secret informants: Was one of the tourists an enemy agent?


From the available operational materials, it is known that the Evich (smeared) birth year, being in the units of the active Red Army, (smeared) surrendered to German troops in 1942. As a prisoner of war, in October 1942 he voluntarily entered the German battalion (anointed), and then was (anointed) in the SS division, which took part in the raids against the partisans of Belarus.
In August 1944, he was arrested by counterintelligence (covered up) of the Army of the Belarusian Front and was convicted by a military tribunal (covered up) of the Belarusian Front under Article (covered up), to 10 years in prison.
There were no intelligence signals about his anti-Soviet activities during the serving of his sentence. There were no “negative statements” in the letters. At the moment he is in the position of special settler for a period of (smeared) years.
On January 30, 2009, he turned to Division 3 of Camp 12, but at that time (covered up) the opera house was not there, so he arrived in the city of Ivdel in the (covered up) area with a passing car.
(covered up) stated that on January 25, 1959, in the village of Vizhay, he noticed a middle-aged man among the student skiers who arrived, whom he saw in August 1944.
(covered up) explained that along with him he tried to cross the front line in the direction of the units of the advancing Red Army, so that after changing into civilian clothes he could hide in the forest and be in the rear as far from the front line as possible.
At that moment, the Wehrmacht uniform was dressed on the identified face.
He can’t say with certainty whether he served with him in a punitive battalion (anointed). As for the nationality of the identified evidence, he can’t give either, I saw him nearby quite a bit and did not speak with him.
During the shelling that had begun (covered up), he hid in a funnel and did not see him after that. (smeared) has a good visual memory, so his testimony is not in doubt. (covered up) wanted war criminals were provided (covered up), on which he confidently identified his former colleagues in the German battalion (covered up).
To establish the identity of the suspect, a search orientation and a search form were completed, which were sent to the card file of the Office (smeared) of the USSR on the same day.
"All the available operational materials at that time were sent to the address (covered up) of the Department (covered up) in the (covered up) area."
A certain "(slurred) Evich", on "in the position of special resettlement for a period of (slurred)" years, said that on January 25, 59 in the village of Vizhay, he noticed among the arriving student skiers a middle-aged man whom he saw in August 1944 .
(covered up) explained that he was trying to move with him ...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 06, 2019, 04:46:11 AM
Reply #6



... A certain "(slurred) Evich", on "in the position of special settler for a period of (slurred)" years, said that on January 25, 59 in the village of Vizhay he noticed among the arriving student skiers a middle-aged man whom he saw in August 1944
(covered up) explained that along with him he tried to cross the front line in the direction of the units of the advancing Red Army, so that after changing into civilian clothes he could hide in the forest and be in the rear as far from the front line as possible.
At that moment, the Wehrmacht uniform was dressed on the identified face. "

 January 25, 1959 arrived in the village of Vizhay ...:
From the general diary of the Dyatlov group

"Answer # 1: 07/30/12 10:31 PM"
Sheet 23
January 25, 1959
We got up at half-past five, quickly gathered and with the first bus left for the city of Ivdel (so! - v1096). After an hour of waiting, they managed to capture a bus (type GAZ-51). The twenty-five-seat bus was forced to accommodate a full twenty-five, plus twenty backpacks packed to capacity and the same number of pairs of skis. It turned out to the ceiling. The lower ones sat on the seats, on a pile of skis, on backpacks. Passengers on the second floor sat on the backs of the seats, finding legroom on the shoulders of their comrades. It was not so crowded, however, so as not to sing, which was done almost all the way to Vizhay.
However, it was not without adventure. The bus made a small departure away from the highway, in the village. Shipichnaya, for which we were asked to go for a walk, which we did with pleasure. The four most nimble went far ahead in the village. Talitsa came to see the power station. Suddenly an exclamation: "Bus." We rush at the door, but, alas, it's late. The bus passed by and we had to rush after it at full speed, cherishing the hope that the fate of gracious and, perhaps, we would catch up with him (we - this is the four "nimble"). However, the very first hundred meters clearly proved the advantages of a fifty-horsepower engine. Our heels flickered far behind the bus, and the gap widened more and more. The prospect of walking thirty kilometers. on the highway without breakfast and lunch, it seemed quite real, when suddenly ... I mentioned that fate is gracious. Her mercy was expressed in the fact that some girl, driven by the desire to go to Vizhay, stopped the object of our persecution. A minute later, we were already safely sitting on the second floor of the seats and moving to Vizhay. We arrived in Vizhay at about two in the afternoon. It turned out that we can continue the car trip only in the morning.
Warmly said goodbye to a group of Blinov, who drove further (west of Vizhay to the forest site).
After lunch, which was held in a warm "friendly atmosphere", moved to the "hotel", is an ordinary three-window hut. We went to the cinema, leaving Doroshenko and Kolevatov to “dominate”. We watched the "Golden Symphony", returned in a "musical mood." Now busy fitting equipment. At night, according to the local commandant, we will move on.
Kolevatov. "

... two groups arrived: Igor Dyatlov and Yuri Blinov. In the group of Igor Dyatlov goes Zolotarev ...
We add that for such “specific” material, the “Komsomol members” found an informational excuse, but there is no reason for the protocol of the meeting about Brother Semyon, who collaborated with the Nazis. Strange, isn't it?

- - - -To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 06, 2019, 07:03:53 PM
Reply #7



And now seriously. Of all the memories, only the most characteristic ones have been left. From them it follows that there was another Zolotarev at Kourovskaya base, and not a physical education teacher from the city of Lermontov-Semen Alekseevich Zolotarev. Read for yourself, the highlighted is highlighted:

"Orphan" funeral of Semyon Zolotarev. Telephone conversation with V.F. Bogomolov
Is it true that you buried Semyon Zolotarev?
Yes, ”Victor Fedorovich answered,“ Repyev from the regional sports committee called me and said: “Did you seem to know Zolotarev?” and asked me, but as a big official, that I go in for the funeral of Semyon Zolotarev. I could not refuse. I think that it was necessary to have great connections at that time in order to bury at the Ivanovo cemetery. They said that Krivonischenko had influential parents, they tried.
The authorities did not want to bury the guys together. They generally wanted to bury them in different places, and not in Sverdlovsk.
Did you know Semen Zolotarev before? Please tell us about him.
Yes. I knew him before - in Altai. The group and I were in Artybash in 1953
Our routes crossed, I talked to him. I asked him, as a representative of the instructor corps, about the route that we went with my group. Then we met several times at the Kourovka camp site, we came there to prepare tourist trips, got to know each other, greeted ... At Kourovka he did not work long. Semyon Zolotarev was very interested in his tourist growth. I wanted to go higher, improve my skills, and therefore went on a campaign of the highest category of difficulty at that time.
http://samlib.ru/p/piskarewa_m_l/eipost ... owke.shtml
E.I. Postonogov about Semen Zolotarev and Kourovka camp site
... He had a mustache. I don’t remember tattoos and tattoos from him, so much time has passed ... No, I have not seen tattoos and tattoos from him.
I read about him on the Internet and was surprised that he had so many military awards. Semyon never boasted of anything. I did not talk about service at the front at all.
Semyon Zolotarev in a romantic relationship with women at the base was not seen. Generally behaved modestly.
The head instructor had to know a lot of songs. Play a musical instrument. I don’t know if Semyon Zolotarev played anything, but we sang a lot of songs.
He settled down at the base as a senior instructor. He lived nearby, in the village of Sloboda. Both tourists and instructors lived there. From the pre-war time, there was a small hunting lodge on the base itself, but not everyone was mad there, several people lived, and my brothers and I lived there at the same time.

Instructor trip Semyon Zolotarev.

In December 1958, I went with him on the so-called 'instructor's trip'. This is when the senior instructor, of the new employees, organizes and leads the staff of the base, other instructors, to gain the necessary experience in guiding the trips.
This “instructor” trip, in which Semyon was the leader, planned so as to pass 15-18 km a day, and come to spend the night in the village. We did not plan to spend the night in the tent. We did not have a stove. We slept in huts. The route was not categorical, calculated for 5-6 days plus a day. Semyon was all older than us. I went camping to gain experience in guiding campaigns, 'for show' sake.
In this campaign, we found ourselves in difficult climatic conditions. Frost suddenly fell to minus 50. This rarely happens. We came to the village of Chusovoy, the Shaitan stone, in the morning we had to go to Talitsa, and the temperature was -50 C.
I remember that they all sat and decided: to go or not to go. After all, the clothes were bad, sweaters, sweatshirts ... But they decided to move on.
Semen was engaged in us as a father. He fed a delicious hot meal of stew. I believe that thanks to his friendly, calm attitude towards everyone, we calmed down, did not quarrel and ended the campaign. There were no losses. That the group did not break up after the trip at such a harsh temperature and intense fatigue, this was entirely his merit.
How did Semyon relate to alcohol?
Reading your questions, I recalled one curious incident from that campaign. When we came to the village. Talitsa, went to the dance, took a bottle of vodka with them. In the campaign she froze, for the first time I saw this, as vodka froze. We warmed it on the stove. That's when the only time I saw Semyon take a little vodka along with others. My brother and I did not drink, because at that time we adhered to a sports regime, in those years we did not drink alcoholic beverages.
Immediately after this campaign, on the day of December 28, Semyon Zolotarev left for Sverdlovsk, he agreed with the 'upyans', i.e. with someone from UPI. I do not know if he quit or not, he did not tell us about his plans for the future. I don’t know anything about his mother. No, Semyon did not tell us about the family and relatives. Somehow there were no such reasons. And he didn’t talk about the front either.
He left and took all his things from the base, is that normal?
- I think yes. Not left in the village. "
To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 08, 2019, 12:59:15 AM
Reply #8


Another simple version
"Reply #672 : 22.03.19 12:00 »

Zolotarev worked in Artybash from April 1953 to September 1958. Change in Artybash lasts from June to September. It turns out that he worked several shifts. In winter he worked in the village iogach-woodcutter. At that time, the village was developing rapidly. His wife Lila worked at the school.
That Zolotarev has worked for a long time in Artibise said by the loggers. Zina Kolmogorova remember loggers, who at that time was eight or ten years old. The overall assessment is a wonderful girl. What else do the natives say? The iron teeth of the Zolotarev was not. No tattoos. That's true. Looked like a Caucasian? Yes! And his wife, and Zina of the same blood. Some "ex" to blame their troubles Zolotarev - they kicked in the spring of 1959 from comfortable chairs with firm wording: "political myopia, the mismatch position, negligence" etc. mean the employees of the regional KGB and police, and personnel at the district level."

So, who was there?And here is he, brother Sasha, - on the upper photo:

And on the bottom - Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev.Both photos were taken in 1950.The top - in Moscow,Nizhny-in Pyatigorsk.About the paintings of the Seeds Zolotarev has already been described, in the message №66,from 03.10.2018 year:

Gradient: "Where's the samurai Muse or the tourist trap."
Semyon Alekseevich ,always, all the painting was of three capital letters:S.(Simon), A.(A.)Z(Zolotarev) ,and his brother of two-A.(Alexander)C(Zolotarev).That's why the relatives are not particularly sad, if among the photos of Seeds come across photos of Sasha (Alexander) - it is difficult to distinguish them.
Why brother Sasha used for a long time, a biography of his brother the Simons, until the matter.

"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 09, 2019, 02:15:17 AM
Reply #9



It's been four years since the release of this article, "members of the Komsomol"(excerpt):
"The mystery of Dyatlov pass: Why are Seeds Zolotarev did not want to take the party"
From the documents in this article:

...it follows : in the Institute of physical culture, Minsk,in 1949,except for Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev studied,yet,and Alexander A. Zolotarev.

Let us recall a brief history of this Institute from Wikipedia...:
The history of the University
On July 22, 1937 the Belarusian technical school of physical culture was reorganized into the Institute of physical culture of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Until 1941, in BGAIF 102 was prepared by a specialist in physical culture and sports. World war II interrupted studies. In the ranks of the Soviet Army and partisan units fought bravely about two hundred teachers and students of the Institute.
Immediately after the liberation of Minsk from German troops, on the first of October 1944, resumed the work of the Institute. Its buildings and sports facilities were restored mainly by teachers and students…»

... and remember,what kind of education were the Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev before joining IFK Minsk.From the autobiography Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev from September 1950:

"...In 1941 graduated from 10 classes. In 1938 he joined the Komsomol. In 1940-41, finishing high school and worked simultaneously-led the first class. From July to October 1941 he worked in a wine shop Adobencha of Pischepromkombinat…»

So, 1941 Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev graduated from 10 classes...

To be continued...

"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 10, 2019, 01:03:24 AM
Reply #10



Back to the back photo 1950, Moscow:

The text reads:
"Memory of our meeting in Moscow,Sasha's brother, after graduation in 1950.Sister darling,Anya,brother Sasha.1950 A. Zolotarev( )"

Remember this:
Semen Zolotarev
"M. P.: How many children have been Alexei Gerasimov and Vera Ivanovna Zolotarev, Zolotarev parents Seeds?
Natalia: uncle Alexei and Vera Ivanovna had four children : two sons, Semyon and Nikolai, and two daughters, Ekaterina and Maria. Nicholas died at the front. Mary went with her husband, Mr Cool,she has a daughter from his first marriage, surname Nesnow, from his second marriage twin boys Leshchenko. The second daughter of D. Alex - Catherine, according to her husband Panteleeva, took her youngest son Michael, where he lived we do not know, she had a son Simon and daughter Valentina."

Sister Dunya(Evdokia) and Anya(Anna)-cousin Seeds Zolotarev.
And the text on the photo is not written by his brother Sasha, and cousin Anya (Anna), which at that time was Anna Zolotareva...


http://taina.li/forum/index.php?topic=1 ... #msg667632
"... Not true. I do not know Anna and Evdokia were married, but they did not change their names. Data about children. Anna definitely younger than Seeds, it is 1923. She was very ill and was cared for by her sister Evdokia, who lived next door. After the death of Anna a few years later Evdokia went to Armavir, where she died..."(after)

Accordingly, the painting and handwriting-it's all from Anna Zolotareva. Through handwriting and painting on brother Sasha not to go.
But there were two very interesting "clues" in the memories...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 11, 2019, 01:30:21 AM
Reply #11



The contradiction in the use of names: Simon and Alexander, an instructor in the Kourovka campings-Zolotarev began in UD materials from 26.02.1959 year .Here they are:
1.Sheet 258 Receipt
"Me, Zolotareva Vera Ivanovna, mother Seeds Alekseevich Zolotarev received from attorney T. Ivanov following things that a student Salgreen issued, as belonging to my son:
Sheet 259
26. Work book 2 units on the name Zolotareva S. A.
27. Diploma in the name of Zolotarev of the Minsk Institute of physical education
All of the above in the Protocol received:
Issued: Prosecutor-criminalist
Jr. counselor of justice

2.Sheet 293 Protocol of interrogation of witness
1. Surname, I. O. Yudin Yuri Yefimovich
"... Our group originally consisted of 11 people: me, Dyatlov, Kolmogorova, Dubinin, Doroshenko, Kolevatov, krivonischenko, Slobodin, Thibault-Brignoles, Bianco and Wisniewski. Subsequently Wisniewski and Bianco in the campaign decided not to participate, and two days before departure our group joined the instructor Kourovka campings Zolotarev S. A., which until then none of our group members didn't know...";

3.Sheet 349
mountain. Ivdel
ACT No. 2
forensic examination of the corpse.
"On may 9, 1959 According to the resolution of the Prosecutor of the criminalist of Sverdlovsk regional Prosecutor's office of may 7, 1959 court.honey.expert of regional Bureau is judicial-medical examination of Sverdlovsk area Revived, in the presence of the public Prosecutor-criminalist of the Sverdlovsk regional Prosecutor's office ml. counselor of justice Ivanov L. N., expert forensic analysis Churkinoj G. A., in the room of the morgue of the medical unit p/n 240, at daylight made the study of the corpse gr. Zolotarev Alexander Alekseevich, 37 years, to establish the cause of death.";

... continued in the diaries of the dead:
4.The notebook, Dear caretaker, L. Dubinina for the diary.
23 Jan.
... This time there were a lot of very new songs that we pulled with the help of instructor Zolotarev A.A., going with us on a hike. Nobody wanted to take this Zolotarev at first, because he is a new man, but then they spat and took him, because to refuse is not to refuse. Thus, as we were ten, and have remained, because Slava did not let facts Bureau.";

5.Notebook C the Kolmogorov
sowing. Ural
hike of III category.
hands'. Dyatlov
"... With us senior instructor Kurovskoe camp site Alexander Zolotarev. She knows a lot of new songs, just happily somehow, learned new songs. Especially some Zumba and other...";

...were supplemented by the memoirs of participants of searches: Sogrina, Zinoviev and journalist Grigorieva. Here they are:
6. Salgreen S. N. "Reply #8 : 14.06.13 13:18 "Exposure:
"... Once, in the midst of preparing our trip to the polar Urals, a middle-aged man came up to me and said that his name was Semyon Zolotarev. He is a professional tourism instructor and works at the camp sites of the vcspc…»;

7. Zinoviev, E. G., " Response #2 : 15.07.12 23:27 "Excerpt:
"...I was engaged in making this ill-fated stove from sheets of tin, mastering for the first time in my life the specialty of a tinsmith, when suddenly Sergei brought into the room a rather unusual man with Caucasian appearance and presented:
- Semyon Zolotarev, asking to go on our trip!
- Just call me Sasha, ' said the Caucasian semen, turning gold teeth that for us, too, was unusual…»;

8.https://www.proza.EN/2013/11/21/1184 From the diary of a journalist Grigoryev(excerpt):
DYT Important(?) journals and route journals.
structure of group. Route (???) list(?)
1) Dyatlov I. A. 1936 the student head of the Sverdlovsk
2) Dubinina L. A. 1938 --//-- caretaker Sverdlovsk
3) Kolmogorov C Al. 1938 --//-- resp.behind.diary of Sverdlovsk
4) Kolevatov A. S. 1934 -- / / -- resp.for (??)office of Sverdlovsk
5) Slobodin, R. V. 1936 n/i10
6) Thibault-Brignoles N. In 1935 master УНР154
7) Krivonischenko G. A. 1935 Chelyab
8), Yudin Yu. al 1937 student doctor Sverdlovsk
9) Doroshenko Yu. N. 1938 -- / / -- Sverdlovsk
10)Zolotarev A. A. 1921? Kourovka the hostel (????)»;

... and memories of relatives.
9.http://samlib.EN/p/piskarewa_m_l/zolotarev.shtml Alexander (semen) Zolotarev.
Interviews with family. Reflections on the campaign.(extract):
 "...Still alive cousin Seeds Zolotarev, Peter Gerasimovich Zolotaryov, the father of Natalia. He's 81. And God grant him good health and long life!
Oh, I would live in Russia, I would go directly to visit him and talk about everything directly, in a live conversation. Elena, when she saw my photo, said that I was something like Zolotarev. Some resemblance and I noticed...
... MP: Natalia, please tell me , do you know why Semyon asked to be called Sasha? Dad doesn't know anything about Semyon calling himself Alexander. I think I heard it from my aunt, who died 4 years ago, but then did not attach any importance to it. I could not imagine that it is so important, it just happens that people like the name that they would like to wear, so they call themselves by this name. The aunt who died was called Evdokia, and all her life she called herself Lyudmila... Another sister Semyon, Catherine, had a son, about dad's years, he was also called Semyon, and he also called himself Sasha. We read it on the back of his photo which he sent to the father, but his surname was Panteleev.
Elena: I also heard from aunt Dusi from Moscow that Semyon Alekseevich wanted to be called Alexander.
Natalia: Mom still found a few pieces of photos, then I will tell them, this is another proof that Simon called himself the Fiddler, now in his pictures, he signed "brother John"...";

10. http://samlib.ru/p/piskarewa_m_l/leschenki.shtml
Excerpt from a letter to Natalia Petrovna Zolotareva, nieces Seeds Zolotarev.:
"...Semyon entered the Minsk Institute before the war in 1940, but he got to the Belarusian front by accident(just a coincidence, where he was assigned).»;

Excerpt from the story by Andrei Leschenko, the great-nephew of Seeds Zolotarev.:
"...The father and the uncle knew that someone from their grandfathers worked in bodies, they considered that it is Semyon, and were proud of this fact…»

There are pictures of Zolotarev, and a story about them later. And while…:

"...Semyon entered the Minsk Institute before the war in 1940, but he got to the Belarusian front by accident(just a coincidence, where he was assigned).»;
"...The father and the uncle knew that someone from their grandfathers worked in bodies, they considered that it is Semyon, and were proud of this fact…»

...and to Simon all this can not be applied. But to his brother Sasha-easily.

- - - - To be continued…
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 12, 2019, 04:17:24 AM
Reply #12



To "bundle" semen=Sasha will add it.
In 2018, journalists of Komsomolskaya Pravda received, by proxy, a death certificate and a certificate for Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev.Here is, that they tell about this, in chronological order, (excerpts):

One hundred sixty one:
Publications in mass media / "Komsomolskaya Pravda" about Dyatlov's group (articles, video and audio materials)
": 19.04.18 12:35 »

Added later:
Quote: elenapaula - 19.04.18 12:34
Can on this and not designed, and buried on help from the morgue?
In 1959, there was a death certificate and a death certificate. If there is such interest, will tell in live much detail.


One hundred forty three:
Publications in mass media / "Komsomolskaya Pravda" about Dyatlov's group (articles, video and audio materials)
": 24.04.18 13:09 »
Quote: Gulia70 - 24.04.18 13:06
in Tassovskoy form help wrote why?
usually not write.
or take the reason from SME.
and there have us not freezing like. Image
I can't answer that question. I got a death certificate and a certificate by proxy. I can say that Semyon's mother received all these documents on may 12, 1959. There is her signature in the internal documents of the registry Office. I emphasize the phrase "internal documents", because they are not copied for issuance. So you can only take my word for it.
One hundred thirty eight:
Publications in mass media / "Komsomolskaya Pravda" about Dyatlov's group (articles, video and audio materials)
": 24.04.18 13:56 »
Quote: Gulia70 - 24.04.18 13:53
So, Natalya, may 12, 1959-the date of death certificate or date of issue?
From the death certificate:
Date of issue-may 12, 1959.
Date of death-February 1, 1959.

One hundred thirty four:
Publications in mass media / "Komsomolskaya Pravda" about Dyatlov's group (articles, video and audio materials)
": 26.04.18 15:13 »
Quote: Moon - 26.04.18 14:59
I have here a few days ago I asked about the name Zolotarev, which is specified in the copy of the death Certificate and the death Certificate, obtained by You in the field of attorney. COULD you answer my question, though?
Missed the question. In both papers Zolotarev Semyon Alekseevich

Added later:
Quote: Tatianas - 05.11.18 07:17
Happen again.
Had a question about the passport, we know he surrendered when you receive the death certificate of Zolotaia? Was he?

You: That's a good question that I don't have an answer to yet. But I will try to find out and tell about it.

Yes, I did, but I forgot to write here. Semyon's passport was handed over, it was destroyed in 1959. Registry office does not store passports.

... And in the morgue have us " ranks":
Sheet 349
mountain. Ivdel
ACT No. 2
forensic examination of the corpse.
On may 9, 1959 According to the resolution of the Prosecutor of the criminalist of Sverdlovsk regional Prosecutor's office of may 7, 1959 court.honey.expert of regional Bureau is judicial-medical examination of Sverdlovsk area Revived, in the presence of the public Prosecutor-criminalist of the Sverdlovsk regional Prosecutor's office ml. counselor of justice Ivanov L. N., expert forensic analysis Churkinoj G. A., in the room of the morgue of the medical unit p/n 240, at daylight made the study of the corpse gr.Zolotarev Alexander Alekseevich, 37 years, to establish the cause of death."

... Zolotarev Aleksandr Alekseevich, and not-Semyon Alekseevich...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 13, 2019, 04:00:51 AM
Reply #13



Let's make a small addition.Read this statement from... Zolotarev A. A.(photo collage):

... and surprisingly,some A. A. Zolotarev stubbornly continues to put in painted capital letter "C".
And here are the statements of Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev himself:

... and no A.A.

- - - - To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 14, 2019, 12:08:17 AM
Reply #14



Let's return to the photos Zolotarev and his brother Sasha.All photos can be divided into several periods.Prewar, military, Minsk, Pyatigorsk, Lermontov, winter-1959-Igor Dyatlov group.Photos with clear writing:"brother Sasha  ," relate to "the Minsk period."They were combined, arranged in chronological order.Here they are:

From four photographs us will help here is this:

We'll need an assistant and memories of him.They will be: Fedor Gerasimovich Zolotarev (born in 1918) - a cousin of Nicholas, shot by the "Komsomol", brother Semyon-physical education teacher from the city of Lermontov and,of course,brother Sasha ,who also studied at the Minsk Institute of physical culture.

- - - - To be continued...

"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 15, 2019, 02:28:30 AM
Reply #15



Denote, for accuracy, in the photo-brothers Zolotarev(additions to the photo-Gradient):

Peter Gerasimovitch, Fedor Gerasimovich Zolotareva - cousins Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev. Now remember that is from Maya Piscarewa:
Alexander (Semen) Zolotarev.
Interviews with family. Reflections on the campaign.
* * *
With relatives of Semyon Zolotarev, Elena and Natalia, I met on the Internet.
Elena have our semen Alekseevich Zolotarev granddaughter, and Natalia's niece. Unfortunately, Natalia is very rarely on the Internet, she answered my questions after a long period of time. Some questions remain unanswered. But I hope to get an answer to them.
Still alive cousin Seeds Zolotarev, Peter Gerasimovich Zolotaryov, the father of Natalia. He's 81. And God grant him good health and long life!
Oh, I would live in Russia, I would go directly to visit him and talk about everything directly, in a live conversation. Elena, when she saw my photo, said that I was something like Zolotarev. Some resemblance and I noticed...
M. P.: Dear Elena, please tell us about your family.
Elena: Grandfather's name was Fedor Gerasimovich, and grandmother-Alexandra Fedotovna. My grandparents lived in stenocardia on a 2 . There are other people living in this house now. I'm with them, sorry, not familiar, but the words -they are good people, but otherwise can not be, because this HOUSE is very good... Peter Gerasimovich is my grandfather's brother, he has a daughter Natalia.
M. P.: And Simon was high?
Elena: how tall was Semen, we can only guess Fedor was high - about 179, and Semen below it.
Probably many secrets went with him and no one but You, so deep thought. Times were different. My grandmother from dispossessed therefore in many Affairs didn't climb - not to harm descendants. And then everyone left and everyone has their own story, their own life...
(c) Maya Piskareva
April-may 2012»
And there seems to be what Semen (Sasha) shorter Fedor, well seen on the photo of 25 August 1950. And, even, confirms here is these photo from 1939 (addition to photo-Gradient):

And, as - same be with this photo.?...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 16, 2019, 09:41:15 AM
Reply #16



...And, as - same be with this photo.?

And brother Simon , already, above, a cousin of Fedor, whose height is nearly 179 inches. And this, postwar photo- " Lermontov period." Simon and Theodore - in the group photo, after 1954 (addition to photos of the Gradient):

..And again: Semyon above Fedor.
It turns out that Semyon Zolotaryov was , in fact, above Fedor Gerasimovich Zolotarev - cousin and quite a decent above - over 179 sm. And, growth is lower Fedor Zolotarev was Sasha .
The one who studied with Semyon Alekseevich Zolotarev at the Minsk Institute of physical culture. The one who loved the name Sasha, and who was trained by Mikhail Ilyich Zeitin, and to whom the girl Vera from Minsk wrote a touching message on December 04, 1949.

Senior  brother Seeds Zolotarev   -    Alexander(Sasha) A. Zolotarev…

- - - - To be continued…
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 17, 2019, 03:22:28 AM
Reply #17



Now you can share some of the photos Zolotarev two:
 Seeds Alekseevich Zolotarev, born in 1921:

...Alexander(Sasha)A. Zolotarev:

...and even by year of birth of Sasha Zolotarev, you can make some assumption...By the way, in the photo, 1939,may be the brother Kolya,shot by "members of the Komsomol".

- - - - To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 18, 2019, 03:36:56 AM
Reply #18



Remember this (sample)...:

Alexander (Semen) Zolotarev.
Interviews with family. Reflections on the campaign.

* * *
"I met Semyon Zolotarev's relatives, Elena and Natalia, on the Internet.
Elena have our semen Alekseevich Zolotarev granddaughter, and Natalia's niece. Unfortunately, Natalia is very rarely on the Internet, she answered my questions after a long period of time. Some questions remain unanswered. But I hope to get an answer to them.
Still alive cousin Seeds Zolotarev, Peter Gerasimovich Zolotaryov, the father of Natalia. He's 81. And God grant him good health and long life!...
...Seeds are not here. He studied at this time in Minsk.
Middle row: first on the right father Seeds-Alexey Gerasimovich, next to his mother Seeds-Vera Ivanovna. First left Gerasimos and Marina, grandfather and grandmother, Natalia, who in the middle who I don't know, maybe uncle Seeds, because it is very similar to the 38-year-old Seeds .
Top row-Peter (Natalia's father), Fedor ( Elena's grandfather), Evdokia,..., Anna, Evdokia and who else, unfortunately, no longer know.
Natalya: My dad Alexei Gerasimov nephew. And Simon Pope's cousin,and just dad and grandfathers middle name Gerasimovich. Semen older than dad somewhere for 15 years.

* * *

Note: Natalia a little mistake, Peter Gerasimovitch Seeds Zolotarev under the age of 10 years..."

Maya Piskareva misunderstood ,is talking about Natalia, daughter of Peter G. Zolotarev.And it was about Sasha Zolotarev.Pyotr Zolotarev was born in 1931."Minus" 15 years and get the date: 1916.This year, or earlier ("...somewhere..."), and Alexander(Sasha)Alekseevich Zolotarev was born.

...remember this:
https://taina.li/forum/index.php?topic= ... #msg717146
Media publications / Questions Natalia Barsegova (discussion stay on the topic of KP)
": 04.11.18 15:50 »
Quote: Liana - 04.11.18 10:13
Can I check with Valentina (nee Panteleeva) the year of birth of Catherine, her mother and sister Semyon? It is clear that it has no relation to death of group, but to restore Alexey Gerasimovich's branch on "branches". Valentina remembers that Nicholas was younger than Mary (1916, p), and older Seeds ( and Alexey Gerasimov returned to Comfortable in the 18th year.) So, Nicholas was born in the 18th, 19th, or 20th year.
Do You have (or through your assistants ) the ability to access the registers of births art. Convenient over the years, in the archives of art.
I will try to clarify the information on occasion. But it is known that Maria was born in January 1919, 2 years later semen. That is, Nicholas could not have been born between them. And I don't know when Alexey Gerasimovich returned to the city.
In registers of births on Convenient Nikolay does not appear at all. But there is no book for 1915. Was lost. Therefore, there is a possibility that he was born in 1915.

So, with Sasha Zolotarev all clear.But a third Zolotarev,well the one on the collective monument...:

...ZolAtarev A. I.
His photos are known to all:

хостинг картинок без регистрации

- - - - To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 19, 2019, 04:14:14 AM
Reply #19


...And that's what we have at the moment.Three Zolotarev.

1.Seeds Alekseevich...
List Of 258 Receipt
"Me, Zolotareva Vera Ivanovna, mother Seeds Alekseevich Zolotarev received from attorney T. Ivanov following things that a student Salgreen issued, as belonging to my son:
Sheet 259
26. Work book 2 units on the name Zolotareva S. A.
27. Diploma in the name of Zolotarev of the Minsk Institute of physical education
All of the above in the Protocol received:
Issued: Prosecutor-criminalist
Jr. counselor of justice
List 293 Protocol of interrogation of witness
1. Surname, I. O. Yudin Yuri Yefimovich
"... Our group originally consisted of 11 people: me, Dyatlov, Kolmogorova, Dubinin, Doroshenko, Kolevatov, krivonischenko, Slobodin, Thibault-Brignoles, Bianco and Wisniewski. Subsequently Wisniewski and Bianco in the campaign decided not to participate, and two days before departure our group joined the instructor Kourovka campings Zolotarev S. A., which until then none of our group members didn't know...";

2.Alexander Alekseevich...

-Notebook Dear caretaker L. Dubinina for the diary.
23 Jan.
... This time there were a lot of very new songs that we pulled with the help of instructor Zolotarev A.A., going with us on a hike. Nobody wanted to take this Zolotarev at first, because he is a new man, but then they spat and took him, because to refuse is not to refuse. Thus, as we were ten, and have remained, because Slava did not let facts Bureau.";
-Notebook Z. the Kolmogorov
sowing. Ural
hike of III category.
hands'. Dyatlov
"... With us senior instructor Kurovskoe camp site Alexander Alekseevich Zolotarev. She knows a lot of new songs, just happily somehow, learned new songs. Especially some Zumba and other...";
List 349
mountain. Ivdel
ACT No. 2
forensic examination of the corpse.
"On may 9, 1959 According to the resolution of the Prosecutor of the criminalist of Sverdlovsk regional Prosecutor's office of may 7, 1959 court.honey.expert of regional Bureau is judicial-medical examination of Sverdlovsk area Revived, in the presence of the public Prosecutor-criminalist of the Sverdlovsk regional Prosecutor's office ml. counselor of justice Ivanov L. N., expert forensic analysis Churkinoj G. A., in the room of the morgue of the medical unit p/n 240, at daylight made the study of the corpse gr. Zolotarev Alexander Alekseevich, 37 years, to establish the cause of death.";.
https://www.proza.ru/2013/11/21/1184 From the diary of a journalist Grigoryev(excerpt):
10)Zolotarev A. A. 1921? Kourovka the hostel (????)»;
3.... and  A.I. Zolotareva -with a collective monument.

An interesting question arises:
Which of them,on January 20, 1959, came to Sogrin?

- - - - To be continued...
"...никто поделать ничего не смог.Нет,смог один,который не стрелял..."-"... no one could do anything. No, I could one who did not shoot ..."

September 28, 2021, 04:08:09 PM
Reply #20

Jean Daniel Reuss

...And that's what we have at the moment.Three Zolotarev.

We have to thank gradient for writing 20 (19 folds + 1) messages with interesting information about Zolotaryov.
But it is a bit long, or maybe incomplete, I was not able to fully understand. There are 3 hypotheses left.

Hypothesis number 1

There were two Zolotaryov brothers

         1 -  Alekseevich Alexander  Zolotaryov, alias Semyon, alias Sacha, born in 1921, dead in 1959.
         2 -  Nikolay Alekseevich Zolotaryov, born in 1903,  dead in 1943.

This is the most likely hypothesis, but it does not explain the tattoos on the forearms (not seen before).

« On the reverse of the right hand near the base of the thumb there is the tattoo ‘Gena’ (‘Гена’). On the reverse of the right forearm in the medium third there is a tattoo of a beetroot [picture] and ‘letters + С’; the reverse side of the left forehand has a tattoo with the image ‘G.S.’ DAERMMUAZUAYA’ (‘Г.С.’ ДАЕРММУАЗУАЯ’), a five-point star and the letter ‘С’, the letters Г+С+П = Д’ and the number 1921. »

See Natalya Varsegova and Nikolay Varsegov  :


  Hypothesis number 2, unlikely

« Before the New Year [1959], having received permission to hike, he [Zolotaryov] goes to his home in Lermontov for the New Year's holidays. At home, suffering from loneliness, Semyon decides to tattoo himslef in memory of his only friends, the ones he had while fighting the war. Now he has nothing to fear that with such tattoos he will not be hired to work with children, because he is no longer going to work as a teacher.»

Zolotaryov's meltdown (Author Aleksandr Surkov)



Hypothesis number 3, unlikely

September 19, 2019, 01:14:14 PM  Reply #19

     And that's what we have at the moment.Three Zolotarev.

         1 - Alexander Alekseevich born in 1921... : Semyon = Sacha, dead in 1959 with Dyatlov's group .
         2 - Seeds Alekseevich.  =  a twin brother mentionned "Reply #2".
Which of them,on January 20, 1959, came to Sogrin?
         3 - Nikolay Alekseevich Zolotaryov : the "traitor" born in 1903, dead in 1943.
Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.