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Author Topic: Radiograms (Search/Rescue radio communications)  (Read 16745 times)

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October 16, 2017, 06:07:50 PM
Read 16745 times


Sheet 136



Immediately organize the search for the cost of payment


Sheet 137


Adopted Temnikov No. 103 on the 32nd 23/2 hour 1130 minutes


Mansi agree to go in search of a fee per day 4 people 500 rubles traces found Mansi in 90 km from Suevat-Paul to the Ural ridge, give your consent to the search


Sheet 138

№ 401 сл 13 го 23.2 час 14-30 мин


In search of skiers, payment to the Mansiysk 500 rubles per day consent during the day,


Sheet 139 is absent or coincides with sheet 137?

Sheet 140

From Suevat-Paul № 23.П


We are going to go at 2 o'clock local, but two days speak for searches a little as it is necessary to go on the most watershed of a ridge where their hunters have seen Kurikov Stepan and three of all with me 5 persons. The skiers themselves did not see anyone either, but they saw a fresh ski trail and a parking lot on all grounds, and that their group was going there.


Sheet 141

Radiogram, No. 426 sl. 46 24.2 hours. 10-50 min.
Present immediately the First
Supplement of our searches a group of students today
11.30 it became known that the hunters saw a fresh ski trail
and the parking lot of a group of people the side of the watershed ridge from
Suevat Paul. We organized a group of Mansiys at the head of
Kurikov Stepan with our radio operator who goes on deer's
own track in possession of a first aid kit and products pt
addition we sent our representative to the plane Po-
zyskov air which proceeded to 11-40 Suevat-Paul
taking a course watershed ridge pt
Sul Mans
Please inform the polytechnic institute

Sheet 142

The radiogram № 24.2 сл. 10-30 The
trail saw the shepherd Anyam Andrey about 8-9 days ago a
trail of narrow sports skis, the number of people is not established,
traces are directed from the upper Auspii from it to the direction of the
eastern slope of the Uzala to the north of the upper Lozva you need to look for
this place in the upper reaches of the Auspia lozvy also on the western slope
ridge to the upper reaches of the rivers Vanya and Vishera.

Sheet 143

accepted Temnikov №26.П с 10-45


We are about 6-10 km from the mouth of the Auspii in the village in the mouth of the Auspii. Traces of narrow ski skis are found to be quite good. It was a lot of people, that is, 8-10 traces long ago about 15 days ago, since in the forest the traces are clearly visible we are guided along the trail of the upper reaches of the auspia where we will search in the mountains and the mouth of the auspia, we spent the night going further.


Sheet 144

Took the Temnikov. A radiogram to Sulman. 26.2, 13 hours.

They joined the Vizhay rescue team. They surveyed the upper Lozvy and there were no traces. They crossed the upper course of Auspia. Their last parking lot and the ski track that goes to the ridge and in the mountains is lost. Their people are divided into 3 groups one group on the ridge along the Auspiya


The ski track goes to the ridge where the point is lost. The rescue team broke up into 3 groups of which one went looking for the backbone of the point. Upon the return of the detachment, we will discuss how best to look for the point. Here only one of their representatives who stayed to meet us

Sheet 145


Tell whether Blinov or Karelin met a group of tourists from the Rostov Pedagogical Institute with the number of seven people at the beginning of February.



27 .II 17-25 hours

Sheet 146

I accepted Temnikov

No. 1712 sl 27/2


Immediately after the descent examination was conductied on the four bodies found of Dyatlov Zolotarev Krivanishchenko and Kolmogorova. The victims were thrown out of the tent by a hurricane without footwear, some without trouser and jackets. The direction of the hurricane is northeastern east, so all of them are on the same line from the discovered tent the farthest approximately two kilometers from the tent. In the sources of the stream flowing into Lozva, a fire is burning burned logs dead. The nearest neighbor Kolmogorov's head is broken tomorrow the survey will continue Now we are breaking camp in the Auspii Valley in order not to unravel the traces of the accident Axelrod contacted until they think I need to connect with us.


Sheet 147 (?)

No. 27.2 hour 9-00

Artyukov Sulman

We inform that on the site of the tent of Djatlov the searches were started yesterday and today four people have left already if we catch up with them then we will pass to stop the temporary search before the arrival of the dog. Now quiet visibility is more than 10 km


Sheet 148

I accepted Temnikov

№ 27/2 сл 1540 мск


The others are difficult to identify because there are large damages on the face of the face. Some people equip the camp of the prosecutor with oilman identify people, the search continues for the rest of all there were nine people


Sheet 149

I accepted Temnikov

№ 27/2 1745 Moscow time


We did not have time to inspect the tent, probably all were covered with heavy food, the tent was torn up by the people standing up, it was blown down by the wind. Axelrod can be removed by helicopter to put us in. Three bodies were partially visible from the snow, the fourth was found by the dog.


Sheet 150

No. 27. II 8-45

To Nevolin

Delay our group of Mansiysk to the end of searches for all days we will pay tchk Let they render the help in searches for points

Try to catch up on a deer or ski the departed group to parse the tent before the dogs arrive


Sheet 151 (?)

27. II 17-20 hours


Why did the tent stay stuff if people were carried away from the tent.

How to find the bodies.

Tell your opinion about leaving or Axelrod on Ottern



Sheet 152 (?)

I accepted Temnikov

No. 27/2


To determine the time of the accident, request a weather report for the thirtieth I on February 2/2, the location and location of the bodies indicates a hurricane

Maslennikov Nevolin

Sheet 153

I accepted Temnikov

№ 27/2 сл 1500 мск


At fourteen hours, four people were found in different places, with Chamonix lightly dressed and razed, which suggests that they were blown out during the snowstorm. Only zonaid Kolmogorov was identified. The search continues. all the groups in the tent area arrived. with the group of akselrod, communication has not yet been established


Sheet 154

I accepted Temnikov

No. 27/2 sl 1755


A group of Rostovites passed the yurt of Bakhtiyarov Alexander at the end of January they were not met. At the request of the prosecutor, call Sverdlovsk Ivdel forensic expert on the autopsy of bodies.


Sheet 155

I accepted Temnikov

No. 27/2 sl 1740


Group collecting camp we all feel normal. The most part of the group Dyatlov was discovered, so all the rest also need to be found under the snow, the bag of Dyatlov was found all the documents. tomorrow we will talk three o'clock in the afternoon


The session is offered as early as 1300 Moscow time

Maslennikov Nevolin

Sheet 156 (?)


Is there a link with Axelrod

Have you found a route book that is set on it.

List the items found in the tent

Tell your area of ​​interest



Sheet 157


Group Grebennik removed Ivdel. Our order arrived the second helicopter



Sheet 158 ​​(?)

I accepted Temnikov

№ 28.2 сл 1305


While no one else was found out, they unearthed the tent and their things were dismantled in the tent of Djatlov, now they make up a protocol. Bodies are transported to the top for dispatch by helicopter


Sheet 159

I accepted Temnikov

№ 28.2 сл 1315


Maslennikov is not here, he should arrive in the mountains about an hour later. I was at the Djatlov's tent there all the backpacks 9 pcs a few storms, 3.5 pairs of boots, eight pairs of shoes ("party cards" - crammed) one pair is not and - other personal items are also part of the products but not all other products should be somewhere else place.


Sheet 160

I accepted Temnikov

№ 28.2 сл 1707


With Axelrod, the connection could not be established from him, that is, a helicopter flew off from Axelrod. The search has not given anything yet. It was possible to find traces of 8-9 people from the tent itself about 1 km along the elephant, further traces are lost. One man was in boots, the others in socks and barefoot. Further on the slope very deep snow and probing of the tent did not give anything. Dogs could not do anything, the snow was deep. They picked up 3 bodies on the helicopter platform. The fourth will raise tomorrow his face - completely skidded therefore there is an opinion that this is Doroshchenko and not Zolotarev. They are both the biggest guys. We examined the place of the tent and made a report, the items were let down to the helicopter pad. They were sent to you in a tent. There were 10 pairs of linen. 8 pairs of boots. 9 backpacks; all the personal belongings were damaged. For 2-3 days, the remaining products of the day were left for 8 days in the storage room in the upper reaches of the Auspia the whole group was assembled. Why the group in its entirety half-dressed threw the tent until it was not possible to establish completely incomprehensible. Tomorrow we will look for people in a section of deep snow in size


150 meters to five hundred about one kilometer below the tent. Prepared for sending things to the group for them to send a helicopter. All documents of the group except Krok and personal notebooks were taken away by the prosecutor including three copies of the routing sheet to send can dogs conductors



1 / III 15 hours (?)


Axelrod and the group took Ivdel

Tell me what help is needed to continue the search.

Think again of the advisability of sending dogs



Sheet 162

I / III 18 50 (?)


We consider it extremely necessary to continue the search to finding all people now. Bad weather connections with searches do not put people at risk.

There is a suggestion to send you sappers with mine detectors. Inform your opinion.

On the basis of severe weather deterioration, the coming days are not expected.



Sheet 163 (?)

I / III 18 hours


In the presence of good weather at 13 o'clock you will be given a helicopter to prepare the dispatch of bodies and if there are sick people and people you do not need in work. Your proposal is correct, we will take measures to update the group on March 2-3




Sheet 164

№ 1. III .59 g


There are no patients, but there are very few of them for the task, and some of them are tired


Sheet 165

I accepted Temnikov

No. 1.3. 1630


Of the squad in the amount of 30 people feels normally all work together and in an organized manner. However, if the bad weather will be 3-4 days and if you give permission we can leave the detachment within 2 days to the Northern Lozva where we can be taken by helicopter. You can prepare a landing pad in the middle course of the Auspia.


Sheet 166

I accepted Temnikov

No. 1/3 1635


Searches can continue, but half of the group must be replaced by more fresh forces you need to remove the Slobov and Mansi group. Sappers will be more useful with probes and not mine detectors since people under the snow do not have metal objects. Probes need 2.5 meters tk 20 from today's summary that it is expected that weather deterioration is expected on March 2-4. If not, then we will only be pleased, as we have a violent blizzard raging behind the tent and the weather gets worse by the hour. In addition, we inform you that on the way back from the searches of 4 pm we took the products sent by the flight and lowered them the next time I ask you to send newspapers.


Sheet 167


SULMAN 2 / III -59 - 18.30

The search in the Lozva Valley today failed. twenty-two people climbed to the pass and were forced to return back because of a blizzard of visibility no points instead cooked firewood and strengthened the camp prepared it for the arrival of the replenishment point. The search group of Slabtsov and Kurikov found Dyatlov group storage site 400 m from our tent above Auspya river with nineteen labeled bags weighing 55 kg among them spare pharmacy Dyatlov's warm boots one ski boots mandolin set of batteries with bulbs and a spare set of skis tchk list and weight of products are indicated in pr otkole Ivanova tchk Products by the decision of the last left in the camp moving exactly from the place of the found overnight from the camp to the pass in bad weather Dyatlov group could quite take the crest of the spur of the mountain 1079 for the pass to the lair of the ditch but the main mystery of the tragedy is the exit of the whole group from the tent. an ice-ax found outside the tent a Chinese lantern on her roof confirms the probability of the exit of one dressed man outside which gave some ground to all the rest hastily to throw the tent

The reason could be some kind of extreme natural phenomenon or the flight of a meteorological rocket that was seen by I / II in Ivdel and 17 / II was seen by Karelin's group tomorrow. Tomorrow we will continue the search together with the new forces and make the planned shipment of goods. Small messages 01 group Chernyshova and Sidorov amicably ask to leave the last one here is 2 candles are needed left 5 pieces 3 tomorrow morning the group Kurikov send back gave them a certificate of their work point 4 I ask you to give a telegram Sverdlovsk Pervomayskaya 104 power line oil am-twinned in the mountains healthy Eugene


I sapperov I ask to be obliged to work after mine detectors 2 coordinates of the labaza you are informed 3 give consent to Sidorov's left 4 except three members of the group of Sladkov all the other students are leaving Blinov missed many classes 5 I ask to call me for a report and to decide on the issue of leadership of the detachment


Sheet 168



3 / III -13.30

Today we will look for a storage in the upper parts of the Auspia point. We send the helicopter landing area on duty helicopter arrival case. Send the group for the pass. Search for the victims. By the first flight we send Ivanov Yarovoi 4 bodies. The second 6 people from the Slabtsova group. Questions to the Chernyshov group send four hoods from the cloak-rains. one or two flights? 3 helicopters or one in two flights 4 instead of Mansi others do not need to send this opinion to us and nevolina tchk 4 Since the work site is quite determined by its nature of work requires other experience I think it expedient to entrust the detachment to Captain Chernyshov, especially as the detachment becomes a military detachment The consent of the detachment and Chernyshov on this account is also put on the question of removing Blinov, Borisov Serdinovs. It would be good to clarify whether a new type of meteor rocket flew over the area of ​​the accident on the evening of February 1, 6 pm Thank you for taking care of sending the products, please oil halva condensed milk sugar coffee tea cigarette


Sheet 169

I accepted Temnikov

No. 1/3 1500


1/3 58. today, despite a sharp deterioration in the weather, searches continued about 1000 meters of a 30-meter-wide zone in the part of the stopping of the victims. Searches did not give a snow depth of 1-2 meters and more today the wind reached 30 meters visibility is not present therefore in such weather searches can not be continued. Concerning the expediency of further searches, it can be said that searches in this area, even in good weather, can not do anything to this will require at least 100 people if at all. If there was good weather, one or two more sites could be checked.


Sheet 170

I accepted Temnikov

№ 1/3 сл 1025 мск


Today we consider the final part of the probe to be the whole area with deep snow, if we do not find anything with the probes, we'll have to wait for spring beyond this place no one left. Snow here in places more than 2 meters. the catastrophe was precisely established on the night of the second of February. 31/1 in bad weather the group left Ausipia from the overnight which was found first and climbed to the pass but the wind stopped them and they returned to the forest border in the sources of Auspii and broke camp. It's about the place where our camp is now. In the morning they made a storage and left part of the food here at 15:00. They again went to the pass to Lozva and climbed to the place where the tent was found. Probably they took the slope at the time of the blizzard at altitude 1079, the main ridge behind the slope from the Auspia to the ravine ascended to the crest, and the Chamovs decided to break camp at this place, driven by a hurricane wind. The tent is installed very tightly under all the rules under the tent all the skis then empty backpacks of quilted jackets from one side stacked products with other shoes, here not all the blankets are all personal things. The tent is set taking into account the strong wind from the top of the group the supper in the tent left the food and began to change clothes to take off the wet clothes of the shoes and put on a dry one. It was at this moment that something happened that made the group half-dressed run out of the tent and rush down the slope. Maybe someone dressed went out to recover and he was sleeping. Jumped to the scream - were also demolished tent installed in the most dangerous place in the wind place here is the strongest wind. It was impossible to climb back meters from fifty since the tent was torn down, the lower ones could command her off to go into the woods, counting on the slope towards the XXXXXXXXXXXXX Auspya where the forest next to them they wanted to hide here can be found the place of their previous overnight but very stony and up to the forest 2-3 times farther. Dyatlov and Kolmogorova lit the fire, they went back to look for clothes but were not dressed well anough and fell. Not enough and they fell. The position of their bodies speaks of this. This version of the disaster everyone agrees. Today, four people will be looking for labor camps, all the rest are going to search for the missing. The group feels well asleep in a warm big tent, everyone is healthy. Please send 15 kg. crackers 5 iron shovels. Tell XXXXX what will be the weather in the next three days why they asked about Rostovites whether they took the Grebennik group.


Sheet 171


Adopted 3/3 1240

Took (inaudible)

From xxxxx No.XX

Address 3/3 - 59 Sulman

The group of deminers arrived 8 people arrived safely to the camp of the bodies. Bodies were sent by helicopter. The same way the prosecutor and correspondent flew out. 17 people were participating in the search. Sutra the weather was better now the wind is intensifying. The search continues



Sheet 172


I accepted Sysoev

There remained a section - - - one and a half kilometers long with a width of 100 meters, which must be passed through the touch probes. On this, all work will be completed. More is not to look for where it will take 3 days if the weather is not worse


Sheet 173

Atmanaki, their addresses are from Ivanov. 3 graduate student of the Korolev left the institute without registration I ask to call 4 need to send garlic 5 tell Chernichev's relatives that everyone is healthy 6 it is necessary to prepare for the replacement of the remaining students with army men


Sheet 174

The volume of the work done at the site of the cuts of the tin cans suggests that apart from the two there is still somebody else. Tomorrow this plot will be subjected to a more thorough inspection of the points. On the way back from the searches, the passengers of the second helicopter took us to the water tent.

Tomorrow, the search will continue. Because the probes did not bring us half the squad despite our misdemeanor, it will be used on the helicopter landing pad site. We found the site our faults. Give 1 two candles instead of the candles. 2 If possible, put the question of making trips to the heads of search groups for engineers Karelian Axelrod and T

Sheet 175


I accepted Sysoev

Address 3/3

Snowstorm x with snow lasted all day tchk Wind beyond the pass to 25 meters visibility 5-8 points Search went on and on. The group of captain Vlasov carefully examined the valley of the stream in the sources of which - - - - - - - - there was an accident of the Dyatlov group. The group reached Lozvy tchk No traces of xxxxxx Dyatlov is found. The creek is the place of snow-throwing from the main ridge. The snow is very deep. The probability of leaving the part of the group xxxx in this valley is the same as in Lozva. Here, rochkupyvanie slope pcs Passed two hundred meters deep snow width - - - one hundred meters another (inaudible) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX to kolmogorovoy point Nothing found ptk Once again surveyed the site at the cedar point

Sheet 176


In addition to the two military groups Chernyshev and the sixth-headed civilian - - - - the group of akselrod, the whole camp consists of 34 people. Point out the results of the investigation of the things of the Dyatlov. Can this help the search for the point? What was the weather like on February 1?


Sheet 177

took Sysoev

1 all the traces of the Djatlov group found in the area of ​​searches were photographed wolf tracks are not here

2 my deputy captain Chernyshev is ready to take command any time

3 breads were delivered to the whole detachment for 10 days. It lies on the pass. It's hard to eat. There's no sausage for lunch. On the spot of searching for the rest of the food, there's enough food. I'll let you know about the shortage in 2 days

4 squad works purposefully cohesively more home no one will ask for except me


Sheet 178


I accepted Sysoev

3 people prepared a site for a helicopter right at the tent the area of ​​50 to 50 was cut down to the crest of the spur of the village under which a Dyatlov group tent was pitched and also a height of 1079 points. No signs of ascent were found

The mine detectors do not give anything to the police. The lieutenant-colonel immediately switched to touch probes

Sheet 179


I accepted Sysoev

No. 4/3

The weather is very good point. The searches continued to work 31 people from half a tenth to six points. Gone 300 meters wide by 240 points. Another group began to probe the cedar area. There were found a handkerchief two and a half pairs of socks ragged cuffs sleeves gray sweaters dots

Nothing more can be said.

Sheet 180

We ask you before landing on the mountain to fly into the camp and try out the site


Sheet 181

I accepted Sysoev

Instead of the top man, you do not need to eat. Of the products, sausage is desirable. Condensed milk. Alcohol. Tchk. Troupe is photographed in several positions. In Chernyshev's group, everything will be fine tomorrow with letters from Verkhovsky. Tomorrow all the plots will be completed. Let me fly 7/3 xxx.


Sheet 182

Address telegram Atmanaki - - - - - - revda Sverdlovsk xxxxxxxxx Engels 29 atmanaki I am in the mountains healthy do not worry I'll be in the tenths of the numbers of the people of Moscow Muscovites Baskin Semen Borisovich Bardin Cyril Vasilyevich Shuleshko Evgeny Evgenievich Tchk Letters write today All the points Helicopter test site ready


Sheet 183

I accepted Sysoev

The person in several places has abrasions there is a wound on the hand of the hand on the hands. At the hands of the clock, the victory stopped at a quarter to nine. The bent head bends to the side of the mountain. The act is done. Tomorrow afternoon we will raise up to the top. There remains a plot of 500 square meters. All the groups are united on the site of searches in one step we go with probes in a tight front to each other in front of 30 people in an emergency dell by separate squares. Tomorrow will be tomorrow. The tent from the first day of work is organized round the clock duty. th

Sheet 184

I accepted Sysoev

No. 5/3

Today again was xxx windy chalk wind 15 meters visibility bad point Yesterday - - - - the group of the sixth pole passed the section of the cedar 300 to 120 meters of ton. Today the detachment worked especially tightly. It passed 500 meters in width from 250 to 150 meters of point. On the half of the section between Kolmogorova and Dyatlov found the fifth body under a layer of snow 15 centimeters point that it slobodin dressed warmly on the head ski cap dressed sweeter black paper trousers underpants three pairs of socks on one leg black felt boots point

Sheet 185

Tomorrow is ready to fly for a report


Sheet 186

I accepted Sysoev

Ground under the helicopter pad, uneven to clean it from the snow to the ground, somehow we'll level it and we'll assault it. The helicopter sat 10 meters closer to the tent from the center of the site. It's advisable to know the plans of the management of searches for the nearest period of time. We are surprised by the large number of sent products


Sheet 187

I accepted Sysoev

No. 6 / 3-59

Weather search was not favorable search team passed the whole valley of the stream 250 meters long with a width of 100 meters of point. Nothing was detected. Small group passed the forest boundary at a height of 880 along the ridge over the emergency stream. The part of the group moving away from the cedar through this ridge is excluded, since here the deep loose snow pt around slope Tomorrow probes - - - - - - pass gully 50 meters from cedar extending to the saddle between between elevations 1079 and 880 pt Just PRODEM second small portion of the top part of the slope under the tent Djatlova tchk More to look for nowhere

Sheet 188

Moscow comrades insist on departure


Sheet 189

Muscovites hurry to Sverdlovsk to check the materials for the preparation of the hike of the Dyatlov group and the urban section of tourism


Sheet 190

The landing pad is expanded rammed and filled with water let it try to sit down again

Maslennikov xxxxxxxxxxx

Sheet 191

I accepted Sysoev

From xxxxxxxxxxxx No. 7 / 3-59

28 people continued to search all day long tchk No results in 450 meters under the tent found lighted lantern zpt 20 meters from the tent a piece of broken ski tchk Tomorrow, the day of March 8 is declared a day off tchk I think that the search must be stopped before the end of the day tchk The weather improves tomorrow Tomorrow with me flies three Muscovites.


Sheet 192

Specify the exact time and order of replacement

Sheet 193

Nightingales bruised his leg and knee it is desirable to take out tomorrow Potapov

nightingales went on skis slipped and bruised a knee against a stone

Now the knee is swollen there is a pain in motion

Sheet 194

I accepted Sysoev

No. 11 / 3-59

1. The site on the left side of the hollow was examined from the ridge of stones to a stream forty meters in width when searching nothing was found. 2. The landing area near the tent today continued to be equipped with a pour. 100 buckets of water were poured on it. 3. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Sheet 195

I accepted Sysoev

Presence of products oil 22 kg condensed milk 16 kg beans with beef 28.5 kg vermicelli with beef minced 28,? 5 kg beef t plant 30 kg potatoes dried 18 kg grapes 35 kg millet 35 kg rice 20 kg concentrates 3 kg biscuits 15 kg sugar 8 kg salt 6 kg bread 75 rolls 112 kg


Sheet 196

I accepted Sysoev

No. 10 / 3-59

1 surveyed area around the cedar with a radius of 150 m. Points passed the site behind the ravine on the right side of the creek with a width of 40 meters with a length of 150 meters. When searching nothing was found. 2 we think to go tomorrow by the left side of the hollow from the Kolmogorovaya site and below the point 3. Further expansion of the searches around the cedar is not considered expedient point 4 Once again, please indicate the exact number of evacuation of the group


Sheet 197

I accepted Sysoev

1 The ground area is flooded with water laid out square 7 to 10 from below, trees are cut to 80-100 metric tons

2 The overall condition of the nightingale is satisfactory but the leg hurts 3 air temperature minus 7 wind speed down 5 up to 15 m / s

Sheet 198

I accepted Temnikov

№ 9/3 сл 1600

A search group of 16 people passed to the right of the hollow dell from Kolmogorova to a cedar 20 meters wide. Once again the hollow from the stream to the place of the slobodin was tested, the group consisting of Moiseev and Boreas with the dog passed through the nearby passes. Nothing was found, nebylo the next day it is planned to survey the channel of the stream and the left side of the hollow. please send cigarettes

Potapov Korolev
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 07:34:02 AM by Teddy »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

October 16, 2017, 06:14:09 PM
Reply #1


Im just going to put this here since it appears to be a report noted on sheet 260.  LC

Sheet 260

Prodanov, Vishnevsky, 31.03.59, 9.30 local time.
31.3 04 00 in the southeast direction, the orderly Meshcheryakov noticed a large ring of fire that for 20 minutes moved on us, hiding behind a height of 880. 
Before disappearing beyond the horizon, a star appeared from the center of the ring, which gradually increased to the size of the moon, became fall down separating from the ring.
An unusual phenomenon was observed by all the personnel raised by alarm.
We ask you to explain this phenomenon and its safety, since in our conditions this produces an alarming impression.

Avenburg Potapov Sogrin
« Last Edit: October 16, 2017, 06:19:05 PM by Loose}{Cannon »
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!

October 16, 2017, 06:18:22 PM
Reply #2


Im just going to put this here since it appears to be a report noted on sheet 227.  LC

Sheet 227

17 III To send K.Piguzov to Tempalov. 17.03.59 
16. III.59 To the
Chief of the Ivdel Police Station  17. II. 59, 6 h. 50 m. Local time in the sky appeared not an ordinary phenomenon. Movement of a star with a tail. The tail looked like dense cirrus clouds. Then this star was freed from the tail, became brighter than the stars and flew. It gradually began to swell, forming a large ball, enveloped in a haze. Then inside this ball the star caught fire, from which first a crescent was formed, then a small ball formed, not so bright. The big ball gradually began to fade, became like a blurry spot. At 075 hours it disappeared altogether. A star moved from the south to the northeast.

Meteorological Technician Tokarev (signature) 
Early. HMS Piguzova (signature)
All theories are flawed....... Get Behind Me Satan !!!