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Author Topic: Off topic  (Read 17035 times)

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August 18, 2023, 07:15:28 AM
Read 17035 times


There is nothing strange here. The cuts from the inside do not fit into Annushka's version. Therefore, she does not notice them and ignores them. All researchers do the same thing - they manipulate the facts to fit their versions and do not notice the facts that contradict these versions. That is why the tragedy has not yet been solved
The problem with all these "researchers" is that they are not researchers at all. They do not have analytical thinking and do not try to master it. They are creators. Writers. As a rule - with a bias in conspiracy theories. The lack of logic in their construction does not bother them. Inconsistency with the realities of life - too. The main working method is not to give simple explanations for the available facts and not only to ignore those that do not fit into the version, but also to invent those that are missing.
Anna Russkikh is a typical representative of this glorious cohort. Only Vladimir Ankudinov can compare with her in the ability to invent missing facts, but he (God 🙏 save America🤷🤦! ) Does not yet appear on Dyatlovpass.
As for the mystery DPI, unlike the mystery of JFK's murder, it cannot be revealed in principle. For, apart from the dead themselves, there was no one who knew exactly the cause of their death and nothing in which this cause could somehow be fixed. All conspiracy theories are nonsense. The reason for 100% of accidents in tourism and mountaineering is a combination of two factors: natural ruthlessness and human carelessness. In different proportions. There is no reason to think that in this case there was something different.
But there is also no hope that someday the weather conditions on the slope of Holat-Syakhl will form a combination similar to the one that took place on 02/01/1959. and that at the same time there will be witnesses of the sliding of several tens of cubic meters of snow from the slope of the terrace into which the tent was dug. And even if the incredible happens, the possibility of injuring Zolotarev, Dubinina, Thibaut, and Slobodin on the ice and stones of the 3rd ridge will still remain in question
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 11:12:52 AM by Teddy »

August 18, 2023, 07:33:04 AM
Reply #1


There is nothing strange here. The cuts from the inside do not fit into Annushka's version.

I repeat: My version would not have suffered in any way, even if the tent had not been cut, or cut only from the inside, or only from the outside, or burned to the ground. Or the tent would be moved from the forest to the slope...
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 11:13:09 AM by Teddy »

August 18, 2023, 07:40:49 AM
Reply #2


Writers. As a rule - with a bias in conspiracy theories. The lack of logic in their construction does not bother them. Inconsistency with the realities of life - too. The main working method is not to give simple explanations for the available facts and not only to ignore those that do not fit into the version, but also to invent those that are missing.
Anna Russkikh is a typical representative of this glorious cohort.
I ask you to answer for your words: what are my fantasies? NAME IT! In my book, every phrase has confirmation, at least indirectly.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 11:13:21 AM by Teddy »

August 18, 2023, 10:43:25 AM
Reply #3


Writers. As a rule - with a bias in conspiracy theories. The lack of logic in their construction does not bother them. Inconsistency with the realities of life - too. The main working method is not to give simple explanations for the available facts and not only to ignore those that do not fit into the version, but also to invent those that are missing.
Anna Russkikh is a typical representative of this glorious cohort.
I ask you to answer for your words: what are my fantasies? NAME IT! In my book, every phrase has confirmation, at least indirectly.

One day Zina was summoned to the KGB to conclude a cooperation agreement. An elderly KGB officer drooled at the sight of a beautiful girl. He offered her his protection for the fact that she agreed to become his mistress. Zina refused. She said she had a fiance. Doroshenko was immediately warned: "Either you get another girl, or your whole life is going downhill."
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 11:13:31 AM by Teddy »

August 18, 2023, 01:00:35 PM
Reply #4


this side version has the right to exist because: 1. Zina was beautiful, according to Yu. Yudina, all men fell in love with her. 2. Doroshenko was Zina's fiance, came to her village, met her parents. 3. The unexpected breakup of two lovers has no explanation. 4. I gave an explanation in the form of a version. 5 Disagree? Prove the opposite!

August 18, 2023, 02:40:59 PM
Reply #5


this side version has the right to exist because: 1. Zina was beautiful, according to Yu. Yudina, all men fell in love with her. 2. Doroshenko was Zina's fiance, came to her village, met her parents. 3. The unexpected breakup of two lovers has no explanation. 4. I gave an explanation in the form of a version. 5 Disagree? Prove the opposite!

It is not fact Anna. 1), saying Zina was beautiful means nothing. , There were many women that were beautiful or whatever. Beauty doesn't even Equate to obsession. Where do you get the truth or fact that all men fell in love with her?

2) many men / women have met their parents. ( I've met loads of my girlfriends parent's

3) most breakups are unexpected, usually from one of the two parties though. Explanation usually means some doesn't fancy the other.

4) your version is based on some of the biggest speculation I've read regarding the DPI.

5) seriously.......

August 18, 2023, 11:01:43 PM
Reply #6



1. Where do you get the truth or fact that all men fell in love with her?
 - Can you read?

2) many men / women have met their parents. ( I've met loads of my girlfriends parent's
 - Don't forget, it was the time of the 50s, in the USSR, in the provinces, and not in the USA during the sexual revolution. There are witnesses who claimed serious intentions of lovers.

3) most breakups are unexpected, usually from one of the two parties though. Explanation usually means some doesn't fancy the other.
 - It was not just unexpected, but a breakup that surprised everyone. At the same time, it was clear to everyone that Zina and Yura loved each other.

4) your version is based on some of the biggest speculation I've read regarding the DPI.
- Refute the fact of hiring the brightest and most reputable students to the KGB agency! Refute the fact that the KGB officers were sure that everyone was afraid of them and obeyed..
5) seriously.......
- I remind you: this version with the revenge of a KGB serviceman is a side, not the main one. But it has the right to exist.. Don't you agree? Refute it!

August 18, 2023, 11:08:39 PM
Reply #7


4) your version is based on some of the biggest speculation I've read regarding the DPI..

- Name these speculations. It's interesting to hear, I don't know them.

August 19, 2023, 04:01:35 AM
Reply #8


this side version has the right to exist because...
Any fantasy has a right to exist, but hi it has no right to pass itself off as fact and lie alongside real facts in the evidence base. Emotional statements, devoid of any specifics, such as those made by Yudin regarding the “denunciations of the Dyatlovites”, should also not be submitted in a more or less serious study as indisputable evidence. Not to mention anyone's opinions, which cannot be not only a fact, but even an argument. You would also begin to prove that Mansi are able to ski faster than a train, on the basis that Korotaev himself said this.
Quote from: anna_pyckux
эта побочная версия имеет право на существование потому что:...
Любая фантазия, донна Анна, имеет право на существование, но она не имеет права притворяться фактом и лежать в одном ряду с реальными фактами в доказательной базе.  Эмоциональные заявления, лишенные какой-либо конкретики, как, например, сделанные Юдиным по поводу «доносов на дятловцев», также не должны быть представлены в более или менее серьезном исследовании в качестве неоспоримых доказательств. Не говоря уже о чьих-либо мнениях, которые не могут быть не то что фактом, но даже и аргументом. Вы бы еще начали доказывать, что манси умеют кататься на лыжах быстрее поезда, на основании того, что это говорил сам Коротаев.
Quote from: KathleenDSmith1
В убийстве Джона Кеннеди НЕТ загадки
Как Вам будет угодно, Кэтлин, но я слышал, что не все считают Освальда таким крутым стрелком, чтобы из винта с ручной перезарядкой, за 5,5 секунд сделать 3 выстрела и попасть 2 раза с разбросом в каких нибудь 4 дюйма, а Джека Руби настолько крутым демократом чтобы отнестись к этому так, будто парень сжег дом Руби, взорвал его машину, и перестрелял всю семью включая кота и собаку.

Quote from: KathleenDSmith1
[size=78%]This is NO mystery in JFK murder...[/size]
[size=78%]As you please, Cathlin but I have heard that not everyone considers Oswald such a tough shooter who fires 3 shots in 5.5 seconds from a rifle with manual reloading and hits 2 times with a spread of about 4 inches, and Jack Ruby is such a tough democrat that react to this as if Oswald burned down Ruby's house, blew up his car, and shot the entire family, including the cat and dog[/size]
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 02:39:39 PM by Partorg »

August 19, 2023, 05:05:59 AM
Reply #9


Emotional statements, devoid of any specifics, such as those made by Yudin regarding the “denunciations of the Dyatlovites”, should also not be submitted in a more or less serious study as indisputable evidence.
Yuri Yudin is the number one witness, his every word is worth its weight in gold. Moreover, many people spoke about denunciations in the UPI and even the fact that denunciations were written for everyone. But the most terrible and false denunciations were written by the trade union committee specifically on Dyatlov's group. To reject Yudin's testimony means to lead the investigation to a dead end. That's probably what you want.
Maybe Okishev's testimony doesn't mean anything to you either?
And what about Slobtsov's testimony about Kirilenko, who in fact revealed the secret??!!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 05:14:18 AM by anna_pycckux »

August 19, 2023, 12:02:52 PM
Reply #10


В ответе #8 через сутки некоторые фразы изменили свое значение до противоположного. Попытка улучшить приводит к ухудшению.
Новый ответ, при выкладывании его из буфера отображается  микроскопическим шрифтом. Образец прилагается.
Куда с этим, не знаю, потому пишу здесь
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 11:51:00 PM by Teddy »

August 19, 2023, 12:34:10 PM
Reply #11


Global Moderator
Quote from Partorg:  Administrators. In answer #8, a day later, some phrases changed their meaning to the opposite. Trying to improve leads to deterioration. The new answer, when uploading it from the buffer, is displayed in microscopic font. The sample is attached. I don’t know where with this, therefore I am writing here

Partorg, all posts must be in English on this forum. I have translated your last one for you.
If you could re-write and/or re-post #8 here, that could solve the problem you speak of, which seems to have happened when we split the thread. Thank you.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2023, 01:27:37 PM by amashilu »
The following users thanked this post: Partorg

August 19, 2023, 05:02:51 PM
Reply #12


Why was patorg's post deleted? What is going on with the forum ?

This forum has become more controlling than than the the KGB . Please stop editing and deleting , I've seen this done several times. Who ever is responsible.

Freedom of speech is essential. As long as its not rude, everyone should be able to have their say.


August 19, 2023, 11:05:59 PM
Reply #13


Freedom of speech is essential.
Где вы видите слова в сообщениях Partorg? Там нет слов, лишь прочерки!
« Last Edit: August 20, 2023, 12:06:27 AM by anna_pycckux »

August 20, 2023, 12:29:49 AM
Reply #14


Why was patorg's post deleted?
Patorg changed his posts to .deleted and reported it asking to be deleted for good which I did just now.

What is going on with the forum ?

I don't know, every time I come to the forum I find out it is Lord of flies situation after Loose Cannon left us and I am not having the time to moderate it.
If you go to Taina.li or any other forum on the subject every second post is marked Off topic and moved away.

This forum has become more controlling than than the the KGB . Please stop editing and deleting , I've seen this done several times. Who ever is responsible.

Freedom of speech is essential. As long as its not rude, everyone should be able to have their say.

First, if KGB deletes a post you won't know it was there on first place.
Second, you know how Taina.li and other forums solved the problem? Banning anna_pycckux.
You think I am KGB?
I do not want to hear another word about anna_pycckux theory or book unless it is in this topic: State order for liquidation. Anna Russian's version.(c)
Since I can not "move" posts across topics(the user interface doesn't allow me to do this) every time she takes over a topic I will split it into Off topic. Otherwise this forum is turning on a platform about her theory. This behavior and other stuff she posted on other forums was brought to my attention and will not have it. Why do you think all the Russians left the forum, why are Borzenkov and Taymen complaining about her activity, I have being doing just that, trying to avoid anna_pycckux to take over the forum, all the topics. of course she can post but when a topic turns into discussing her theory → Off topic. Please report to me when it happens on other topics. I am plucking out only the topics I post.

Again, I am not deleting, I am moving them out of the topic so I can actually follow the thread.

Ziljoe, tell me, how is this particular exchange related to our expedition to the pass?

What Patorg said was ok:
The problem with all these "researchers" is that they are not researchers at all. They do not have analytical thinking and do not try to master it. They are creators. Writers. As a rule - with a bias in conspiracy theories. The lack of logic in their construction does not bother them. Inconsistency with the realities of life - too. The main working method is not to give simple explanations for the available facts and not only to ignore those that do not fit into the version, but also to invent those that are missing.
Anna Russkikh is a typical representative of this glorious cohort. Only Vladimir Ankudinov can compare with her in the ability to invent missing facts, but he (God 🙏 save America🤷🤦! ) Does not yet appear on Dyatlovpass.
As for the mystery DPI, unlike the mystery of JFK's murder, it cannot be revealed in principle. For, apart from the dead themselves, there was no one who knew exactly the cause of their death and nothing in which this cause could somehow be fixed. All conspiracy theories are nonsense. The reason for 100% of accidents in tourism and mountaineering is a combination of two factors: natural ruthlessness and human carelessness. In different proportions. There is no reason to think that in this case there was something different.
But there is also no hope that someday the weather conditions on the slope of Holat-Syakhl will form a combination similar to the one that took place on 02/01/1959. and that at the same time there will be witnesses of the sliding of several tens of cubic meters of snow from the slope of the terrace into which the tent was dug. And even if the incredible happens, the possibility of injuring Zolotarev, Dubinina, Thibaut, and Slobodin on the ice and stones of the 3rd ridge will still remain in question

But then anna_pycckux took it upon her to prove her theory on my topic. I don't want to read about her theory here.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2023, 01:37:59 AM by Teddy »
The following users thanked this post: Ziljoe

August 20, 2023, 06:33:45 AM
Reply #15


Thanks teddy.

My apologies regarding the KGB I was being facetious , the irony being missing /deleted information .

I think partog's post is fine too and was probably aimed at the cluster of researchers that make wild leaps of prosperous links to force their own agenda.

I'm happy for it to be moved off topic and to hear about your latest discoveries. It seems to have been quite productive.

Please continue teddy.

The following users thanked this post: Teddy

August 20, 2023, 06:37:07 PM
Reply #16


Thanks Ziljoe, thanks Teddy. I feel the need to clarify the situation. Transferring my post from August 18, 07:15:28 from the topic: Expedition July-August 2023, I consider it absolutely thфe right decision, because although it was an answer to #18 in the same topic, it does not correspond to the purpose of the topic As for #8 in "Off topic", after about a day after its publication, it turned out that some phrases in Russian dubs were distorted beyond recognition compared to how they looked immediately after publication.  Attempts to correct the text led to the fact that everything became even worse, and then the text pasted from the buffer began to be displayed in microfont, which at normal magnification looked like rows of underlines. Having deleted this post completely, I informed the administration about the problem and posted a new (current) answer for anna_pycckux, which immediately, without any foreplay, was displayed as microfont rulers. Deciding that all these were jokes of the auto-translator built into Google Chrome, I also deleted this post, leaving the inscription “Deleted” and entering the forum with a different browser (without a translator) I published the answer for anna_pycckux. After a while this answer disappeared. Thinking that Donna Anna saw something anti-politically correct in it, in relation to her person and the post was deleted at her request, I also clicked on the “Report to moderator” button and asked about specific reasons.
There is no answer yet.
Perhaps Teddy misunderstood my "Deleted" as a request to delete not only this post, but also the next duplicate post, and it would not be a big sin to still post this answer to Donna Anna, again

Google Chrome's auto-translator seems to have heard everything I said about him when I tried to fix text #8, translated it, and as a result, on the "Off topic" page, the switch "Russian - English" disappeared.  On all other pages it's present and working, but in "Off-topic" it's like it never existed.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2023, 08:39:22 PM by Partorg »

August 20, 2023, 07:09:20 PM
Reply #17


thank you partorg. I believe it was a misunderstanding amongst the admin.

Please continue with your thoughts and posts. I understand if they are moved to off topic , which is fair enough. I just do t like deleted information.

I  agree with your observation of "experts" . I fully support teddy's work also and she allows us all to speak freely.

Power to the both of you.

The following users thanked this post: Partorg

August 21, 2023, 12:21:40 AM
Reply #18


After a while this answer disappeared. Thinking that Donna Anna saw something anti-politically correct in it, in relation to her person and the post was deleted at her request, I also clicked on the “Report to moderator” button and asked about specific reasons.
There is no answer yet.
Perhaps Teddy misunderstood my "Deleted" as a request to delete not only this post, but also the next duplicate post, and it would not be a big sin to still post this answer to Donna Anna, again

Google Chrome's auto-translator seems to have heard everything I said about him when I tried to fix text #8, translated it, and as a result, on the "Off topic" page, the switch "Russian - English" disappeared.  On all other pages it's present and working, but in "Off-topic" it's like it never existed.

First there is no #8, there is #18 but no #8.
Second, I deleted the posts that said .deleted because it's useless.
Third, I did not delete anything. I only split the post.
I split the topic because I am tired of reading anna_pycckux posts. I want to talk about my expedition. Partorg's post was fine, but anna_pycckux took offense because her name was mentioned, and this post was no longer about the expedition.
I instructed the other moderator -  amashilu - to do the same from now on, so you will see more of "Off topic" splits. I am learning from Taina.li. There every other post is marked Off topic, they just hide it, or say they moved some messages.

Partorg, post whatever you think was deleted, I did not delete anything intentionally and no one else messed up with this post. It is juts me and amashilu and she did nothing on this post. She is usually asking me what to do which defeats the purpose of having the assistance of a moderator so I gave her carte blanche to split and move from now on. Nothing will be deleted without my consent and if something is deleted there would be a note left that a message has been deleted by the moderator. There are no disappearing message without a trace. If this is the case with this post, I apologize for my clumsiness, Partorg please post again. I did not find anything from this thread to be not politically correct, I was only cleaning my post from what I believe did not belong.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2023, 01:48:55 AM by Teddy »
The following users thanked this post: Manti, amashilu, Олег Таймень