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Author Topic: My theory  (Read 61376 times)

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March 19, 2021, 01:18:14 PM
Reply #150


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
So they spent time skiing around that area and end up setting off a land mine or a boobie trap.

None of them had wounds matching to typical land mine wounds. 50 grams of explosive with contact fuze is enough to tear off feet from ankle. None of them had shrapnel wounds typical to bounding anti-personnel mine like OZM family of mines.

Correct. This whole Theory is seriously flawed.

March 19, 2021, 01:21:57 PM
Reply #151


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have no idea what sort of explosion went off. There has been a lot of speculation of different types of explosions that would leave those types of injuries.  There are too many types of boobie traps for me to speculate what it could have been the one to cause it.

Well you must know what injuries from Landmines looks like. There have been enough films and documentaries on wars that include such topics. Non of the injuries to any of the Dyatlov Group were from explosives.

March 19, 2021, 01:40:34 PM
Reply #152


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
It wasn't just a student search party, there was a team of KGB always on site and one mystery group all dressed in the same black sheepskin coats appeared for awhile, others included a military unit to sweep with mine detectors! The leader of the whole group was a Colonel connected to the university so military.

But the use of civilians is curious imo given the heavy hand of Moscow controlling the Sverdlovsk Prosecutors office (having moved the case from Ivdel). It suggests that they were unconcerned with common gossip as long as the official line was death from hypothermia.

I think there is often a misconception of what life was like in the Soviet Union in the years after the death of Stalin. Things changed fairly dramatically. Many people were poor as indeed some still are today in Russia. The Military and the Secret Service were what they have always been. But the people were and still are friendly. The Russians are very proud of their history. Nothing wrong with that. When you see those famous Military Parades in Moscow and other Cities each year you will notice how much the Veterans are loved. Veterans were Military and even Secret Service and also they were the people.  Check this very rare archive out  :

March 20, 2021, 07:07:52 AM
Reply #153


So they spent time skiing around that area and end up setting off a land mine or a boobie trap.

None of them had wounds matching to typical land mine wounds. 50 grams of explosive with contact fuze is enough to tear off feet from ankle. None of them had shrapnel wounds typical to bounding anti-personnel mine like OZM family of mines.

Correct. This whole Theory is seriously flawed.

The entire theory is seriously flawed because you think those wounds would not have come from land mines while you conveniently ignore the other part of the idea that it could have been a boobie trap. I never said the OZM family of mines, I never said what type of explosive. Don't put words in my mouth


March 20, 2021, 07:17:01 AM
Reply #154


I have no idea what sort of explosion went off. There has been a lot of speculation of different types of explosions that would leave those types of injuries.  There are too many types of boobie traps for me to speculate what it could have been the one to cause it.

Well you must know what injuries from Landmines looks like. There have been enough films and documentaries on wars that include such topics. Non of the injuries to any of the Dyatlov Group were from explosives.

Again, you have ignored the idea of a boobie trap or any of the other types of explosions that have been talked about on here. Curious how that is

March 20, 2021, 07:21:44 AM
Reply #155


The other thing that my idea solves for me is the problem of the photos. These were scientific and engineering students. they were well aware of the necessity of measurements, proving your theory and they didn't take any photos that would do that. Why? that makes no sense given their back ground. but if they were on holiday now, instead of the level 3 certification, then they make more sense.

March 20, 2021, 08:01:58 AM
Reply #156


I just had a thought, according to the authorities Igor didn't turn in his final route so it was harder to find them. what if he did? because it seems very odd to me that he wouldn't but they "lost" it so it gave them more time to "find" the bodies.

March 20, 2021, 02:46:00 PM
Reply #157


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
So they spent time skiing around that area and end up setting off a land mine or a boobie trap.

None of them had wounds matching to typical land mine wounds. 50 grams of explosive with contact fuze is enough to tear off feet from ankle. None of them had shrapnel wounds typical to bounding anti-personnel mine like OZM family of mines.

Correct. This whole Theory is seriously flawed.

The entire theory is seriously flawed because you think those wounds would not have come from land mines while you conveniently ignore the other part of the idea that it could have been a boobie trap. I never said the OZM family of mines, I never said what type of explosive. Don't put words in my mouth

No one is putting words in your mouth. You are doing that with your Theory.

March 20, 2021, 02:47:57 PM
Reply #158


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have no idea what sort of explosion went off. There has been a lot of speculation of different types of explosions that would leave those types of injuries.  There are too many types of boobie traps for me to speculate what it could have been the one to cause it.

Well you must know what injuries from Landmines looks like. There have been enough films and documentaries on wars that include such topics. Non of the injuries to any of the Dyatlov Group were from explosives.

Again, you have ignored the idea of a boobie trap or any of the other types of explosions that have been talked about on here. Curious how that is

Well if its an explosive then its going to leave traces on bodies etc. But there where no such traces found on any of the Dyatlov Group bodies.

March 20, 2021, 02:50:19 PM
Reply #159


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
The other thing that my idea solves for me is the problem of the photos. These were scientific and engineering students. they were well aware of the necessity of measurements, proving your theory and they didn't take any photos that would do that. Why? that makes no sense given their back ground. but if they were on holiday now, instead of the level 3 certification, then they make more sense.

I think many people think that there is missing Evidence, I certainly do. Missing Photos. Missing Paperwork. Etc. Etc.

March 20, 2021, 04:37:58 PM
Reply #160


So they spent time skiing around that area and end up setting off a land mine or a boobie trap.

None of them had wounds matching to typical land mine wounds. 50 grams of explosive with contact fuze is enough to tear off feet from ankle. None of them had shrapnel wounds typical to bounding anti-personnel mine like OZM family of mines.

Correct. This whole Theory is seriously flawed.

The entire theory is seriously flawed because you think those wounds would not have come from land mines while you conveniently ignore the other part of the idea that it could have been a boobie trap. I never said the OZM family of mines, I never said what type of explosive. Don't put words in my mouth

No one is putting words in your mouth. You are doing that with your Theory.

I never ever even once said OZM mines, you did. You are saying my idea doesn't work because of a brand you named, not me

March 20, 2021, 04:40:05 PM
Reply #161


I have no idea what sort of explosion went off. There has been a lot of speculation of different types of explosions that would leave those types of injuries.  There are too many types of boobie traps for me to speculate what it could have been the one to cause it.

Well you must know what injuries from Landmines looks like. There have been enough films and documentaries on wars that include such topics. Non of the injuries to any of the Dyatlov Group were from explosives.

Again, you have ignored the idea of a boobie trap or any of the other types of explosions that have been talked about on here. Curious how that is

Well if its an explosive then its going to leave traces on bodies etc. But there where no such traces found on any of the Dyatlov Group bodies.

No evidence? I guess the strange colour that they found on the bodies (or not depending on the source) the radiation and the wounds are just from having a really good party

March 20, 2021, 05:00:26 PM
Reply #162


Another thought...
If they stepped on a landmine, why is there even a need to cover it up? It's not the authorities fault.

If they entered some military booby-trap, maybe the local military would want to cover it up but according to what Nigel raised above.. the second most senior person in the SU was involved, surely if a local military branch is to blame they could just put them on trial and save face.

Moscow's involvement would hint at some national security concern. Here is some wild guess.. what if the deaths are somehow actually related to nukes. Not a nuclear test (we know there hasn't been one at the time due to the treaty with the US, and it would be detected from abroad), but what if they just came across an abandoned nuclear facility or uranium mine? Maybe they developed radiation sickness days later, even if it's not the ultimate cause of their death, the authorities might want to cover up...

Why? Because they would be afraid the incident might spark widespread anti-nuke protests. In the previous year, 1958, the anti-nuke movement was already gaining momentum in Western Europe and maybe they were afraid it would spread and undermine the Soviet atomic programme and by proxy also their competitiveness with the US military?


March 21, 2021, 08:04:41 AM
Reply #163


another excellent idea and why I post on the forum, to get an intelligent response that I didn't think of. good idea

March 21, 2021, 09:36:30 AM
Reply #164


So they spent time skiing around that area and end up setting off a land mine or a boobie trap.

None of them had wounds matching to typical land mine wounds. 50 grams of explosive with contact fuze is enough to tear off feet from ankle. None of them had shrapnel wounds typical to bounding anti-personnel mine like OZM family of mines.

Correct. This whole Theory is seriously flawed.

The entire theory is seriously flawed because you think those wounds would not have come from land mines while you conveniently ignore the other part of the idea that it could have been a boobie trap. I never said the OZM family of mines, I never said what type of explosive. Don't put words in my mouth

No one is putting words in your mouth. You are doing that with your Theory.

I never ever even once said OZM mines, you did. You are saying my idea doesn't work because of a brand you named, not me

Anti-personnel mines may be classified into blast mines or fragmentation mines, the latter may or may not be a bounding mine. There was not matching injuries to blast mines or fragmentation mines. Booby traps have basically same effects - blast of fragmentation injuries. So there is none evidence of mines or booby traps.

March 21, 2021, 10:22:55 AM
Reply #165


Humanity has devised so many ways of maiming and killing each other that I am certain this is a possibility. Whether or not this type would be declassified or not is not my area of expertise, nor do I want it to be. They had evidence of a massive violent force hitting some of them, injuries that look they were thrown on their backs, I can't imagine anyone freezing to death, lying on their back with their arms over their heads, strange colour to them and their clothing (if you trust that source) radiation on two of the worst hurt.

There is evidence of an explosion for sure, what type? no idea and I have zero interest in researching the ways we kill each other so if you wish to dismiss my idea out of hand because you don't know of an explosive that would do that type of damage, by all means do so.

March 21, 2021, 04:23:32 PM
Reply #166


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I have no idea what sort of explosion went off. There has been a lot of speculation of different types of explosions that would leave those types of injuries.  There are too many types of boobie traps for me to speculate what it could have been the one to cause it.

Well you must know what injuries from Landmines looks like. There have been enough films and documentaries on wars that include such topics. Non of the injuries to any of the Dyatlov Group were from explosives.

Again, you have ignored the idea of a boobie trap or any of the other types of explosions that have been talked about on here. Curious how that is

Well if its an explosive then its going to leave traces on bodies etc. But there where no such traces found on any of the Dyatlov Group bodies.

No evidence? I guess the strange colour that they found on the bodies (or not depending on the source) the radiation and the wounds are just from having a really good party

Not traces from an explosion though.

March 21, 2021, 04:29:28 PM
Reply #167


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Another thought...
If they stepped on a landmine, why is there even a need to cover it up? It's not the authorities fault.

If they entered some military booby-trap, maybe the local military would want to cover it up but according to what Nigel raised above.. the second most senior person in the SU was involved, surely if a local military branch is to blame they could just put them on trial and save face.

Moscow's involvement would hint at some national security concern. Here is some wild guess.. what if the deaths are somehow actually related to nukes. Not a nuclear test (we know there hasn't been one at the time due to the treaty with the US, and it would be detected from abroad), but what if they just came across an abandoned nuclear facility or uranium mine? Maybe they developed radiation sickness days later, even if it's not the ultimate cause of their death, the authorities might want to cover up...

Why? Because they would be afraid the incident might spark widespread anti-nuke protests. In the previous year, 1958, the anti-nuke movement was already gaining momentum in Western Europe and maybe they were afraid it would spread and undermine the Soviet atomic programme and by proxy also their competitiveness with the US military?

Wild Theories with no proof whatsoever. The Dyatlov Group went to one of the Soviet Unions best Colleges. There where KGB and Military connections but not in the way portrayed by many Members in this Forum, who seem to have a fixation with Cover Ups etc. The area would not have been chosen if it was a danger zone. The Mansi Tribe have spoken about many things, but nothing about any Military operations etc.

March 21, 2021, 04:31:23 PM
Reply #168


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
So they spent time skiing around that area and end up setting off a land mine or a boobie trap.

None of them had wounds matching to typical land mine wounds. 50 grams of explosive with contact fuze is enough to tear off feet from ankle. None of them had shrapnel wounds typical to bounding anti-personnel mine like OZM family of mines.

Correct. This whole Theory is seriously flawed.

The entire theory is seriously flawed because you think those wounds would not have come from land mines while you conveniently ignore the other part of the idea that it could have been a boobie trap. I never said the OZM family of mines, I never said what type of explosive. Don't put words in my mouth

No one is putting words in your mouth. You are doing that with your Theory.

I never ever even once said OZM mines, you did. You are saying my idea doesn't work because of a brand you named, not me

Anti-personnel mines may be classified into blast mines or fragmentation mines, the latter may or may not be a bounding mine. There was not matching injuries to blast mines or fragmentation mines. Booby traps have basically same effects - blast of fragmentation injuries. So there is none evidence of mines or booby traps.

Correct, there is absolutely no Evidence of booby traps or explosions by bombs or whatever.

March 21, 2021, 04:55:42 PM
Reply #169


other than the injuries, reports of chemicals on their bodies and radiation you mean

March 22, 2021, 05:20:57 PM
Reply #170


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
other than the injuries, reports of chemicals on their bodies and radiation you mean

You seem to not be getting the point. The injuries show no signs of having been caused by explosions. Explain the reports of chemicals on their bodies  ! ? And Traces of Radiation doesnt mean from explosions.

March 23, 2021, 04:40:59 AM
Reply #171


 Traces of Radiation also doesn't exclude an explosion, the force injuries could be from an explosion, the abrasions can be from being thrown violently against something from the force of the explosion so yes, there is evidence of a blast IMO
 you don't have to agree with me either, I'm fine with that.

I see evidence of a blast, you don't.

March 23, 2021, 11:55:03 AM
Reply #172


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Traces of Radiation also doesn't exclude an explosion, the force injuries could be from an explosion, the abrasions can be from being thrown violently against something from the force of the explosion so yes, there is evidence of a blast IMO
 you don't have to agree with me either, I'm fine with that.

I see evidence of a blast, you don't.

I can understand what you are suggesting. There are plenty of marks on the bodies that havnt been completely explained. But I would have thought if there was any kind of explosion then those carrying out the Autopsy would be able to confirm that ! ?

March 23, 2021, 01:16:09 PM
Reply #173


While I would normally agree with you, in this case I have to say that the autopsy had other objectives besides finding the complete truth.

March 23, 2021, 04:42:12 PM
Reply #174


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
While I would normally agree with you, in this case I have to say that the autopsy had other objectives besides finding the complete truth.

Well I actually agree with you to a certain extent. The Autopsy Reports leave a lot to be desired. In particular they say very little about the Missing Tongue of Dubinina. Thats what makes this Dyatlov Mystery intriguing and gets us all going around in circles sometimes.

March 23, 2021, 04:45:20 PM
Reply #175


100% agree.