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Author Topic: Evidence  (Read 74338 times)

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January 21, 2021, 03:46:34 PM
Reply #180

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
It is on Dyatlov Pass web page.  Try this link.


Recently I have been looking at the case from a different perspective.  As suggested by Teddy.  If you give credit to Solter's statement then there is clear evidence that things are not right with the scenes or the protocols followed.

I have tried to look at it starting with only several pieces of info:

1. Solter's statement
2. The bodies/injuries/autopsy reports
3.  The hikers own information/diaries etc.  Basically the journey they had planned and where they were

Nothing else

Forget everything you think you know and start from scratch just with the above information and try to determine how you think they died.   When you have a conclusion you will have 50% of the story. 

Then, forgetting all of the scenes ask why and how it could have happened,  and why would there be a need to cover it up.  This is the other 50% of the story.

I think I have the first 50%.  I have several ideas about the second 50%.  It is difficult to pin down the second 50% without any additional information.  There is one idea I find interesting though.


Star man
So I have read that interview but I don't know what to take away from it.Is she understood to be saying that no autopsy was done? She says, the bodies came in frozen, they let them thaw, then washed them, put on new clothes, and put them in coffins.

Yet the autopsies in the case files describe the hikers in their original clothing. So that autopsy couldn't have happened at any point because Solter would either be washing bodies cut  by the pathologist (is that the word for a person who does an autopsy), or if doing it afterwards, the pathologist would find them in clean clothes and not their original ones. Solter is contradicting an autopsy being done at all, or at least the autopsy reports from the case files. So it's not possible to consider both Solter and the autopsies credible.

Not only that but Solter also says that there were days not months between the time the two girls were brought to the morgue. This contradicts several statements by the search party, UPI students some of whom knew the hikers. Why would their college friends lie about when they found them?

Or are we supposed to conclude the bodies were washed and put into coffins bound for Sverdlovsk, then taken back to the Urals and dressed back into damaged clothing? That their relatives later identified as theirs?

So 1. and 2. are in contradiction and 3., the hikers diaries tell us nothing about the incident, only about where they were which is in the upper sources of the Auspiya and around the pass. Which is walking distance from where they were found because the search party's base was also in the upper Auspiya, and they managed to walk to the cedar area, search for hours, and walk back to their base every day.So the diaries unfortunately don't tell any information about the incident itself apart from them being in vicinity where they were found.

"Basically the journey they had planned and where they were"I also don't think there can be many conclusions drawn from this. It was similar to journeys other groups of hikers were doing at the time. They were in Mansi hunting forests but there are no stories of hunters being injured under suspicious circumstances, are there?They wouldn't hunt on a military testing range, and they wouldn't be allowed to hunt around a secret nuclear facility or illegal gold mining operation... I don't think the area they were in could give any reason to cover up their deaths.
The Soviet Union had its own testing grounds, in eastern Kazakhstan and on the arctic island of Novaya Zemlya, these areas exclusive zones and no hikers or hunters would have been allowed there.

Additionally I've read Solter's (or her family's) two letters to Yudin and these letters even contradict each other on the number of bodies for example.

That is a fair analysis I think.  And yes, it depends on how much credit you give it.


Star man

January 21, 2021, 03:51:45 PM
Reply #181

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Absurd that the yeti or aliens were involved with DPI? I do think it is absurd. Human involvement on some level? Yes.

I think it may be possible that The Snowmanc could be behind the demise of the hikers, but if it was, it did not happen where the tent was found on Kholat Syakhl.  There are other options too.


Star man

January 21, 2021, 04:02:35 PM
Reply #182

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Interesting how the human mind works. In situations where we have a need for plain explanations to big events but they aren't available we then fill any gaps with imaginative ideas.  It must be this...or it must be that. 

In the UK there are mysterious sightings of a big black panther type of cat in rural areas every year.   Funny how it's just before the tourist season.  Same with the Loch Ness Monster.  Why else would anyone want to go out of their way to a rural Scottish loch.  Empty places need to generate footfall and excite the media producers to make their 'documentaries'.  There is nothing better for this than some old legend of a 'creature' from folklore that is actually real and wanders about looking for groups of explorers with their cameras at the ready so they can perform as soon as the explorer shouts "OK and.....Action!"    lol1

I'm struggling to connect the DPI with the Loch Ness monster, although i know a someone who might....

Give me a Yeti any day.

It's the same process.  There is a big event and people want an explanation.  Monsters and mythical creatures or Aliens coming to life to fill in the gaps in peoples knowledge.
There is nothing wrong with healthy imagination and folklore had a purpose, and if hunting a yeti gets people out in the forest having fun and fresh air then there's nothing wrong in that either.  But that's all it is.  Imagination and lack of factual knowledge. But that's just my own opinion...I respect anybody having a different opinion to mine who believe Yeti's are real.  I hope they are successful in finding one  lol2

Well if hunting for a Yeti, you will need an effective strategy for capturing one.  Otherwise it is just a picnic.  I wouldnt recommend a butterfly net.


Star man

January 21, 2021, 04:06:51 PM
Reply #183


Beer traps work on slugs  wink1

January 21, 2021, 04:10:33 PM
Reply #184

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Beer traps work on slugs  wink1

You could leave a keg and hope the Yeti gets smashed.  Not a bad idea.


Star man

January 21, 2021, 04:15:00 PM
Reply #185


He'd have an abominable hangover  thumb1

January 21, 2021, 04:37:42 PM
Reply #186

Star man

Case-Files Achievement Recipient

January 22, 2021, 05:55:39 AM
Reply #187

Nigel Evans

Turning on the captions and entering the text (by hand) into deepl.com i get the following during the expert discussion :-
il ne semble pas s'agir d'un costume rembourres zoom et un expert en anatomie des primates attache a l'universite de la gao pour l'echelle la suele reference que nous ayons cette image c'est la trace laissee par les alpinistes en utilisant une evaluation conservatrice disons 43 cm pour la larguer de la trace nous pouvons estimer la proportion des membres et la dimension de la creature en s'appuyant sur ces donnees nous allons donc d'un specimen qui est entre 2m et 2m et louis de haute cette evaluation nous permet aussi d'eliminer raisonnablement la fraude c'est un canular aurait necessite des efforts considerables uniquement pour fabriquer le costume

richard green wave est l'un des plus grands cryptolog du monde ils recherchent les preuves de nouvelles especes animales dont 'l'existence n'a pas encore ete demontree

je veux dire qu'il s'agit de puits matin c'est un primate qui n'a rien a faire la mais il est la et c'est justement ce qui fait que c'est tres interessant et qu'il s'agit peut-etre d'une grande decouverte scientifique

de histoires domine des vivants sur de haute montagne  ont ete racontees depuis des siecles sans preuve elles ont pour la plupart ete ecartee comme de simples fable et folkloriste

which translates to :-
it does not appear to be a zoom padded suit and an expert in primate anatomy attached to the university of gao for the scale the only reference we have this image is the trace left by the climbers using a conservative evaluation let's say 43 cm to release the trace we can estimate the proportion of the limbs and the dimension of the creature while being based on these data we thus go of a specimen which is between 2m and 2m and louis of high this evaluation also enables us to reasonably eliminate the fraud it is a hoax would have required considerable efforts only to manufacture the costume

richard green wave is one of the world's leading cryptologists they are looking for evidence of new animal species whose existence has not yet been proven.

I mean it's about morning wells, it's a primate that has nothing to do there but it's there and that's precisely what makes it very interesting and maybe a great scientific discovery.

of stories dominating the living on high mountains have been told for centuries without proof they have mostly been dismissed as mere fable and folkloristic

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


January 22, 2021, 06:56:37 AM
Reply #188


Turning on the captions and entering the text (by hand) into deepl.com i get the following during the expert discussion :-
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
That's a lot of work, but it's good to get an idea what they think about the video.  I suppose that if there are yetis, etc, more of these kinds of things will start turning up as people have their phones on them most of the time.

January 22, 2021, 07:39:44 AM
Reply #189


Před rokem jsem se dozvěděl o Dyatlov pass, každý den na to myslím a dík zdejšímu fóru jsem získal přesvědčení, že je všechny zabil Zolotarev. Byl jediný kdo měl boty a byl dobře oblečen. Myslím, že jim v pochodu nestačil a díky svým vojenským schopnostem a psychologickému profilu je to pro mě nejjednodušší vysvětlení. Jejich přesile však neodolal a přeživší zmrzli....

January 22, 2021, 08:48:13 AM
Reply #190

Jean Daniel Reuss

That's a lot of work, but it's good to get an idea what they think about the video.  I suppose that if there are yetis, etc, more of these kinds of things will start turning up as people have their phones on them most of the time.

Answer to

    mk:  January 21, 2021, 08:29:44 AM                Reply #165

  ••• « wish I spoke French. » 

 • In this case it would be useless.

By typing (in the bottom right-hand corner of the window) on the the parameter represented by a gearwheel
                     you have access to the usual commands, i.e. :
"vitesses de lecture"  (= reading speeds  --> 0.25 0.5 0.75 Normal=1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 )
"Sous-titres" (= Subtitles)
  -  By typing on "Français"
  -  "Traduire automatiquement" (= Translate automatically)
    ===>   You have a wide choice of foreign languages to translate subtitles that repeat what is said in French.

   ••• It's strange that the creature is so dark if it lives in a snowy place, but I'm sure they had an explanation for that.  Funny:.................., but to me that figure looked exactly like a hiker in a hooded coat with a dark backpack.

I totally agree. In my opinion, he is obviously a tall (2 metres), well equipped and well trained solitary mountaineer who moves safely and cautiously.

 • at 2.25 :  They said :
a specimen of size between 2 metres and 2 metres x high ---> x = "louis" is incomprehensible with the ear - perhaps x= 'dix" = "louis" = "ten", i.e. 2.10 metres .

 • from 4.06  to 4.08 : photo of a paw print next to an ice axe.
A solitary mountain dweller who is also a prankster because he has fixed a special wider plate under his shoes to walk in the snow to intrigue the passers-by.

   ••• «  It wasn't until the clip of the scientists examining the film that I could see how it's supposed to look like a yeti.  They seemed to be talking about the size of the figure and stuff--again, wish I spoke French! » 

 • at 2.40 : The bearded scientist examining the film should be the cryptozoologist Richard Greenwell  (1942 - November 1, 2005)

Jean Daniel Reuss

Rational guidance =

• There is nothing supernatural and mysterious about the injuries suffered by the Dyatlov group. They are all consistent with an attack by a group of professional killers who wanted to take the lives of the nine  [Per Inge Oestmoen].

• Now let us search for answers to: WHO ? WHY ? HOW ?

• The scenario must be consistent with the historical, political and psychological  contexts.

• The solution takes in consideration all known findings.

January 22, 2021, 11:33:18 AM
Reply #191

Nigel Evans

@Jean Daniel Ruess - many thanks, i looked for a translation option and missed it, google might want to consider updating their UI...

Obviously it's reasonable to argue for a hoax, but am i mistaken or is there a small avalanche in front of the mountaineers? and this explains the animal's course of action, i.e. to get higher asap thus exposing itself to view? Wouldn't a mountaineer get out of his monkey suit asap? It all seems to argue against an elaborate hoax?


January 22, 2021, 11:44:15 AM
Reply #192

Nigel Evans


January 22, 2021, 11:45:49 AM
Reply #193

Nigel Evans

In this landmark work on a subject too often dismissed as paranormal or disreputable, Jeff Meldrum gives us the first book on sasquatch to be written by a scientist with impeccable academic credentials, an objective look at the facts in a field mined with hoaxes and sensationalism.

January 22, 2021, 01:10:38 PM
Reply #194


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Reference the rather dubious Moon landing analogy...

The DPI, as presented, would be the equivalent of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin sitting inside their lander module in their underwear, with the heating turned off, playing Scrabble instead of attending to the risks presented by their location, not following the procedures they were trained for in order to ensure their survival and the completion of their mission.

Despite having the means to survive right by their side, dragged all the way to the Moon, they inexplicably ignore them, and have also landed somewhere they shouldn't be.

They then smash their way out of their capsule instead of exiting via the door provided, roam around without securing their space suit's integrity, and set off in single file, without their flag and experiments, to go and hide in a crater, where they inevitably perish.

Their camera takes photo's of strange objects in the sky, and the only photographic proof we have that they were there are two close-up photo's of a trench, which do not confirm they are on the lunar surface or show the horizon.

If all that happened would anyone believe they were ever on the Moon?
I think you have missed the point.

January 22, 2021, 01:12:49 PM
Reply #195


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I am genuinely enjoying this conversation. 

Star Man was reminding me of some kind of Poirot/Miss Marple who refuses to spill the beans until the last chapter because he might be wrong and doesn't want to hurt the innocent.  But now I'm cracking up over the metaphor which keeps getting more and more complicated and actually confusing, rather than elucidating, the issue.

Maybe it's neither a horse nor a dolphin.  Maybe it's a hippokampos.   popcorn1

If I had a book coming out I'd combine all the most 'imaginative' theories I've read in this forum, it's sure to get into the best seller lists, or at the very least become a better script than that awful movie.

So, I'd have the yeti/menk/sasquatch as an alien from a frozen world, and it evolved to be covered in fur to stay warm. It is said to walk with a lolloping gait, and that is due to differences in gravity, and is generally only seen in colder climates, at altitude, well away from the equator, where the hirsute beast cannot cope with the heat.

The reason no dead yeti or baby yetis have ever been seen, or a lair or dung found, is they do not live and breed here, only visit, and arrive via a wormhole, which only appears on mountains rich in iron, a lodestone where the wormhole flux creates plasmatic effects such as orange orbs, 'fireorbs', glowing entities and ball lightning.

When the wormhole is closed there is a ripple in the space time continuum, explaining the military getting dates wrong, and anything metal, such as aircraft or a passing missile, is sucked towards it like iron filings to a magnet, explaining all the aircraft which crashed in that area across the years.

The number 9, the highest single number, is believed to be one of the combination numbers which unlocks the wormhole, and gadget man Igor Dyatlov had developed a special radio frequency receiver to detect the wormhole's formation, comprising of a small radio, excess salt and a piece of copper wire as an aerial. If the reception of Bill Haley's Rock Around The Clock was interrupted on Berlin radio when at 3000ft they knew what was about to happen.

They headed up that mountain after detecting something and attempted to trap a tourist menk in a pit, digging a deep snow trench. The creature was lured inside with loin steaks and porridge, and the tent arranged to collapse on top of it. The hikers had taken off clothing to evade the menk's thermal vision, which allows it to hunt prey on its frozen world (like when Arnie covered himself with river mud to elude The Predator).

They hypnotised and subdued the trapped menk by cossack dancing around the tent while singing banned communist songs. 'We will not stop until you drink the medicinal vodka!' they shouted, as Semyon whooped that they were going to make history. Soon it was bleary-eyed, toasting Nikita Khrushchev, collapsing into a heap, snoring its head off, and then they lowered themselves in to tie it to logs, intending to haul it out and lay it on a ski sled and drag it back to Vizhay, where bearded man's hospitality would welcome it as a long-lost cousin and make it feel at home as a fellow State outcast.

But the menk came round when they were in the trench and attacked them with its compelling force and tore its way out of the tent using its claws. The drunken menk staggered outside, tripped over a rock and fell. When they do so they instinctively go into a hedgehog ball, so it rolled down the pass towards the forest, its fur not leaving any trace. The hikers assembled to discuss what to do, and decided they had to leave immediately and go after it, determined not to lose their prize and the chance to be in the National Geographic.

The menk, now nursing a hangover, hid in the forest. Slowly its anger grew as it watched the hikers' approach and begin digging another capture pit in the snow, and it decided to exact its revenge. It pounced on Lyuda and Semyon, and delivered not a bear hug, but something far worse, a yeti hug, which cracked ribs, and when Lyuda screamed it ripped out her tongue like the alienised Ripley did the alien's in Alien Resurrection, loosening her hyoid bone. It threw their bodies into the ravine, and captured Igor to hang him upside down by his ankles from a tree, but he escaped. To keep evading the hikers and spring surprise attacks it shapeshifted into many different things, including a dolphin, a horse, a lynx, an eagle, and even a mushroom head.

The rest of the hikers hid in the tallest tree they could find, a cedar, nervously looking back up at the tent. The menk lit itself a fire underneath, using branches which snapped off under its weight when it tried to climb up after them. It tried to smoke them out, but eventually, after warming itself, it shook the tree so violently the hikers fell down like conkers, and then it bonked some of them on their heads with a log as if playing a xylophone.

The military arrived, their radar detecting an anomaly, helicopters, ground vehicles, MiG jets, the lot, but by then the menk had vanished, the wormhole closed, so they staged a Roswell style cover-up, arranging bodies so they looked like they'd been chased or bitten by a combination of overwintering snakes, marauding elks and hungry wolverines, while others died of the cold dressed only in their birthday suits. 'People will never believe this', they thought to themselves, but for 62 years and more, they did.

Rumour has it the Soviets caught a menk in 1952 and were hoping for a breeding pair for military applications, and that the menk helped them develop their space program. They only abandoned Moon landings for the greater goal of the planet Chewbaccaan.

A Stitch In Time Kills Nine is available soon.


January 22, 2021, 01:17:39 PM
Reply #196


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
I am curious about those who suspect Ufo's are responsible for what happened to the hikers. Unidentified flying objects, meaning it is something in the sky that is unidentified or associated with alien life? Surely it isn't alien lifeforms. That and the yeti are descents into the absurd.

Why are you curious ! ? Plenty of Evidence of UFO's and Big Foot's.  Evidence from all over the World.

January 22, 2021, 01:24:05 PM
Reply #197


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Absurd that the yeti or aliens were involved with DPI? I do think it is absurd. Human involvement on some level? Yes.

Well we have to go by facts, obviously. We certainly are missing a lot of Evidence. The term UFO means Unidentified Flying Object as you know, and its a subject taken very seriously by probably all of the Worlds Governments, because they pass on Information to their respective Civil Servants who then pass it on to each incoming Government. The inference being that UFO's are potentially Alien to Earth.

January 22, 2021, 01:27:08 PM
Reply #198


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Explain to me what is absurd about this -

I wish I spoke French.  It's strange that the creature is so dark if it lives in a snowy place, but I'm sure they had an explanation for that.  Funny: I kept looking for a yeti somewhere, based on the title, but to me that figure looked exactly like a hiker in a hooded coat with a dark backpack.  It wasn't until the clip of the scientists examining the film that I could see how it's supposed to look like a yeti.  They seemed to be talking about the size of the figure and stuff--again, wish I spoke French!

Very interesting film!

Yeah I thought it might be another climber. However that was a fairly powerful Avalanche, and the object, if thats the right word to use, just brushed it off and continued walking up the Mountainside.

January 22, 2021, 01:33:03 PM
Reply #199


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Interesting how the human mind works. In situations where we have a need for plain explanations to big events but they aren't available we then fill any gaps with imaginative ideas.  It must be this...or it must be that. 

In the UK there are mysterious sightings of a big black panther type of cat in rural areas every year.   Funny how it's just before the tourist season.  Same with the Loch Ness Monster.  Why else would anyone want to go out of their way to a rural Scottish loch.  Empty places need to generate footfall and excite the media producers to make their 'documentaries'.  There is nothing better for this than some old legend of a 'creature' from folklore that is actually real and wanders about looking for groups of explorers with their cameras at the ready so they can perform as soon as the explorer shouts "OK and.....Action!"    lol1

Actually I studied the Big Cat phenomenon in Britain some years ago. Sightings and other experiences came throughout the year. Most of the witnesses I spoke to were genuine. I only had about 2 cranks call me in several years of research, and cranks tend to be people who dont believe. I had Doctors and Nurses and other professional people and Landowners and Farmers and Game Keepers and even the Police, contact me with a Sighting or other experience. I have a big File on all that.

January 22, 2021, 01:39:27 PM
Reply #200


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Interesting how the human mind works. In situations where we have a need for plain explanations to big events but they aren't available we then fill any gaps with imaginative ideas.  It must be this...or it must be that. 

In the UK there are mysterious sightings of a big black panther type of cat in rural areas every year.   Funny how it's just before the tourist season.  Same with the Loch Ness Monster.  Why else would anyone want to go out of their way to a rural Scottish loch.  Empty places need to generate footfall and excite the media producers to make their 'documentaries'.  There is nothing better for this than some old legend of a 'creature' from folklore that is actually real and wanders about looking for groups of explorers with their cameras at the ready so they can perform as soon as the explorer shouts "OK and.....Action!"    lol1

I'm struggling to connect the DPI with the Loch Ness monster, although i know a someone who might....

Give me a Yeti any day.

It's the same process.  There is a big event and people want an explanation.  Monsters and mythical creatures or Aliens coming to life to fill in the gaps in peoples knowledge.
There is nothing wrong with healthy imagination and folklore had a purpose, and if hunting a yeti gets people out in the forest having fun and fresh air then there's nothing wrong in that either.  But that's all it is.  Imagination and lack of factual knowledge. But that's just my own opinion...I respect anybody having a different opinion to mine who believe Yeti's are real.  I hope they are successful in finding one  lol2

But you seem to be missing the point. Its not about  whether or not any of us believe this that or the other, its about EVIDENCE. If someone witnesses a crime being committed and reports it then that person will be giving EVIDENCE. A sighting is EVIDENCE.

January 22, 2021, 01:44:11 PM
Reply #201


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Absurd that the yeti or aliens were involved with DPI? I do think it is absurd. Human involvement on some level? Yes.

I think it may be possible that The Snowmanc could be behind the demise of the hikers, but if it was, it did not happen where the tent was found on Kholat Syakhl.  There are other options too.


Star man

Its possible that there are several things going on. The Dyatlov Group may have been scared of something on their journey up towards the Mountain and thats why they camped in the open on the exposed Mountainside. Then something else kicks in at The Tent.

January 22, 2021, 01:51:37 PM
Reply #202


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
@Jean Daniel Ruess - many thanks, i looked for a translation option and missed it, google might want to consider updating their UI...

Obviously it's reasonable to argue for a hoax, but am i mistaken or is there a small avalanche in front of the mountaineers? and this explains the animal's course of action, i.e. to get higher asap thus exposing itself to view? Wouldn't a mountaineer get out of his monkey suit asap? It all seems to argue against an elaborate hoax?

It looks like a fairly powerful Avalanche  !  ? And the object seems to brush it off and continue to walk up the Mountainside.

January 22, 2021, 01:54:49 PM
Reply #203


Case-Files Achievement Recipient
Have found Jeff Meldrum - https://www.isu.edu/biology/people/faculty---professors/jeffrey-meldrum/
Sounds like he's a believer?

Good find. Yes there are many professional people engaged in research, which is good. And also there are many good witnesses to Big Foot type creatures and other creatures.

January 22, 2021, 02:06:02 PM
Reply #204



That's a lot of work, but it's good to get an idea what they think about the video.  I suppose that if there are yetis, etc, more of these kinds of things will start turning up as people have their phones on them most of the time.

Answer to

    mk:  January 21, 2021, 08:29:44 AM                Reply #165

  ••• « wish I spoke French. » 

 • In this case it would be useless.

By typing (in the bottom right-hand corner of the window) on the the parameter represented by a gearwheel
                     you have access to the usual commands, i.e. :
"vitesses de lecture"  (= reading speeds  --> 0.25 0.5 0.75 Normal=1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 )
"Sous-titres" (= Subtitles)
  -  By typing on "Français"
  -  "Traduire automatiquement" (= Translate automatically)
    ===>   You have a wide choice of foreign languages to translate subtitles that repeat what is said in French.

   ••• It's strange that the creature is so dark if it lives in a snowy place, but I'm sure they had an explanation for that.  Funny:.................., but to me that figure looked exactly like a hiker in a hooded coat with a dark backpack.

I totally agree. In my opinion, he is obviously a tall (2 metres), well equipped and well trained solitary mountaineer who moves safely and cautiously.

 • at 2.25 :  They said :
a specimen of size between 2 metres and 2 metres x high ---> x = "louis" is incomprehensible with the ear - perhaps x= 'dix" = "louis" = "ten", i.e. 2.10 metres .

 • from 4.06  to 4.08 : photo of a paw print next to an ice axe.
A solitary mountain dweller who is also a prankster because he has fixed a special wider plate under his shoes to walk in the snow to intrigue the passers-by.

   ••• «  It wasn't until the clip of the scientists examining the film that I could see how it's supposed to look like a yeti.  They seemed to be talking about the size of the figure and stuff--again, wish I spoke French! » 

 • at 2.40 : The bearded scientist examining the film should be the cryptozoologist Richard Greenwell  (1942 - November 1, 2005)


I agree, it is definitely a climber. Freeze it at 1:43 and the hood of his coat is visible, as are the contours of his two tone coat, which is grey down the back, forming a squared end, with black sides.

January 22, 2021, 02:07:54 PM
Reply #205


Reference the rather dubious Moon landing analogy...

The DPI, as presented, would be the equivalent of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin sitting inside their lander module in their underwear, with the heating turned off, playing Scrabble instead of attending to the risks presented by their location, not following the procedures they were trained for in order to ensure their survival and the completion of their mission.

Despite having the means to survive right by their side, dragged all the way to the Moon, they inexplicably ignore them, and have also landed somewhere they shouldn't be.

They then smash their way out of their capsule instead of exiting via the door provided, roam around without securing their space suit's integrity, and set off in single file, without their flag and experiments, to go and hide in a crater, where they inevitably perish.

Their camera takes photo's of strange objects in the sky, and the only photographic proof we have that they were there are two close-up photo's of a trench, which do not confirm they are on the lunar surface or show the horizon.

If all that happened would anyone believe they were ever on the Moon?
I think you have missed the point.

Not in the slightest. You made a very dubious analogy, trying to compare those who doubt the tent 'landed' on the ridge, was pitched there by hikers, with those who deny the Moon landings took place.

Quite apart from the fact those of us who consider the tent resiting theory to have some weight do not appear to doubt man landed on the Moon, I certainly don't, I pointed out how the Moon landings would not have been possible had the astronauts not followed their training and procedures, and how an experienced bunch of hikers would have followed theirs too in their own extreme environment in order to survive and finish their own mission.
Yet, as presented, they behaved as if in the Bahamas.

January 22, 2021, 02:08:44 PM
Reply #206


I am genuinely enjoying this conversation. 

Star Man was reminding me of some kind of Poirot/Miss Marple who refuses to spill the beans until the last chapter because he might be wrong and doesn't want to hurt the innocent.  But now I'm cracking up over the metaphor which keeps getting more and more complicated and actually confusing, rather than elucidating, the issue.

Maybe it's neither a horse nor a dolphin.  Maybe it's a hippokampos.   popcorn1

If I had a book coming out I'd combine all the most 'imaginative' theories I've read in this forum, it's sure to get into the best seller lists, or at the very least become a better script than that awful movie.

So, I'd have the yeti/menk/sasquatch as an alien from a frozen world, and it evolved to be covered in fur to stay warm. It is said to walk with a lolloping gait, and that is due to differences in gravity, and is generally only seen in colder climates, at altitude, well away from the equator, where the hirsute beast cannot cope with the heat.

The reason no dead yeti or baby yetis have ever been seen, or a lair or dung found, is they do not live and breed here, only visit, and arrive via a wormhole, which only appears on mountains rich in iron, a lodestone where the wormhole flux creates plasmatic effects such as orange orbs, 'fireorbs', glowing entities and ball lightning.

When the wormhole is closed there is a ripple in the space time continuum, explaining the military getting dates wrong, and anything metal, such as aircraft or a passing missile, is sucked towards it like iron filings to a magnet, explaining all the aircraft which crashed in that area across the years.

The number 9, the highest single number, is believed to be one of the combination numbers which unlocks the wormhole, and gadget man Igor Dyatlov had developed a special radio frequency receiver to detect the wormhole's formation, comprising of a small radio, excess salt and a piece of copper wire as an aerial. If the reception of Bill Haley's Rock Around The Clock was interrupted on Berlin radio when at 3000ft they knew what was about to happen.

They headed up that mountain after detecting something and attempted to trap a tourist menk in a pit, digging a deep snow trench. The creature was lured inside with loin steaks and porridge, and the tent arranged to collapse on top of it. The hikers had taken off clothing to evade the menk's thermal vision, which allows it to hunt prey on its frozen world (like when Arnie covered himself with river mud to elude The Predator).

They hypnotised and subdued the trapped menk by cossack dancing around the tent while singing banned communist songs. 'We will not stop until you drink the medicinal vodka!' they shouted, as Semyon whooped that they were going to make history. Soon it was bleary-eyed, toasting Nikita Khrushchev, collapsing into a heap, snoring its head off, and then they lowered themselves in to tie it to logs, intending to haul it out and lay it on a ski sled and drag it back to Vizhay, where bearded man's hospitality would welcome it as a long-lost cousin and make it feel at home as a fellow State outcast.

But the menk came round when they were in the trench and attacked them with its compelling force and tore its way out of the tent using its claws. The drunken menk staggered outside, tripped over a rock and fell. When they do so they instinctively go into a hedgehog ball, so it rolled down the pass towards the forest, its fur not leaving any trace. The hikers assembled to discuss what to do, and decided they had to leave immediately and go after it, determined not to lose their prize and the chance to be in the National Geographic.

The menk, now nursing a hangover, hid in the forest. Slowly its anger grew as it watched the hikers' approach and begin digging another capture pit in the snow, and it decided to exact its revenge. It pounced on Lyuda and Semyon, and delivered not a bear hug, but something far worse, a yeti hug, which cracked ribs, and when Lyuda screamed it ripped out her tongue like the alienised Ripley did the alien's in Alien Resurrection, loosening her hyoid bone. It threw their bodies into the ravine, and captured Igor to hang him upside down by his ankles from a tree, but he escaped. To keep evading the hikers and spring surprise attacks it shapeshifted into many different things, including a dolphin, a horse, a lynx, an eagle, and even a mushroom head.

The rest of the hikers hid in the tallest tree they could find, a cedar, nervously looking back up at the tent. The menk lit itself a fire underneath, using branches which snapped off under its weight when it tried to climb up after them. It tried to smoke them out, but eventually, after warming itself, it shook the tree so violently the hikers fell down like conkers, and then it bonked some of them on their heads with a log as if playing a xylophone.

The military arrived, their radar detecting an anomaly, helicopters, ground vehicles, MiG jets, the lot, but by then the menk had vanished, the wormhole closed, so they staged a Roswell style cover-up, arranging bodies so they looked like they'd been chased or bitten by a combination of overwintering snakes, marauding elks and hungry wolverines, while others died of the cold dressed only in their birthday suits. 'People will never believe this', they thought to themselves, but for 62 years and more, they did.

Rumour has it the Soviets caught a menk in 1952 and were hoping for a breeding pair for military applications, and that the menk helped them develop their space program. They only abandoned Moon landings for the greater goal of the planet Chewbaccaan.

A Stitch In Time Kills Nine is available soon.


You're only smarting because I missed out crop circles.

January 22, 2021, 02:18:33 PM
Reply #207


Interesting how the human mind works. In situations where we have a need for plain explanations to big events but they aren't available we then fill any gaps with imaginative ideas.  It must be this...or it must be that. 

In the UK there are mysterious sightings of a big black panther type of cat in rural areas every year.   Funny how it's just before the tourist season.  Same with the Loch Ness Monster.  Why else would anyone want to go out of their way to a rural Scottish loch.  Empty places need to generate footfall and excite the media producers to make their 'documentaries'.  There is nothing better for this than some old legend of a 'creature' from folklore that is actually real and wanders about looking for groups of explorers with their cameras at the ready so they can perform as soon as the explorer shouts "OK and.....Action!"    lol1

I'm struggling to connect the DPI with the Loch Ness monster, although i know a someone who might....

Give me a Yeti any day.

It's the same process.  There is a big event and people want an explanation.  Monsters and mythical creatures or Aliens coming to life to fill in the gaps in peoples knowledge.
There is nothing wrong with healthy imagination and folklore had a purpose, and if hunting a yeti gets people out in the forest having fun and fresh air then there's nothing wrong in that either.  But that's all it is.  Imagination and lack of factual knowledge. But that's just my own opinion...I respect anybody having a different opinion to mine who believe Yeti's are real.  I hope they are successful in finding one  lol2

I agree. Mankind wants to believe in the magical, it goes back to early childhood when you could spend half a day shrieking over the wonder of a snail in the garden as your first introduction to other lifeforms outside your home, and then there's the conditioning from your coercive belief in Santa and how crestfallen you were when you learned the truth. The idea that there are monsters in the mountains and beasties in the lakes and seas helps rekindle that sense of childlike wonder.

Faith offers the same comfort blanket, a belief in a supreme being, a creator, the ultimate man in the mountains, and all these beliefs have one thing in common, there is not a single shred of evidence to prove their existence, no definitive proof, and there never has been, but across millennia, and with many subscribers, it takes on the mantle of fact.

Rustem praying on the hike:

The DPI is certainly a bizarre incident, but plenty of other tragedies and crimes are, and we don't see police forces coming over all David Icke and suggesting it was a visitor from another dimension, or a shy hairy beast unknown to science. "Yes, we believe the deceased was brutally murdered in a motiveless attack and we are asking the public to be especially vigilant and let us know if they have seen a 9ft tall biped covered in thick fur who we believe may have left the scene in a silver spaceship". I wonder what we'd think of the police's credibility if they did.

In my earlier satire I pointed out how no dead yeti has ever been found, or a lair or dung. By now you'd expect at least one of those to apply and any of them, even a skeleton, would confirm if this was a unique species through gene sequencing.

Unless of course you believe they are immortal, never shed fur, and wear nappies.


January 22, 2021, 02:24:47 PM
Reply #208



Epic.  I love it.   lol1

BTW, to which "awful movie" are you referring?  Devil's Pass (2013)?

Yes, or The Dyatlov Pass Incident, as it was called in the UK.


January 22, 2021, 02:32:33 PM
Reply #209

Nigel Evans

Have found Jeff Meldrum - https://www.isu.edu/biology/people/faculty---professors/jeffrey-meldrum/
Sounds like he's a believer?

Good find. Yes there are many professional people engaged in research, which is good. And also there are many good witnesses to Big Foot type creatures and other creatures.
and there's a movie following several expert investigations -
highly recommended.